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Sasaki and Peeps (light novel)
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Mar 22, 2024 6:04 PM
Oct 2022
Reply to Estoy_Gordo
This show is just getting more and more off the walls insane...the initial fantasy magic vs. real world + sci-fi psychics was interesting enough, but then they added vs. mahou shoujo, and now they're adding demons vs. angels proxy wars. They're just throwing every sub-genre trope into the blender as time goes on, aren't they? In fact, why not throw in time travel and reincarnation as well, because why tf not. Oh wait, this was the last episode already? I guess they're setting up for a 2nd season or 2nd cour then with how abrupt it was. Or maybe not, why knows? If they do, I just hope they throw that god-awful nightmare fuel ending theme away.
Estoy_Gordo said:
In fact, why not throw in time travel and reincarnation as well, because why tf not.

Umm... Should I tell him?
Mar 22, 2024 6:49 PM
May 2017
Very good ending episode of a very good series! Second season much welcome if and when coming.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Mar 22, 2024 6:53 PM
May 2022
This series was all over the place. The first few episodes were the best, because the premise was set up well, animation was good, added a lot of new ideas every episode. But from then it was pretty boring, or mildly entertaining. But the animation never really recovered. Weird thing to point to but I wish with the crazy ideas presented, it actually went full on with it. Like the Ed for instance. Just go full weird with it. But nothing was nearly as weirdly interesting as that. Oh well pretty disappointing but not terrible. 5/10
Mar 22, 2024 7:33 PM
Oct 2021
Barely kept my attention.
Mar 22, 2024 8:37 PM
Dec 2020
Reply to WatchTillTandava
Embient said:
And I still don't get why there is "fourth" in the title of the episode.

The first world is the primary world - Japan in our world (our Earth). The secondary world is the fantasy-themed isekai world where Pii-chan hails from. The tertiary world is presumably the mahou shoujo world, where it looks like Magical Pink and, in this episode, the other newly introduced magical girl alongside her, are always returning to when it appears like they open up a rift in the sky or spacetime to another dimension. Therefore the quaternary world, introduced in this episode, is either the world of the lizardman, the one of demons and angels, or it's the same world for the lizardman and demons & angels.
@WatchTillTandava I want to say the lizardman world is the 4th world. Remember in episode 4, Pii-chan fought against a demon in the fantasy world, so its possible the fantasy world where Pii-chan is from is already the demon world, and possibly also has angels in it, but it was never fully mentioned or explored. We still have no clue what happened to her after that fight or what the circumstances surrounding her were. After this episode I can pretty much assume she serves a demon lord.

It's also possible them travelling between worlds so much is making it easier to travel between worlds, either by forming dimensional rips or somehow making it simpler to travel between worlds for everyone, which may explain why two new entities appeared on Earth almost simultaneously, and why another magical girl appeared in battle for the first time.
Mar 22, 2024 8:41 PM

Sep 2012
hope it'll get a second season
uwu uwu
Mar 22, 2024 9:11 PM

Jan 2010
I did enjoyed this so 7/10.

I got my issues and I didn't like the ending, everything will be thrown together in a mess it seems. Peeps and the magic world were the best of this. I didn't like it in the modern world.
Mar 22, 2024 9:15 PM

Jun 2019
GameDevTosh said:
I want to say the lizardman world is the 4th world. Remember in episode 4, Pii-chan fought against a demon in the fantasy world, so its possible the fantasy world where Pii-chan is from is already the demon world, and possibly also has angels in it, but it was never fully mentioned or explored. We still have no clue what happened to her after that fight or what the circumstances surrounding her were. After this episode I can pretty much assume she serves a demon lord.

It's also possible them travelling between worlds so much is making it easier to travel between worlds, either by forming dimensional rips or somehow making it simpler to travel between worlds for everyone, which may explain why two new entities appeared on Earth almost simultaneously, and why another magical girl appeared in battle for the first time.

Very interesting food for thought.

Yup, I think that you're probably right about the lizardman world being the fourth. Or I guess one could also just call it the world where the lizardman hails from; we technically don't know, at this point in the anime series anyway, if it's a lizardman-dominant or exclusive universe or if they're just a small part of it. That's kind of just semantics, but still. Even more mystery to ponder.

In the isekai world Pii-chan is native to, there was also an episode where Sasaki travels to the capital city of the Republic of Lunge to establish that alternative trading company named for Marc, and I believe that's where some passing pictures of the crowd (background characters) in broad shots of the city feature demi-humans mingling about. I'd have to pull up the exact scene and frames to ensure I'm describing it correctly, but basically I recall there were some beast people and angelfolk (at least some form of angel-esque entity) milling around with the regular humans.

