Global Force Wrestling

Will E Worm

Jeff Jarrett announces new promotion, Global Force Wrestling

As has been rumored for months, TNA founder Jeff Jarrett is starting up a new wrestling promotion. SB Nation has the official announcement of the new company's name and logo.

The first shot officially has been fired in the battle to become the No. 2 wrestling company in the world. On Monday, Jeff Jarrett unveiled the name of his long-rumored promotion,*Global Force Wrestling. The logo of their new company, provided exclusively to SB Nation, is above.

Starting a new wrestling company with the goal to become a competitor (or at least an alternative) to the WWE is no small undertaking, but Jarrett feels the current state of the business leaves ample room for more than one wrestling destination.

Speaking to SB Nation from his home in Hendersonville, Tenn., Jarrett talked about Global Force and their mission statement. "[WWE] have built a brand over the last 50, 60 years. And truly, [WrestleMania] weekend is the perfect example of just how global their brand is. Professional wrestling has been around since the advent of television. There is definitely room, space for a brand new promotion to come on the scene. And we're going to put out the very best product that we can. Our mission statement is going to be, right at the very top, that we are going to put out a professional wrestling product that listens to the fans, engages the fans. We are going to immerse ourselves with the wrestling fan and that is going to be first and foremost."

Jarrett stated that there will be announcements over the next several weeks involving a potential launch date for the new company, but it's clear he's excited about the new venture and can't wait to get started.

"We're very excited. This is day one of a very, very fantastic journey. In the scope of things, it's still very, very early. [Monday's news release] was as soon as I could get information out. More information to come."

Toby Keith's name has continually come up regarding rumors of Jarrett's new promotion, ever since Keith and Jarrett reportedly attempted to purchase TNA in December of 2013. Speculation will continue to swirl about Keith's involvement, but for the time being he is not officially attached to the company. "We're going to be making several announcements over the coming weeks about Global Force Wrestling's strategic partners," Jarrett said.

Jeff Jarrett is no stranger to starting up a wrestling company. Jeff was wrestling for his father, promoter Jerry Jarrett, when Jerry merged Continental Wrestling Association with World Class Championship Wrestling to form the USWA. In 2002, after becoming a four-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff co-founded his own wrestling promotion, Total Nonstop Action, with his father. After founding the company on a template of weekly pay-per-views in lieu of weekly television programming, TNA eventually landed a TV deal with Spike and slowly built a dedicated fan base, rising to prominence as the second most popular promotion in the country and providing a viable alternative to WWE for the first time since the sale of WCW to Vince McMahon.

A multi-time TNA champion and central focus of the company for several years, Jarrett spent the last few years focusing on off-screen ventures, such as developing and launching the Ring Ka King promotion in India.

The full news release for Global Force Wrestling is below.


NASHVILLE -- After weeks of speculation and unprecedented internet buzz surrounding the hashtag #ItsComing ... IT IS HERE!

Legendary performer and third-generation promoter Jeff Jarrett and his wife, Karen, are set to unveil Global Force Wrestling (, which promises to be the most fan-interactive and immersive wrestling experience in history.

"Because of new media, new technology and more ‘in-tune' fans than we've ever had, wrestling is poised for another boom like it experienced in the mid-1980s and late 1990s," Jeff Jarrett said. "What we're going to deliver is a multi-platform, innovative brand that will engage fans in ways they've never experienced. It will provide a fresh perspective inside the business that fans have been clamoring for."

Jarrett, the founder of TNA wrestling and a 12-time world champion who wrestled in WWE, WCW and numerous international promotions, and his wife, Karen, have been laying the foundation for GFW since January 2014.

"Jeff was born into this business," Karen Jarrett said. "It's his life's passion. He saw a unique opportunity to fill a need in professional wrestling, and he has tirelessly devoted himself physically, mentally and emotionally to doing just that."

Videos of the Jarretts previewing the new promotion attached to the hashtag #ItsComing have garnered more than a million views. Meanwhile, Jeff and Karen have been searching the United States and the international ranks in search of undiscovered talent. The response has been overwhelming, with more than 400 performers from across the globe already in the evolving GFW talent database.

"The reality is we want to build a brand in which fans are watching our wrestlers evolve from day one and are truly invested in the lives of our talent in and out of the ring," Jarrett said.


