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Subtitled/Subbed or English Dubbed anime (aka Subs vs. Dubs v2)

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Jul 13, 2011 12:57 PM

Jun 2008
Rei-chan said:
I don't understand how someone can not be able to read and watch something at the same time. Unless it's just down to laziness (more understandable) they must have an incredibly small STM capacity lol.

Tell that to dyslexic people.

Some people are also naturally slow readers. My sister loves to read more than I ever have but has ironically always been a slow reader.
Jul 13, 2011 2:11 PM

Sep 2010

Meh_93 said:
Well, I'm first going to comment on people who say, "I like subs better because the meaning is lost in translation". If you believe that, you should go to Japan and learn Japanese, then watch anime RAW. The same things are lost in translation (if anything is even lost in the first place) with subbed and dubbed. The difference is one is read and the other is said. Both are being translated into English.

Learning Japanese is not an immediate magical thing. It takes time and in between being a Japanese noob to fluent the best option would still be listening to the original language track and subs. The same things are not lost in translation(a proven concept because not all langauges have direct translations for all words). Honorifics, particles, dialects, verbal tics, and phrases can all be lost in translation because not all of them have English equivalents.However RAW or subbed the original audio is on so all of those things are still there for the listen to hear, this is not the case with dubs. The casual listener might not know the difference between wa and ga but should be able to get the difference between -san, -kun, and -chan with enough anime exposure.

Most of the reasons people say they watch exclusively subs for aren't really valid. In my experience, the subs usually do fit the characters better, there is more emotion, etc., but it's not as bad as people make it out to be and that shouldn't be the main reason people only watch subs. Then there's the whole, "dubs edit the storyline and take out all the blood, etc.". This really isn't true because most anime is released directly to DVD, uncut, and even the shows that air on TV have uncut DVD's. The reason they are edited on TV is because of TV regulations, not because the company wants to edit things out.

"It isn't really true" it fucking happens. Funimation removed Japan from Detective Conan, 4kids removed Japan from all their anime, the racist undertones Hei(Darker then Black) is supposed to experience while just being a regular guy are gone, and there are other examples but the point is changes do happen and regardless of importance can be completely avoided by watching subtitles of the original language. But if you don't listen to the original language you wouldn't really know about changes anyway since the only version you are familar with is the dubbed one.

NOTE: In the last paragraph, I'm making general observations. There are exceptions, I'm just saying most anime fit into that. I know 4Kids! ruins things, but they don't license a lot of anime and they are bankrupt.

You are trying to argue that the problems people listed with dubs don't exist or rather "really isn't true" and example proving the problems true is valid for the type of person bothered by changes, regardless of size. Telling someone else how they should feel about changes does not work.

Jul 13, 2011 3:19 PM
Nov 2010
I prefer a subtitled anime, I don't have problems in reading and watching at the same time. I am not a native english speaker as you can see, japanese characters speaking english/portuguese sounds strange. It is hard to find portuguese dubbed animes and even more hard to find good ones. Dubbed animes lacks in emotion and likehood.
Jul 13, 2011 3:49 PM

Jan 2009
Anime_Name said:
Honorifics, particles, dialects, verbal tics, and phrases can all be lost in translation because not all of them have English equivalents.However RAW or subbed the original audio is on so all of those things are still there for the listen to hear, this is not the case with dubs. The casual listener might not know the difference between wa and ga but should be able to get the difference between -san, -kun, and -chan with enough anime exposure.

Whoops, I forgot about honorifics not being in the dubbed versions....I watch subs 95% of the time and overlooked that.

Anime_Name said:
You are trying to argue that the problems people listed with dubs don't exist or rather "really isn't true" and example proving the problems true is valid for the type of person bothered by changes, regardless of size. Telling someone else how they should feel about changes does not work.