I didn't know from that very fleeting scene if the implication was that they only live in this country as opposed to the Kingdom of Herz we're first introduced to or if here (the Republic of Lunge) is the only place they live amongst regular humans with equal rights/privileges/access to services because it's a wealthier, more economically-developed country with more libertine social policies or something like that. But aside from just finding it an interesting detail at the time for its own sake, my main point here is that if there are something like angelfolk in Lunge than it's not a leap to conceive of proper angels also inhabiting the isekai world, which would fill in the other side of the demon-angel equation. Those could have just been the more "human" ones living as part of human society rather than true supernatural/heavenly entities that are angels out in the wild.

Also, on your last point, I also feel you're on the correct track here. It seems as if the worlds might be slowly converging. The other detail from this finale episode which makes me think that is the mention again of the time dilation issue - the discrepancy between the primary and secondary worlds is slowly but steadily narrowing to a point where they're gearing up to be very close indeed if not identical at some point soon. This was mentioned in earlier episodes but here Pii-chan mapped it out and tracked the progression. Sasaki questioned if it might be cyclical, meaning that there might be some greater cosmic self-correct mechanism which comes into play where it automatically resets to be further apart again once it gets too close, and therefore the current time differential narrowing is just part of a recurring pattern, but if not, then time and space might be collapsing in on each other.

WatchTillTandavaMar 22, 2024 9:24 PM
Mar 22, 2024 9:29 PM

Sep 2018
What a disappointment after initially having my interest, so many moving parts, so little time to further develop them. The story just jumped all over the place at breakneck speed and never slowed down. Would have been better as a double cour series. 6/10.
Mar 22, 2024 10:20 PM

Dec 2020
most disappointing show of the season imo. the story just went downhill from episode 1 onwards
Mar 22, 2024 10:34 PM
Apr 2023
I am hoping this will get a new cour but no announcements yet.
Though the anime adaptation is not the best, it is one of the most interesting ones this season (even if you have to consider this series has that sub-theme of 'papakatsu' or 'sugar-daddy' where Sasaki's harem is consisting of very young women and even Pii-chan is voiced by a cute petite voice actress, Yuuki Aoi). The source light novel is ongoing but sadly the manga adaptation doesn't have much visibility as it is not picked up yet by any localization or 3rd parties that much. Anyway this was a good anime adaptation and praying it will have a new season in the future.
Mar 22, 2024 10:48 PM

May 2019
About Sasaki's neighbor, they showed her quite a bit in the beginning but then she was forgotten until the end here and now I wonder more what the heck is going on with her. I understand that she lives with her mom and that she has bought guys over so I was wondering if that guy that was hunched over (not sure if he's dead) is a BF of hers or something but the mom wasn't showed and instead a demon boy came out, what the hell?? lol

This one is a bit harder for me to rate because it started out pretty strong but then it got a little slow with saving Marc and then towards the end it went all over the place especially in the finale. Besides the neighbor girl finally reappearing now the pink haired magical girl has also returned with a friend (seriously, where the heck is this going??) Also, it looks like Shizuka has replaced Hoshizaki regarding Sasaki's working partner.

Anyway, I still somewhat found this show amusing and entertaining as it got pretty random. I hope they make a 2nd season since they left this on a cliffhanger oh and I almost forgot they also introduced a lizardman lol. 7/10
Mar 23, 2024 12:02 AM

Jul 2008
So… Is there going to be a second season or a second part for the first season?
My candies:
Mar 23, 2024 1:46 AM
Dec 2022
That cliffhanger at the end of the post credit scene. Does this means we will be getting season 2? No news yet but hope it is popular enough to be picked up for season 2. A bit of unfinished business with all the story arcs in this season.
Mar 23, 2024 2:49 AM
Oct 2021
Dropping my overall rating from 7.5(rounded to 8) to a true 7

While the show was definitely fun, something with such an immense cliffhanger can’t score any higher until I see confirmation of a sequel.

Candy 2023:

Candy 2024:
Mar 23, 2024 3:13 AM

Aug 2013

Did it really just end like that...? It grants the opportunity for a second season; but as it stands its kinda cliffhanger, without any conclusive result, rather stale.

