Cody Johnson - The Painter (Official Music Video)

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Cody Johnson - The Painter (Official Music Video)
    Listen to the 'Leather' album: codyjohnson.ln...
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    The official RUclips channel of Cody Johnson.
    Known for his explosive live shows and electrifying stage presence, COJO Music / Warner Music Nashville Platinum recording artist Cody Johnson has established a following of passionately loyal fans who regularly sell out shows across the country. MusicRow predicted Cody “just might be the future of real country music” as his career has skyrocketed with three celebrated albums, Human The Double Album, A Cody Johnson Christmas and Cody Johnson & The Rockin’ CJB Live, and an award-winning feature-length documentary “Dear Rodeo: The Cody Johnson Story.” He has 17 career RIAA certifications, a Pandora Billionaire Award and nearly 5 billion global streams after increasing his streams in both 2021 and 2022 by one million each year with a current career tally nearly 5 billion global streams.
    Cody recently released “The Painter,” the first single from his third studio album. The single launched with biggest radio add date of his career with 73 stations jumping to put the song on air. Listen to the 'Leather' album: codyjohnson.ln...
    © 2024 CoJo Music / 2023 Warner Music Nashville LLC
    #CodyJohnson #ThePainter #Leather
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  • @txcal88
    @txcal88 Год назад +411

    After all my failures in life, I have found my Painter, she completes me and we are both Christians thanking God for bringing us together.

    • @JamesBond-tk9sd
      @JamesBond-tk9sd Год назад +10

      This comment need so much more than just 5 likes

    • @Tonetwisters
      @Tonetwisters Год назад +3

      Amen, brother. I hope yall are holding hands of Fly Day ...

    • @markaki7337
      @markaki7337 Год назад +4

      So that happens in real lyf
      Any pointers??
      Happy 4 u

    • @Keno.Byrd.Man82
      @Keno.Byrd.Man82 Год назад +3

      Amen to that! My wife showed me how great things are when you trust in God and live within the way he has written our stories. My wife saved my life all the way around. ❤🙌

    • @acoasterbro
      @acoasterbro 11 месяцев назад

      Oh, honey lol

  • @garrettmartin2412
    @garrettmartin2412 Год назад +697

    I still remember seeing her in the stands at my soccer game almost 30 years ago. Black pants. Red and white striped sweater. She was a risk taker while I have always played it safe. We married, bought a home and has our first child in one year. I was terrified but not her. Ten years ago she was diagnosed with Parkinson's. She has slowly lost her abilty to smile, talk and walk. This song is spot on for what she means to me. I thank God for bringing her into my life and blessing me with two wonderful children.

    • @YurMomzFav
      @YurMomzFav Год назад +25

      God bless you sir

    • @lisbethwebb1136
      @lisbethwebb1136 Год назад +15

      What a sweet person you are!

    • @zackmartin737
      @zackmartin737 Год назад +14

      Bless you brother!

    • @morganmontgomery3827
      @morganmontgomery3827 Год назад +10

      I am so sorry that you are losing her

    • @glenrutherford2145
      @glenrutherford2145 Год назад +12

      My momma has Parkinsons diagnosed 5 years ago its gotten worst but she is a strong women she's my inspiration

  • @pauldawson1560
    @pauldawson1560 Год назад +99

    I'm old school county music. My daughter played this song for me. Brought tears to my eyes.

  • @satterfieldelectric5504
    @satterfieldelectric5504 Год назад +492


    • @sullygarrison2005
      @sullygarrison2005 Год назад +15


    • @cut1986
      @cut1986 Год назад +5

      Nice. This song has been in the background on the radio in my office long enough to catch my attention. It's special.

    • @codyokriv6942
      @codyokriv6942 Год назад +2

      Prove it... Lol jk

    • @boomhauer0079
      @boomhauer0079 Год назад +2


    • @calebronk3859
      @calebronk3859 Год назад

      Uhm I don't believe it.

  • @shelenawallable
    @shelenawallable Год назад +110

    I know this is a love song, but it matches my daughter so much who is an artist and brings light to my life daily.

