Julie and the Old Coot

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Was he a pervert - or just in need?
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The first time I saw her, she seemed to be alone. I was up on stage, my old electric guitar making sounds as close to music as I could produce. Nothing really out of the ordinary except that she was younger than most of the rest and very well dressed in an expensive looking blouse and skirt. This was a working class bar, jeans and pullovers were the usual.

She sat at the bar, normal stuff there, for some reason my music seemed to attract the ladies that looked a bit more like the bored 40 something housewife type. The ones who came in alone usually sat at the bar, some kind of defense against the jerks with their hats on backwards that hung out in there, too.

I continued doing my best to stay on key to the song I was pretending to play, glancing down at the open book I kept on the podium nearby so I wouldn't forget the words.

Making a living playing and singing in bars is a tough life, but I was determined. I remember asking for work from the nightclub owner, I call him "Papadoc" to this day. His name was George Papadopolous or something like that, I couldn't spell it then and I can't now, hell, I couldn't even pronounce it.

"So you play good?" he asked, in a deep Greek accent.

"Yes." I lied through my teeth, keeping a straight face.

"Ok. $20 and a meal."

Hell, I would have taken $10, food was a plus.

So there I was, picking away, belting out all of the hits of the day. Somehow my style seemed to fit his clientele. It didn't hurt that I was young and cute, hair down to the middle of my back. I wore a nice shirt open halfway down my chest, my fake Gold chain would flicker and gleam in the light.

The housewife types would line up at the bar and watch me all night. I figured out quickly that this was a mill town, lots of husbands worked swing shift, thus the women.

Of course women bring men right behind, the men plied the ladies with drinks, old Papadoc loved that.

I finished up my set, took a break. I was finishing up a glass of ice water when an older man walked in. He stood at the doorway for a moment as his eyes adjusted to the darker room.

I was surprised when he headed for the pretty young lady I had noticed, plopped down on the barstool next to her. I thought at first he must be her dad but she smiled and gave him a kiss that sure as hell wasn't one a daughter would give her father.

Well, not in my world, anyway.

It wasn't long before their conversation seemed to get animated, he waved his hands a lot. She seemed to be resistant to something he was saying. I couldn't hear any of it, but it was enough out of the ordinary that I noticed it.

Then she turned and looked at me, caught my eye. I nodded, she smiled and turned back. Nothing really, but something rang a little bell deep in my mind, I had a feeling that I was the subject of their discussion.

I wandered back up on the stage, slipped into some Creedence stuff for the first part of my last set. That usually got a few folks dancing as it was late in the evening, time for the guys to make their moves on their choices for the evening. Then finish up with a few softer cuddle songs and my work would be done.

Fun stuff to watch, there was always lots of antics. I got a kick out of hands roaming over female bodies, first getting pushed away, then more and more would be allowed. With just a dab of practice, anyone could tell who was going to score and who wouldn't.

Most nights I more or less had my choice and knew it, but I was planning on some chow and hitting the sack. It was on my 3rd and last set for the week, I already had the three $20 bills in my pocket and had downed the greasy burger and fries earlier, but I was still hungry. I was playing at a wedding reception the next day in a local park (yeah, I know but it paid $30). Hawaiian theme, they told me. So I had to practice, having lied through my teeth again when they asked my if I knew any Hawaiian tunes.

My gear was stored, ready to load it up when the old guy walked up to me.

"We like your music."

"Yea, thanks."

I gave him a big smile, compliments are something every musician likes.

"We thought you might join us at the house, play a few songs?"

Odd request, new one for me.

I started to refuse, he interrupted with "$50 do it?"

Yea, it would.

"OK. What do you have in mind?"

"Oh, a couple of hours, we are having a little party at home."


Hell, it was 2 O'clock in the morning.

"It's just us" he said, reading my thought.

What the hell, for $50 I would sing rock and roll in a Cowboy bar.

Nice thing about small towns, everything is close. Their place was no exception, it was only about a mile. I was there and set up in no time, still unsure about what this was all about.

He introduced the lady as Julie, first time I heard her name. His was Harold. Once inside the house I looked a bit closer, this really was an odd couple. Julie was maybe 30 or so, Harold was 65 if he was a day.

They poured drinks, then plopped down an a nearby couch, watching me expectantly.

I was suddenly uncomfortable as hell. I have played impromtu's before, so I clicked on the equipment, strummed a chord to test the tune.