Global Force Wrestling


Will E Worm

Re: Global Force Wreslting

TNA Official Jumps Ship To Jeff Jarrett’s GFW

Chris Thomas, who was TNA’s associate director of public relations, is working for the company. Thomas left TNA in February of last year to produce projects in Hollywood and is a creative executive for Rare Brain Studios.

When asked for comment, Thomas said, “It’s a truly exciting time. Jeff has always been a visionary and wrestling fans are ready for the next big innovation. We can’t wait to share more exciting announcements in the coming weeks. Stay tuned.”

As noted earlier here on the website, top WWE executive Perkins Miller, who played a key role in the development and launch of the WWE Network, has jumped ship to the NFL.

Miller will serve as the Chief Digital Officer for the NFL, and will help with their “NFL Now” project, which is a digital service much like the WWE Network.

For more on this story, visit


TNA vs GFW begins.
Re: Global Force Wreslting

I think it will be less of a competiton and more of a trial for GFW to get on its feet, while TNA constantly stumbles and trips despite having the resources to truly be the #2 wrestling company in the world.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Posts With Autopen
Re: Global Force Wreslting

I wish Jeff Jarrett well. I'd like to see a fresh wrestling promotion with relevance. This will require a lot of time and patience to get things off the ground. As a lifelong wrestling fan I'm interested.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Re: Global Force Wreslting

I still haven't recovered from the demise of WCW. That was the best....I wish Jarrett well in the new enterprise.
Re: Global Force Wreslting

Could we be seeing Lance Hoyt & “The Pope” Elijah Burke in Jeff Jarrett’s new Global Force Wrestling promotion?

If Hoyt does work for them, it will either have to be a co-venture with New Japan or timed to avoid clashing with Hoyt/Lance Archer's schedule for New Japan.

Could Sabin and AJ be next?

If Styles does work for them, it will either have to be a co-venture with New Japan or timed to avoid clashing with his schedule for New Japan.

Personally I expect Jeff Wrestling.... oops, I mean GF Wrestling, to give us a great mix of talent and some exciting, fresh matches, without any particular direction. Like TNA used to be when it was fun. Jarrett was pretty tight with Muto while the negotiations were going on for the TNA/Wrestle-1 talent exchange so I expect when Muto gets done dealing with TNA, he might send some guys to Double J.

I'm so lucky in that I get to go to PCW live which is an amazing alternative as they mix domestic British guys with US indy workers and ex-WWE/legends, and get a superb mix of great wrestling matches and goofy entertainment. PCW favourite, Kris Travis, has been having utter belters with talent like Chris Masters, Kevin Steen and Prince Devitt. El Ligero (one of our smoothest flyers) has been in there with Akira Tozawa, Uhaa Nation and last Friday, Petey Williams. Martin Kirby had a great match on Friday with AR Fox and last November got to wrestle Jushin fucking Liger. Dave Mastiff has got to have bruising matches with international talent like Steen, Masters and Jonathan Gresham. AJ himself recently had matches with both PCW Tag Team Champions Team Single, and then-Heavyweight Champion Lionheart. Chris Hero came over for a weekend and wrestled Noam Dar, Bubblegum and Masters in separate matches. We've had everyone from Davey Richards, Low Ki, Mike Bennett, Tommaso Ciampa and the Young Bucks, to Vader, Goldust, the Steiner Brothers, D'Lo Brown, Hardcore Holly and Shelton Benjamin, and non-wrestling appearances from Lita, Rikishi and even Terry Funk. I see things I have never seen in any other promotion.

I hope Jeff Wrestling can replicate that kind of mix.


Lord Dipstick
Re: Global Force Wreslting

Bottom line............Jeff, regardless of his backers or partners, has NEVER had enough money to compete with Vince.

Although, I don't think that's who he's trying to compete with.
Jeff has a great wrestling mind and he's always known his limitations.

I give TNA and Dixie another year, year and a half TOPS.

Look for Jeff's promotion to become a safe haven for TNA guys when the ship begins to sink....