    • @alejandrochao7941
      @alejandrochao7941 11 месяцев назад +2

      Another song dedicated to someone who brought happiness to your life (put color into your life) and which I love is You Decorated My Life by Kenny Rogers. I knew first this one before The Painter, but both are beautiful songs.

    • @blakecullum3247
      @blakecullum3247 8 месяцев назад +3

      This song reminds me of my first born daughter, I think about her every time I hear it.

    • @tommyreusse3858
      @tommyreusse3858 5 месяцев назад +1

      its just that. someone who brings color to a dull life. can be your daughter too :) congrats on the awesome family

    • @MyleeRabideau-l2s
      @MyleeRabideau-l2s 3 месяца назад

      Me too! It truly reminds me of my daughter; beautiful inside and out and takes chances in school like acting and singing; neither of which I was ever good at. Can't wait to see where life takes her; age is 12

  • @joncerda351
    @joncerda351 Год назад +81

    Cody has a way of writing melodies that are simple yet just cut to the core of his lyrics. He's just a great artist, I'm a fan. His older songs carried me through a tough time in my life. Thank you Cody, truly.

  • @tamikagivens5715
    @tamikagivens5715 Год назад +16

    CoJo has that once in a lifetime voice that God blesses us with & minister to our hearts and minds, which is TIMELESS.....thank you, Cody!❤

  • @CodyMcCready
    @CodyMcCready Год назад +111

    Love how they made the video reflecting CoJo and his wife from when they met, the trials and tribulations, to where he is now.

  • @sirenachavez1165
    @sirenachavez1165 Год назад +68

    I'm a Christian woman & I heard this song today on my way to the store & for some reason when this song started playing I knew it had God in it 🤗🙌🙏♥️🕊 and I felt as if this song was describing me & my husband whom I've been married to for 5 yrs...when I never thought I could get married in church cause I was born in a catholic family & the catholic church has so many rules you have to go by in order to get married. Never in the word of God does it say you have to do certain task in order to get married in a church. GOD united us in matrimony in my church ⛪ Thank you Jesus 🙏🕊❤

    • @robgore3881
      @robgore3881 Год назад

      Awesome story, congratulations. I hope I find a love like that eventually. So hard to find a good woman these days that appreciates a old school guy. God bless.

    • @sirenachavez1165
      @sirenachavez1165 Год назад +1

      Yes sir Cody Johnson🤗❤️ I'm one of your biggest fans out there. Your music speaks to my heart ♥ always. There's not a song I heard where you didnt hit that note at all 💯🙌🫶 May God continue to bless you, your family & music 🙏

    • @sirenachavez1165
      @sirenachavez1165 Год назад +1

      ​@__Cody.DanielJohnson._ Yes sir! 🤗❤️ I am one of your biggest fans, I fell in love with your music & voice. You sing so beautifully. There's not a song that I've heard where you didnt hit that note just perfectly 👌💯🙌 😊May God continue to bless you, your family & your music 🎶 🙏❤️ You made my day today cause it's my Birthday! 🥳🎉🎂🙌🫶 thank you for your music 😊

    • @yassink5266
      @yassink5266 Год назад

      God bless you sister may God bless all oud christian brothers and sisters

  • @karal902
    @karal902 Год назад +579

    Cody Johnson is the real deal. Excellent writing and storytelling. Something that is unfortunately missing in the mainstream country music scene

    • @GEN-X_POV
      @GEN-X_POV Год назад +12

      He didn't write this one. :(

    • @ForrestMcMillan
      @ForrestMcMillan Год назад +16

      This is the first CoJo album that he doesn't have any songwriting credits on...but he's still done an excellent job of picking out songs which stay true to his style. I remember another Texas cowboy singer who did a pretty damn good job of picking songs written by others too.

    • @matthewrodman7761
      @matthewrodman7761 Год назад +3

      He didn’t write this one 🤣 it’s an older country song just remade

    • @karal902
      @karal902 Год назад

      Did not know that. I agree with you. He chooses his songs wisely like George Strait. @@ForrestMcMillan

    • @karal902
      @karal902 Год назад

      That can't be true. Please link to the OG song then. Unless it was something similar to Dylan writing Wagon Wheel and then Old Crow Medicine Show doing an entirely different version to the point where it's almost unrecognizable to the OG. @@matthewrodman7761

  • @Able-41
    @Able-41 Год назад +28

    She asked me how i was doing. I almost cried, now she's my whole world, she don't quit, she loves hard, and she paints!

