Foo Fighters - My hero (With Hayley Williams) | Bonnaro Music Festival 2023

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025

Комментарии • 430

  • @FlyingGuillotine
    @FlyingGuillotine Год назад +285

    Being front-center for this was literally one of the best moments of my life

  • @dougcronkhite2113
    @dougcronkhite2113 Год назад +504

    How do you not love Dave? Just one of the most honest performers in music today.

    • @mztweety1374
      @mztweety1374 Год назад +7

      I know right! I just want to hug him and have him cook me really tender brisket cuz my teeth are a disaster.😂

    • @dyogonx
      @dyogonx Год назад +3

      Hayley as well!!! They are great

    • @husg13
      @husg13 Год назад +2

      too much ego.

    • @basedsatan
      @basedsatan Год назад +2

      @@husg13 ???? how

    • @husg13
      @husg13 Год назад

      I dont get how people don't see how self absorbed he is. He even refuses to sign autographs for fans. Like his early music, enjoyed his book but I just think he's egotistical.

  • @jessem5564
    @jessem5564 Год назад +125

    Can confirm it was just the stream's audio, she came through the mic fine on the farm

  • @UrbanSwashbuckler
    @UrbanSwashbuckler Год назад +253

    their voices work really well love to hear an acoustic or studio version of of my all time favorite Foo songs!

    • @JohnBojorquez
      @JohnBojorquez Год назад +14

      I'll die to hear an acoustic with Hayley with Foo fighters, i'll be hearing it non stop till i die fr

    • @Wizard_Cat
      @Wizard_Cat Год назад +2

      Dave Grohl did a duet of it with Billie Eillish about 9 months ago, it was acoustic I think

  • @srm5436
    @srm5436 Год назад +404

    I really appreciate the way they understated the drum part on this version... seems like a show of respect to Taylor and the emphasis on the words seems like a tribute to him.. Sentimental and powerful buildup to the ending with Hayley.. Great job guys

    • @spyda_mang5673
      @spyda_mang5673 Год назад +3

      That's a beautiful and accurate sentiment my dude. Good call

    • @beyer66
      @beyer66 Год назад +8

      They also did it this way when Taylor was still alive.. not quite the same, but with just a buildup before the final chorus

    • @DragonQueefs
      @DragonQueefs Год назад +4

      I bet you cry at art shows

    • @marth_6126
      @marth_6126 Год назад +17

      I mean...this is Grohl's drumline, he's done this with Everlong too years ago. I just think you're overthinking it is all.

    • @RiversEagle_
      @RiversEagle_ Год назад

      @@DragonQueefs Congrats, you're an asshole mocking someone for showing emotion and being sentimental over the death of a rolemodel.

  • @fkcoolers2669
    @fkcoolers2669 Год назад +144

    Too bad her mic was so low but what a voice. Dave has an amazing voice in a totally different way, too. Emotion will always matter more than technique when it comes to this type of music

  • @TheMrMused
    @TheMrMused Год назад +40

    ya know, I could sit here and just type superlatives, but the Foos somehow just transcend it all. The picked a great drummer in Josh Freese. He's not Taylor and doesn't try to be Taylor. Dave finally looks happy again. Hayley's just grown into this ever-more wonderful person. None of them seem to get caught up in the trappings of fame and success. ..and Dave always makes sure there's room on the stage for friends.
    I love watching them all perform. It injects this bit of happiness and warmth into the day.

  • @taliagordon4591
    @taliagordon4591 Год назад +660

    So proud of her, everyone knows she’s a vocal goddess this must of been amazing to witness live 👏🏾

    • @brooklianclark6006
      @brooklianclark6006 Год назад +8

      It was!! I sobbed. Literally. Sobbed

    • @eldiablo3794
      @eldiablo3794 Год назад +35

      ​@@brooklianclark6006Did you actually hear her singing in person at the concert? Because I don't hear her singing at all and it sounded like her mic wasn't on until the end of the song?

    • @JustinLesamiz
      @JustinLesamiz Год назад +10

      "Vocal goddess" is a nice way of describing somebody that relies on studio magic to sound good at all.

    • @BigHumz155
      @BigHumz155 Год назад +23

      Lol it was the stream. Her mic was fine at the show

    • @reverb508
      @reverb508 Год назад +62

      @@JustinLesamiz You've clearly never listened to her live. Chick can sing her ass off.