Will E Worm

Re: Global Force Wreslting

10 Ways Jeff Jarrett Can Make His New Wrestling Promotion A Success

Ever since Vince McMahon purchased the assets of former wrestling companies World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), the WWE has had little competition and has sat on top of the wrestling mountain ever since. Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), led by the Carter family and Jeff Jarrett, have tried to challenge their dominance, but like Icarus, the company flew too close to the sun and have been rapidly declining for quite some time. After some internal rifts, Jarrett left the company and the rumours started spreading that a new company would emerge.

Following several months of rumours and teasing Instagram posts, it now seems certain that the former WWE, WCW and TNA star Jarrett will create a new wrestling promotion. On April 7th, he will be unveiling the details of what many speculate to be his new wrestling promotion. He’s already done one smart move, announcing his new promotion the day after WrestleMania 30. Could this new promotion bring enough competition to ROH and TNA to make the industry better?

Any new company is unlikely to start until early 2015, giving Jarrett and his team time to form the company and how they want it to go. What can Jeff do to grab some wrestling success and replace TNA as the legitimate rival to WWE? We look at 10 ways in which his new promotion can stand out and become a success.


10. Have A Strong Women’s Division
A stereotypical view of women in wrestling is that they make for good managers and/or for a fun diversion in between epic matches, giving fans a chance to catch their breath. While this is isn’t always the case, a history of bad novelty/gimmick matches (Bra and Panties Matches and Pillow Fights two classic examples) and sub-standard wrestling leaves this aspect of wrestling severely under served.

This malaise is particularly prominent in the WWE at the moment. While the Divas championship is on one of the company’s strongest performers in AJ Lee, the focus seems to be on the Total Divas, with their reality television show on E! which happens around wrestling, rather than the other way round. The title hasn’t been defended in a long time (not including the up and coming match at Wrestlemania 30) and the division has gone stagnant.

Both the WWE and the TNA, with their Knockouts division, have had strong spells in the past. Both companies have had good women’s wrestlers that have been popular with the male audience for both their wrestling ability and eye candy. If Jarrett can canvas the wrestling promotions around the world for great wrestling talent, he could create fill a gap in the market and draw a large share of the women viewers of wrestling (as well as quite a few adult men) to his new company.

9. Don’t Go Too PG
In my youth and teenage years, the WWE was going through its Attitude Era, the pinnacle of the “Monday Night Wars.”*Thanks to controversial segments, aggressive wrestling, and pushing the boundaries, the WWE beat out WCW as the top promotion in 2001.*Fast forward to today and the story is different. A 15 rating here in the UK has turned into a PG certificate: swearing is a no-no, blood is something rarely seen – even during pay per view events – and head shots with weapons violate the company’s wellness programme.*Many wrestling fans in the internet wrestling community call this era the “PG Era” of the WWE.*

There have been mixed feelings about the PG Era, which has been around well over 5 years. There are positives and negatives on both sides. PG programming equals more parents allowing their children to watch professional wrestling. It isn’t aimed just at children: it*broadened the demographics, giving the company a 7-to-34 age range.*More acceptable programming equals more viewers.*That doesn’t mean that there’s no downside, though.*It has been shown to alienate some older fans who reminisce on the Attitude Era feel that they are missing what made them wrestling fans in the first place, such as*risque story lines, graphic matches and more of a care free style.

Jeff Jarrett will be mindful of gaining the right target audience. He will want to pull in the adult fans with more engaging story lines and full-on matches, yet also keep as wide an audience as possible to make the promotion profitable. While TNA tried to offer an alternative, it has ultimately gone closer to a WWE style model. If he can marry the two, he might just hit upon a winner and be able to challenge the WWE.

8. Go Extreme
ECW was a small company who made a lasting impact on wrestling across the world. As well as showcasing some of the various international wrestling styles, it had one niche which it was synonymous with the promotion and one which it utilized as its strength: extreme wrestling. All matches had an anything goes style and anything and everything could be a weapon for a wrestler to use. Referees were only there to count the pins and submissions. All wrestling companies adopted the extreme, hardcore style and it has been a wrestling staple ever since.

Many weapons and matches utilized by the Paul Heyman led promotion have become fan favourites. Wrestlers crashing through tables is something all fans want to see, and they love to see them being hit with kendo sticks, road signs, fire extinguishers and the like. Matches such as the Tables, Ladders and Chairs ladder match and the Elimination Chamber wouldn’t have come about without ECW pushing the limits and this has led to many iconic hardcore wrestling moments, many involving Mick Foley (an ECW star before joining the WWE).

