29 Minecraft Things You (Might) Do Wrong Every Day

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • 29 Minecraft Things You (Might) Do Wrong Every Day! Minecraft let’s you do almost anything, which means sometimes you might be doing something inefficiently and not even know it. To fix that, let’s look over some everyday Minecraft things that you’re possibly doing wrong. From smelting with coal, to brewing potions, and building redstone machines - these are the common minecraft things and activities you could be doing wrong, and how to fix that. Let’s learn how to fix all these mistakes, big to small, in this Skip the Tutorial list!
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Комментарии • 8 тыс.

  • @skipthetutorial
    @skipthetutorial  4 года назад +7187

    Subscribe, or you're doing RUclips wrong

  • @32deej
    @32deej 3 года назад +8189

    My favorite tip my friend gave me when I started: When caving, always place torches on the left. Then when you go to leave, if the torches are on the right, you are going to 'right' way to get out.

    • @tokumeidayo
      @tokumeidayo 3 года назад +287

      Finally sth gd

    • @An1post
      @An1post 3 года назад +217


    • @just_a_eric
      @just_a_eric 3 года назад +135

      So smart thx

    • @briannaheberle
      @briannaheberle 3 года назад +196

      This is so smart bc I kinda went in a circle trying to leave my mine 🧍‍♀️

    • @Reptar530
      @Reptar530 3 года назад +57

      I was like a babe lost in the woods xDD

  • @felixdub9733
    @felixdub9733 4 года назад +5701

    Me: *uses barrels*
    The villager on my house: and I took that profession.

    • @laelaashby188
      @laelaashby188 4 года назад +151

      Profession- lmao

    • @felixdub9733
      @felixdub9733 4 года назад +29

      @@laelaashby188 wat

    • @felixdub9733
      @felixdub9733 4 года назад +19

      Did I whrite it wrong xD?

    • @atomiclena128
      @atomiclena128 4 года назад +115

      @@felixdub9733 they probably thought you wanted to write ‘personal’ lol

    • @felixdub9733
      @felixdub9733 4 года назад +15

      @@atomiclena128 oh lol

  • @logged-out
    @logged-out 4 года назад +2442

    I'll never understand people who craft the entire wooden weapons set when starting a new world
    just make a wooden pickaxe, mine some stone and wham, you've saved 30 minutes lol

    • @gamingwithryan2.071
      @gamingwithryan2.071 4 года назад +79

      I do that in like 3 minutes but not the hoe.I will never use the hoe unless I am farming and I never do it at the at the start.

    • @jeancgfjeanfabi4788
      @jeancgfjeanfabi4788 4 года назад +36

      You mean you just saved yourself 10 minutes of you minding atLEAST 6 trees and making tools and same I only make a axe for trees, pickaxe for stone quartz etc, and shovel for sand or dirt and a hoe...... if idk what to do or the first thing I wanna do is make a farm which I never do sooooo I only need a shovel, axe and pickaxe.

    • @jeancgfjeanfabi4788
      @jeancgfjeanfabi4788 4 года назад +6

      I meant mining not minding.

    • @gamingwithryan2.071
      @gamingwithryan2.071 4 года назад +5

      @Jean /fabi Asmr slimes Me too,but I make the axe first then in like 3 minutes I get time saved

    • @deadinholohole7487
      @deadinholohole7487 4 года назад +39

      I only mine 3 blocks of log at the start of a world and make a wood pickaxe, immediately mine stone and in under 1 minute of creating the world, I'm in stone age

  • @mrmax86
    @mrmax86 3 года назад +207

    You can use barrels, unless you want to have a villager farm nearby, in which case you will be VERY frustrated that all your villagers turn into fishermen.

  • @PliskinYT
    @PliskinYT 3 года назад +1618

    "If you're using wood logs you're doing it wrong turn it into planks"
    Charcoal: "Am I a joke to you?"

    • @kyraashleiardiente4592
      @kyraashleiardiente4592 3 года назад +14

      That's true

    • @cattalhea66cattalhea27
      @cattalhea66cattalhea27 3 года назад +59

      You are using the wood as fuel and you need fuel to make charcoal 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    • @vivekanand9252
      @vivekanand9252 3 года назад +4

      Yeh bro

    • @lordmeow
      @lordmeow 3 года назад +48

      In bedrock, slabs are better not sure on java tho.
      (Almost wrote "slavs")

    • @stan5936
      @stan5936 3 года назад +7

      @@lordmeow News to me, thankyou

  • @TizonaAmanthia
    @TizonaAmanthia 3 года назад +1537

    creeper holes are a pain; for sure, only use one layer of dirt though, use cobble below that, so if they blow the same spot again, it's far less damage to clean up going forward.

    • @max_punch
      @max_punch 3 года назад +55

      Big brain

    • @TizonaAmanthia
      @TizonaAmanthia 3 года назад +36

      @@max_punch many years experience.

    • @ludm1la
      @ludm1la 3 года назад +16

      Yup the good ol' creeper management. Some times tho i just full up the whole thing... when mining i get all the drit i come a cross. saves me a whole lot of trouble and can get some diamonds too!

    • @TizonaAmanthia
      @TizonaAmanthia 3 года назад +11

      @@ludm1la Yeah, I'm doing a small project, where I'm making an easy beginner no drain needed Guardian farm, like "fresh start" how quick can I do it, without speedrunner tier fast...[cause I'm no speedrunner.] And I'm basing on a TINY island near the monument, so...dirt is rare. underground pockets are valuable! But creeper holes...yeah, I fill those with cobble, and then skin over on dirt, so any future holes are smaller, and easier to clean up.

    • @thenthson
      @thenthson 3 года назад +6

      This is the way. I also found a guys base with constant creeper holes that were badly filled in or not filled at all.

  • @BigMastah79
    @BigMastah79 3 года назад +534

    “Clicking things with your axe? Don’t hold your axe!”
    Why haven’t I thought of that? Wow!

    • @austinjames6074
      @austinjames6074 3 года назад +32

      dude srsly. how on earth does this channel get this many views when all the info is stuff like this? why does he even make these videos? I can't imagine what his actual survival worlds look like with the kind of misinfo / crappy tips he gives

    • @yuanrefuerzo1496
      @yuanrefuerzo1496 3 года назад +7

      @@austinjames6074 ye like some of this are frickin common sense like placing torches on the wall only new playerd do that

    • @BigMastah79
      @BigMastah79 3 года назад +8

      @Jordy Brooks I don’t believe I asked for your input. Or rather, your non-input

    • @parencolonthree
      @parencolonthree 3 года назад +2

      @@austinjames6074 he used to make is it possible videos, his new stuff is just trend hopping garbage

    • @happyfacerplayz
      @happyfacerplayz 3 года назад +4

      Notice this entire comment section is toxic kids

  • @jeffreyblack666
    @jeffreyblack666 3 года назад +399

    It isn't just a bow. It is an enchanted bow where you had to also put in the effort to get those enchants, and the levels to apply them.
    Conversely, arrows are cheap, especially with a fletcher or a mob farm.
    So mending can be much better than infinity.
    It also means you can use other arrows without worrying about wasting them.

    • @kustanhardelus6919
      @kustanhardelus6919 3 года назад +62

      yeah, one skelleten farm and you dont know what to do with all the arrows while each time you repair your bow by hand it gets more expansive until its unrepairable which is pritty fast with an bow with all the enchantments on max lvl. and when using magic arrows infinity does nothing

    • @whocares2277
      @whocares2277 2 года назад +19

      I prefer infinity mainly because I don't like to manage arrows, carry a spare stack around and so on. With unbreaking III these bows last very long, you can repair them from almost broken to full multiple times, and once you finally reach the end of a bow it's pretty easy to make a new one. You want a useful exp farm of course - not just for bows.

    • @rjs617
      @rjs617 2 года назад +12

      @@whocares2277 Exactly. With Unbreaking III on the bow, it lasts so long with repairs that you don’t need to make a new one for a long time, and with Infinity you never have to worry about running out of arrows in your inventory.

    • @asidi48753
      @asidi48753 2 года назад +3

      I agree, I tend to do infinity for a while until late game I move back to mending. Arrows are cheap and fixing/making a new infinity bow gets expensive

    • @whocares2277
      @whocares2277 2 года назад

      ​@@asidi48753 What is expensive about it? Sticks, strings, a bit of lapis, any exp farm and an anvil, that's it. Alternatively use some emeralds for books, not an issue if you have a raid farm. 1500 shots before you need to repair it, thousands of shots before you need a new bow.