  • @nanquintrell6009
    @nanquintrell6009 11 месяцев назад +23

    I listen to Cody's CDs all the time; I like his style. And I particularly like the way he sings about his wife.

  • @77LTD
    @77LTD Год назад +20

    The perfect anthem for my wife and I. It takes me back to the day we met, all the good things we have experience, the children we raised.... I'm grateful to have her.

  • @bfg1127
    @bfg1127 Год назад +36

    My 37 yo son was lamenting that country isn't country any I'm sending him links to Cody Johnson! ❤

  • @enriquevargas6399
    @enriquevargas6399 Год назад +210

    With this song I proposed to my wife, we have been together for 33 years but it had not been possible to get married in the Catholic Church until after 6 years of trial I obtained a marriage annulment. We are getting married on Saturday, April 13, 2024 in the parish of Saint Rita of Cascia here in Chicago.Thank you Mr Johnson for bringing authentic country music back to life.

    • @theherits
      @theherits Год назад +1

      I never thought i would love country music this much because of Cory am looking forward to uploading his music to my channel💙👌

    • @mr.duckiman7469
      @mr.duckiman7469 Год назад +1

      I hope all the best for you and your wife. I hope the future brings you both happiness and success. Being together 33 years is impressive to see now a days and so I hope you both have a long and love filled future together🤍
      - A random stranger in the comments😊

    • @DJSTREET067
      @DJSTREET067 Год назад

      wow 😮😮

    • @robindavid6358
      @robindavid6358 Год назад

      best if lucks man

    • @robgore3881
      @robgore3881 Год назад

      Congratulations. He is the real deal.

  • @Borneo1530
    @Borneo1530 11 месяцев назад +82

    First time I heard this song I teared up within a minute or so. By the end I was crying like a baby at the beauty and raw honesty of this song. Cody Johnson is the real from the heart that kicks your emotional ass. I thank God for introducing me to my wife. I want to be the best man I can be for her because she deserves the best.

  • @boxingmamaD
    @boxingmamaD Год назад +16

    The violin... the lyrics.. the story.. be still my heart. Way to go, Cody!

  • @jackhime5628
    @jackhime5628 Год назад +91

    This is one of my favorite songs that I have listened in Country Music and Cody Johnson is bringing back Country Music to the roots

  • @madmaxfromdenmark
    @madmaxfromdenmark 9 месяцев назад +186

    I sang this song to my wife at our wedding 04.20.24 - She was the first woman i've met who had the exact same ideas of a quiet happy life in the countryside. She loves painting and decorating our home. She helped me becoming a real man and supported me out of addiction. I'm forever grateful she came into my life just 4 years ago. We just bought our dream house and are expecting our first child later this year. I never thought life could be this magical. She took chances. She showed me colors I ain't never seen. She's My Painter.

    • @chancehardeman1005
      @chancehardeman1005 9 месяцев назад +1

      God bless you

    • @hillbilly3192
      @hillbilly3192 8 месяцев назад +4

      I married my wife on 4-13-2024 to this song playing, and now it's tattooed on my forearm. Great to hear your story brother!

    • @goddess4303
      @goddess4303 8 месяцев назад +3

      Reading your comment gives me so much hope that I will find a good man I already met my soulmate & I screwed it up he proposed to me the night before my wedding & I said no because broke my heart a month before I married my kids dad well after 13 yrs I got a divorce & my ex bf drove 4hrs came to the family reunion I told him I tried to find him that night because I did want to marry him & I still loved him I never got his phone number I wish I did anyway Congratulations on finding each other when it’s Magical & just Simple it means you two are Soulmates also Congratulations on becoming new parents

    • @MattieMc
      @MattieMc 7 месяцев назад +2

      You are one lucky guy. And you're both blessed.