  • @justsomeguywholosthismusta8495
    @justsomeguywholosthismusta8495 8 месяцев назад +6

    Dude went from being Kurt's drummer to rocking the world and plus one of the greatest female vocalists of all time is with him right now and he's also hailed as one of the greatest vocalists/rockstars on the world now... God Bless Dave's soul man...

  • @KevinWilson-cc7lj
    @KevinWilson-cc7lj 4 месяца назад +4

    She is so gorgeous and talented

  • @ScottMitchell-r6t
    @ScottMitchell-r6t Год назад +143

    Please do a collab on an upcoming album! This would be a sick combo for an anthem rock tune in the Foo's catalog!!!

  • @brentumina6072
    @brentumina6072 Год назад +253

    Paramore covered this a loooong time ago and it was amazing then. Sucks her mic was missing in the live stream mix because her voice has only gotten better with age.

    • @hotfroganimations
      @hotfroganimations Год назад +15

      Damn right, Hayley is teetering into legendary territory.

    • @jackpotter2446
      @jackpotter2446 Год назад +7

      @@hotfroganimationsteetering? It’s there, has been for ages.

    • @hotfroganimations
      @hotfroganimations Год назад +2

      @@jackpotter2446 maybe, maybe.

    • @camara1194
      @camara1194 Год назад

      @@jackpotter2446for real!

  • @darkstarunderground
    @darkstarunderground Год назад +16

    Paramores cover of this song is the best I've ever heard. It's outstanding.

  • @frisky883
    @frisky883 Год назад +40

    I always liked Foo Fighters but never saw myself at a concert. Now that I saw them at Bonnaroo, they fuckin killed it. Just awesome live. Loved every second!

    • @Danman1972
      @Danman1972 Год назад +2

      Seen many concerts, but I will say I saw them in Boston at Fenway and it was one of the best concerts I've seen.

  • @baxterbradley3229
    @baxterbradley3229 Год назад +8

    Loved this song every since I first heard it in Varsity Blues. Turned me on to the Foo Fighters

  • @connorreilly2757
    @connorreilly2757 Год назад +24

    The tears that I shed throughout this entire set, especially for this song. It was my first time seeing them since Taylor’s passing. Absolutely floored me. Every set has hit harder than the last. Fuck the weather that night but bless Foo

  • @jonathanjonathan1292
    @jonathanjonathan1292 Год назад +28

    My favorite band with my favorite woman voice. 😍

  • @deedee0824
    @deedee0824 9 месяцев назад +6

    Seeing this live last summer was one of the best experiences of my life. The moment she got on stage, I LOST it. Two of the 5 artists I love, together rocking on, just warmed my heart. I'm so blessed to have witness this. And also, her mic sucked, but we all know she killed it. Her vocal range is incredible, as well as Dave's ❤

  • @speaktowalls
    @speaktowalls Год назад +115

    Such a beautiful performance. It's so great to see Dave so happy too. Also that new outro to the song is so melancholic and beautiful. Love the Foo Fighters

  • @cristalblackstar8177
    @cristalblackstar8177 Год назад +18

    From a rockstar to another rocktar. Legends.

  • @arnandhoharra4878
    @arnandhoharra4878 Год назад +6

    I can't believe it... One of my favourite female vocalist with my favourite band...

  • @EMMAB78UK
    @EMMAB78UK Год назад +7

    Oh my gosh. Ive just literally just been going on about this track to my better half before he left for work due to the every day hero this song is about ive read and watched interviews. Thank yoj so much for this track as i played it for my dad.❤

  • @jamescheek7362
    @jamescheek7362 Год назад +39

    Have always loved the Foo Fighters! A great rock band! Love the Foo Fighters!

  • @jollyroger7593
    @jollyroger7593 Год назад +15

    There goes my Hayley, watch her as she goes

  • @jmason61
    @jmason61 Год назад +6

    Very very cool: started kinda slow & jammy which is perfect for the venue & ends with the local hero she's awesome

  • @remknock
    @remknock Год назад +3

    Absolutely love Hailey Williams and foo fighters was a favorite band growing up. Can't believe they got together. Cheers!😊

  • @dima_r6
    @dima_r6 Год назад +592

    her mic was on live, just not in the video mix

    • @AttentionDivision
      @AttentionDivision Год назад +91

      That’s a problem, considering this is RUclips

    • @RustyVaper
      @RustyVaper 11 месяцев назад +7

      How do you record from board without all live instrumentation.

