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10/27/23 2:49 PM29 min1922 MBmp4720p
Price12.49 EUR


The redhead Bowie ended her long work at the mall as an event promoter. Her profession requires her to have a fit body, an example of a thin and fit woman. But the redhead loves to eat candies, carbohydrates, fried foods and lots of soda. And to celebrate the beginning of a new era of eating food, she decides to record a video where she eats everything that was prohibited in her job: bread, butter, cottage cheese, mortadella, candies and Coca-Cola! Her biggest desire is to gain weight, gain weight and feel curvy to be successful again among men who love girls with stuffed beliies. The thin redhead had difficulty losing belly fat, she always had to wear clothes that hid her small abdominal protrusions. But not now: she wants to open a window and scream: "I want to be a belly stuffer girl, I want to gain weight, I want my belly fat, I want more muffin top on me!" She teases you with her amazing beginning growing belly!



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