I'm not saying the problems don't exist, I'm saying the changes aren't as big as people make them out to be. Most people have only seen dubs done by 4Kids! (ie. One Piece) or they had a bad experience with dubs, then they just assume all dubs are like that. I'm saying most dubs turn out good and don't edit anything or they make small changes that really aren't that big of a deal. And I'm not telling people how they should fell, I'm just voicing my opinion. They choose whether to agree, disagree, or only partly agree.
Jul 13, 2011 4:49 PM

Sep 2010
I'm not saying the problems don't exist, I'm saying the changes aren't as big as people make them out to be.

That's your opinion to not mind some because they aren't "as big" to you as they are to others.

I'm saying most dubs turn out good and don't edit anything or they make small changes that really aren't that big of a deal.

Like dude that's like totally your opinion on whether a change is a big deal or not.
Maybe "good" is not enough for some people or maybe "good" is not what some people would use to describe most dubs. You are using generalities to state your opinion, that does not really work as generalities hint at there being some sort of consensus of agreement. If such a consensus were the case threads like this would not exist.


Jul 13, 2011 5:14 PM

Aug 2007
Meh_93 said:
Well, I'm first going to comment on people who say, "I like subs better because the meaning is lost in translation". If you believe that, you should go to Japan and learn Japanese, then watch anime RAW. The same things are lost in translation (if anything is even lost in the first place) with subbed and dubbed. The difference is one is read and the other is said. Both are being translated into English.

Anyway, I prefer subs over dubs. I don't hate dubs, but I mostly watch anime that is isn't available in English, so I watch those subbed and just naturally seek out the subbed version even if it is in English. I've watched some dubs: DBZ, Murder Princess, Speed Grapher, etc. and they were actually pretty good, but I still usually go for subs (subs are also easier to find in HD online too).

Most of the reasons people say they watch exclusively subs for aren't really valid. In my experience, the subs usually do fit the characters better, there is more emotion, etc., but it's not as bad as people make it out to be and that shouldn't be the main reason people only watch subs. Then there's the whole, "dubs edit the storyline and take out all the blood, etc.". This really isn't true because most anime is released directly to DVD, uncut, and even the shows that air on TV have uncut DVD's. The reason they are edited on TV is because of TV regulations, not because the company wants to edit things out.

NOTE: In the last paragraph, I'm making general observations. There are exceptions, I'm just saying most anime fit into that. I know 4Kids! ruins things, but they don't license a lot of anime and they are bankrupt.

They're saying the wrong thing. They should say fansubs translate better than official companies instead.

I like subs because of the more accurate translations, usually better voice acting, and fansubs are usually faster.
Jul 14, 2011 12:15 AM

Jul 2011
Yes, lost in translation is very rare in subs OR dubs, they usually get the message forward well enough, so lost in translation is not really a problem concerning this topic...
Jul 14, 2011 12:45 AM

Sep 2010
HawkeyeSensei said:
Yes, lost in translation is very rare in subs OR dubs, they usually get the message forward well enough, so lost in translation is not really a problem concerning this topic...

Lost in translation is not just about getting a message across well enough but losing some nuanced context when not familiar with the original language. The more I learn Japanese and read up on anime trivia the more common this subject becomes.

Jul 14, 2011 12:52 AM
Nov 2008
Anime_Name said:
Lost in translation is not just about getting a message across well enough but losing some nuanced context when not familiar with the original language.

'Lost in translation' refers to when something is lost and/or miscommunicated during the translation process. I haven't seen cases of something being lost in translation since 4kids' early days, and before that the early 90s to late 80s.
Jul 14, 2011 1:24 AM

Sep 2010
Onibokusu said:
Anime_Name said:
Lost in translation is not just about getting a message across well enough but losing some nuanced context when not familiar with the original language.

'Lost in translation' refers to when something is lost and/or miscommunicated during the translation process. I haven't seen cases of something being lost in translation since 4kids' early days, and before that the early 90s to late 80s.

Even under your watchful gaze it happens.

Jul 14, 2011 1:27 AM
Nov 2008
Anime_Name said:
Onibokusu said:
Anime_Name said:
Lost in translation is not just about getting a message across well enough but losing some nuanced context when not familiar with the original language.

'Lost in translation' refers to when something is lost and/or miscommunicated during the translation process. I haven't seen cases of something being lost in translation since 4kids' early days, and before that the early 90s to late 80s.

