Cuckolded Husband Foot of Her Bed

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He’d submit to her plan or be led by the nose
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Prepared was she for the long road or short
Didn’t care if hubby was or not a good sport
She’d be Poison Ivy or a velvet Red Rose
He’d submit to her plan or be led by the nose

Had things his way for some twenty odd years
She thought of some good times while holding her tears
He took her for granted as a matter of fact
So she rearranged every way that she’d act

They lived for years in a conservative town
Where gossip’s a-flyin and rumors abound
He cared too much what his buddies do think
They had no clue at all that his panties were pink

She found the first flash-drive inside a tool box
And finding that justified her finding new cocks
She found the second one on his book shelf
Cross-dressing selfies he planned to keep to himself

Dressed up as a woman posing in the back yard
Dick smaller than a lipstick when it wasn’t so hard
He begged on his knees not to show all his friends
And she may or may not and it all kind of depends

He pretended to be Alpha down at the old mill
Wearing wife’s clothing drove around for a thrill
She makes him dress sissy down on his knees
His boss Paul with her mouth she will please

Thick padded wrist cuffs and a big ol’ pad-lock
Holds him securely as she sucks on Paul’s cock

Now fucked by a real man totally instead
Cuckolded husband at the foot of her bed

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Very hot…definitely love the image of the crossdressing cuckold husband bound at the foot of the bed as wifey sucks a real man’s cock…Mine took off in her new beemer earlier today, didn’t really say where she was wedding band feels so tight right now…

Hope you write more..


JodieTodayJodieTodayabout 1 year agoAuthor

thank you very much

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


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