Excluding backyard wrestling, no professional company has filled the extreme gap left by Heyman and ECW.*The demand for hardcore wrestling is still there: the WWE has an Extreme Rules PPV and has special hardcore matches such as Hell In a Cell in other shows, but it can’t push the envelope enough to appease older fans.*Jarrett could steal a march on all promotions by adopting a more hardcore style and providing fans with must see moments. If he can take classic match styles and give them a new twist, fans old and new could thrive on the diet his promotion could offer.

7. Be Innovative
If the new Jeff Jarrett led company wants to make an impact in wrestling, it has to be innovative. ECW was the original innovator, as discussed in the previous point, with the extreme style and how far you can take it. This forced WCW and the WWE to follow their lead and adopt this extreme style. Other companies have introduced innovative matches or have a championship or weight category that makes them stand out. One of TNA’s biggest strengths early on was the high flying, energetic*X-Division,*and the introduction of the Ultimate X match as part of this, which had fans on the edge of their seats.

The WWE, for all the criticism you can level at it, has always been the leader in innovation: from introducing the Superbowl of wrestling in Wrestlemania, to unique match types like the Elimination Chamber and TLC matches, to annual matches like the Royal Rumble that the fans are desperate to see. The level of innovation from the company has tailed off recently with the lack of competition. Many companies start off trying to push the boundaries, but end up towing the line and become WWE-lite. TNA are a prime example of this: they started off with a six sided ring but returned to a standard ring. If Jarrett’s new promotion can combine new match styles with unique pay per view events, alongside a gimmick they can build upon (an octagon style ring would be interesting), they will take wrestling by storm and push the WWE to a new level as well.

6. Don’t Be Afraid To Fail
This is linked in to the previous point about innovation. In the early stages of the company going live, many fans will want to see something different to what they currently have on offer. Critics and fans will give Jarrett’s company more leeway if they are trying something new – even if everything doesn’t succeed at first. Many people would prefer them to make errors and not always succeed if they are trying something new, rather than failing by copying other companies.

Once the company is off the ground and has gained a loyal following, then they have more opportunities to aim big with hitting story lines and aggressive matches that accompany them. Not everything will be successful but fans will go with them if the content is still good to watch. A good example would be the Invasion story line done by the WWE in 2001. While the Alliance team wasn’t as strong as fans would have liked, with too many WWE wrestlers in there, and the story wasn’t pushed as much as it could have been, fans went with it because of some good matches and the introduction of some great wrestlers.

It is the principle of “go hard or go home”: if his new company can commit to what they are trying to achieve and try to do something different, fans will accept some successful failures along the way. If boundaries are continually pushed, some things will obviously not work but fans will keep watching to see what they try to do next.

5. Good TV Product With A Strong Commentary Team
The TV shows are what sell the product to fans around the country (and the world if they are successful).*They are the platform that ultimately makes or breaks a company.*If the shows are good, it will keep fans watching and it will increase pay-per-view buying rates and sell tickets to non-televised shows. Toby Keith, Jeff Jarrett’s backer, has strong connections with CMT and other networks, such as Spike, are also interested. This gives his new company a huge advantage over smaller companies by being able to promote the show across the country. They have to build on this and make watching the company and their shows enjoyable every week.

Apart from good matches and interesting story lines, the other key to a successful TV show is a strong commentary team. They are the link between the fans, the creative team and the wrestlers: they help put across what the company are trying to do to the fans. They help sell the action and help make iconic moments, for example fans remember Jim Ross’ commentary as much as Mick Foley’s fall off the top of the Cell against The Undertaker in 1996. JR and Jerry “The King” Lawler in the late 1990's were one of the strongest commentary teams in wrestling and they helped the “Attitude Era” WWE succeed over WCW. The combination of straight man with colour commentary and how they interact help sell the show.

Once the TV contract is in place, Jarrett’s team will have to develop their show and put in place all of the elements they want for their show to stand out. Putting together a commentary team to supplement the show will be an interesting balancing act: too large a team or having poor members of the commentary team (Tazz immediately springs to mind) will turn off fans and make them want to watch with the sound off. If Double J can get his TV product to work in harmony, his company will stand a good chance of being successful.

