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Fight Pulse
Fight Pulse

NC-17: Akela vs Marek (10-minute challenge)

12/30/15 4:35 AM14 min523 MBmp4720p
Price13.49 EUR
Related CategoriesFemdom,Grappling,Wrestling


NC-17 is a custom request video based on a format suggested by a customer. The 10-minute challenge includes two contestants the challenger and the defender. In our first 10-minute challenge video Akela (stats), is the challenger, while Marek (stats) is the defender.

The challenge consists of two parts resistance and actual wrestling. In the resistance segment the defender has to withstand the following five submission holds as long as he / she can:
figure four headscissors
headscissors facing away
headscissors facing the challenger
reverse headscissors

The amount of time the defender has withstood before tapping to each hold is summed and the total amount is subtracted from 10 minutes. Then the wrestling starts and the challenger has the remaining amount of time to make the defender tap out 7 times. If the challenger is successful in doing that, she / he is the winner. If not, the defender wins.

Please let us know your opinion about this format in the comments section below or by contacting us via email.

Match outline: introductory interviews, resistance segment, wrestling segment, victory pose (foot on face), final interviews.

File info: ~5Mbps bitrate, 1280x720 HD video, MP4 file.
See the preview pics: at Fight Pulse

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