About Shauna O'Brien

Shauna O'Brien is a a centerfold from United States. She has been listed on FreeOnes since March 20th 2001 and is ranked #12534. Our records show that Shauna O'Brien is currently active which means she is still making videos and/or performing in live cam shows.

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In middle 90x she's worked under name Stevie Jean (or Steve Jean). We can see her in some films made in 93-95. Also she's made some photo sessions for Suze Randall (www.suze.net) in '93 (sets #670, 800, 857, 867, A857, A867, B857, B867, C857, C867). From 2000x she's worked under name Shauna O'Brien. Appearances in music videos Mötley Crüe - "Primal Scream" Danger Danger - "Monkey Business" Poison - "Fire and Ice" Gerardo - "When the Lights Go Out" Pauly Shore - "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" Danzig - "How The Gods Kill

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