Even under your watchful gaze it happens.

Most of the examples are extremely old.
Jul 14, 2011 1:34 AM

Sep 2010
Onibokusu said:
Anime_Name said:
Onibokusu said:
Anime_Name said:
Lost in translation is not just about getting a message across well enough but losing some nuanced context when not familiar with the original language.

'Lost in translation' refers to when something is lost and/or miscommunicated during the translation process. I haven't seen cases of something being lost in translation since 4kids' early days, and before that the early 90s to late 80s.

Even under your watchful gaze it happens.

Most of the examples are extremely old.

Most but not all. Some are even after the late 80s and early 90s. But the link was just a shortcut to provide a mix of examples and it is not an exhaustive list.

Jul 14, 2011 1:37 AM
Nov 2008
Anime_Name said:
Onibokusu said:
Anime_Name said:
Onibokusu said:
Anime_Name said:
Lost in translation is not just about getting a message across well enough but losing some nuanced context when not familiar with the original language.

'Lost in translation' refers to when something is lost and/or miscommunicated during the translation process. I haven't seen cases of something being lost in translation since 4kids' early days, and before that the early 90s to late 80s.

Even under your watchful gaze it happens.

Most of the examples are extremely old.

Most but not all. Some are even after the late 80s and early 90s.

Yes, and of those ones they are either not even in English, done by 4kids, or fan translated.
Jul 14, 2011 1:44 AM

Sep 2010
You might want to break out the release dates of those dubs before trying nitpick like that.

Jul 14, 2011 1:54 AM
Nov 2008
Anime_Name said:
You might want to break out the release dates of those dubs before trying nitpick like that.

Most of the modern (Year 2000+) examples are either inverted tropes, parodies, inevitable (Samurai Champloo) or intended (Shin Chan in particular). They don't look to be cases of bad translation resulting in loss of meaning, like the older examples or 4kids examples provided by TVTropes.
Jul 14, 2011 2:06 AM

Sep 2010
Onibokusu said:
Anime_Name said:
You might want to break out the release dates of those dubs before trying nitpick like that.

Most of the modern (Year 2000+) examples are either inverted tropes, parodies, inevitable (Samurai Champloo) or intended (Shin Chan in particular). They don't look to be cases of bad translation resulting in loss of meaning, like the older examples or 4kids examples provided by TVTropes.

Inevitable, unintended, on purpose or w/e they are still examples of content being lost in translations. How or why it happens does change that. However if you really want to make something of your quibbles go to TVTropes and edit those entries to suit your perception. I'm sure those people would love to hear about your semantic reasoning and anal nitpicks.

Jul 14, 2011 3:03 AM
Nov 2008
Anime_Name said:
Onibokusu said:
Anime_Name said:
You might want to break out the release dates of those dubs before trying nitpick like that.

Most of the modern (Year 2000+) examples are either inverted tropes, parodies, inevitable (Samurai Champloo) or intended (Shin Chan in particular). They don't look to be cases of bad translation resulting in loss of meaning, like the older examples or 4kids examples provided by TVTropes.

Inevitable, unintended, on purpose or w/e they are still examples of content being lost in translations. How or why it happens does change that. However if you really want to make something of your quibbles go to TVTropes and edit those entries to suit your perception. I'm sure those people would love to hear about your semantic reasoning and anal nitpicks.

They're examples, but are they a problem? The answer is no, as was posted by HawkeyeSensei earlier today. It would only be a problem if the loss in translation was caused by incompetence of some kind, of which I haven't seen since 4kids' early days and the late 80s to early 90s.

Also, leave the insults for another time. The whole thing about TVTropes was uncalled for, and totally unnecessary. This has nothing to do about what's being presented by TVTropes, considering the entries themselves state what I've just repeated here. No point in me editing them.
no-thanksJul 14, 2011 3:51 AM
Jul 14, 2011 5:31 AM

Jun 2011
I really prefer subs over dubbed anime because the dubbed anime I usually watch are very stupid and non-fitting for the characters. Not because I want to learn Japanese, though I am inspiring some off of subtitled anime, but I usually just judge which one is better and then I might go and watch the subs instead.
Numbuh 3, you've got to get off the couch, you cannot sit in that tree house, girl you like Rainbow Monkeys so grab your little shit and then swing!