    • @AgustinWhittaker
      @AgustinWhittaker 6 месяцев назад +2

      Congratulations 🎉

  • @GabrielMartinez-pe6ln
    @GabrielMartinez-pe6ln 11 месяцев назад +23

    I know that this won’t be reached out to you and I’m sorry you didn’t win the awards for this year, but please stay strong, you got this.❤️🙏

  • @MrCrazychuck01
    @MrCrazychuck01 11 месяцев назад +21

    My wife always gets excited about all my crazy dreams and inspires me to pursue them even when I am uncertain. I don't remember life before she came into the picture.

  • @YabiellMJ92
    @YabiellMJ92 Год назад

    This song is fire

  • @marissaluke9333
    @marissaluke9333 11 месяцев назад +4

    This is arguably one of the best written country songs. ❤

  • @kruelton
    @kruelton Год назад +17

    My new favorite artist... this song goes deep for me... consider a man whose wife is completely color blind and how ironic the truth of the message has an impact on love and life... I will share the song with her on a special occasion. Thank you very much!

  • @jeanie2411
    @jeanie2411 Год назад +6

    I love how we get to hear “Dance Her Home” at the start of this video…..this has got to be the best video EVER. Brandy did a great job too! Just brilliant! ❤❤❤

  • @markswife6250
    @markswife6250 Год назад +26

    Bringing country music back to what it was designed for!! ❤

  • @jamesohanlon908
    @jamesohanlon908 Год назад +18

    I recently found the most wonderful woman! Was riding down the road by myself today and this came on and made me cry. Life with out love is just so plain. The only things important in this life are faith, love, family and friends. Point blank don’t get distracted by the nonsense!

    • @therealwyatt3597
      @therealwyatt3597 Год назад

      Exactly. People really think they can be single all their life because that’s what they want. Yea right everybody wants love and their 2nd half. There’s somebody for everybody.

  • @hyper_on_rr8623
    @hyper_on_rr8623 7 месяцев назад +11

    My husband is an OTR and he sent me this video and said evertime it comes on the radio he thinks of me and sings it to me with all his heart. 23 years strong and I can't wait to be with him everyday. Be safe out there my love. Fz

  • @amandajarnagin2408
    @amandajarnagin2408 13 дней назад +1

    I don't think I will ever find this kind of love but I love watching it

    • @GerardButlerspots
      @GerardButlerspots 6 дней назад

      Thank you Amanda, where are you supporting me from?

  • @bethrobinson338
    @bethrobinson338 11 месяцев назад +30

    Love this song. Even though my ex never tried to see my colors. I paint for myself now.

    • @carinayanez2024
      @carinayanez2024 5 месяцев назад

      It wasn't for me but I am good
      I hope you are going well and read this

  • @alistchicafabulous7073
    @alistchicafabulous7073 10 месяцев назад +27

    I met my soul mate ♥️ He says I'm the painter in his life, yet he has brought so much love and color into my life. God's Plan .He's my ❤ Eric ❤Lisa

  • @yassink5266
    @yassink5266 Год назад +12

    Im listening from morocco Im a christian morrocan love country music

  • @GarrickMerriweather
    @GarrickMerriweather 7 месяцев назад +8

    I lost my Painter in 2021 to stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. This song hits way home. Don't tell me a man can't cry. Yes he can.

  • @rickybobby.88
    @rickybobby.88 Год назад +32

    I’m so glad I met you. You make me so happy and shown me colors I’ve never seen before. I don’t remember life before you came into the picture. I thank god for you everyday. I love you forever ♾️ ❤️ 45

  • @BellaViera-j5u
    @BellaViera-j5u Год назад +2


  • @tamarahine6328
    @tamarahine6328 Год назад +13

    Thank you for going back to the good Ole country storytelling. ❤

  • @ariannataba1949
    @ariannataba1949 Год назад +88

    Not me balling my eyes out. This man sure does love his lady. Hoping to have someone appreciate me this much.

    • @robgore3881
      @robgore3881 Год назад +2

      I know, it is so hard to find a real person these days, that appreciates a real love. Im 51 and feels like I will be alone for good. But its in gods hands. Dont feel bad, I cried like a baby too, I love this mans music.

    • @niggaballz-9653
      @niggaballz-9653 Год назад

      my boyfriend told me that if he could pick a song that reminds him of me, he showed me this. i had started bursting in tears. he’s perfect i wanna marry this boy one day, and i mean it.