    • @jardelrp
      @jardelrp 9 месяцев назад +7

      Come on production, the priority is the video mix for us

  • @Gavaldo
    @Gavaldo Год назад +20

    Your my hero Dave. One of the very best live performers in the business. Absolutely incredible talent & with such a awesome frontman who plays with so much emotion that you can only sit back & admire this legend at work. Great Great Musician of our time. ☝️👏🗣️

  • @koreyseeba3835
    @koreyseeba3835 Год назад +7

    One of the greatest bands to step on stage, period!

  • @IvanusPrime
    @IvanusPrime Год назад +10

    damn, they should do an official version of the song featuring Hayley, the harmonizing on the chorus was amazing. an acoustic/acapella version would be so sweet

  • @camara1194
    @camara1194 Год назад +6

    Hayley is queen. I love seeing her and Foo Fighters together!

  • @cherylkleshick5093
    @cherylkleshick5093 Год назад +3

    Always get a lump in my throat when they do this song... makes me thinknof my nephew and how hard lifes been for him. 😢this song has many different meanings to everyone but Dave is one of the last true Rock legends and he's sharing the music with youmger generations. My daughter's. ❤ Keep Rockin' Dave and the rest of the Foo's!!!

  • @lukahmad5683
    @lukahmad5683 Год назад +20

    I never thought that Hayley vocal are so good with Foo Fighters music, I hope I can see more collaboration of Hayley and Foo Fighters in the future

    • @fabiomagalhaes7292
      @fabiomagalhaes7292 Год назад +4

      Paramore did a cover of this song in their early years, you can check it here on youtube

    • @lukahmad5683
      @lukahmad5683 Год назад +1

      @@fabiomagalhaes7292 Oh really? thanks man!

    • @RiversEagle_
      @RiversEagle_ Год назад +2

      Hayley's voice has always been better suited to rock than any other genre. She has a lot of power and emotion behind it, it's just for a lot of her career, record executives would keep trying to pressure her to be a pop star, even at one point telling her she should ditch the band and go solo.

    • @lukahmad5683
      @lukahmad5683 Год назад +2

      @@RiversEagle_ realllyy?? Wow I didn't know that. I'm glad she just sing her heart out here and she looks so happy 😀

  • @Jack-ot1zq
    @Jack-ot1zq Год назад +3

    I had tickets to bonnaroo 1, crazy what it’s grown too

  • @andreasjonsson8075
    @andreasjonsson8075 Год назад +1

    Dave and Hayley. Fantastic human beings, fantastic bands

  • @corn420doggo
    @corn420doggo Год назад +4

    i love how like 15 years ago paramore did cover of this song
    then we have this and i am crying

  • @camilaalexandra2844
    @camilaalexandra2844 Год назад +4

    It makes me very happy that she was enjoying that presentation💖💖💖 ... always shining🌌

  • @marlonhernandez3059
    @marlonhernandez3059 10 месяцев назад +3

    Mis dos artistas favoritos juntos

  • @xiixl-_-lxiix224
    @xiixl-_-lxiix224 Год назад +2

    literally one of the greatest moments of my life. can’t wait to go back to the farm next year 🥲

  • @themusic1442
    @themusic1442 Год назад +1

    Music brings you two together.

  • @emily-tg8wk
    @emily-tg8wk Год назад +1

    both their voices are so incredible

  • @christimecarmona6810
    @christimecarmona6810 Год назад +8

    Love it all walks of life we go through! Grohl never changes always sings great! 🥰

  • @aboutagirl5085
    @aboutagirl5085 Год назад +43

    dunno who i'm more jealous of right here....dave grohl singing with hayley williams or hayley williams singing with dave grohl

    • @alilagrant3677
      @alilagrant3677 6 месяцев назад

      What does she really sound like....???

  • @sylvandelacruz
    @sylvandelacruz Год назад +4

    Amazing how the whole beginning of the song is grooving on 2 chords. Also, I would have loved to have heard Hayley sing some of those verses with just Dave's guitar.