  • @-sugar-5333
    @-sugar-5333 4 года назад +725

    “Use silk touch on this ore”
    Speedrunners: We don’t have the time for that

    • @deaconwjones
      @deaconwjones 4 года назад +5


    • @triomagicalgacha69420
      @triomagicalgacha69420 4 года назад +1

      So true

    • @flare1938
      @flare1938 3 года назад +18

      also its actually more likely that you will get more gold from the nuggets if you have fortune instead of silk touch and it takes less time to craft the ingots then to smelt them, so this fact is Useless.

    • @shawn_crabtree
      @shawn_crabtree 3 года назад +5

      @@flare1938 you get 8.8 nuggets on average with Fortune 3, so it is slightly better; with a blast furnace the time is cut in half to smelt it and is faster if you have a lot.

    • @pink_bunnies2943
      @pink_bunnies2943 3 года назад

      What’s silk touch tho like I’ve never heard of it

  • @ThatOneDude248
    @ThatOneDude248 4 года назад +431

    “If you keep stripping the logs on your doorway, just don’t carry an axe in your hand!!!”
    I never would’ve figured that out guys

    • @Ixarus6713
      @Ixarus6713 4 года назад +12

      Same! Honestly I never carry a pickaxe which is oddly the more commonly used tool... weird.

    • @mitch-ui8ds
      @mitch-ui8ds 4 года назад +27

      I fell like there are only 3 good points in this video

    • @TheOGslime
      @TheOGslime 4 года назад

      ​there is a awesome streamer and youtuber you most sub to its Soobze go sub now he is streaming now ​the stream is awesome

    • @mitch-ui8ds
      @mitch-ui8ds 4 года назад +4

      @@TheOGslime please shut up

    • @Isus273
      @Isus273 4 года назад

      @@mitch-ui8ds yes

  • @blakestartsev1239
    @blakestartsev1239 4 года назад +732

    Fun fact: turning the planks into slabs will make the smelting even more efficient!

    • @LzeniX
      @LzeniX 4 года назад +22

      Fun fact : Who need chest when we
      Have barrel

    • @sophialaird6388
      @sophialaird6388 4 года назад +9

      Would like, but it’s at 69

    • @johannas8298
      @johannas8298 4 года назад +1

      Oh yeah

    • @TBiscuit1
      @TBiscuit1 4 года назад +15

      This only apply to Bedrock Edition were slabs do smelt 1.5 items, in Java, they smelt 0.75 items so they are equally efficient then planks (without counting the fact that you double the slot used)

    • @blakestartsev1239
      @blakestartsev1239 4 года назад +1

      @@TBiscuit1 nah fam its still better in java

  • @plynix7937
    @plynix7937 3 года назад +67

    For anyone that is enchanting (I believe this still works) when you enchant something in an anvil, always rename it at the same time Because it makes it so it will never be "Too Expensive"

    • @toucane2124
      @toucane2124 2 года назад +10

      it's not necesarily that, it just saves more xp because you are using 1 anvil use for both naming and repairing/enchanting

    • @Gwyn1stborn
      @Gwyn1stborn 2 года назад

      I heard that naming costs more

    • @Ki-jd7le
      @Ki-jd7le 2 года назад +6

      @@Gwyn1stborn Naming an item at the same time as enchanting it is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper then if you were to enchant your item, take it out, and then put it back in to name. Which is why a lot of people combine the two processes to save Exp.

  • @Ant-sv9wo
    @Ant-sv9wo 3 года назад +469

    "Smelt the gold instead", he says after getting 13 nuggets from a single block

    • @felixbeaulieu852
      @felixbeaulieu852 3 года назад +13

      worst advice lol, using silk touch on nether gold xD

    • @bitsbyzero
      @bitsbyzero 3 года назад +8

      @@llopl28 its only 0.2 less, its not a big deal however with f3 you could get more then an ingots worth if lucky

    • @antmess9789
      @antmess9789 3 года назад +5

      @@__The_Real_V__ Fortune 3 has been proven to be the worse way to go, but hey, if you don't want to maximize your returns, you do you.

    • @antmess9789
      @antmess9789 3 года назад +6

      @@youraveragebedwarssweat5922 It's called getting 2 pickaxes. One with f3 and one with silk touch. Easy when you use villagers. Then you always use the silk touch one for nether gold ore.

    • @EliteInExile
      @EliteInExile 3 года назад +2

      I silk touch all my ore, and bring it back to the surface to attack it with fortune afterwards so I can't lose my Fortune pickaxe as well as I can bring in larger hauls since almost all ores are fortuneable now

  • @InfiniXCat
    @InfiniXCat 4 года назад +342

    Thumbnail: avoid this.
    Me that has an instamine efficiency 5 netherite shovel: dont tell me what to do

    • @iz_bizz2010
      @iz_bizz2010 4 года назад +15

      I dye the bed and not the wool

    • @kylebroflovski5812
      @kylebroflovski5812 4 года назад +5

      What does a netherite shovel have to do with dying wool

    • @LilacMonarch
      @LilacMonarch 4 года назад +1

      @@iz_bizz2010 you can only do that with white beds in java edition

    • @santoshagnihotri8875
      @santoshagnihotri8875 4 года назад

      @@kylebroflovski5812 break flowers faster ?

    • @VividlyNight
      @VividlyNight 4 года назад +1

      @@santoshagnihotri8875 no, flowers are instabreak

  • @travisbirch6933
    @travisbirch6933 3 года назад +1399

    I feel like this guy is the Five Minute Crafts of Minecraft

  • @smith806
    @smith806 2 года назад +40

    as for the chests vs barrels ones, I prefer chests for certain things because two can merge to one and provide better organization

  • @TheSourLemon.
    @TheSourLemon. 4 года назад +180

    I have always replanted my trees because its just awful when there is no tree around and you acually need it, it Also destroyes the view If all of them are gone

    • @robertdvin
      @robertdvin 4 года назад +1

      same, i do that too!

    • @AdaTheWatcher
      @AdaTheWatcher 4 года назад

      I didn’t replant since i am building a honey block tnt duper mining contraption

    • @WinterGamesYT
      @WinterGamesYT 4 года назад

      I do that most of the time.

    • @jamesweber1827
      @jamesweber1827 4 года назад

      I replant trees for my dog.

    • @WinterGamesYT
      @WinterGamesYT 4 года назад

      @@jamesweber1827 what do you mean?

  • @reguit5849
    @reguit5849 4 года назад +743

    Lets just appreciate how he named every trick ...
    Edit: Thanks so much for all the likes, i really appreciate it!

    • @Thesweetembraceofvoid
      @Thesweetembraceofvoid 4 года назад +3

      The mans dedicated

    • @shadowgoku9684
      @shadowgoku9684 4 года назад +2


    • @logan808x9
      @logan808x9 4 года назад +5

      Last time I played minecraft I just made weird random things I didn’t like survival mode I liked creative

    • @ammarahdesai6741
      @ammarahdesai6741 4 года назад

      No kidding! They so catchy

    • @Maquenaz
      @Maquenaz 4 года назад

      @AwesomeIceWizard it would be better if he did it like
      Every. Single. Trick.

  • @yourmother54340
    @yourmother54340 3 года назад +1345

    No one knew you could place torches on the walls before this guy came around lmao

    • @MH-rt9ts
      @MH-rt9ts 3 года назад +77

      I had to think for a minute when... if ever... that I've placed a torch on the ground.

    • @latexwhistledown342
      @latexwhistledown342 3 года назад +6

      Wdym I do it all the time I did this before I watched him

    • @latexwhistledown342
      @latexwhistledown342 3 года назад +1

      Wait I thought you meant for houses

    • @yourmother54340
      @yourmother54340 3 года назад +6

      @@latexwhistledown342 What-

    • @latexwhistledown342
      @latexwhistledown342 3 года назад +1

      @@yourmother54340 I didn’t watch all of the video when I saw this comment so I thought you meant that no one knew you could place torches on walls as in house walls

  • @JMulvy
    @JMulvy 3 года назад +346

    In Bedrock, Barrels are more efficient to make instead of Chests because they only require 2 wooden slabs and 6 sticks. I like them because of their smaller inventory space which keeps early game easy to organize and move around. If possible, I hold onto my wooden pick axe and it is usually the ONLY wooden item I need to make in a new world. Then I frame it. It is the equivalent of framing your first dollar your business ever made. I always place torches on the left wall so when I need to follow them to get out of a cave, I know I am on the "right" track. Some people still do not realize that the stone cutter is a 1:1 output or in the case of slabs 1:2. I just wish we could use it as a wood cutter too.