4. Have A Strong “Evil Boss”
For all the talk of innovation, there are some gimmicks and story line ideas that stay ever-present. The idea of an “evil boss” is something that everyone can relate to: someone who is a figurehead for all the bad things that happen, someone who treats his employees like garbage and is way overdue for a verbal (and in this case physical) beat down. The evil boss gimmick also gives the faces and heels someone to bounce off, interact with and to help develop their characters.

Vince McMahon, with the “Mr McMahon” character, is the original and best example of this gimmick. His battles with Stone Cold Steve Austin during the “Attitude Era” are wrestling legend. While he has alternated between face and feel, his work as a heel boss is unbeatable. For a 68 year old who is the CEO of the biggest wrestling company in the world, he was able to mix it up with the best stars by holding his own in wrestling matches and taking chair shots to the head.

While McMahon is the best example of this role, other companies have tried to replicate this gimmick, with varying degrees of success. Eric Bischoff had some success in WWE and WCW in a similar role, but Dixie Carter in TNA is an example of how not to do the gimmick. She comes across as a pantomime villain who lacks credibility and comes across as very annoying. She can’t wrestle and her microphone work, combined with her high pitched vocal tone, make fans want to switch off or mute their televisions.

Jeff Jarrett himself is more than capable of performing this role well. He has unquestionable wrestling ability and his heel work while champion in TNA shows he is a good candidate to fill the role. Whether he will use exploding guitar shots to wrestlers remains to be seen, but he is talented, witty and skilled enough to draw heat from the fans and keep them coming back for more.

3. Don’t Focus On Older Legends
Jarrett will obviously need some star power to help get his company off the ground and to help develop it into a future powerhouse. He has the connections to get many stars he has worked with in the past on board. What he needs to do is avoid focusing on the older, more legendary wrestlers he hires and build the younger wrestlers towards carrying the company in the long term.

One name that keeps being linked to Jarrett is Kurt Angle. The duo are now back on good terms,*despite the heat they once had over Jeff’s affair with Kurt’s then wife Karen. With TNA still in cost cutting mode, Angle, who is their highest paid wrestler by far, is unlikely to be offered the same deal to stay with that company.*Even though he is sending subtle glances towards the WWE, most expect him to end up as the lead star for Jarrett’s group. Expect some more big names to be linked as the countdown to the new promotion’s launch gets closer to zero.

Jarrett can learn from the WWE and their particular preference for signing legends on short term contracts. The rehiring of past superstars such as Batista put many wrestlers’ noses out of joint, most noticeably CM Punk, and led to his controversial exit. Don’t be surprised if some of the stars from NXT, WWE’s developmental promotion, start to jump ship too. WCW were another company who had a large proportion of older stars towards the end and it didn’t pan out quite as they would have hoped. Jarrett should heed the issues these two companies have experienced as a result.

While it is important to have a good blend of superstars and wrestling styles, the younger stars are more likely to define the company and they should be the focus. Reports suggest that*Jeff Jarrett wants to find new faces to expose to the masses, which means he’s doing a lot of scouting on the independent scene. Jarrett also wrestled overseas, wrestling for Wrestle-1 in Japan and Asistencia Asesoría y Administración in Mexico, so suspect him to*look at international tapes from Mexico and Japan in order to scout stars. If he can bring a wide mix of young stars, he could avoid the pitfalls other companies have fallen into.

2. Strong Creative Writing And Story Lines
Good work by the creative team of a company and strong story lines are building blocks to a company’s success in modern day wrestling. If the work is done well backstage, it can lead to good wrestling and memorable spots and moments within these matches.The creative team also determine character development and can be pivotal in a wrestler gaining fan interest and success – compare*Stone Cold*Steve Austin, who started in the WWE as The Ringmaster and then developed into the character everyone knows him as.

The creative team have to have a long term plan, knowing what they plan to do for the bulk of their roster of wrestlers. This leads to coherent story telling and the TV shows and pay per views seem more organic and natural. Fans are more likely to stay with a company if the story telling is strong. Constant chopping and changing leaves many fans confused and they are more likely to lose interest. That said, they also need to be flexible to switch plans if a wrestler gets injured or if the popularity of a star goes through the roof. The WWE elevating Daniel Bryan potentially into the main event at Wrestlemania is an example of this.