  • @janineivey03121
    @janineivey03121 Год назад +4

    it was an incredible show! I’m so happy she came out

  • @tommynikon2283
    @tommynikon2283 Год назад +11

    Dunno what it is, but....just the first few chords of this song always gives me chills/goosebumps....because it's a haunting love song: Dave and the band....TO Taylor.

  • @johnnyzgallagher
    @johnnyzgallagher Год назад +9

    I've never been a die-hard Foo fan, I'm only into the most famous singles and stuff. But boy, did I shed a tear watching this...

  • @bradenloveland8191
    @bradenloveland8191 Год назад +2


  • @ivorenzobigman6659
    @ivorenzobigman6659 Год назад +2

    2 of my favorite artist , just holy shit

  • @sincerelytrudy
    @sincerelytrudy Год назад +1

    Dave gives me chills when he opens that first chorus. Such an emotional tone to this song

  • @aaronabshire
    @aaronabshire Год назад +2

    One the best songs of this generation!

  • @eatmoremusic3650
    @eatmoremusic3650 Год назад +10

    I’ve had a crush on Haley for almost 20 years now, going strong

  • @icydelon
    @icydelon Год назад +2

    my two faves ah

  • @dacas2y6
    @dacas2y6 Год назад +2

    simply amazing, love you guys!

  • @3storiesUp
    @3storiesUp Год назад +3

    I'm a old man .. I like few things .. Rugby and the Foos and I'm happy .. but that little one Haley .. she's a superstar.

  • @ahnafkalam
    @ahnafkalam Год назад +4

    Hayley Williams is a talented goddess.

  • @jenmia3063
    @jenmia3063 Год назад +18

    I heard it sunday night, i live half a mile from from Great stage Bonnaroo farm . I should've gotta ticket just to see the foo fighters, but my son is in recovery from his 3rd open heart surgery he had 10 days before bonnaroo started . Hes still recovering 6 to 8 week til his sternum heals would've loved to see Dave Grohl sunday night .

    • @johnmcgill900
      @johnmcgill900 Год назад +6

      Best of luck to your son in his recovery, you guys can go see them next time round!

    • @jmason61
      @jmason61 Год назад

      Good positive vibes to you both

  • @RosaGarcia-fi9yf
    @RosaGarcia-fi9yf 3 месяца назад

    So powerful, so beautiful ❤

  • @SixthRanger
    @SixthRanger Год назад +2

    Love the Foo`s and Love Paramore/Hayley.
    Glad ro see her with them =D

  • @RainShadow22
    @RainShadow22 Год назад +10

    That intro gave me more chills than usual

  • @dago_enfuego
    @dago_enfuego Год назад +6

    Pure. Bliss.

  • @alanpintocoelho2112
    @alanpintocoelho2112 Год назад +2


  • @A___plus
    @A___plus Год назад +2

    Hayley loves this song

  • @rocknrollxoxox
    @rocknrollxoxox Год назад +1

    Brilliant ❤

  • @ThorHammer88
    @ThorHammer88 Год назад +1

    This was amazing!!

  • @danielvandersall6756
    @danielvandersall6756 Год назад +5

    Wife and I did Bonnaroo a few years back; we didn't know the final band till we got there, and they announced it was U2. One of the best shows I've ever seen. The whole weekend was flawless; the atmosphere, the food, the music, the people.

    • @christyson9894
      @christyson9894 Год назад +1

      This comment has no relevance to the video, this is the foo fighters not U2 😂

  • @walterevans2118
    @walterevans2118 Год назад +2

    Lovely .....Hayley really enjoyed herself .😊

  • @indaruwithedgaru
    @indaruwithedgaru Месяц назад

    I love you hayley YOU ROCK BABY

  • @Typhoonturky
    @Typhoonturky Год назад +31

    Watching Foo Fighters cover their own songs live are one of my favorite pastimes. :)

    • @tubelance
      @tubelance Год назад +20

      It isnt a cover if it is your own song

    • @Stringer13ell
      @Stringer13ell Год назад +2

      ​@@tubelanceit sounded like a cover

  • @moomoo4228
    @moomoo4228 Год назад +1

    Dave’s voice is so beautiful

  • @TheSoulreaver32582
    @TheSoulreaver32582 Год назад +9

    They are such an amazing band. I read an article today that they used ALL their reward points on the bands credit card (6 million worth of points) to pay for all travel and lodging for the crew that recorded and filmed their newest album through 8 states and cities.

