GameDevTosh said:I want to say the lizardman world is the 4th world. Remember in episode 4, Pii-chan fought against a demon in the fantasy world, so its possible the fantasy world where Pii-chan is from is already the demon world, and possibly also has angels in it, but it was never fully mentioned or explored. We still have no clue what happened to her after that fight or what the circumstances surrounding her were. After this episode I can pretty much assume she serves a demon lord.
It's also possible them travelling between worlds so much is making it easier to travel between worlds, either by forming dimensional rips or somehow making it simpler to travel between worlds for everyone, which may explain why two new entities appeared on Earth almost simultaneously, and why another magical girl appeared in battle for the first time.
Very interesting food for thought.
Yup, I think that you're probably right about the lizardman world being the fourth. Or I guess one could also just call it the world where the lizardman hails from; we technically don't know, at this point in the anime series anyway, if it's a lizardman-dominant or exclusive universe or if they're just a small part of it. That's kind of just semantics, but still. Even more mystery to ponder.
In the isekai world Pii-chan is native to, there was also an episode where Sasaki travels to the capital city of the Republic of Lunge to establish that alternative trading company named for Marc, and I believe that's where some passing pictures of the crowd (background characters) in broad shots of the city feature demi-humans mingling about. I'd have to pull up the exact scene and frames to ensure I'm describing it correctly, but basically I recall there were some beast people and angelfolk (at least some form of angel-esque entity) milling around with the regular humans.
I didn't know from that very fleeting scene if the implication was that they only live in this country as opposed to the Kingdom of Herz we're first introduced to or if here (the Republic of Lunge) is the only place they live amongst regular humans with equal rights/privileges/access to services because it's a wealthier, more economically-developed country with more libertine social policies or something like that. But aside from just finding it an interesting detail at the time for its own sake, my main point here is that if there are something like angelfolk in Lunge than it's not a leap to conceive of proper angels also inhabiting the isekai world, which would fill in the other side of the demon-angel equation. Those could have just been the more "human" ones living as part of human society rather than true supernatural/heavenly entities that are angels out in the wild.
Also, on your last point, I also feel you're on the correct track here. It seems as if the worlds might be slowly converging. The other detail from this finale episode which makes me think that is the mention again of the time dilation issue - the discrepancy between the primary and secondary worlds is slowly but steadily narrowing to a point where they're gearing up to be very close indeed if not identical at some point soon. This was mentioned in earlier episodes but here Pii-chan mapped it out and tracked the progression. Sasaki questioned if it might be cyclical, meaning that there might be some greater cosmic self-correct mechanism which comes into play where it automatically resets to be further apart again once it gets too close, and therefore the current time differential narrowing is just part of a recurring pattern, but if not, then time and space might be collapsing in on each other.