The issue Jarrett will have to avoid is having creative and the writers rub wrestlers and fans the wrong way. While Vince Russo (pictured above) helped the WWE in the early stages during the “Attitude Era” and the “Monday Night Wars”, he is notorious for his defection to WCW and for being involved in the creative process during WCW’s decline. His questionable booking and on air decisions saw fans leave the company in droves. This is something Jarrett would not want for his company. You suspect he will be heavily involved and his experiences with WWE, WCW and TNA should ensure no silly mistakes are made.

1. Make It Must See Entertainment
If all of the previous points are followed, then success should be guaranteed and fans will be flocking to see Jeff Jarrett’s product week in and week out. He has the advantage of having plenty of time to put his wrestling company together and to choose their approach and the style they want to implement. Choosing to make an announcement after Wrestlemania certainly places the spotlight on him and his promotion and ensures it doesn’t get lost in the Wrestlemania build up. He will have to hope that the WWE event doesn’t have a huge fallout that takes some of the focus off him.

The emphasis has to be on great story telling, followed by even better wrestling matches.**If Jarrett can get the right blend of wrestlers and styles, some incredible spots will surely follow. This will result in many people talking about the company and he will end up with a TV show that can challenge Raw and become a weekly must see wrestling event.

The challenge will then be to fill arenas and make money. They should start small, like ECW did, and then try to build up to bigger arenas. TNA tried to do this too quickly, didn’t have a solid wrestling product and struggled to fill arenas. Once the TV show and the wrestling become must see events, then getting an audience shouldn’t be too difficult and Jarrett’s promotion will be a success critically and financially.
Re: Global Force Wreslting

Bottom line............Jeff, regardless of his backers or partners, has NEVER had enough money to compete with Vince.

True, but it's not just the money. It's the infrastructure, the fanbase, the goodwill from sponsors, the television network connections, the global perception of WWE as being "the show" for every performer on the planet... everything.

Look for Jeff's promotion to become a safe haven for TNA guys when the ship begins to sink....

This is 100% the truth. The guys that have talent but haven't got a chance to work for WWE, have been released but still can go or aren't yet ready for a chance in WWE will work for Jeff Wrestling.

What can Jeff do to grab some wrestling success and replace TNA as the legitimate rival to WWE?

WOAH, Nelly. Let's first of all ask if TNA were ever a legitimate rival to WWE? I'll tell you...... no. The important word is not "rival" - it's "alternative." Anyone that attempts to "rival" WWE, as TNA have at times tried to do, will fail. Be a success at what YOU want to be, not a second rate WWE. But like you say, Double J knows this.

As long as he's smart enough not to book himself another 12 month title reign.

Will E Worm

Re: Global Force Wreslting

Global Force Wrestling Teams With AAA

Global Force Wrestling sent out the following today…


NASHVILLE – Global Force Wrestling has reached a partnership agreement with AAA, the top wrestling promotion in Mexico for more than 20 years.

The companies will exchange talent for events in both the United States and Mexico. AAA started in 1992 and quickly became the most exciting professional wrestling promotion in Mexico.

“AAA is happy to continue our relationship with Jeff Jarrett and now with his newly formed wrestling promotion Global Force Wrestling,” said Dorian Roldan, executive vice president of AAA. “I believe it’s imperative that wrestling organizations have talent exchanges because it’s good for the industry and wrestling fans around the world. It exposes them to different talent and different styles that will bring a unique perspective to GFW.”

Jarrett, the founder and CEO of GFW, and his wife, Karen, have regularly appeared in AAA and have headlined their signature event TripleMania.

“I’ve had a working relationship with the family that owns AAA for the past 10-plus years,” Jarrett said. “Karen and I have seen firsthand the passion of the wrestling fans throughout Mexico. This is exactly what Global Force Wrestling is about. We’re thrilled to share the AAA brand as part of our mission to span the globe to find the absolute best talent. We promise to immerse our fans in a wrestling promotion that is constantly evolving, constantly striving to be innovative and interactive.”

GFW already has announced a partnership with 25/7 Productions and David Broome, the creator of NBC’s “The Biggest Loser,” and the promotion has several more key announcements planned for the coming weeks.