    • @Sabercats12
      @Sabercats12 Год назад

      I'm nearly 10 years older and have never experienced any memorable romances in my lifetime.

    • @kennethhager7564
      @kennethhager7564 11 месяцев назад

      That person should be you.🙂

    • @allent887
      @allent887 11 месяцев назад +1

      This attitude is the problem. Nobody said she didn't appreciate herself. Everyone thinks they're a therapist these days.

  • @Mike-rg6ri
    @Mike-rg6ri 2 месяца назад +1

    I was just on the phone with out youngest son talking about marriage. He's 18 and looking to get married within the year, I had just told him how the man is the foundation and superstructure of the house. And he chimed in: "And the wife is the painter. She decorates it and makes it livable and nice. Dad, that's a song!" Just listened to it. I'm telling you men that after 42 years of marriage and 11 children together, this song is exactly spot on. And she really does get better and better, and the sxual union really does get more thrilling each and every year. God is amazing how He does that. He's serious about making it so good for the man and his wife for a lifetime.

  • @melissayoder7408
    @melissayoder7408 Год назад +40

    My fiancé proposed to me during this song when we heard it live in October! During the beginning of the second verse. I have been WAITING for this.

    • @greaterperspective819
      @greaterperspective819 Год назад +1

      Beautiful memories ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 thank you for sharing so that maybe those that may have given up on love see love is very Real

    • @drebiz2344
      @drebiz2344 Год назад +4

      I’m seeing him tonight in Sacramento

    • @mattrodriguez6130
      @mattrodriguez6130 Год назад

      Congrats to the both of y'all!

    • @christinem4633
      @christinem4633 Год назад +1

      Congrats . There were 2 proposes to this song at the concert I went to in Pennsylvania

  • @johngil4451
    @johngil4451 Год назад +5

    What a beautiful song.
    Plus it’s actual country!
    Thanks Cody for bringing country back.

  • @jbweems1
    @jbweems1 11 месяцев назад +34

    What a beautiful song. My bride was my rock during my times in Iraq and Afghanistan, and especially during the darkness that followed. She paints a smile on my face every morning.

    • @lyndia2
      @lyndia2 10 месяцев назад +4

      💚💚🇺🇸🇺🇸 THANK YOU

    • @McChrister
      @McChrister 7 месяцев назад +1

      God Bless and I pray for many more smiles on your face….🙏🏼❤️☺️

  • @BestCountryMelodies
    @BestCountryMelodies 2 месяца назад +3

    There’s no better way to celebrate love than through music like this. Beautiful!

  • @ajlang9668
    @ajlang9668 3 месяца назад +4

    This is how God will paint the most beautiful love story, if you trust and build your foundation on him. 🙏✝️❤️🎶

  • @theycallme_crybaby.official
    @theycallme_crybaby.official 9 месяцев назад +12

    "My life was black and white but she's the painter"
    Exactly what happened when I met my best friend ❤

  • @dana.4230
    @dana.4230 Год назад +10

    Saw him live last night. One of the most underrated concerts I’ve ever been to in my life! I HOPE I can catch him again soon!

  • @Joshuatracks
    @Joshuatracks 3 месяца назад +1

    The emotion and storytelling in this track are pure magic. 🎨❤

  • @jessicamarks5577
    @jessicamarks5577 Год назад +7

    Love the simplicity of this ... Never lose sight of that Real Love is simple .

  • @saltysergeant1620
    @saltysergeant1620 Год назад +243

    After 2 tours in iraq, my life was black and white until i met my wife. God saved her till I needed her.

    • @chrissmith-jh8xw
      @chrissmith-jh8xw 11 месяцев назад +17

      God bless you, thank you for your service.

    • @allent887
      @allent887 11 месяцев назад +6

      Same here brother.