    • @gunnarelisigurjonsson2587
      @gunnarelisigurjonsson2587 Год назад

      Sounds like something the foo would do ❤

    • @simonrb1942
      @simonrb1942 Год назад +1

      Why would they not pay for the crew that is recording/filming for their new album though?

  • @dougevans826
    @dougevans826 7 месяцев назад

    from the A to E chords i love this song

  • @TamaraLa616
    @TamaraLa616 Год назад +1

    Gänsehaut ❤

  • @RAM1987_
    @RAM1987_ Год назад +2

    got a goosebumps when haylee came

  • @maxulyses
    @maxulyses Год назад +61

    Festivals are always like that: They give them a new mic and the audio engineer NEVER turns them on on time.
    ALWAYS the same thing 😂

    • @giuseppeviglialoro7615
      @giuseppeviglialoro7615 Год назад


    • @alexandregantois7011
      @alexandregantois7011 Год назад +2

      hahahahaha fucking true

    • @multoc
      @multoc Год назад +11

      This is why the Festival broadcast mixer shouldnt do this, they don't know the show. The audio in the house, the person hired by Foo Fighters, knew this was coming and her mic was loud and proud for the crowd

    • @MarciaMartin1
      @MarciaMartin1 Год назад +1

      On site, the audio is just fine. This was totally a live stream issue. It was amazing in person... Hayley killed it 🤩

  • @manleyhanley88
    @manleyhanley88 Год назад +2

    Man post Taylor gives this song a whole new meaning

  • @alanpintocoelho2112
    @alanpintocoelho2112 Год назад +2

    Magnífico sempre com aquela garra do eterno Nirvana

  • @PabloRichardFernandez
    @PabloRichardFernandez Год назад +19

    The audience chanting “there goes my hero”… and Dave calling out “Sing it to Haley!” what better way for Dave to honour a fellow artists?!
    You could see that Haley was getting a bit emotional.
    A beautiful tribute.

  • @ryaningerick2452
    @ryaningerick2452 4 месяца назад

    A testament to the power of her voice. At the part where she is bent over screaming she is 20 feet from Dave's mic and you can hear her through it.

  • @matheuscnobre
    @matheuscnobre Год назад +75

    unfortunately her mic was so low. in the few parts that we listened her, was incredible

  • @gabsguitarvlog
    @gabsguitarvlog Год назад +1

    love it!

  • @InnerHacking
    @InnerHacking Год назад +3

    Who was the responsible for Haley's microphone? DUuuuuude!

  • @mohdrazul
    @mohdrazul Год назад +1

    Like the vibes that Hayley’s bringing in

  • @luisguillermoarmentacervan7407
    @luisguillermoarmentacervan7407 Год назад +2

    Hayley looks very very happy. Like something unbelievable for her.

    • @MarciaMartin1
      @MarciaMartin1 Год назад

      She was so sweet in their set, saying she was thrilled to basically be "opening" for FF then wished them a Happy Father's Day & called Dave a Zaddy 😂😂. My niece & I were joking that that comment got her onstage with them 😁

    • @luisguillermoarmentacervan7407
      @luisguillermoarmentacervan7407 Год назад +1

      @@MarciaMartin1 I'd loved to see her as you said. I guess It was a lovely and funny moment.

  • @IamCceeLL
    @IamCceeLL Год назад +1

    damn 🔥

  • @YuseiiParker
    @YuseiiParker Год назад +3

    Genial ❤

  • @gunnarelisigurjonsson2587
    @gunnarelisigurjonsson2587 Год назад +1

    Ahhh yes the tears

  • @Yourgirldelaneyandbunny670
    @Yourgirldelaneyandbunny670 Год назад +1


  • @jared_musicSTC
    @jared_musicSTC Год назад +1

    took at least 30 seconds for the sound tech to realize the mic wasn't on and then she was basically done her solo already! 🤦🏻‍♂ 4:00

  • @MagicMBox
    @MagicMBox Год назад +10

    De la misma manera en que ella dejó subir a sus fans al escenario ❤

  • @FirstNameLastName-io5co
    @FirstNameLastName-io5co Год назад

    God, the slowed-down version of this song with the piano is fucking amazing!!!