    • @Bowie_E
      @Bowie_E 3 года назад +15

      I might as well have written this entire comment myself. Great minds, right? 😂 🤗

    • @aliamalik861
      @aliamalik861 3 года назад +8

      i do the torch thing too so i know my way out of a strip mine

    • @zigzaglychee7324
      @zigzaglychee7324 2 года назад +14

      The only thing is don't use barrels in villages or you get loads of annoying useless fishermen -_- use chests in villages, barrels in your own house

    • @JMulvy
      @JMulvy 2 года назад +8

      @@zigzaglychee7324 Yeah, you gotta keep villages far enough away from your own home too. I was reading a while back that chests actually take longer to load than barrels do because of their multiple states and if you have a ton of them can be the biggest cause of game lag without realizing it.

    • @JMulvy
      @JMulvy 2 года назад +1

      @@FandB-Editz Necro 3 month-old comments much?

  • @appletrees4
    @appletrees4 4 года назад +212

    I have a use for useless tools! Put them in a chest because:
    When you're out somewhere collecting resources far away from your home, and suddenly, a creeper blows up behind your back and die! But, luckily you put your useless tools in a chest and, you can use them to start again while you're trying to find your items, or maybe they'll despawn.

    • @yourmomgay9059
      @yourmomgay9059 4 года назад +7

      No when I go exploring i leave my good stuff behind and when I get something good I run back immediately

    • @ARandomMinecraftVillager
      @ARandomMinecraftVillager 4 года назад +23

      @@yourmomgay9059 ... then why do you even _have_ that stuff

    • @mountbolt8993
      @mountbolt8993 4 года назад +12

      @@ARandomMinecraftVillager ikr lmao

    • @yourmomgay9059
      @yourmomgay9059 4 года назад +5

      @@ARandomMinecraftVillager clout. And to destroy my sister

    • @akhazane6922
      @akhazane6922 4 года назад +2

      But i play in hardcore

  • @julayelloso8623
    @julayelloso8623 4 года назад +290

    "Just hit level 30 and cash out"
    Me with my 200 levels wanting to start an enchanted book selling project on my server: No, i dont think I will

    • @jessepadilla2400
      @jessepadilla2400 4 года назад +1


    • @lukepearson4611
      @lukepearson4611 4 года назад +4

      Risky dude,, be careful!

    • @TheOGslime
      @TheOGslime 4 года назад

      ​there is a awesome streamer and youtuber you most sub to its Soobze go sub now he is streaming now ​the stream is awesome

    • @OttoMattak
      @OttoMattak 4 года назад +1

      @@TheOGslime Enough with the promotions already.

    • @phillipandersen5286
      @phillipandersen5286 4 года назад +1

      @@lukepearson4611 i have a xp farm with gives me 50 levels in 10 minutes so im never affald of dying and losing levels

  • @Thomas-zu5il
    @Thomas-zu5il 4 года назад +433

    The amount of times he walked past that diamond ore physically pained me

    • @TheOGslime
      @TheOGslime 4 года назад

      ​there is a awesome streamer and youtuber you most sub to its Soobze go sub now he is streaming now ​the stream is awesome

    • @sooty3575
      @sooty3575 4 года назад +3


    • @snail9552
      @snail9552 4 года назад +2

      @@TheOGslime No lol

    • @emmanimates
      @emmanimates 4 года назад

      I was looking for this comment

    • @antmess9789
      @antmess9789 3 года назад

      When he said infinity is better than mending, I literally died inside. So incorrect. From listening to what he said, it is so obvious he doesn't know what he's doing

  • @jplabs456
    @jplabs456 2 года назад +19

    Alternatively, make the toolkit a part of the build. I’ve built two floating-island-type bases now, both of which had a simple ship moored next to them. Seems like nice decoration at first glance, but I actually built that ship first, using it as a self-sustaining jumping-off point for the larger build.

  • @creatorcuber
    @creatorcuber 3 года назад +839

    2:40 you can then turn 3 planks into 6 wood slabs, which each have the smelting power of a full plank

    • @upwardfalling
      @upwardfalling 3 года назад +40

      10000 iq

    • @Suavs
      @Suavs 3 года назад +13

      1000 IQ

    • @0G8
      @0G8 3 года назад +51

      in newer versions above 1.12.2 it just turns the half slab to 0.75 instead of 1.5 for a plank so basically no use since most people play in newer than 1.12.2

    • @morber3569
      @morber3569 3 года назад +6

      ⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹ iq

    • @creatorcuber
      @creatorcuber 3 года назад +16

      @@0G8 I'm not saying you're wrong, but I play bedrock and it still works. It's probably just different between the 2 versions assuming you're talking about Java

  • @annasthesia8432
    @annasthesia8432 4 года назад +280

    I like how the stuff in this video is either common sense or just bullshit.

    • @mdjubaer2745
      @mdjubaer2745 3 года назад +17

      dude probably thinks his subscribers r complete moron lmao

    • @BlueSodaPop_
      @BlueSodaPop_ 3 года назад +2

      Yeah I realized that too xD

    • @Zmeeed01
      @Zmeeed01 3 года назад +8

      Honestly, I didn't know that stonecutter saves resources. I thought it's merely a "villager profession" block with extra steps.

    • @BlueSodaPop_
      @BlueSodaPop_ 3 года назад +2

      @@Zmeeed01 but simple maths would have made the trick. If you really wanted to know, it would have taken you maybe two minutes

    • @karolinebeckett6944
      @karolinebeckett6944 3 года назад +8

      Well I lack common sense so this actually helped me

  • @Idk-vw4vr
    @Idk-vw4vr 4 года назад +378

    Me when I can’t find coal:
    Me:smelting wood with wood

    • @ARandomSpace
      @ARandomSpace 4 года назад +28

      I used the wood to smelt the wood.

    • @ChyStrwbrry
      @ChyStrwbrry 4 года назад +2

      I would just go find another cave 🤡

    • @thatguy7155
      @thatguy7155 4 года назад +7

      Actually most of the time i just mined 2 or 3 time and there we go the supply for the whole month

    • @randomness.stupidness
      @randomness.stupidness 4 года назад


    • @OrangePastele
      @OrangePastele 4 года назад +1

      Dried kelp blocks are best imo, it’s super easy to farm kelp

  • @boatzedit15
    @boatzedit15 2 года назад +9

    It is used for Smelting as Slabs for Smelting as one Wood Log gives 4 Planks and 3 Planks gives 6 Slabs and 1 Wooden Plank.

  • @Azlyni1
    @Azlyni1 4 года назад +163

    "if you need stone for a build and dont have enough,just go mine!" WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT

  • @loudenschucker1042
    @loudenschucker1042 4 года назад +622

    “Use Silk Touch for nether gold.”
    Proceeds to get twelve nuggets with Fortune 3, technically netting him a higher yield of gold ingots.
    Thanks for the likes, everyone!

    • @black_rhino241
      @black_rhino241 4 года назад +23

      Yeah I calculated it so you can get up to 24 nuggets from the max amount of ore in a 10 vein and you only get about a block or two so it’s really the same

    • @loudenschucker1042
      @loudenschucker1042 4 года назад +25

      @@black_rhino241 So I understand your math, but an ingot is worth 9 nuggets, and if you get 12 nuggets from one block of the ore, then over time it nets you more.
      Nugget: 12+12+12=36
      Ingot: 9+9+9=27
      While you might not get that same yield, the difference eventually shows

    • @tavio_42
      @tavio_42 4 года назад +30

      you can get 12 from a single ore but on average you get less than 9, giving you less gold over time

    • @loudenschucker1042
      @loudenschucker1042 4 года назад +7

      @@tavio_42 Well, if you get more and less, it’ll balance out. Honestly just up to preference.

    • @tavio_42
      @tavio_42 4 года назад +24

      the part is from the minecraft wiki "Nether gold ore drops 2-6 gold nuggets when mined with any pickaxe. Fortune has a 33.3% chance to multiply the drops by 2, Fortune II has a 25% chance to multiply the drops by 2 or 3 and Fortune III has a 20% chance each to multiply the drops by 2, 3, or 4 for a maximum possible drop of 24 golden nuggets. The average number of nuggets from Fortune III is 8.8, which is less than an ingot; therefore it is slightly more efficient to mine nether gold ore with Silk Touch and smelt it into gold ingots."
      fortune 3 can get it close to 9, but silk touch is still the most profitable over time

  • @about1082
    @about1082 4 года назад +725

    FUN FACT : : No number from 1 to 999 includes the letter "a" in its word form.

    • @kakashilover9231
      @kakashilover9231 4 года назад +28


    • @Thesweetembraceofvoid
      @Thesweetembraceofvoid 4 года назад +32

      I kinda knew that already but neat.

