Has Obama Made Any Mistakes?


Early in Bush's administration he was asked by reported if he has made any mistakes. It was a good question and I do not think it was directly answered.

I have not heard Obama being asked the same question.

-Has anyone heard him being asked this?

-Do you think Obama has made any mistakes in his administration?

My intent isn't to start a flame throwing discussion. I realize it has the potential. I'm just very curious what constructive and serious thoughts some people have on this.
Early in Bush's administration he was asked by reported if he has made any mistakes. It was a good question and I do not think it was directly answered.

I have not heard Obama being asked the same question.

-Has anyone heard him being asked this?

-Do you think Obama has made any mistakes in his administration?

My intent isn't to start a flame throwing discussion. I realize it has the potential. I'm just very curious what constructive and serious thoughts some people have on this.

This one could cause some heat.

Yeah, I didn't like how Bush responded to it, but I recall seeing him interviewed where he finally did admit to some mistakes.

I'm unaware of Obama admitting to mistakes at this point. Perhaps someone knows better.

I know I've seen people give him flack on TARP, but I personally don't think it was a mistake. I think it was a good idea the Bush Aministration drove through and a good idea the Obama aministration continued.

We could certainly get into a debate on the whole Health Care issue. I do think the mistake is a lack of debate with substance. It wasn't a bi-partisan bill at all. If someone can show any instances of Obama including and incorporating other plans and ideas other than his own parties, I would be very interested in seeing that.
Obama has been way too retrospecive already and that opinion is shared by most political analysts.This was just discussed last night on PBS as there is a story on the administration coming out this weekend in the NY times magazine that Obama sat for hours to be interviewed for.This is in sharp contrast to what occurred under the prior Bush administration.And is probably not what Obama should be doing at all right now just prior to the mid term elections.His focus should be much more on those elections.

Obama has made a couple other mistakes beyond that I will mention.

1. With the health care reform he should have held out for at least a public option if he could not get a single payer system which is ultimately what we need to control costs.

2. He has failed to get out some of the accomplishments they have achieved.
For example I don't think it is widely known that at this point in his administration his policys have led to the creation of more private sector jobs than Bush had in his entire 8 years.While that may not be enough jobs it is far superior to what Bush and the republicans achieved and is one of the most important reasons not to give control back to the pubs and should be publized as such.
Early in Bush's administration he was asked by reported if he has made any mistakes. It was a good question and I do not think it was directly answered.

I have not heard Obama being asked the same question.

-Has anyone heard him being asked this?

-Do you think Obama has made any mistakes in his administration?

My intent isn't to start a flame throwing discussion. I realize it has the potential. I'm just very curious what constructive and serious thoughts some people have on this.

Bush wasn't asked about whether or not he made any mistakes until the effects of his policies started to bear the possibility out. He finally "admitted" (I think) something like "mistakes were made" or something on the last legs of his presidency but by then question was moot as everyone with eyes could see them glaringly.

To the question, "has he made any" (Obama)? Definitely IMO although they're not on the order, magnitude and starkness nor have the effects of his polices come to bear one way or the other enough to cause the question though.

Most reasonable journalists know a president's popularity comes and goes with the economy. That's how GHWB went from near record approval to 1 and done a year later.

People who are even more reasonable know (or should know) that if an economy is going bad when a president takes office...it's not going to magically stop going bad. Whatever forces that are causing the circumstance have to either drain out or be stopped. Once or whenever it stops then there's a lag for it to start to get better. It ain't gonna happen in a year and 8 months of a guy's presidency from what was inherited. It's pretty naive to think otherwise when it's never been done in our history.

His mistakes....not getting GiTMO closed, wasting a year of political capital trying to convince political foes on health care reform who's only intent was to do what they did in Clinton's first term...filibuster and argue the issue long enough to wrest away power..then do nothing on it. But I suppose he ran on building bridges and bipartisanship. I think he's done a terrible job of making the obvious and reasonable case for trying whomever we intend to convict and punish in the way of terrorism in the courts where their crimes occurred. I don't give a fuck who you are or what part of the world you're caught, if you played party to a crime perpetrated in New York against New Yorkers...that's the jurisdiction where you should be tried.:dunno:

He should have done something about gays in the military. The issue is somewhat debatable for me personally but Obama was supposed to be the "change" agent. This is the kind of issue whether you support a change in the policy or not...if you supported Obama the agent of "change" this would be one you could understand even if you didn't agree. He's been milquetoast at best on the kinds of "change" some people elected him on.


You can go to Hell for making this thread.

The future comments will be entertaining at least; although repeating the same shit we've heard from the same people, having the same arguments again.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
His parents made mistake in conceiving him. Does that count?


How Obama fucked up the climate change bill.

On March 31st, Obama announced that large portions of U.S. waters in the Gulf of Mexico, the Arctic Ocean, and off the East Coast—from the mid-Atlantic to central Florida—would be newly available for oil and gas drilling. Two days later, he said, “It turns out, by the way, that oil rigs today generally don’t cause spills. They are technologically very advanced. Even during Katrina, the spills didn’t come from the oil rigs, they came from the refineries onshore.” From the outside, it looked as if the Obama Administration were coördinating closely with Democrats in the Senate. Republicans and the oil industry wanted more domestic drilling, and Obama had just given it to them. He seemed to be delivering on the grand bargain that his aides had talked about at the start of the Administration.

But there had been no communication with the senators actually writing the bill, and they felt betrayed. When Graham’s energy staffer learned of the announcement, the night before, he was “apoplectic,” according to a colleague. The group had dispensed with the idea of drilling in ANWR, but it was prepared to open up vast portions of the Gulf and the East Coast. Obama had now given away what the senators were planning to trade.

This was the third time that the White House had blundered. In February, the President’s budget proposal included $54.5 billion in new nuclear loan guarantees. Graham was also trying to use the promise of more loan guarantees to lure Republicans to the bill, but now the White House had simply handed the money over. Later that month, a group of eight moderate Democrats sent the E.P.A. a letter asking the agency to slow down its plans to regulate carbon, and the agency promised to delay any implementation until 2011. Again, that was a promise Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman wanted to negotiate with their colleagues. Obama had served the dessert before the children even promised to eat their spinach. Graham was the only Republican negotiating on the climate bill, and now he had virtually nothing left to take to his Republican colleagues.

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/10/11/101011fa_fact_lizza?currentPage=all#ixzz12XOVpRtO

Or maybe he did it on purpose. It's a pretty evil system these days.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Firing general Petraus: The general, the guy on the ground, knows the place and knows what's best for it.
Not tackling his detractors more aggressively.
Not taking on china hard enough.
Not spanking the bankers hard enough.
Those are the first that spring to mind...
Obama is omniscient therefore he cannot make mistakes. No liberal would even dare ask the great O if he has because it would be heresy.