"Any requests?"

That always works. Well, it works with a group, you just pick the ones you know, that convinces everyone you can play anything.

The first half dozen he mentioned I had never heard of. Finally he hit one I knew, I went to work. I relaxed quickly, it was a lot like practicing at home.

I was in about the 3rd piece when Harold leaned over and whispered something to Julie, she got a funny look on her face but got up and left the room. I just kept playing.

Julie was back in minutes, she had changed into a white robe, she was holding it firmly against herself. She sat back down next to Harold, acting a bit tense. There was a glimpse of a bare leg, which she quickly covered up. He put his arm around her shoulders, began to rub.

I flipped through my book, picked a number, began again. Harold was still rubbing, but now he seemed to be slowly tugging at the robe. Each time he rubbed her shoulder from her neck out, the robe would gap open a bit. Julie would reach up and tug it back, he then would rub a bit and push it back open.

It wasn't much, but the top of one breast peeked a couple of times. Harold got a bit more insistent, Julie got a bit more resistent, I was getting a bit confused. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear, she blushed profusely but stopped tugging the robe back.

In short order, he had half of her left breast exposed, her face was bright red and she was making a point of not looking at me.

Not knowing what to do, I just kept playing.

Harold reached across with his right hand and slipped it inside her robe, obviously fondling her breast. Julie just sat there, I was beginning to turn pink now. When he took his hand away, her entire left breast was exposed.

She just sat there.

I looked, she was nice sized but not large, the rosy tip of her nipple was a full contrast to the snow white skin surrounding it. There was a trace of sag, and I could see another hint of a few extra pounds on her abdomen through the gap in the open cloth.

I finished the song.

"Do you folks wish to be left alone now?"

"No, quite the opposite." Harold replied, looking directly at me.

He reached over and opened the top of Julie's robe completely, baring both breasts. She had a pained expression on her face but didn't resist.

"Isn't she beautiful?"

"Uhhh...Yea, she sure is."

Harold reached down and tugged at the wide belt she wore around the outside of the garment. Her hands came down to try and stop him, but she gave up quickly. She blushed even more furiously as he opened the robe at her waist.

Her full dark bush came into view, she certainly didn't shave at all. She had her thighs mashed together tightly, her head turned away, lips pursed.

Confused and not sure what if anything was expected of me, I slipped into another tune. Harold continued stroking her, his fingers probed periodically at the mass of pubic hair but she wasn't giving an inch.

Finally he reached across and placed his hand on her side just above her hip, pulled her towards him. She shifted slightly, her legs parted just a little, she buried her face in his neck, obviously embarrassed.

"Isn't she beautiful?" he said again.

I nodded.

His hand then dropped to her groin, he said something in her ear. I saw the moment she finally gave up, letting him part her legs a bit. His finger found her sex and she shivered, still keeping her face buried against his neck.

I was getting the idea that he wanted to show her off. I had heard of things like this, even ran into a few nasty ladies from time to time. This was different.

Harold reached behind and slid the rest of the robe from her body, now she had nothing at all between her body and me.

I stopped playing.

He pressed her back against the couch, lifting one leg and setting it farther over. I watched as the slight little roll of extra flesh around her waist flattened out. She really was a pretty thing, my concern was she seemed unwilling.

Then she turned her face, her eyes caught mine. She seemed to be searching to see what my reaction would be. Harold simply continued stroking her body.

"Come touch her."


"It's all right, she likes it."

She didn't really seem to like it.

I don't know why I did, I should have just gotten up and left. But I set my instrument down carefully, got up and walked the few feet to the couch.

Julie was leaned back on the couch, naked, legs spread. Her expression was fathomless. I reached out as he directed, put my hand on her breast gently. It was soft, the skin felt smooth as silk.

"Down here." he said, a catch in his voice.

I looked to where his fingers pressed around her upper thigh, almost holding her legs open. I reached down, let my fingers stroke upwards and over her mound. She was damp, the slippery folds buried between the mass of hair came visible as I pressed my fingers against her.

"Feel her inside." Harold said, the same catch in his voice.

I placed the index finger of my right hand against her entrance, pressed. It slid right in, I could feel the little ridges of the upper portion of her. She was watching me, her eyes now showed amusement. I let my thumb rub upwards against her clit, it felt like a tiny pea, hard and firm. Her mouth worked slightly as I did so, no sound came out.