    • @guitarguy242
      @guitarguy242 4 года назад +85

      Nine hundred and ninety nine

    • @guitarguy242
      @guitarguy242 4 года назад +57

      There is an 'a' in and, and who actually says nine hundred ninety nine it just doesn't seem right

    • @Xman34washere
      @Xman34washere 4 года назад +51

      And then one thousand just obliterates that

  • @Ichengo42
    @Ichengo42 2 года назад +9

    As someone who's been playing since before the stone cutter, it definitely feels "silly" or "primitive" to use that over an easier-to-obtain crafting table but I guess in the long run it's definitely more efficient.

    • @Michelangewow
      @Michelangewow 2 года назад +1

      It sure does but when you're making stairs from some not so easy to obtain blocks (at least early), such as quartz, then it can be useful.
      But yeah in the late game, when you got all your trading and stuff sorted out, you dont really care if you lose 2 stairs per craft.

  • @try_try_again8990
    @try_try_again8990 4 года назад +570

    Imagine using the wooden planks to smelt instead of charcoal.
    I can't

    • @black_rhino241
      @black_rhino241 4 года назад +46

      I burn the extra door you get when you make them

    • @amonkey9589
      @amonkey9589 4 года назад +8

      Extra door? I use all them😏

    • @AkashPatel-ge4sx
      @AkashPatel-ge4sx 4 года назад +12

      @@black_rhino241 lol like why 3 doors

    • @reterols5442
      @reterols5442 4 года назад +4

      I use any extra fence or any wooden item/block

    • @nix207
      @nix207 4 года назад +4

      When all I have are logs, I turn one of the logs into planks to smelt the rest into charcoal. That's the only way I could justify it lol

  • @peeelan
    @peeelan 4 года назад +587

    Skip: “don’t go over level 30”
    Me who has level 75 on my survival world:
    Edit: I really don’t care how many levels you have on your survival world so stop saying it in the replies

    • @deek0
      @deek0 4 года назад +17

      I have 104 levels on mine server

    • @deek0
      @deek0 4 года назад +16

      And exp is pretty easy to get if u have ender farm

    • @peeelan
      @peeelan 4 года назад +13

      I play on bedrock and I have a gold farm that gives 30 levels in under a minute. I never even grind for levels all 75 of them just come from when I try to repair my tools

    • @someguyyoufoundonyoutube8744
      @someguyyoufoundonyoutube8744 4 года назад +4

      just copy a kelp or cactus dupe machine and make an auto smelter

    • @peeelan
      @peeelan 4 года назад +6

      @@someguyyoufoundonyoutube8744 dupe machine? I prefer not to use bugs like duping

  • @TheSpeep
    @TheSpeep 3 года назад +189

    No, youre still doing it wrong.
    Turn 1 log into planks and use those planks as fuel to turn another log (or 4) into charcoal, then use the charcoal as fuel for whatever you wanted to smelt, or to make even more charcoal out of the remaining logs.

    • @TheSpeep
      @TheSpeep 3 года назад +2

      @RICCENE ENTERTAINMENT Kinda is, yeah...

    • @gottalivehappy
      @gottalivehappy 3 года назад +6

      not trying to be a smartass but *infinity > mending is the right way to type that theres no other way i can say it

    • @Queer_Nerd_For_Human_Justice
      @Queer_Nerd_For_Human_Justice 3 года назад +2

      @RICCENE ENTERTAINMENT This makes a lot of sense

    • @jacobwiles7729
      @jacobwiles7729 3 года назад +13

      @RICCENE ENTERTAINMENT I was thinking that about the infinity vs mending bow as well. Arrows aren't a problem if you make a chicken farm and have a fortune shovel. However getting all the necessary levels and the perfect enchantments for a god bow is a much larger headache imo. Plus you cant use tipped arrows on an infinity bow.

    • @TheSpeep
      @TheSpeep 3 года назад +2

      @@jacobwiles7729 Mending if you use tipped arrows, Infinity in all other cases.
      Bows are cheap to make so getting a few good ones isnt hard, and infinity means you only need 1 bag slot for arrows whereas if youre out actively hunting mobs 1 stack of arrows doesnt last all that long.
      If durability is a concern, you can carry a spare bow, leaving you with 3 bag slots of space taken up for hundreds of shots, instead of the 128 max that you can get out of 3 slots with a Mending bow.

    @TOTALDESTROY94 2 года назад +2

    Barrels are great, unless you have a villager nearby. Then all you hear is the dude opening and closing them all session and you contemplate murder.

  • @tildengold7513
    @tildengold7513 4 года назад +345

    Pewdiepie: "I'm a Minecraft veteran"
    Also Pewdiepie: *"saves" a nitwit villager

    • @galleton9292
      @galleton9292 4 года назад +13

      they good for reproduction

    • @kashiramgautam1182
      @kashiramgautam1182 4 года назад +8

      @@galleton9292 chequita os getting some good bing bong bing pong

    • @mk-jb7xs
      @mk-jb7xs 4 года назад +8

      Ayy put some respect on chiquita bonita

    • @kashiramgautam1182
      @kashiramgautam1182 4 года назад +2

      @Keagan Wallis not my words ask Pewdipie

    • @shriihanmukherjee6502
      @shriihanmukherjee6502 4 года назад +2

      @abhishek sahu I don't think you know what a nitwit villager is. He's not just calling all villagers nitwits, a villager can literally be a nitwit. Nitwit villagers can't get jobs and are basically useless. The only thing they're good for is iron farms and breeding.

  • @RusticTraps
    @RusticTraps 4 года назад +461

    Don’t let this video make you forget that Mr krabs sold SpongeBob for 62 cents

  • @omni-trackers9789
    @omni-trackers9789 3 года назад +307

    ”Use your mostly broken wodden tools to fuel a furnace” *throws in a perfectly fine, non-broken pickaxe*

    • @carlolobaton4907
      @carlolobaton4907 3 года назад

      yea shure like you dont have an xp grinder that give you like 10,000 exp in about 3 min btw i mean an enderman exp grinder most likely more exp then that like idk 30,000

    • @carlolobaton4907
      @carlolobaton4907 3 года назад +1

      sorry wrong comment

    • @skystrike8955
      @skystrike8955 3 года назад +14

      @@carlolobaton4907 just delete it

    • @drewlovelyhell4892
      @drewlovelyhell4892 3 года назад +1

      I only ever have one wooden pickaxe and one wooden axe, and the first thing I do after harvesting some stone and wood is upgrade to stone tools. Then I just use the wooden tools till they break. Doesn't take long!

    • @aditikadam3211
      @aditikadam3211 3 года назад +2

      @@drewlovelyhell4892 i just keep them in a chest and frame them once i make a base and get good tools and armour

  • @sehrgut42
    @sehrgut42 3 года назад +1

    Oh yes. I definitely choose mending over infinity because I'm worried about saving STRING, not saving THE OTHER ENCHANTMENTS. 🙄

  • @frosted7897
    @frosted7897 3 года назад +334

    11:30 yes but no. The problem with infinity instead of mending is that eventually when your repairing your bow it will say to expensive and you'll have to re make a new bow. However with mending you can just get a fletcher and trade 4 emeralds for 64 arrows and it will repair itself.

    • @cabeludo_dahora6290
      @cabeludo_dahora6290 3 года назад +37

      and if you cure the fletcher that sells you arrows it will bring down the price from 4 emeralds to only 1 and if you evolve him to master level he will sell you tipped arrows you just have to be lucky with the tippeded arrows tho

    • @franciensteenkamer803
      @franciensteenkamer803 3 года назад +8

      If you rename the bow That does not happen

    • @grzesiekbiskowski
      @grzesiekbiskowski 3 года назад +3

      Unless you have cured librarians and you can easily make yourself a new bow

    • @bblubrain
      @bblubrain 3 года назад +23

      Ye but I don’t want to carry around so many stacks of arrows constantly (I use a lot of arrows)

    • @johnahitigms5917
      @johnahitigms5917 3 года назад +13

      @@cabeludo_dahora6290 no, you trade 1 emerald for 16 arrows four times, so you can't actually reduce the price

  • @lolloblue9646
    @lolloblue9646 4 года назад +173

    "Use infinity instead of mending"
    People with a hostile mob farm: "Yea, no."
    Seriously though, by comparison arrows are far cheaper than a maxed out bow

    • @Minizemful
      @Minizemful 3 года назад +14

      agreed, for the time it takes for max enchantments, mending is essential, I'm not going through that more than once.

    • @Domasiukas
      @Domasiukas 3 года назад +3

      Can't you repair a bow with string, thus making infinity better choice, with the only exception being a situation where you have a spider farm?