Will E Worm

Re: Global Force Wreslting

Global Force Wrestling Announces First Talent Search

Global Force Wrestling has announced that they are holding their first official talent search and seminar on June 1st in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. The seminar will be hosted by GFW CEO and founder Jeff Jarrett along with former TNA talent and pro wrestling trainer Scott D’Amore, who will evaluate the wrestlers in attendance as they engage in brief matches and cut promos.

Jarrett commented on the announcement, saying, “Professional wrestling is part of the DNA of Canada. It felt like a natural not only to have our first official talent search there but to have it under the tutelage of Scott D’Amore, a longtime friend and as knowledgeable as anyone when it comes to discovering and fostering talent. Coupled with our partnership with Mexico’s AAA promotion, this is another key step in establishing the reach of Global Force Wrestling.”

D’Amore added, “It’s an honor to have Global Force Wrestling bring its first talent search to my hometown. Jeff Jarrett is a third-generation promoter, and he knows what he wants. He’s going to have high expectations. I know he will be relentless in his pursuit in finding the best undiscovered talent in the world.”

GFW Seminar

Re: Global Force Wreslting

I don't understand. They've got a database of nearly 500 names. Why are they trying to discover new talent when they've yet to host or even announce a card of matches involving the tons of talent that's already out there?? This seems like something that might have an impact once they're established, but as it is, who's going to go along to a seminar in the hope of being discovered by a group that hasn't even had its first event??

Will E Worm

Re: Global Force Wreslting

I don't understand. They've got a database of nearly 500 names. Why are they trying to discover new talent when they've yet to host or even announce a card of matches involving the tons of talent that's already out there?? This seems like something that might have an impact once they're established, but as it is, who's going to go along to a seminar in the hope of being discovered by a group that hasn't even had its first event??

Anyone can come to the talent search.

Even recently released wrestlers from TNA.

Will E Worm

Re: Global Force Wreslting

Global Force Wrestling’s talent search begins in Canada

Global Force Wrestling will hit the road for its first official talent search and seminar, which will occur on Sunday, June 1 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

GFW CEO and founder Jeff Jarrett knows well the great tradition of pro wrestling in Canada and the number of top stars the country has produced. He and Owen Hart of the legendary Hart Family were WWE tag team champions, and several Canadian stars made names for themselves while in Jarrett’s TNA promotion.

The seminar also will reunite Jarrett with renowned pro wrestling trainer Scott D’Amore, who will help conduct the event at the North American Sports and Hobby Expo inside the WFCU Centre. D’Amore brought Team Canada to TNA, and he also trained such current indie wrestling superstars as Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Petey Williams, Rhino and Tyson Dux.

“Professional wrestling is part of the DNA of Canada,” Jarrett said in a release. “It felt like a natural not only to have our first official talent search there but to have it under the tutelage of Scott D’Amore, a longtime friend and as knowledgeable as anyone when it comes to discovering and fostering talent.

“Coupled with our partnership with Mexico’s AAA promotion, this is another key step in establishing the reach of Global Force Wrestling.”

Jarrett and D’Amore will evaluate the wrestlers in attendance as they engage in brief matches and cut promos.

“It’s an honor to have Global Force Wrestling bring its first talent search to my hometown,” D’Amore said. “Jeff Jarrett is a third-generation promoter, and he knows what he wants. He’s going to have high expectations. I know he will be relentless in his pursuit in finding the best undiscovered talent in the world.”

Wrestlers interested in attending the seminar can check for complete details.

Re: Global Force Wreslting

A friend of mine has remarked "Jeff is just being a Jarrett, and trying to find guys that will work for a bowl of soup."

Will E Worm

Re: Global Force Wreslting

Jeff Jarrett’s GFW Files For Three New Trademarks

Global Force Wrestling have applied to register the following three trademarks, all relating to their name. The Jeff Jarrett-owned promotion registered for trademarks on “Global Force Wrestling”, “GFW” and “Global Force Entertainment,” all including digital media and streaming material on the internet.

The trademarks also include claims for use of the name on posters and photographs, t-shirts, bandanas and hats and “Entertainment services, namely, wrestling exhibits and performances by professional wrestlers and entertainers.”


Will E Worm

Re: Global Force Wreslting

Watch Out WWE: A Wrestling Legend Throws His Hat In the Ring

World Wrestling Entertainment’s (WWE) stock has been getting slammed, and now another wrestling promotion is throwing its hat in the ring.