Still an enjoyable watch nonetheless.
Mar 23, 2024 3:38 AM
Dec 2021
Amazing anime, Would love a 2nd season.
Mar 23, 2024 9:51 AM

Jun 2019
I don't really get all the folks commenting in seeming bewilderment at the existence of a cliffhanger-style ending as if this doesn't literally happen all the time in anime or should be at all unexpected. That's nothing new or unique!
Mar 23, 2024 11:52 AM

Jun 2021
I just vibed to the Sasa-peep moments, they are so cute.
Among the girls, Shizuka is prolly the best character afterall, rest are kinda annoying
Mar 23, 2024 12:59 PM

Mar 2010
Peeps is one of a kind byrde but damn wish we saw and heard more from dat school gal, what a loss. Dat ending tho.. kinda random but good news for school gal for more screen time kek.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Mar 23, 2024 2:38 PM
Apr 2021
Yayyyy more Futari Shizuka :DDDDD she’s gotta be my favourite character in the whole show I love her and her smug laid back personality so much🥰🥰 + it’s not like there’s a lot of enjoyable characters in this show since this show jumps from place to place so much without giving characters time to talk for example like how we did with Shizuka, we had like 4 full episodes of just her in the episodes yk. And we don’t get much time to focus on other characters except for like Elsa and her father both of them are chill solid characters tbh👍🏽

Yandere Loli is visited by a Demon which is surprising bc how many supernatural beings are even in this show? We got Psychics, Magical Girls, Humanoid Demons and Lizardmen. Not that I hate it I actually find it incredibly cool and want to know more about it in season 2 I just hope the author doesn’t go back to the isekai world that shit is boring asf ong and I don’t say that for a lot of shows😭😭😭😭

Nice ending for the season I’d give it a 7.5 but since MAL doesn’t do .5 ratings imma give it a 7/10 and that’s mainly bc of the whole Marc bullshit that we had to sit through for FOUR FUCKING EPISODES when it should’ve been done in 2 idk why the author focused on that garbage I’ve never felt like this before for a show but FOUR episodes bro? The studio should’ve condensed it to 2 episodes fr fr😭🤦🏽‍♂️😭🤦🏽‍♂️😭
Mar 23, 2024 4:22 PM
Jul 2008
wow this anime has all fantasy genres inside lol. as fantasy lover, this anime is really funny and interesting. I'm interested with the demon and lizardman, hope they make another season.
Mar 24, 2024 12:51 AM

Mar 2010
Reply to Tachi27
@Gyarutsundere If it were like that, the neighbor would have to face Sasaki and Pee Chan, since the theory indicates that magical girls work for the devil, don't you think?
@Tachi27 yes but it's just a theory of mine. And maybe there will be a way to turn her around surely.

Well S2 got officially announced now and even added on mal already
Mar 24, 2024 3:27 AM
Dec 2020
Reply to WatchTillTandava
GameDevTosh said:
I want to say the lizardman world is the 4th world. Remember in episode 4, Pii-chan fought against a demon in the fantasy world, so its possible the fantasy world where Pii-chan is from is already the demon world, and possibly also has angels in it, but it was never fully mentioned or explored. We still have no clue what happened to her after that fight or what the circumstances surrounding her were. After this episode I can pretty much assume she serves a demon lord.

It's also possible them travelling between worlds so much is making it easier to travel between worlds, either by forming dimensional rips or somehow making it simpler to travel between worlds for everyone, which may explain why two new entities appeared on Earth almost simultaneously, and why another magical girl appeared in battle for the first time.

Very interesting food for thought.

Yup, I think that you're probably right about the lizardman world being the fourth. Or I guess one could also just call it the world where the lizardman hails from; we technically don't know, at this point in the anime series anyway, if it's a lizardman-dominant or exclusive universe or if they're just a small part of it. That's kind of just semantics, but still. Even more mystery to ponder.

In the isekai world Pii-chan is native to, there was also an episode where Sasaki travels to the capital city of the Republic of Lunge to establish that alternative trading company named for Marc, and I believe that's where some passing pictures of the crowd (background characters) in broad shots of the city feature demi-humans mingling about. I'd have to pull up the exact scene and frames to ensure I'm describing it correctly, but basically I recall there were some beast people and angelfolk (at least some form of angel-esque entity) milling around with the regular humans.

I didn't know from that very fleeting scene if the implication was that they only live in this country as opposed to the Kingdom of Herz we're first introduced to or if here (the Republic of Lunge) is the only place they live amongst regular humans with equal rights/privileges/access to services because it's a wealthier, more economically-developed country with more libertine social policies or something like that. But aside from just finding it an interesting detail at the time for its own sake, my main point here is that if there are something like angelfolk in Lunge than it's not a leap to conceive of proper angels also inhabiting the isekai world, which would fill in the other side of the demon-angel equation. Those could have just been the more "human" ones living as part of human society rather than true supernatural/heavenly entities that are angels out in the wild.