    • @Minizemful
      @Minizemful 3 года назад +7

      @@Domasiukas no, bows cannot be repaired with string.

    • @Domasiukas
      @Domasiukas 3 года назад +2

      @@Minizemful Oh, my bad. But can you repair an Enchanted Infinity bow with just a regular bow?

    • @Minizemful
      @Minizemful 3 года назад +5

      @@Domasiukas nope, repairing it that way with a crafting table removes the enchantments, and it can't be done in an anvil.

  • @ashtoncole3152
    @ashtoncole3152 3 года назад +52

    I have another, sometimes it's a hassle to figure out where certain places are so write down your coordinates so that you know where you're going rather than running in circles trying to find your base

    • @theoneandonlyravioli2985
      @theoneandonlyravioli2985 3 года назад +1

      I try to keep a record of everything I find. Pyramids, woodland mansions, water temple, nether fortress. It does make like so much easier.

    • @shiren2881
      @shiren2881 3 года назад +2

      It’s not like 99% of the players already know that ! But hey, at least, there are always the remaining 1% that can benefit from your wise comment…

  • @jello4827
    @jello4827 3 года назад +3

    Number 7. Mining with fortune will almost always give you more than the nine nuggets required for an ingot, as well as not costing time or fuel to convert into ingots.

  • @justinmplayz8809
    @justinmplayz8809 3 года назад +39

    11:30 If you count the levels, books, and luck that you’re saving from enchantments, Infinity won’t be even close to what Mending is worth

    • @connorslawson5315
      @connorslawson5315 3 года назад

      With a good enchanted rod, enchanted bows are a dime a dozen. So run infinity till the bow is dead and just combine a new one on the anvil.

    • @lemonstTM
      @lemonstTM 3 года назад +1

      @Aaron just buy 16 arrows from a fletcher for 1 emerald, get those emeralds easy from fletchers too

    • @MarcelVos
      @MarcelVos 3 года назад +2

      The problem isn't that arrows are hard to get by, but that I can't be bothered to take 20 stacks of arrows with me whenever I go wither skull hunting or something.

    • @justinmplayz8809
      @justinmplayz8809 3 года назад +1

      @@MarcelVos well I guess that's your play style I guess, but I usually only bring 64 and I never use them all even if I only use my bow

    • @MarcelVos
      @MarcelVos 3 года назад

      @@justinmplayz8809 Then we indeed have a very difficult playstyle. I tend to play big and build big things. This includes doing stuff like getting 12 wither skeleton skulls for beacons in one several-hour long hunting session. I used up most of an unbreaking III bow, from which we can calculate I fired about 1000 arrows, which is roughly 16 stacks.

  • @crypticfyre9885
    @crypticfyre9885 4 года назад +223

    ah mending is so hard to get
    *gets it for 12 emeralds in 5 minutes

    • @starveil500
      @starveil500 4 года назад +18

      Me who got a mending villager naturally: i am 4 parallel universes ahead of you.

    • @chalkwarrior5542
      @chalkwarrior5542 3 года назад +6

      it's hard when you can't find a single librarian in the 5 villages you've found

    • @bot_Est1989
      @bot_Est1989 3 года назад +7

      @@chalkwarrior5542 build a lectern and get rid of another job in a village... or better yet cure a zombie villager and get mending for 1-2 emeralds like wattles does.

    • @azzoz1565
      @azzoz1565 3 года назад +2

      same i got mine for 12 in like 10 mins and whenever i try to get to get a book i need i ALWAYS get mending

    • @nvgsimguy
      @nvgsimguy 3 года назад

      Gets it for 1 emmie in five minutes because I already healed the zombie villager first.

  • @dasyoutubeklohauschen
    @dasyoutubeklohauschen 4 года назад +68

    About the one with the Mending/Infinity bows: It really depends on how you use that bow. If you have a fully enchanted bow used for actual fighting against strong mobs, you'll want to put Mending on it, so you don't break that bow and lose all enchantments. And you can get arrows pretty easily if you have a skeleton farm or a villager that can sell you arrows. But if it's just for killing innocent rabbits (like I do), you should use Infinity. One arrow should be enough to kill a rabbit, you don't need any other enchantments, so breaking that bow isn't such a big deal. That's why I have two bows: A strong one with Mending to kill strong mobs (it one-hits creepers, so that's REALLY useful) and a weaker one with Infinity to kill rabbits.

    • @ItzChief
      @ItzChief 4 года назад +1

      You can also just combine it with another bow in an anvil + unbreaking 3 exists, I’m not arguing with you just pointing out a different POV

    • @nnnnwwww00
      @nnnnwwww00 4 года назад +6

      For me it depends on what arrow I’m using. If it’s other arrow than normal one I use mending since infinity doesn’t save them.
      But most of the time I use normal arrow so infinity. Not trying to save the ten thousands arrow from mob farm. But rather about inventory space for long expedition (even if there’re 27 shulker boxes in ender chest, i want more space for my loots). 1 bow with infinity last longer than stack of arrows.
      With iron farm, exp farm, and villager trade, mass producing bow with power v, unbreak iii, infinity, punch ii, flame shouldn’t be an issue.

    • @iami3rian394
      @iami3rian394 4 года назад +9

      They're a wash imo. Mending is slightly more useful, because for a VERY long time I'm gonna have better things to do with my XP than enchant a new bow.
      On top of that, who doesn't have a chicken farm, a bamboo farm, and entirely too much flint... nevermind a Fletcher and ten stacks of emeralds collecting dust.
      Even worse, who carries (and uses) more than a stack of arrows at a time? Infinity doesn't save you any inventory space at all, so it's basically a very insignificant time saver.
      Again, it comes down to "would I rather waste a second here and there on trading with a fletcher/crafting arrows, or several minutes all at once eventually re-enchanting a bow."
      For me, I'm always working on something, and I'd prefer not remaking tools for legitimately no reason. I'll take the ten seconds to restock my arrows before heading out, versus the ten+ (and way too many levels of exp) minutes recreating my bow.
      That said, if I get a decent enchanted bow early, and it's got infinity; I'm using that. Again, saves the most time and levels, versus building a mending bow from scratch.

    • @nnnnwwww00
      @nnnnwwww00 4 года назад +3

      I get your point, tho for me it does save space. I'm away from base several IRL days, maybe weeks. I'm raiding end cities on flying machine/bombing nether for my netherite beacon. Already made 1 mending & 4-5 infinity bow max enchant and 4-5 set of netherite armors. I trade materials to build my base anyway so I'm either waste exp that push me over 100+ levels or I just make something with it. I only need to trade for books and equip.
      It indeed waste more emeralds but there're multiple chest full of blocks in the base anyway. (I play on friend's realm with few close people so it's okay for me to leave stuff around.)
      I do agree that mending is a bit more useful when I'm playing around with non-regular arrow since infinity doesn't save them anyway.

    • @iami3rian394
      @iami3rian394 4 года назад +3

      @@nnnnwwww00 I don't disagree with you, when you're past the point of the credits rolling, and hitting level 100 routinely with fully enchanted Netherite gear for days, and a few stacks of diamond blocks, wasting _anything_ even remotely renewable is a non-issue.
      Like I said, until you're looting end cities for shulker boxes for your shulker sorter, and your elytra is not only in your possession but fully enchanted, mending is better in every (measurable) way.
      Sure, in the end of the end game, infinity is just the better option, no argument. Until then however....

  • @sterben7656
    @sterben7656 3 года назад +7

    You can use doors(not trap doors) for cheaper alternative pocket of air instead of playing gacha with the enchantment table. You'll still get the original mining speed on ur pick compared to the underwater mining speed. This might not help for deep ocean diving tho as this will still rely on getting to a block to place the door.

  • @jennybailey3535
    @jennybailey3535 4 года назад +273

    Me: has been playing Minecraft for 10 years. Also Me “doesn’t know one of them”.

    • @AxxLAfriku
      @AxxLAfriku 4 года назад +1

      Why is Donald Trump pretty and I am not? But why does he only have a wife but I have TWO HOT GIRLFRIENDS who I show off in my masterpiece YT videos? Do you know the answer, dear jenny

    • @nemomukerji
      @nemomukerji 4 года назад

      A lot of these are new features which was given attention to

    • @Movedchanelssss
      @Movedchanelssss 4 года назад +7

      @@AxxLAfriku ew go away

    • @littlefroggy4156
      @littlefroggy4156 4 года назад +1


    • @idk3284
      @idk3284 4 года назад +2

      @@AxxLAfriku who tf is jenny thought

  • @Heathenfidel
    @Heathenfidel 3 года назад +51

    I find that in a cave or the wilderness, making a barrel instead of a chest would mean that I have leftover wooden slabs wasting space in my inventory for a long time. And at my base, using barrels instead of double chests means I have a large number of small containers instead of a small number of large containers, so it takes me longer to find stuff. And if I keep my stuff organized with a fancy automatic sorting system, using barrels would mean either having less storage capacity or having more hoppers, which would mean I spend more iron AND more wood than if I just use chests.