Third-generation wrestler and former WWE superstar Jeff Jarrett is behind a brand new promotion called Global Force Wrestling. Since its April launch, GFW has quickly gained online buzz and a strong media following. Even though a network television deal has yet to be inked, the hashtag #JoinTheForce is active among hardcore wrestling fans looking for an alternative to WWE programming.

Wrestling fans seem to be engaged, but Wall Street isn’t showing much faith. Shares of WWE dropped 42.2% in May as investors weren’t happy with the company’s new TV deal with NBC Universal. WWE’s new contract will bring in $150 million annually, a jump from the previous $90 million deal but well below analyst expectations.

Jarrett hit back against skeptics who are saying WWE’s stock plunge is a sign that interest in wrestling is plummeting. “I’m not nervous at all. Investors may be disappointed but the increase in rights and TV fees speaks volumes as to how much interest is in the wrestling world.”

He continues, “If you want proof of how big wrestling is, just look at Hollywood. The Rock went to Hollywood and came back to the WWE 10 years later as the hottest actor in the world. He’s a third-generation wrestler, as I am, and he’s the hottest box office attraction out there.”

But the question will be, is there a market for more? GFW’s launch comes at a time when wrestling has never been more accessible. WWE’s 24/7 streaming-based network is filled with content new and old and has nearly 700,000 subscribers as of May 1st. WWE is confident it will hit one million by the end of 2014.

Jarrett recognizes the uphill climb but says GFW’s success will come from the talent involved. “Over the past 5-7 years, the undiscovered talent database has been growing. I’m excited to tap into that. “

Various wrestling sites have been reporting former WWE champion and author Mick Foley is willing to jump on. Jarrett says while he can’t confirm or deny Foley’s interest, but he is getting enormous interest from wrestlers in all stages of their careers.

“Veterans, beginners, and everything in between. It’s not only rewarding as a promoter, it’s rewarding as a fan,” he said.


Will E Worm

Re: Global Force Wreslting

Mick Foley Rumors: Will He Join Forces With Jeff Jarrett And GFW Promotion?

Mick Foley, former WWE Champion and hardcore legend, has made the news recently over rumors that he wasn’t re-signing to extend his legends contract with the WWE. The veteran wrestler cited money as the main reason for not extending, but not everyone bought it when the news broke.

On Sunday, Foley sparked a whole bunch of speculation following a Facebook post. In the post he basically said that he would be announcing some big news on Tuesday. In other words he announced that he will be announcing…. something.

But it doesn’t take a genius to guess what that something might be, especially as there has already been lots of speculation that Mick Foley will be joining forces with Jeff Jarrett and the new Global Force Wrestling promotion which is due to launch this fall.

Foley posted on his Facebook page:

After giving the matter much thought, I have come to an important decision regarding my future. I know that not everyone will agree with, or support the decision, but I do hope the decision will be respected. I will make the announcement on Tuesday afternoon

The basis of the original speculation about Foley joining Jarrett and Co. on the new GFW project came from a guest appearance he gave on a Global Force Wrestling promotional video. It was already known that the two men were well acquainted as they worked together in TNA from 2008-2011.

So for now it is all still rumors, but most people reckon that Foley will be announcing that he has reached an agreement to work with GFW in order to help Jarrett get his pro wrestling promotion moving.

It remains to be seen whether or not Mick Foley will, in fact, put everyone out of their misery and just announce what everyone expects him to announce on Tuesday. We can only hope that the announcement he makes won’t just be notice of another announcement.


Will E Worm

Global Force Wrestling Status Update

For those who have asked about what the status is of Jeff Jarrett's Global Force Wrestling project, two different sources working on GFW stated this week that the company is in "the middle of television negotiations" but would not specify any additional details. One source also noted that reports floating around that country singer Toby Keith is not actually involved with GFW would be "incorrect."

At one point, it appears there were plans to use a six-sided ring, which makes sense as that was a Jeff Jarrett idea in TNA and something he brought back when TNA filmed different pilot projects later on. I heard from several within TNA last week that one of the reasons they believed TNA brought back their own six-sided ring was to, at least partially, "beat Jeff to the punch."