    • @anniehoward5473
      @anniehoward5473 11 месяцев назад +5

      Thank you for your service

    • @killerfork5225
      @killerfork5225 11 месяцев назад +7

      Thank you for your service sir and that's the beauty of or WONDERFUL GOD he knows what you need and when you need it

    • @lyndia2
      @lyndia2 10 месяцев назад +2


  • @cjcmom8128
    @cjcmom8128 20 дней назад

    This song is so good 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

  • @jimloeber
    @jimloeber 6 месяцев назад +6

    Met my wife at 15 first child at 17, married at 20, second child at 22 & celebrated our 30 year wedding anniversary last with all our family & Beautiful 2 Granddaughters, My life is nothing without her!

  • @AmandaSewell-s2t
    @AmandaSewell-s2t Год назад +34

    Loved all the local spots in Huntsville. Always stayed true to his roots. Your hometown is proud of you Cody.

    • @RandyC.McBride
      @RandyC.McBride Год назад +1

      Hello 👋 friend how are you doing today 😃 hope am not bothering you??

  • @sullysofmainstreet7484
    @sullysofmainstreet7484 Год назад +37

    My husband and I both graduated from SHSU and our first date was at Mama Juanita’s Mexican restaurant and the Jolly Fox, all are featured in this video! We loved watching COJO at Shenanigans bar and two stepping the night away, brings back so many memories💙

  • @Keeper-t9r9r
    @Keeper-t9r9r 15 дней назад +2

    I love this song!❤

  • @_BAD_MERC_
    @_BAD_MERC_ Год назад +2

    I found my artist during the pandemic. We were friends for almost 20 years and were always just a few steps away from each other. She saw my colors and potential decades before I did and she waited. I owe her the rest of my life. I was the center of my world and thought I was happy. Women, alcohol, and fast cars were all I needed. Then she added the colors and a little girl that were exactly what I needed!

  • @lynnec.ferguson4223
    @lynnec.ferguson4223 7 дней назад

    Sobbed hearing this at my 1st C2C last Saturday; so beautiful to hear it live 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💙🤠

    • @GerardButlerspots
      @GerardButlerspots 6 дней назад

      Thank you for your support. How long have you been my fan?

  • @Luclys
    @Luclys Год назад +7

    Love this. I've just gotten engaged to my best friend we should have married 15 yrs ago but fate stepped in the way now God has put us together and is leading the way and we couldn't be happier

  • @ShannonJarvis-n7v
    @ShannonJarvis-n7v 18 дней назад +1

    I love this song

  • @kadenback7911
    @kadenback7911 9 месяцев назад +15

    Did this at karoke night with my girl bestfriend. We've been friends since kindergarten and we've been together for 4 years now and im think about asking her for her hand with this playing in the background. I guess true love does exist ❤❤
    Update she said YES!!!! ❤❤❤

    • @chuckerpower2841
      @chuckerpower2841 9 месяцев назад +2

      Do it life is short it will be gone before you know it! So love her unconditionally! Tell her everyday she's beautiful! 50 years from now still be holding her hand! And tell her every single day and I mean every single day how much you Love her..

    @TEDDYMUSICNOW Год назад

    this intro is so clutch..

  • @MartinaMonicaMaestas-p1f
    @MartinaMonicaMaestas-p1f Год назад +3

    This is a cute song. I think of "painting" as: My parents would reply to my request of "Could you get that for me?", "Ooooh, your legs are not painted on!!".

  • @Stips93
    @Stips93 5 месяцев назад +2

    I cannot even begin to describe in words, how much this song describes my wife. She is the most driven and beautiful human i have ever seen, and the things i've went through in my life almost fell away from me when i met her. She is literally the only human i've ever needed in my life. And i will do everything, in my power; to keep her for the rest of my life. And i will make sure i die before her, and i will be waiting. Wherever we go.

  • @SoulofAlice
    @SoulofAlice Год назад +10

    THIS is the Good Old Days people speak of. THIS is the way it is supposed to be. THIS is the dream all of us dream of as little girls and old.❤
    THIS should be the CMT 2024 VIDEO OF THE YEAR!

  • @65byteme
    @65byteme 4 месяца назад +1

    Great song. Had the pleasure of meeting this young man a few years back during covid. He came to our local fair in October, and after the show, we sat on the stage till around 4am when they had bus call. He is such a down to earth man it's incredible. We sat for hours and talked about the music business, family, friends, God, and everything in between. I've seen about 30 artists a year for the last 20 years volunteering at this fair. He's at the top of the list for approachability and plain old kindness. Cody, I'd wish you the best of luck going forward, but I know there's nothing lucky about what you're doing in this life. God speed and stay safe.