Hand tracks be tracking me to different doorways. In a maze, and I don't know what to do. Guaranteed though, Ima find the emeralds.
Jul 14, 2011 2:50 PM

Sep 2010
They're examples, but are they a problem? The answer is no, as was posted by HawkeyeSensei earlier today. It would only be a problem if the loss in translation was caused by incompetence of some kind, of which I haven't seen since 4kids' early days and the late 80s to early 90s.

Have I said content lost in translation is due to some sort of incompetence? No.
Is lost in translation a problem in anime? Dunno.
Is lost in translation a problem that can be cited for this topic? Surely it is. Posters in this thread have stated and/or alluded to translations being part of their reason for having a sub preference.
What you seen is one thing and what others have seen is another. I have seen content lost in translation in dub releases dated in the 2000s and even the 10s, not including stuff from 4kids. Maybe we haven't seen the same stuffz or maybe we aren't judging stuff the same way.Tthere is no way in hell I am going to fill this thread up with my examples for your to mangle with your subjectivity schtick of what you 'really' would call it.

Also, leave the insults for another time. The whole thing about TVTropes was uncalled for, and totally unnecessary. This has nothing to do about what's being presented by TVTropes, considering the entries themselves state what I've just repeated here. No point in me editing them.

As I said the TVTropes list was just a shortcut to provide examples showing that content can and does get lost in translation. TVTropes not only listed a few they also offer a non-basis standpoint and don't assume lost in translation is categorically bad or is the fault of anyone other than just being evidence of language differences.

Things lost in translation is part of my reason for preferring the original language /w subs over dubs. With my experiences I can catch some of the subtleties like word games, historical moments, references, and idioms by having the original language play that would otherwise not be present in a dub. All of this is just explanations and reasoning to explain my preference. Mind you my preference is not static it depends on when presented with the option of dub or sub which one do I end up watching the most of.

It is insulting when you enter a conversation and proceed to redefine and twist posts around to fit whatever argument you try make. If you don't do those things then I would have nothing to say about it.

Jul 14, 2011 4:29 PM

Oct 2010
I'm happy to watch both Dub and subs, and while i prefer dubbed anime some of my favourites are in japanese ( Macross Plus, Sol Bianca ).

But on the whole i find it easier to appreciate the nuances of characters when its in my own language, and the adaption from direct translation ( which lacks character, and often sounds unnatural when spoken in its literal form ) to something that sounds natural when spoken is the key to a good dub, they should reflect the essence of what was ment by the characters ( which really aids the important part of any anime, "the story" ) even if it was not what was literally said.
Jul 14, 2011 4:39 PM

Jan 2009
Anime_Name said:
I'm not saying the problems don't exist, I'm saying the changes aren't as big as people make them out to be.

That's your opinion to not mind some because they aren't "as big" to you as they are to others.

I'm saying most dubs turn out good and don't edit anything or they make small changes that really aren't that big of a deal.

Like dude that's like totally your opinion on whether a change is a big deal or not.
Maybe "good" is not enough for some people or maybe "good" is not what some people would use to describe most dubs. You are using generalities to state your opinion, that does not really work as generalities hint at there being some sort of consensus of agreement. If such a consensus were the case threads like this would not exist.


Yeah, I'm giving my opinion, glad to see you've mad that revelation.
Jul 14, 2011 4:53 PM

Sep 2010
Meh_93 said:

Yeah, I'm giving my opinion, glad to see you've mad that revelation.

It's is a tough revelation because of how you word your opinions as statements of fact.

Jul 14, 2011 4:56 PM
Nov 2008
Anime_Name said:

Things lost in translation is part of my reason for preferring the original language /w subs over dubs. With my experiences I can catch some of the subtleties like word games, historical moments, references, and idioms by having the original language play that would otherwise not be present in a dub. All of this is just explanations and reasoning to explain my preference. Mind you my preference is not static it depends on when presented with the option of dub or sub which one do I end up watching the most of.