I sensed a rustling, realized Harold was removing his lower clothing. He lifted himself, slid up and on top of her body. I had only a glimpse of his erection, it wasn't huge but he was firm. He entered her in one smooth motion, I retreated to my stool.

Picking up my guitar, I played a soft instrumental as Harold worked Julie's body. He lasted a surprisingly long time, I rolled the song I was playing over and stretched it into a second bar.

Then he shuddered, and was done. They lay there for a few moments, Harold reached for his pants, pulled them back on. Julie just lay there, no effort of any kind to cover up.

"If you need...It's all right." Harold waved his hand towards Julie.

"That's fine." I replied, reaching for my instuments to pack them. I glanced at her, catching the quizzical expression on her face as she looked back at me.

He paid me the $50, I almost told him to forget it but I needed the money. I left, I was in the car and headed for my place when I realized I was still erect. Far too late to find a friend for the evening, I knew I would need to take care of that at home.

The whole thing was strange to me.

It was about a week later, I was headed for the market to get something to eat, I looked up and here was Julie heading into the store, too. She was wearing a simple white blouse and mid knee skirt in the style of the day. One more button than would seem normal was undone, it was apparent that the blouse was all there was over her breasts.

"Hello." she gave me a big smile.

I smiled back, nodded.

"Will you come have coffee with me, I would like to talk."


We sat in the little cafe the store had, she fiddled with her cup for quite awhile. I looked her over, the low cut top she wore displayed the tops of those fine breasts I had seen before.

"I suppose you are curious?" she opened with, catching my gaze.

I knew what she meant.

"Well, yes."

"Harold needs different things to get excited now."

"Oh." I guess I understood that.

"We never did that before, not with someone watching." Her eyes studied me.

"Uh..It seemed to work."

"Yes, it did. Now he wants to watch me....with you."

"Oh." I know I became a little flustered.

"Well?" The question was obvious.

I have had women throw themselves at me, and I have been through many of the seduction games. But here was an attractive housewife type asking me to fuck her while her husband watched.

So he could get turned on and fuck her, too.


Even worse, I was hungry and had food on my mind instead. I also wasn't sure of the idea of all of this.

"I was thinking of cooking a nice meal, then...?" she left the rest hanging.

That did it, worked for me! I smiled my best smile, stood up and reached for her hand.

"Is Harold at the house?"

She smiled back, took my hand.

"Yes. Please take your time with me, I need that."

That wasn't lost on me. I was usually good for at least twice, three times on a good day if I got a chance to rest.

This looked like a very good day.

I followed her over to their house. Inside, Harold was settled back on the couch, Julie offered me a chair. There was some kind of ball game on the TV. Harold was smiling at me, he didn't really say but a few words. I was completely uncomfortable again, having second thoughts.

Julie headed off into the kitchen, humming. In short order she yelled, "Come and get it!"

We bellied up to the table, it was obvious that cooking was one of Julie's strong points. She bustled around the table, moving everything into reach, completely in her element.

It wasn't long, my belly was full. Satisfied, I sipped a bit of the sweet wine she had served.

"Well, let's go settle in." Harold said, rising.

We retreated to the living room while Julie busied herself with cleaning up. It took her a long time. When she finally came into the room, she had changed into that white robe again.

I was breaking a bit of a sweat, realizing that I was expected to perform. Harold was sitting there expectently as Julie came over to me, leaned down and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. her robe gapped open as she did so, she was naked under the robe.

Normally that would make me stand up proud and ready to go, but something about Harold just sitting there watching interfered. Things weren't exactly looking up, so to speak.

Of course Julie plopped down right beside me and snuggled up, the lower part of her robe slid open. Harold's eyes dropped down to between her legs, he smiled. I knew she was naked, and all I wanted to do was run.

Julie turned to me, nestled her face in tight against my neck, began to kiss and nibble. I was sitting there willing my limp dick to respond, do something.

Nothing of course.

Trapped, I decided to go with the flow, bluff my way through, see what happened. Harold had his pants open, stroking away. Hard as a goddam steel rod of course.

I had my hands inside Julie's robe, she did feel nice, I brushed her nipple and got a sigh from her. She reached up and began to work on the buttons on my shirt, all that did was make me panic even more.

It got worse when she finally got my pants undone, reached in there and grasped me. I swear my dick betrayed me completely, it striveled up and was doing it's best to suck right up inside me and hide!