  • @OG-YT
    @OG-YT 4 года назад +163

    Everyone: Learning new thing about minecraft
    Me: *Sees skip use diorite as a building block*

    • @OG-YT
      @OG-YT 4 года назад +6

      @@locrianphantom3547 no I Mean some people hate the way diorite looks but I like the way it looks. It's just for the memes

    • @shazamnegroid7379
      @shazamnegroid7379 4 года назад +4

      diorite is my favorite block ngl

    • @ignaciosindhu6779
      @ignaciosindhu6779 4 года назад +2

      @@OG-YT Iskall85 intensive

    • @OG-YT
      @OG-YT 4 года назад

      @@shazamnegroid7379 lol i like it too but iskall whould hate skip

    • @OG-YT
      @OG-YT 4 года назад +1

      @@ignaciosindhu6779 LOL

  • @webkinzloverstardom
    @webkinzloverstardom 3 года назад +1

    a tip i learned forever ago that has saved me from getting lost in caves is to place torches on the RIGHT, when you go back look for torches that are placed to your left :)

  • @SpidermanFan92
    @SpidermanFan92 3 года назад +35

    If you go through the effort of making a mob farm, you'll have more gold than you'll ever need. Don't worry about melting down the tools and armor, it'll just burn away your coal resources. Sort out the enchanted items and disenchant them for the XP. If you have a mending item in hand it's a great way to repair.

    • @autumn5592
      @autumn5592 3 года назад +2

      You wont eat into coal if you have a bamboo, wither skeleton, or kelp farm.

    • @blastortoise
      @blastortoise 3 года назад +4

      @@autumn5592 Finally someone promoting kelp farms as well

  • @Pom_Playz
    @Pom_Playz 4 года назад +76

    Me being the person with 3 full double chests filled with only Stone: ;w;
    My friend: Are you sure we can't throw any of this Stone away?

    • @100GTAGUY
      @100GTAGUY 3 года назад +5

      I'd just use it all for building a fortress tbh

    • @tonynasaofficial
      @tonynasaofficial 3 года назад

      Me goes mining gets every ore but cobblestone :c

  • @roydalezobel4946
    @roydalezobel4946 3 года назад +39

    I always place my torches on the right side walls therefore it's pretty easy to find out again. I just follow paths with the torches on the left. At intersections I also place two torches so it's even simpler to return home. ✌️😊
    Greetings from Germany! Stay safe everyone!

  • @russman3787
    @russman3787 2 года назад +2

    Mending saves way more on a bow because of the levels you've invested in it. Arrows are easy to farm but levels are a lot harder.

  • @ryanberner04
    @ryanberner04 3 года назад +260

    I have thousands of arrows from my skeleton farm, I think I’ll be good with Mending on my bow

    • @antmess9789
      @antmess9789 3 года назад +31

      Mending is actually better than infinity yea.

    • @gamerluke6248
      @gamerluke6248 3 года назад +11

      But do you have the inventory space for all of those arrows? Also, how much does it really cost to repair your bow? 3 sticks and 3 string? Yeah, I’ll be sticking with infinity.

    • @ryanberner04
      @ryanberner04 3 года назад +33

      @@gamerluke6248 I carry a stack with me at all times, the same amount of space 1 arrow would take up. I don’t really use a bow and arrow that much. If you’re someone that uses arrows a lot and doesn’t mind spending levels to repair your bow, go for it and use infinity

    • @antmess9789
      @antmess9789 3 года назад +38

      @@gamerluke6248 no, it costs 1 infinity book, power 5 book, punch 2 book, ... Need I go on? You can only repair so many times before you have to go through the painful process of getting a new bow. Plus enderchest with shulkerboxes eliminates arrow problems. Just store arrows in shulkerboxes when you need the space and pull them out for heavy combat.

    • @Charlesincharge42
      @Charlesincharge42 3 года назад +28

      @@gamerluke6248 You can only repair an item so many times.. The XP required goes up each time, until you reach the limit an anvil will accept.

  • @grace4five
    @grace4five 4 года назад +63

    Fun facts; when it's ABOUT to rain fish bite a lot, but pretty much quit once it starts raining.
    Also, there are no rabbits in Minecraft, but there are hares. Hares are born with fury bodies and eyes open (rabbits are born hairless, with eyes closed) (one could say, rabbits are altricial, and hares are precocial), hares are commonly found in plains and deserts (rabbits are generally found more in wooded areas), and hares have longer, more upright ears for releasing body heat (rabbit ears are flopped on its back most of the time, until on alert).

  • @ReyGotSumCents
    @ReyGotSumCents 4 года назад +79

    i make a museum later on to keep my early game weapons, tools and armor, kind of nostalgic

  • @dirtcollector
    @dirtcollector 3 года назад +3

    the tip about torches in caves, a good one i always try to follow is always placing torches on either just the left or right side in my maps, that way you can use them to get a sense of direction how to get out

  • @matthewcheung7888
    @matthewcheung7888 4 года назад +29

    My friends coming back to Minecraft in 2020: What is this place?
    Me, who never left and kept playing: Wake up, samurai, we got a city to build

  • @The_Zancient
    @The_Zancient 4 года назад +40

    Skip: "Just keep 30 levels and then cash out"
    Also Skip 2 seconds later: *Continues to use 40-50 levels*

    • @The_Zancient
      @The_Zancient 4 года назад +1

      Yes, I know. That was probably for display purposes

    • @The_Zancient
      @The_Zancient 3 года назад +1

      No. ^

  • @subhanjawad4666
    @subhanjawad4666 4 года назад +119

    Skip: Math isn’t on any of our preauthories
    Me: it is on mine..

    • @cresbalundo8845
      @cresbalundo8845 4 года назад +1

      In technoblade's video "proof i dont autoclick" he clicks 732 times in 10 seconds so if you blah blah blah blah blah and divide that and blah blah blah blah blah blah his cps is 73.2 so the clicking method he uses is double clicking but he clicked 25 times and 25 x 2 is 50 but hhe got 73.2 cps so blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah thats why its 73.2 and not 50 so yeah

    • @cresbalundo8845
      @cresbalundo8845 4 года назад

      Also i promise im not a bot

    • @fatherbeef348
      @fatherbeef348 4 года назад +7

      spelling surely isn't

    • @DRDDR8
      @DRDDR8 4 года назад

      @@fatherbeef348 true

    • @DRDDR8
      @DRDDR8 4 года назад +1

      Math is on my priorities too
      It's way too easy

  • @luvluh
    @luvluh 2 года назад +6

    mending > infinity
    considering your infinity bow is fully enchanted with power v, flame, and more, using mending to save that bow is worth a few arrows. especially if you have an arrow farm
    yes, you can fix your infinity bow in an anvil, but if we're looking long term here, it will get more and more expensive every time you fix it, and will eventually be too expensive to fix

    • @Elliott_Butters
      @Elliott_Butters 4 месяца назад

      That anvil feature is so unnecessary.

  • @mickeydee3595
    @mickeydee3595 3 года назад +91

    When ever me and my son dig tunnels or explore ravines/caves, we always place our torches on the left hand side. We also place 3 torches to signal the way out at a fork/opening.
    Like this when you want to leave just make sure the torches are on your right hand side and you have markers for the exit route.
    We also make sure to have some coal/charcoal and planks to ensure we don't run out of torches.
    Good fun

    • @theologicalmonochromaticbo2102
      @theologicalmonochromaticbo2102 3 года назад +5

      We place them on the walls pointing towards the way came usually with 2 or 3 to point to our main tunnels

    • @snailsand
      @snailsand 3 года назад +11

      i wish *my* parents would play minecraft with me. id play with my brother but he tends to destroy things and fight

    • @diamondroyal538
      @diamondroyal538 3 года назад +4

      @@snailsand yes my parents hate games

    • @wasuel_gaming7242
      @wasuel_gaming7242 3 года назад +1

      @@snailsand Yeah, my parents say that video games make them want to throw up, and I do play with my sister but she makes me share everything.

    • @maven2k
      @maven2k 3 года назад

      I place torches similarly. When I plant one on the ground it's on the right side, and when I put one on the wall it's on the left.