The original language with subtitles is no better off than a dub in terms of translation. Where subs can provide translator notes, as can a dub, because not everything works out perfectly, 100% in either translation. Had you been watching the anime in the original Japanese language, with no English translation aid, I'd think your argument was sound. Everything about the word games, historical moments, references, and idioms would all be fly with me if that was the case, but it isn't.

Also, I'm aware that your preference isn't 'static'. You don't have to keep bringing this up as if it's some kind of nullifier (e.g. 'no offense') to the rest of your post.

It is insulting when you enter a conversation and proceed to redefine and twist posts around to fit whatever argument you try make. If you don't do those things then I would have nothing to say about it.

I don't remember anyone doing such things, but I do remember you trying to twist my argument to make it look like I am by subsequently inserting irrelevant dribble such as the above to try and make it look like I'm doing so, in order to discredit me rather than my argument. Not going to work, hun.

Maybe we haven't seen the same stuffz or maybe we aren't judging stuff the same way.

Pff, how would I know? I have no way of knowing what anime you've seen. It's not like your anime list reflects your apparent anime watching prowess, and you're not prepared to give me any examples because, hey, it's just easier to say you've done and seen stuff than actually prove you have whilst trying to insult me at the same time. There's a good possibility I have seen and watched more dubs from the 00s and 10s then you have, because lord knows I actually like to watch the things.
no-thanksJul 14, 2011 5:19 PM
Jul 14, 2011 5:22 PM
Jun 2011
definitely SUB!!!
most of the anime's I saw especially with english dubs ( since it is the only language I know :P ) took away the passion from the anime ... like if you watched Final Fantasy VII : Advent Children you can see how crappy the dubbed version was!
Jul 14, 2011 6:04 PM

Sep 2010
Onibokusu said:

The original language with subtitles is no better off than a dub in terms of translation. Where subs can provide translator notes, as can a dub, because not everything works out perfectly, 100% in either translation. Had you been watching the anime in the original Japanese language, with no English translation aid, I'd think your argument was sound. Everything about the word games, historical moments, references, and idioms would all be fly with me if that was the case, but it isn't.

Also, I'm aware that your preference isn't 'static'. You don't have to keep bringing this up as if it's some kind of nullifier (e.g. 'no offense') to the rest of your post.

I included valuing the original language for the sake of my interpretation, not just subtitles which I use for a crutch. My preference has nothing to do with fansubs or translator notes as I am only talking about anime I have a choice of dub or sub for, meaning hybrid discs. Keeping the original language means I am hearing everything including things that might have been lost in translation, whether I understand or interpret what I hear as a native Japanese speaker would is beside the point. I rather have the original dialogue 100% intact than 100% replaced.

I don't remember anyone doing such things, but I do remember you trying to twist my argument to make it look like I am by subsequently inserting irrelevant dribble such as the above to try and make it look like I'm doing so, in order to discredit me rather than my argument. Not going to work, hun.

You can remember things how you please but everything is there in text(well the stuff not deleted by mods). There are quite a few conversations where I have had to correct you're interpretation of my own words over and over to no end because you were so unwilling to accept anything but your own conclusions. Your attempt to override TVTropes is just further evidence of your ways.

Pff, how would I know? I have no way of knowing what anime you've seen. It's not like your anime list reflects your apparent anime watching prowess, and you're not prepared to give me any examples because, hey, it's just easier to say you've done and seen stuff than actually prove you have whilst trying to insult me at the same time. There's a good possibility I have seen and watched more dubs from the 00s and 10s then you have, because lord knows I actually like to watch the things.

No debate with you would change my point that I have seen content lost in dubs that were released after the year 2000. The debate over what is and what is not content lost in translation would be off-topic and just be you weaseling your interpretation above mine. My anime list is rarely updated. Using it as some sort of measuring stick won't work.

