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Anonymous1: she's 14 guys...
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Anonymous2: So?
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Anonymous3: It’s gross! She’s still a kid!
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Anonymous4: top 10 images taken seconds before disasters
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Anonymous5(2): @Anonymous: @Anonymous:

You guys do understand that a girl gets her first period at 11/12 right?

You guys do understand that means the girl "mature" right?

Are you guys saying that NATURE is wrong and YOUR narrow view pounded into your brain by your "betters" in government is right?

Fact: a 14 year old can ovulate.
Fact: a 14 year old is fully developed.
Fact: the "Age of Consent" is an arbitrary number based not on science, but someone with a bug up their ass.

Get the fuck over yourselves... You 2 need glasses if you think a 14 year old, especially one that looks like this, is a "kid"
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Anonymous6(3): (Directed towards 2. I dunno how to properly @ anyone on here) Just because a girl can bear a child doesn’t mean she understands the full gravity of actually bringing a child into the world. You shouldn’t judge someone’s ability to give consent based on whether or not they can get pregnant. Look up the case of Lena Medina. She developed early and got pregnant at the age of 5. She had her first period and ovulated. She was not mature enough to understand sex.

At this point, this is beyond thinking whether or not a pic of Lucy Steel is appropriate to ogle or not. I actually think you’re a goddamn pedophile! Your “logic” is disgusting and I hope you never, ever come into contact with a girl who just hit menstruation age because I’m afraid you’re going to fucking rape her! You are disgusting if you think like this.
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Anonymous7: God, just shut up and beat your damn meat
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Anonymous8(2): @Anonymous: you're going to put a genetic abnormality up against the constant?

That's pretty desperate.

As far as "understanding" that's what education is for! You're own dumb ass didn't understand eating with utensils until someone taught you to use a fork.

You are welcome to believe what you were TOLD to believe.

In NO society is a 14 year old a child.
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Blez: @Anonymous: If you want to reply to someone, hover over their comment and click the "reply" button that pops up in the top left next to the comment.
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: yeah dude, a 14 year old is totally psychologically mature to have sex, not like 2 years ago she was or still is watching cartoons on nickelodeon. trash like you belong on r/justneckbeardthings
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Anonymous10: I think everybody can agree that she doesn't look 14 at all, JoJo is known for making characters look way older than they are. Who cares?
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: Hey, guess what, 14/15 years old in Italia its the fucking age that you get married, pedophillia is that you fucking a child true, but you must know that in 14-17 its no a child anymore, its the age that hits puperty, shortly its teenager, and in THAT age knows how to use a gasoline, so indeed the age of maturity, its not a child anymore you know. So its OK to having sex with it.
Of course, messians like you tellin shit like "Its gross, hope you never touch a kid", Hey, its NOT A FUCKING KID ANYMORE, also if you trigger by this, then why are you here?
Its rule34 for cry out loud, we see cartoon kids getting fucked and that is pedofillia? Of course NOT! Its fucking fiction god fucking dammit! And no one cares about the age! Only you, a fucking Chris Hansonn knock off, even he know the concept of maturity better than you! If she enjoys sex in that age? Whats the bother?
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Anonymous12: libertarians mad lol
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Anonymous13: What the fuck have you people brought forth upon this cursed land. Y'all need some Holy Corpse Parts. Looking at you Anon 2.
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Curser: @Anonymous: So? We back in the mine
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DickGuy8719: @Curser: got our pick axe swinging side to side
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Anonymous14: @DickGuy8719: Side side to side
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FBIHERE: If God is real... Delete this
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Anonymous15: @FBIHERE: Well, he's not, so too bad for you.
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DickGuy8719: @Anonymous: He is real but he don't have time for this shit
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Anonymous16: just fap to the fucking picture you faggots
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: but you talking about it in real life ISN'T fiction. cartoons are one thing, but you seem to be willfully ignoring that you are also talking about real 14 year olds. take em, fuck em, i don't care. but you're being a faggot.
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skegpit: I like turtles.
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Anonymous18: Ummm you guys know she's not real right?
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Crimson-Snow: Real or not every man desires all attractive women and girls but society has become fucked up where it's considered " wrong. " I would go to war to get more porn of Lucy Steel.
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Anonymous19: Literally it's fiction, so it doesn't matter what age she is, if it was porn of a real person then age would matter. No matter when a woman gains the ability to give birth, that doesn't mean she is mature and responsible enough to know the consequences. So stop arguing, either bust a nut or leave.
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Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: She is literally a goddess and every man who isn't insane should worship her. Best girl! Plus that was not as " bad " back then and also you guys want to see other underage characters without complaint.
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Anonymous20: @Crimson-Snow: Dude she is not real. Every man who worships her is insane.
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Anonymous21(20): @Crimson-Snow: "Real or not every man desires all attractive women and girls but society has become fucked up where it's considered " wrong. ""

Lol wut?
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Anonymous22: Now tis just fucked up discussion or debate.
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Anonymous23(22): I fap to the horse :D
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Anonymous24(22): @Anonymous: welp welcome to the internet i guess...
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Anonymous25: @Crimson-Snow: s I m p
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Anonymous26: @Anonymous: Wrong
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Anonymous27: So y'all arguing over a fucking drawing of a non existing character and say it's wrong? If that's the case then killing people in GTA makes you serial killer.
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Anonymous28: People over here going insane but 1. You looked for this knowing her age 2. You have probably nutted to Trish hentai and thought it was fine
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Anonymous29: Crimson snow you need to be locked the fuck up
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Anonymous30: Its rule 34 who cares about age! She's not even real so what is the issue?
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Anonymous31: In one of the chapters of steel ball run they show Lucy’s tits and nipples it’s basically the same thing as this so don’t complain you’re the ones who looked this up knowing what age she was
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Anonymous32: The horse looks sad
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Anonymous33: How do you make a nether portal in Minecraft?
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TheOmegaAnon: Cringe rule 34 debaters vs the Chad "I just came to jerk off to Lucy steel"
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Anonymous34: This comment section was exactly what I thought it would be. S-H-I-T.
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Anonymous35: Believe it or not In Germany Its This is Legal. as well as wide range of Europe, And also Come on guys! its A fictional character WHY ARE YOU ALL ARGUING OVER MORALS AND SCIENCE OF A FICIONAL CHARACHTER BEING SEXUALISED IN A PORN WEBSITE

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