  • @Sh3rb3rt
    @Sh3rb3rt 4 года назад +57

    Skip the tutorial: Then you can save your axe for when it's actually useful. Me: *axe-uallty*

  • @geometrydashshadowchaserx2086
    @geometrydashshadowchaserx2086 4 года назад +81

    The problem with choosing infinity is that when your bow breaks, all of the enchants you used to make it goes to nothing. Unlike mending you can heal the bow with exp, plus feathers sticks and flint aren't that hard to get compared to the enchants and exp grinding you did

    • @aexandereung5686
      @aexandereung5686 3 года назад +9

      and also arrows drop from skeletons and strings from spiders. Skeletons are more common in the overworld and as long as you dont use a bow as your main weapon, you'll get more arrows than you spend them

    • @Hi-kl4mu
      @Hi-kl4mu 3 года назад +3

      fix your bow before it breaks

    • @501thtrooper4
      @501thtrooper4 3 года назад +9

      @@Hi-kl4mu after fixing your max level bow like 2 times, it won't let you because it would be too expensive. Also wasting 40 levels of xp for fixing the bow ain't worth it.

    • @xStet
      @xStet 3 года назад +4

      just combine it with a new unenchanted bow and then the inf bow is fixed, and if it gets too expinsive you should have the farms and stuff to make a new one (if it's a full enchanted one)

    • @IJMO_Ahriman
      @IJMO_Ahriman 3 года назад +9

      @@xStet If you have the farms to fix it, why not just have a skeleton farm for arrows?

  • @william3371
    @william3371 3 года назад +1

    Nothing relatively new to me, but it brought me to some good realizatio-
    _Number 28: ... Infinity is better than mending._
    Skip, my good friend, the reason people use mending over infinity sometimes has nothing to do with the resources for the bow, but rather the _enchantments_ everyone puts on them;
    Flame, unbreaking III, punch II... these start to get very expensive to replace every time the bow breaks, and you can only repair it so many times before the bow costs more to repair than would be worth it.

  • @Pencilneckgeek216
    @Pencilneckgeek216 3 года назад +35

    I absolutely disagree with 13 - I like seeing old builds around, especially if they're somewhere that I spent some time at. I purposefully build little shelters on adventures to make the world feel lived in.

    • @trashmann1081
      @trashmann1081 3 года назад +7

      [sees hole in side of cliff]
      "Ah yes, that's where i hid from phantoms cause i forgot to bring a bed out. Good times."

    • @an2939
      @an2939 3 года назад

      I usually convert that old build into a storage cuz i do not want to move tons of blocks around especially when i dont have shulker boxes

  • @huntr6290
    @huntr6290 3 года назад +74

    When you have a fletcher that was converted from a zombie villager, he will sell arrows at a discounted price. Not only that, it's especially different when you use potion tipped arrows. Infinity will be useless, and with mending, you can repair your bow without wasting anvil durability

    • @charliesoulfire2140
      @charliesoulfire2140 3 года назад +1

      If you use a piercing xbow with mending it's like an infinity mending bow as long as you pick up the arrows

    • @jacobta8085
      @jacobta8085 3 года назад +4

      With Infinity you will save far more time not having to worry about getting flint, sticks, and feathers, two of which you would need a farm to get reliably. Yes you will have to worry about repairing the bow, but especially with unbreaking 3 on it, which increases the lifetime of a tool by 4 times, getting another bow to combine with the enchanted one on an anvil will be considerably easier and less resource demanding. With Mending, you will constantly have to worry about running low on arrows. I'd say Infinity is a lot better of an enchantment, especially in the long run.

    • @charliesoulfire2140
      @charliesoulfire2140 3 года назад +1

      @@jacobta8085 nah you can buy a stack of arrows for a couple emeralds

    • @user-ue6ur5nt5z
      @user-ue6ur5nt5z 3 года назад +7

      @@jacobta8085 I like infinity more too but you're extremely wrong if you think people craft arrows lol, no one does that after the first few days, villagers and mob farms would give you chests full of arrows easy

    • @derianvandalsen
      @derianvandalsen 3 года назад +3

      Let's take it even further and use rockets instead of arrows (crossbow only)

  • @elemon4862
    @elemon4862 3 года назад +27

    When you have extra doors in the crafting recipe,use them as fuel in the furnace.

  • @Dyxyx
    @Dyxyx 2 месяца назад +1

    I always use chests that I get from structures in for my base. Saves the most wood and better than barrels😊

  • @coleykat312
    @coleykat312 3 года назад +124

    3:00 When you mined gold with a fortune pickaxe, you got 12 nuggets. When you mined in with silk touch and smelted it, it was one gold ingot, which is 9 nuggets. So, if you have a fortune pickaxe, mine the gold, but if not, smelt it with silk touch.

    • @craftyplayz_
      @craftyplayz_ 3 года назад +43

      that was just one lucky block. with fortune you get 8.8 nuggets on average while fortune will give you the ingot which is 9. it's such a small difference that it really doesn't matter though

    • @doggone4439
      @doggone4439 3 года назад +16

      I don’t have enough time to mine the coal to smelt it

    • @saddoot6545
      @saddoot6545 3 года назад +2

      @@craftyplayz_ even if you get one less nugget you might get 3 more on the next one its better with fortune and smelting takes forver and costs coal or wood

    • @craftyplayz_
      @craftyplayz_ 3 года назад +4

      @@saddoot6545 look on the minecraft wiki. It says 8.8 average
      I'm not saying anything about smelting I'm just saying it is slightly more efficient to use silk

    • @saddoot6545
      @saddoot6545 3 года назад

      @@craftyplayz_ i know what i mean is even if its 8.8 the chance of getting more then 8.8 is way better its more like gambling versus just safe investments or something but in gambling you have llike a dice were all sides exept one are six

  • @thomasmoneybanks7576
    @thomasmoneybanks7576 3 года назад +67

    Luckily before the update came out, I already had a bow with Infinity and Mending on it, so I didn't have to choose :)

    • @flash.the.dash765
      @flash.the.dash765 3 года назад +7

      Lol you just need 1 DAMN ARROW IN THIS WHOLE WORLD XD

    • @derianvandalsen
      @derianvandalsen 3 года назад


    • @unicornpower2411
      @unicornpower2411 3 года назад +5

      @@derianvandalsen its between 1.10 and 1.12 where havinf mending and infinity on the same bow was removed

    • @EvangelionGaming
      @EvangelionGaming 2 года назад

      Infinity and mending conflict with each other didnt u read in the book :minecraft-potions and enchantments.

  • @hesterclapp9717
    @hesterclapp9717 4 года назад +71

    0:25 It's actually more efficient to go on the wiki, learn how many items each fuel source will smelt and put in just enough to smelt your batch. That way you never spend more fuel than you need to

    • @TheOGslime
      @TheOGslime 4 года назад

      ​there is a awesome streamer and youtuber you most sub to its Soobze go sub now he is streaming now ​the stream is awesome

    • @mihailmojsoski4202
      @mihailmojsoski4202 4 года назад

      just use lava

    • @hesterclapp9717
      @hesterclapp9717 4 года назад

      @@mihailmojsoski4202But it still burns longer than it needs for only a few items (with even less control than selected wood/coal) and it isn't even renewable (yet)

    • @latifaakil8568
      @latifaakil8568 4 года назад


    • @latifaakil8568
      @latifaakil8568 4 года назад

      @@TheOGslime نرظطنتطى ك طمانىمىو

  • @pyromaniac000000
    @pyromaniac000000 3 года назад +1

    The torches thing is actually quite dumb. Like its better, but you clearly didnt think things all the way through. Simple thing ive always done for many years: when caving, always place your torches on the left side of the cave. That way when youre going to leave, you can follow the torches back to your staircase, as long as the torches are on your right you know youre heading back towards home. Some caves seem to never end, and finding your way back can become a nightmare, so torches are the perfect solution

  • @AlexDoesStuffBruh7737377477383
    @AlexDoesStuffBruh7737377477383 4 года назад +74

    Everybody gangsta till the neighbor riders his horse up the giant cake ladder

    • @DRDDR8
      @DRDDR8 4 года назад +3

      Then they die of facing an idiot

  • @dodgersat-at
    @dodgersat-at 3 года назад +20

    Relating to Number 10, (4:05) I had it happen where a horde of mobs kills me when I’m stacked, and then when I go back to pick them up, I see all of those mobs wearing/holding my gear: zombie fully decked out in iron armor, wither skeleton dual wielding two iron swords, skeleton holding enchanted bow with Flame...

    • @MrMunchman69
      @MrMunchman69 2 года назад +3

      A zombie and a wither skeleton together,
      Hmm, so in the nether, at a fortress?