Also, on your last point, I also feel you're on the correct track here. It seems as if the worlds might be slowly converging. The other detail from this finale episode which makes me think that is the mention again of the time dilation issue - the discrepancy between the primary and secondary worlds is slowly but steadily narrowing to a point where they're gearing up to be very close indeed if not identical at some point soon. This was mentioned in earlier episodes but here Pii-chan mapped it out and tracked the progression. Sasaki questioned if it might be cyclical, meaning that there might be some greater cosmic self-correct mechanism which comes into play where it automatically resets to be further apart again once it gets too close, and therefore the current time differential narrowing is just part of a recurring pattern, but if not, then time and space might be collapsing in on each other.

@WatchTillTandava I'll have to go back and look at that cause I definitely overlooked the angels if that's the case! Also looks like we're getting a season 2 so we'll be able to find out all these things hopefully!
Mar 24, 2024 8:51 AM

Dec 2013
I did not like this show, it started fun enough with an interesting premise and it went from a "lol this show is about everything" to getting spread too thin, wasted so many episodes boring politics and getting a dude out of prison, I don't even know if I'll watch second the second season, it has plenty of cute girls but even they can only do so much to hold my interest.
Mar 24, 2024 12:55 PM

Jan 2011
it had average visuals an at times low budget animation, it had some fun characters but the story is uninteresting and while it has a good start it quickly goes downhill after that


dunno if ill watch the sequel
Mar 24, 2024 2:35 PM
Feb 2020
this is a great show with a great story and great characters
i cant wait for season 2
Mar 24, 2024 3:01 PM
Jun 2020
This whole anime kept giving me pedo vibes. Did not enjoy it a bit. Why, just why they had to make a girl that WORKS A FULL-TIME JOB be a minor??
Mar 24, 2024 5:20 PM
Nov 2023
great show <3 love it
Mar 25, 2024 7:19 AM

Feb 2011
This show would've been better if the next door loli played more of a part

"oh welcome home mister" that's all we get? why is she so obsessed?

Literally a useless character from my stand point.

6/10 for the anime.
Mar 25, 2024 9:10 AM
Nov 2022
Well it's over....
(although there is already a second season confirmed xd).

A little bit of everything for the season finale, action, drama and a little suspense, nice.

Apparently there is a 4 world, damn it, so how many are there? xddd

Finally it seems that Sasaki's neighbor will have some relevance for the second season, so we will have to wait to see how this develops xd.
Mar 26, 2024 7:47 AM

Jan 2018
Isekai, then this time reverse isekai.

The anime needs more refinement overall. Also, the plot lines keep increasing but there are certain moments that the viewers might forget throughout (the prison scene as an example). I hope they'll manage it out in the upcoming season. The premise was alright but the execution, it needs to get better.

Mar 26, 2024 12:11 PM

Jun 2020
I’m gonna act like the last 40 seconds with the child king demon don’t exist
Mar 27, 2024 2:40 AM

Oct 2008
That post credit scene lol. So now even the neighbor girl will be getting involved.

Really enjoyed this one. So many elements mixed in that it was complete chaos. Glad they are making a second season. Hopefully it won't feel as rushed as this one.
Mar 28, 2024 10:21 PM
May 2020
Why are the magical girls in this show terrorists 😭😭😭

If the show was this batshit insane all the time I’d love it, but no we have to spend a billion episodes on saving Mark’s sorry ass from????
Mar 29, 2024 2:01 AM
Mar 2012
Sasaki nice hydro tactic vs barrier. Shizuka hired yay.
Converging time interesting but many threads unresolved.
Random demonking & lizardman?