I excused myself, headed for the bathroom. After taking a leak, I grabbed my limp noodle and tried everything I could to make it work, nothing.

Giving up, braced for the embarrassment, I went back out into the living room. Harold was still yanking away at his goddam 7 inches of solid steel, Julie was sitting across from him, watching. She got up as I approached, pushed me back in the chair. She reached out and jerked my pants down and off, leaving me sitting there naked except for my socks.

Then she reached down and removed my socks.

Then she clicked on some music, began to dance. This helped a little, I was left to my own devices, all I had to do was watch.

She got interesting to watch very quickly!

She slipped the robe back off her shoulders, teasing us. Then she exposed her leg all the way to the top, the edge of the robe barely covering herself, first one way, then another.

Then she lay down on her back, legs apart, pointed at me. The edge of her robe draped barely over her pussy. Slowly, she tugged, it came higher and higher, the cheeks of her behind came into view. I looked up at Harold, he was still pulling away at himself, even bigger now if anything.

I felt blood begin to flow into my loins just as she lifted the edge of the robe the last couple of inches.

Her legs widened even farther, the black hair parted, her swollen lips came into view. The were several times normal, her tiny pea of a button I had touched the week before was now easily 3 times that. She was slick and shiney from her wetness. Her fingers reached down, she stroked herself, spread herself, displaying her pussy to me.

My cock had grown to the point where the tip was touching my navel, I had all 8" up and working.

Julie rolled up to her knees, her behind pointed right at Harold as he exploded in huge streams. She approached me on her knees, I expected her to lean down, put her mouth on me, she didn't. She slid right up my chest, poised for a moment looking me right in the eyes with a smokey gaze.

Then she pressed down, I felt her body part, open, I slipped right in. I could see Harold sitting there, he was still erect, still stroking as Julie lifted and dropped on me, her mouth open, deep gutteral grunts going out of her.

Gone was my concerns, all I had left was the sensations as her fine breasts bumped my chest and then retreated, repeating over and over.

Then her head went back as she spasmed, I was moments behind, no way to hold back or even try to. Her body collapsed with a shudder, she pressed her upper body against mine as we lay there.

I came back to reality as she lifted off me, stood up and grinned.


"Yea." I managed.

Harold got up and went into the washroom, returning a few minutes later. It hit me he was still half hard. Julie went next, she came out and sat by Harold as I went to clean up.

I came back out and sat down in the chair, just watching them. Julie was busy stroking Harold's erection, the damn thing was up again.

I was thinking that this guy was supposed to have troubles getting going, the old fart seemed to have more going on than me.

"So how was that?" Harold asked.

"Nice. Different."

"We never did anything like this before."

I nodded, not believing him. Julie caught my look.

"It's true." she said.

"Will you stay over?" Harold asked. "We have a big bed."


Julie patted the couch on the other side of her, I got the message. I got up, my already hardening cock sticking out in front of me, sat next to her. She reached out and wrapped her hand around me.

"You can fuck her anytime you want." He said.

Then, "Is that OK, Julie?"

"Yes," she said, around a mouthful of me.

"Any time."

I had a feeling it was going to be an interesting summer.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

could never perform in front of another man especially with his wife....never was in to swinging or exhibitionism.....but if it floats your boat then go for it......

msboy8msboy8almost 20 years ago
Good Story

Different but good. I thought you captured the atmosphere well.

magmamanmagmamanalmost 20 years agoAuthor
*Well, yep...!

*Well...I really was up on stage in the 60's, really did know Julie and Harold, that kinda helps.

But I don't own no spelchekker, them things can't spel atoll...*LOL..What's this about a gramma...granmer..mistake?



SLC-OhioSLC-Ohioalmost 20 years ago
very well written

Several strata above anything that I have read here in the last few days. My God, this guy even used spellcheck! As I read, I got the impression that this was a true story, and the author really was a beer bar performer. That's certainly a mark of a succesful piece of work.

The style of short paragraphs flows well in this internet forum. And the author played words back and forth, like resisted / insisted, words that could be repeated if this was transposed to verse. It some spots it did read like poetry, or a song from the 60s, it even reminded me of a B Dylan song where he must go on with his singing verses and ignore what's happening.

I only found one grammatical error, and that's a record for what I have read on Lit.

If I was grading this story in a creative writing class at university level - not high school, university level - I would give it an A.

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