  • @weezingargonian6523
    @weezingargonian6523 4 года назад +24

    One thing that I do is always have 3 iron picks when going mining, to save going to the surface

  • @generalerica4123
    @generalerica4123 20 дней назад

    Here’s another torch tip: Big open Caves excepted, be sure to stick to one side when placing torches. This allows you to use them as breadcrumbs for getting back out even in confusing cave systems.
    I always place mine on the right, so when I see that they’re on the left, I know I’m walking back the way I came.

  • @orenwildstein5541
    @orenwildstein5541 3 года назад +98

    For the gold sword tip, gold farms that give you them are normally very efficient, meaning if you make a sorting system to throw the swords in lava, you can AFK for longer periods time getting more gold overall

    • @douglasdilda6789
      @douglasdilda6789 3 года назад +1

      I can confirm. I made a system fast enough to clear all the items from the floor before disappearing, then six sorters to get the gold. Bottom line, you can get 14 chest of gold nuggets before you get 2 full rows from the swords. So lava for the swords and the zombie meat is your best answer

    • @chomp5558
      @chomp5558 3 года назад +6

      Cant you actually let the sorted out swords get put into a furnace automatically to get it smelted?

    • @Mumiah862
      @Mumiah862 2 года назад +2

      @@chomp5558 it’s just not worth it

    • @laycey
      @laycey 2 года назад +5

      @@Mumiah862 zero waste is always worth it in a game about overengineering

    • @Aivoton_
      @Aivoton_ 2 года назад +1

      @@laycey What about the fuel then? If you dont have farm to get like coal, you can run out of fuel pretty fast

  • @ailicon
    @ailicon 3 года назад +59

    “Turn your logs into planks for 4 times as much smelting power!”
    … or charcoal?

  • @onlookerofthings6029
    @onlookerofthings6029 3 года назад +114

    "After your first double chest full of broken golden swords you're probably just wanting to trash them"
    Please tell me he knows that crafting 2 of the same item to fix it exists

    • @not_that_person
      @not_that_person 3 года назад +55

      Gold swords are kind of trash though, smelting them into nuggets is the best way to use them.

    • @alienshxt
      @alienshxt 3 года назад +13

      Gold sword is trash

    • @tonynasaofficial
      @tonynasaofficial 3 года назад +11

      @@not_that_person or put them in armor stands if you have unlimited lol I like putting a bunch of gold armors everywhere

    • @whatTFisThis
      @whatTFisThis 3 года назад

      @@tonynasaofficial true

    • @rabid_monster24.27
      @rabid_monster24.27 3 года назад +3

      @@tonynasaofficial You can only do that on bedrock otherwise you need to install a mod. Java doesn't have arms on they're stands, I think they did if I can remember but they removed it. I could be wrong tho. I play on bedrock and java that's why I know this.

  • @babajka_
    @babajka_ 2 года назад +6

    Why everybody forgets, that chests can be double, saving the space of the wall in your storage room. Therfore chests are more efficient in late game especially. Also there was a calculation that fortune 3 gives a little bit more gold than silk touch.

  • @o5-x765
    @o5-x765 4 года назад +76

    “It’s impossible to something before they turn back into a villager” replay button: ima end this mans whole career

  • @colywolygaming4643
    @colywolygaming4643 4 года назад +8

    I don't just smelt away my wooden tools, I keep them and put them in my treasure room later on. That's the real way to go!

  • @FrogsIn_TheStars
    @FrogsIn_TheStars 4 года назад +79

    Me not being dumb on minecraft pc: I use an axe to attack and chop wood!
    Him: use your axe only when it's useful
    Me: but it's my weapon

    • @TheOGslime
      @TheOGslime 4 года назад

      ​there is a awesome streamer and youtuber you most sub to its Soobze go sub now he is streaming now ​the stream is awesome

    • @TheOGslime
      @TheOGslime 4 года назад

      @@jimmyneutron6907 thank you I don’t give a

    • @TheOGslime
      @TheOGslime 4 года назад

      @@jimmyneutron6907 wanna spam a live with me for me

    • @MagnakayViolet
      @MagnakayViolet 4 года назад +3

      Especially useful when I have tamed wolves on the attack and don't want to Sweeping Edge everything!

    • @ameixa9432
      @ameixa9432 4 года назад +4

      @@MagnakayViolet And axes do more damage

  • @RrockCj
    @RrockCj 2 года назад +1

    27: “don’t use too many”. Awesome advice…

    • @superocker06
      @superocker06 2 года назад

      28 is just wrong, for powerful bows always use mending, for someone who "thinks about later game" he didnt think about later game much, because in late game you can get tipped arrows wgich are not affected by infinity at all, as well as the anvil too expensive feature which he just forgot about with 28 i guess.(if you repair an item too much you cant repair anymore with an anvil)

  • @cutecat2482
    @cutecat2482 4 года назад +88

    I know this might be unrelevant but I just ate the best cookie ever

  • @big10jessy
    @big10jessy 4 года назад +64

    Instead of bringing potions everywhere just bring a slime block or an extra elytra

    • @mrpixiledd2489
      @mrpixiledd2489 4 года назад

      don't forget the torches underwater, creates nice air pockets for you

    • @LycanRy
      @LycanRy 4 года назад

      @@mrpixiledd2489 just use doors

    • @cultoftyler9045
      @cultoftyler9045 4 года назад

      what is a slime block or an elytra going to do if you fall in lava

  • @demon_6205
    @demon_6205 3 года назад +28

    9:25 My god, what a great idea! why didn't I think of that!

  • @finntastiq1524
    @finntastiq1524 2 года назад

    Him: Smelt gold swords to gold nuggets
    Literally where he is: A GOLD FARM, BRO

  • @wildcat3527
    @wildcat3527 4 года назад +9

    Another trick I learned for mining, I believe it was from Pixlriffs, is to place your torches on the left as your going down your mine. And when you want to get out of your mine make sure the torches are on your right. So if the torches are on your left your heading deeper into the mine, and if they’re on your right you’re heading out of the mine. This is very useful for not getting lost and having to dig your way out. (I added my own thing that placing torches on the ground were “standard” and meant for lighting purposes only, not direction. I also place them either in a wall or higher up where water hopefully won’t reach.) Hope this helps!
    Edit: Some typos I noticed, also a phrase that isn’t exactly true but helps me remember this “if the torches are on the Left I’m getting Lost in the cave. If the torches are on the Right then I’m on the Right way home.” Or just “Left=Lost, Right=Right way home.

    • @Xertuce
      @Xertuce 3 года назад +1

      WOW ! You're a genius ! Never thought about it but I will certainly use next time I'll play !

  • @Raspopopo
    @Raspopopo 4 года назад +35

    2:30 craft those planks into slabs. Double the smelting with the same amount of items.

    • @chocodonut5367
      @chocodonut5367 4 года назад +2

      Ooh yeah its big brain time

    • @capy9846
      @capy9846 4 года назад

      I always do this
      His tip is also wrong good but can be better

    • @marxnova6200
      @marxnova6200 4 года назад +1

      use those slabs on your extra logs, and you get a ton of charcoal

    • @skipthetutorial
      @skipthetutorial  4 года назад +18

      e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶b̶e̶t̶t̶e̶r̶!̶
      EDIT: actually, after double checking, you get the same amount of smelting power out of the 6 slabs and 1 plank you get from 1 log compared to 4 planks as is. I think it's different in bedrock though.

    • @marxnova6200
      @marxnova6200 4 года назад

      @@skipthetutorial wait who did you reply to

  • @michaelwatson7364
    @michaelwatson7364 3 года назад +25

    Didnt know about smelting the nether gold. However I always find a single village, enlarge it, and build a small wall around it to help protect against mobs and raids (super usefull).

    • @MrMunchman69
      @MrMunchman69 2 года назад +1

      I do that that with a village, trading with the farmers so the village is fed. Building more houses and beds and making the town grow.

  • @LazyBonez03
    @LazyBonez03 3 года назад +1

    I usually keep my wooden pickaxe in an item frame, as its the holy pickaxe. It is the begining of progress

  • @AnonymousMC
    @AnonymousMC 4 года назад +47

    Hey guys! :D I hope you stay safe and have a nice day, God bless you!

  • @liv_was_here1390
    @liv_was_here1390 3 года назад +34

    skip: make harming potions from a poison potion, glistening melon is hard to get
    me with a farmer villager: you have no power here

  • @RotaryRew
    @RotaryRew 3 года назад +45

    3:15 another good tip in the mine is to keep all your torches to one side of the mine so you can find your way back. example : if you place all your torches to your right when mining, to get back up to the surface, just make sure the troches are to your left