Our main mcs working gigs & growing new relationships been fun, but the multi plotlines & politics been rather clumsy in handling. Many characters with potential just wasted with no screentime. Sokushi honestly did chaotic multi plotlines way better. still tho looking forward to s2.
Mar 29, 2024 9:39 AM

Feb 2020
Lol by how Sasaki defeated the kids, just sunk them on their own defense, and with a little help from Shizuka, they were retreating. Tho idk if what happened to them there affect the relationship with Sasaki especially since its obvious the yellow one looking very angy to the scene. But its a difficult job containing all different interest at once. Especially since there's more to come, with lizardman, and then demon-angel for the future event. Alright Sasaki, be glad. Your slow isekai-fantasy life slowly becoming very slow, its actually a very active dynamic lifes with all those youngster around. Season two for this this midster? Heck yeah, I'll take that gladly just because of all the youngster. No less.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 29, 2024 5:51 PM
Jan 2024
It's ok actually, nothing groundbreaking and it's the weakest episode in this anime
Mar 30, 2024 2:01 AM

Nov 2016
This anime should be animated by Pierrot because it had like 3 or 4 main plots (usually you have only 1) but it had only 12 episodes (like in most studios except named one) so everything looks too rushed and you have no time to adapt to any of the plots because changing between them is too often.
Mar 30, 2024 7:02 AM
Dec 2017
This was good, closer to the end, it got a bit chaotic. More importantly, I watched all 12 episodes not knowing Pii-chan was voiced by Aoi Yuuki. Seiyuus are really amazing.
Apr 1, 2024 9:28 AM

Oct 2019
12 episodes were not enough to convey all that stuff.

Kind of a shame. Because it was a fun watch I'd give it either a high 6 or a low 7/10.

Also I read that the neighbour girl was a yandere but nothing happened. Weird.
Apr 5, 2024 8:41 PM

May 2015
A pretty good show. My favorite part was definitely Sasaki selling convenience store goods to merchants and nobles in a medieval world. With all of the mishmashed genres converging onto the life of a middle aged salaryman, I think it did it decently.
Apr 6, 2024 6:25 AM

Nov 2011
Didnt get really into this show, unfortunately. I read here people in general like it, so I'd like to share this feeling. I don't think I will watch next season.
Apr 8, 2024 12:40 AM

Feb 2010
The cast carried this show entirely. Even so, it was still boring, bland, and all over the place.
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Apr 8, 2024 10:24 AM

Sep 2012
things are about to get wild, about the last scenes
Apr 13, 2024 1:36 PM
Oct 2023
its pretty cool since its mixed genres
Apr 16, 2024 4:34 AM

Dec 2020
With the end credit scene I'm gonna reiterate they really are gonna just mash everything in lol

While the show is interesting and fun. All the different "worlds(?)" in the show make it so nothing really is explained in depth before jumping around.
Apr 18, 2024 8:52 PM
Aug 2023
So now we have demons (crown boy) and angels, and monsters/demi-human (lizardman). Given this show's logic of keep throwing in unrelated stuff, I can only imagine sooner or later they'll throw in aliens, robots, mutants, undead, cowboys, pirates, ninjas, samurai, and more sooner or later...and they'll all be lolis who orbit Sasaki somehow, and Sasaki will try to solve their conflicts with soul-less business negotiations.

I came in to this anime anticipating better as one of my favorite animes "Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World" has a very similar premise of trading with an isekai world; however while I didn't exactly hate Sasaki and Peeps the anime, I was disappointed by the throwing in of so many mismatch of things, while never satisfyingly delving enough into any of them. When they did spend more time on one of them, it ended up boring and almost a waste of time, like the saving Mark arc. What makes matters worse is the characters of Sasaki and Peeps are very boring and soul-less themselves. It did not also help that the battles and conflicts were soul-less themselves also. When I say soul-less I mean they lack substance, drive and tension, meaning, and are just kind of boring. I'm fine with slow pace and slice of life, but this show was meandering. I'll even disregard the extremely odd thing where so many characters turn out to be loli or loli-like orbiting the Sasaki, a middle aged man...but it's getting suspect as hell. And the worse part about the lolis is the most interesting first loli Sasaki encounters that we want to know more about throughout the entire season, the neighbor girl, isn't even spent time on and revealed, instead doing a stupid cliffhanger at the end. If there's one thing I hated besides throwing in so much mismatched stuff, it's that.

Apparently there's a S2, I'll watch it, but I won't expect anything from it beside more of the same soul-less crap, and cramming in as much mismatched things as possible to eat up all the run-time. I found S1 to be 5/10, I was considering a 6, but given how aimless the season was, and what they pulled with the neighbor girl, I couldn't.
Apr 22, 2024 10:51 PM

Apr 2019
Now that's hype, i wonder what's going to happen now, there are 4 worlds now just as the title suggested, Earth, Isekai 1, Mahou Shoujo realm and Isekai 2 wherever the guy who showed up in the end was from.
May 2, 2024 6:18 PM
Mar 2019
Episode 1 was not great but then got better overtime awesome fight scenes cool world building awesome story 8 out of 10 can't wait for season 2
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