  • @FeelsLikeSummerBand
    @FeelsLikeSummerBand Год назад +1


  • @annieem3894
    @annieem3894 Год назад +1

    Ooops 😂 no sound from her Mike 😬 Doh!!! Beautiful as always Dave🥰🥰

  • @Cyn1872
    @Cyn1872 Год назад

    Love that we got to hear Rami. This whole performance is epic!

  • @Steven-mv2bv
    @Steven-mv2bv Год назад +8

    Bruh they did Hailey dirty.

  • @dawnmclaughlin5262
    @dawnmclaughlin5262 Год назад +10

    Paramore covers this song live often. Haley kills it EVERY time!

  • @Southboundpachyderm
    @Southboundpachyderm Год назад +33

    man the piano bits foo have incorporated into the music has added a whole "elton john" vibe to their music that is just fucking perfection. It really contrasts the punk/rock/metal themes that dave/pat/Taylor love to write so well. Ill never not miss Taylor Hawkins in this band. I really hope he's found some peace at last whereever he is. It's really good to see that Foo kept going and Dave is still just moving forward like he always has. Idk if any other rock band has managed to actually be a fucking rock n roll band in the way foo has. I'd argue they're the last REAL "Rock n Roll" band around. When I watch/listen to these guys I don't hear just grunge from nirvana and the 90s, or the punk elements that Pat brought to the band. These guys don't sound like ANY other big budget rock band that exists right now and it's clear that dave deliberately steers the band in a direction that promotes new ideas and sounds into their music and he did it by picking musicians from a diverse range of genres and backgrounds. Dave easily could have gotten Krist in to be the bassist and basically just rebuild nirvana with him as the front man and he would have been filthy fucking rich and have absolutely no risk to his career ever falling off. They stand on their own because it's not the sound or specific genre they play that makes them rock n roll. It's the attitude and unique approaches to musical philosophy that each member brings to the band that allows it to just sound like foo fighters, and that is just such an absolute anomaly in today's hyper capitalised "super safe" music market that just doesn't allow bands like this to even get in the door anymore. Dave constantly takes risks with his music, and that's what makes him a fucking rock and roll legend on par with the likes of the greatest modern songwriters to live, like Robert plant, Stevie Nicks, and bob fucking dylan (yes maybe YOU think his voice sucks but he is undoubtedly the most influential songwriter in modern music history). Dave is a fucking legend. He will always be the most important and influential musician in my life. That's for sure. I ripped almost everything from dave. Started as a self taught drummer in a stoner grunge band in highschool, then picked up guitar and taught myself to play it so Icould play along to everlong, and it was all downhill from there. Now I have my own little home studio I built and I write all my own music and still find I write best after I listen to this album again. So many ideas you can pull from foo fighters and it's insane how many different genres they mash into their music. I love it. So fucking punk rock. So fucking Metal. So fucking rock n roll. Musical fucking perfection.

    • @kamarulfk
      @kamarulfk Год назад +4

      Jeesh this is really pouring your heart out…totally agree with you there cos music nowadays is just not appealing anymore even “rock” songs or bands (with the exception of Maneskin😍🥰😘)…i thought it was just me but seems most ppl i know think so too…we are definitely not talent dry but prolly comes down to exposure and appreciation of the new generation towards the old generation which is lacking😔

    • @martinherts1967
      @martinherts1967 Год назад

      One of the most profound, from the heart, passionate and inspiring comments I have ever fucking read....... keep rocking, never stop! Peace from the UK. Power of music to unite no matter what distance.

  • @neilhyde3039
    @neilhyde3039 Год назад

    paramore are in my top 3 bands of all time but this must have been a dream come true hayley! you could even see it in her face she was shocked and in awe of this machine that is dave grohl! ps foo fighters are outside of my top 5 and i still revere the man that much!

  • @josephespinoza3458
    @josephespinoza3458 Год назад +1

    I love Hayley

  • @aarondoodles3380
    @aarondoodles3380 Год назад +2

    It's crazy to think Taylor's dead. Jesus. Life is precious