  • @jonathantitus2629
    @jonathantitus2629 Год назад +7

    Now this is country music! A song with a heartfelt story and a true voice.

  • @mariaparolini2995
    @mariaparolini2995 Год назад +8

    Cody is so genuine ❤️ need more men like him

    • @RandyC.McBride
      @RandyC.McBride Год назад

      Hello 👋 friend how are you doing today 😃 hope am not bothering you?

  • @yolyplanascelis6312
    @yolyplanascelis6312 Год назад +6

    Beautiful song!!! God Bless that great love!!, which we can see is true, with everything that word implies. This song is an anthem of true and eternal love. Congratulations Mr. Johnson. Blessings to you and your wife!!!!

  • @CherylFlowers-c1q
    @CherylFlowers-c1q 12 дней назад +1

    My soulmate

  • @rachelruiz7067
    @rachelruiz7067 6 месяцев назад +3

    My painter was my neighbor. I use to watch him work on cars and I would melt every time he would notice me. Now he's my husband 4 years later he still gives me butterflies

  • @scottbowen6514
    @scottbowen6514 2 месяца назад

    I love the song and the story. It brings me to tears every time. I am so grateful to have found my painter in 1987. I wish Cody huge success.

  • @janiceblake2251
    @janiceblake2251 11 месяцев назад +3

    Beautiful song ❤

  • @davidcassidy6226
    @davidcassidy6226 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for true, country music! Keep up the great work!

  • @scottburgess696
    @scottburgess696 Год назад +3

    Cannot wait to see him next week in Glendale!! Wifey and I will be celebrating 18 years and I'm here to tell you, she brought the color back in my life and the picture of life has never been brighter.

  • @rainePadgham-cg3rb
    @rainePadgham-cg3rb 8 месяцев назад +1

    Some people are born to be heroes. Some are born to be lovers. Some to be peacekeepers. But I have a feeling cody was born to be a music star. Love your music, cody. Keep it up.
    God bless you

  • @lindawhite2297
    @lindawhite2297 11 месяцев назад +5

    Magnificent life changing song! Read the comments, people are moved to tears and life changes. This is what God took. dust and made you for. Continue to be His vessel and He'll continue ro bless you.

  • @jerrycruz7149
    @jerrycruz7149 11 месяцев назад +3

    such an awesome video and tribute to his wife 🙏🏽🙏🏽🫶🏼👏👏

  • @lindawhite2297
    @lindawhite2297 10 месяцев назад +8

    Thank God for all the people who have found their painters in their lives. Second chances are often the best, because people realize what they lost,and how to treat people who come into their lives. SOMETIMES with age, hearts get softe r, lives change because we've come to far to look back

    • @fhendricks3769gmailcom
      @fhendricks3769gmailcom 9 месяцев назад

      Simple Music can make you sing. a Simple hug can make you feel better, Simple things can make you happy, Linda I hope my Simple Hello makes you smile..

  • @Tracey74R
    @Tracey74R 7 месяцев назад +1

    I love my husband, he supports all of my dreams. I am working on my Ph.D., and he always believed in me like I have him. He is My Life. My Home. My Heart.

  • @JamesHinkle-o1x
    @JamesHinkle-o1x 2 месяца назад +116

    Anyone in 2025

    • @malloryalise
      @malloryalise 2 месяца назад +4


    • @maddielawson5502
      @maddielawson5502 2 месяца назад +2


    • @AngelaMcKillip-o1q
      @AngelaMcKillip-o1q 2 месяца назад +1


    • @jeremybettis8446
      @jeremybettis8446 2 месяца назад +2

      Dumbest question ever

    • @HowardBoyzFL
      @HowardBoyzFL Месяц назад +1


  • @suevandien4746
    @suevandien4746 8 месяцев назад

    He is true country. Love his music

  • @Gbienek1
    @Gbienek1 Год назад +5

    Damn this hits hard. When my grandparents passed everyone wanted to sell and split. Broke my heart and soul. That 120 acres I fought till my death. Too many memories and possibilities on that property that these city slickers didn’t give a fuck about. Damn a fight for a lifetime ❤

    • @Brokenwings2345
      @Brokenwings2345 11 месяцев назад

      Nobody understands country unless they have grown up in it I believe. Thanks for the comment

  • @denamarlow9798
    @denamarlow9798 7 месяцев назад +1

    I adore how much he loves his wife ❤

  • @morganmontgomery3827
    @morganmontgomery3827 Год назад +2

    This is the best song ever❤❤❤

  • @luckyme2haveu
    @luckyme2haveu 5 месяцев назад +1

    I discovered this song on my way to Tennessee from FL with my son, going through the Smokey Mountains and seeing snow for the first time on New Years Day ❤ Will never forget this day because that was when we decided this is where we want to spend the rest of our life. We still live in FL but have definitely made a 2 year plan to move and change our lives for the better ❤

  • @chrs-kr8kc
    @chrs-kr8kc Год назад +14

    this dude single handedly gets better and better everytime i listen to him which is on a daily basis,i have a genuine love for cody's music.Keep up the amazing work brotha and i hope to see more real country music comeing out soon man

  • @ALLara
    @ALLara 29 дней назад +1

    My favorite from Cody Johnson!🥹

  • @Sambonjon
    @Sambonjon 3 месяца назад +3

    Remember y’all it’s never too late with God!

  • @shawnmitcham9824
    @shawnmitcham9824 Год назад

    I appreciate so much how this video is filmed. How he is black and white and she/they are in color and then the end the split color screen all coming together is in color. Subtle but powerful detail.

  • @AiRT1M3
    @AiRT1M3 7 месяцев назад +7

    I’m marrying the love of my life in three days 😍🥰 such perfect timing, RUclips

  • @artbya613
    @artbya613 8 месяцев назад

    the story, the lyrics, the cinematography, the actors, the singer and his wife... EPIC!!! im balling over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank God for singers like you!

  • @nikkolehartzell8554
    @nikkolehartzell8554 Год назад +5

    There hasn't been a song written and performed this well in a while. I cry every time I listen to it alone, and we dance when we're together. I literally pulled into a park when it came on the radio so my man could hear it for the first time and dance to it. So gooooood.

  • @davidaguilar641
    @davidaguilar641 20 дней назад +1

    Everything happens for a reason😅!

  • @shaymom28
    @shaymom28 Год назад +8

    Hearing this song for the first time as I watch the video, brought tears to my eyes! Truly beautiful song and the video captures it absolutely amazingly! ❤

    • @RandyC.McBride
      @RandyC.McBride Год назад

      Hello 👋 friend how are you doing today 😃 hope am not bothering you??

    • @CliffordWesley
      @CliffordWesley Год назад

      I'm glad you love the song, hope you will follow up for new ones?

  • @nattybumppo92
    @nattybumppo92 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you Cody Johnson. I know Jesus is proud of you. Much love brother.

  • @peacechildrasta91
    @peacechildrasta91 11 месяцев назад +2

    To my dad and stepmom she's an artist ❤❤

  • @b.maddox4372
    @b.maddox4372 11 месяцев назад +2

    1st time I heard the song,immediately had me in tears.

  • @melissaharty3974
    @melissaharty3974 Год назад +6

    I absolutely LOVE this song. It gets me every time. I'm glad to be with someone who feels this way about me. ❤😊❤😊❤😊❤

    • @RandyC.McBride
      @RandyC.McBride Год назад

      Hello 👋 friend how are you doing today 😃 hope am not bothering you??

  • @Texasgirl987
    @Texasgirl987 Год назад +3

    Seen him 4 times in concert...ready for another date in Texas. Everytime...its the best concert I've ever attended.

  • @beckyedwards7229
    @beckyedwards7229 8 месяцев назад

    Beautiful song! This man's voice gives me chills.....

  • @ashleyco810.23
    @ashleyco810.23 Год назад +4

    I listened to this song all the time in my car, I heard it first on the radio. I just started listening to it on RUclips.

  • @shirasmith6796
    @shirasmith6796 8 месяцев назад +1