Jul 14, 2011 6:15 PM

Aug 2009
Everything is better in it's own original way.
Jul 14, 2011 6:23 PM
Nov 2008
Anime_Name said:

I included valuing the original language for the sake of my interpretation, not just subtitles which I use for a crutch. My preference has nothing to do with fansubs or translator notes as I am only talking about anime I have a choice of dub or sub for, meaning hybrid discs. Keeping the original language means I am hearing everything including things that might have been lost in translation, whether I understand or interpret what I hear as a native Japanese speaker would is beside the point. I rather have the original dialogue 100% intact than 100% replaced.

One, I never mentioned fansubs, and two, you sound like you're just arguing the principle of the thing now. It's not about understanding it or anything, it's just the fact that they're speaking in Japanese. Why even be in this thread?

You can remember things how you please but everything is there in text(well the stuff not deleted by mods). There are quite a few conversations where I have had to correct you're interpretation of my own words over and over to no end because you were so unwilling to accept anything but your own conclusions. Your attempt to override TVTropes is just further evidence of your ways.

Oh, I don't remember that. I remember me misinterpreting your words once, because you communicated what you said poorly at first (which lead to not only myself, but several others misinterpreting what you typed). Don't make it look like it was my fault that happened.

Oh, and attempting to override TVTropes? I'm sorry, but did you miss 'considering the entries themselves state what I've just repeated here'. I haven't overridden anything, I've just re-stated what was said on TVTropes. 'Lost in Translation', like most other trope pages, is merely a lampshade that includes not only examples unintentional losses in translation but also includes inverted tropes, parodies, inevitable and intended losses in translation as they technically fall into the same trope (by result only). The fact that they're inverted tropes, parodies, inevitable or intended in mentioned in the trop entry, or corrected in a note after the entry. Don't blame me for trying to do something I'm not.

No debate with you would change my point that I have seen content lost in dubs that were released after the year 2000. The debate over what is and what is not content lost in translation would be off-topic and just be you weaseling your interpretation above mine.

Other than TVTropes, which doesn't show incompetence resulting in loss in translation, you have provided nothing to back your point. To just say 'I have seen content lost in dubs that were released after the year 2000' is meaningless, because that's a given and no one here has denied that. The original post made by HawkeyeSensei specifically says 'so lost in translation is not really a problem concerning this topic', which I support. Why do I support it? Because most, if not all, losses in modern anime translation are not a result of translation incompetence (other than 4kids). It'd only be a problem if that were the case, unless you're such a nitpick that minor things such as a loss of a shout-out to another franchise can be seen as a problem.

Well, I have to go and catch a train now, so I shan't be responding for a fair while. If your response is just going to be full of 'you're weaselling your way out of things' and 'you're twisting my words' (when I'm clearly not), just PM me instead. It'd be for the better.
Jul 14, 2011 6:57 PM

Sep 2010
One, I never mentioned fansubs, and two, you sound like you're just arguing the principle of the thing now. It's not about understanding it or anything, it's just the fact that they're speaking in Japanese. Why even be in this thread?

I am in this thread because I prefer to watch my anime in sub form and this thread poses the question "Subtitled or English Dubbed anime." If I prefer subs solely for the fact they are speaking Japanese then that reasoning still fits this topic and can be a cause for determining a preference.

The fact that they're inverted tropes, parodies, inevitable or intended in mentioned in the trop entry, or corrected in a note after the entry. Don't blame me for trying to do something I'm not.

Regardless of the reason content was still lost in translation. I am not trying to qualify the issue as bad, good, on purpose, accidental, or anything like that. It happens, I opt to avoid it as must as possible by leaving on the original language track and having on subs.

Other than TVTropes, which doesn't show incompetence resulting in loss in translation, you have provided nothing to back your point.

I have provided some examples before your recent tear into this thread.
Let me correct you once again, I have not implied or inferred that the issue of lost in translation is a matter of incompetence.

Well, I have to go and catch a train now, so I shan't be responding for a fair while. If your response is just going to be full of 'you're weaselling your way out of things' and 'you're twisting my words' (when I'm clearly not), just PM me instead. It'd be for the better.

I don't PM for fights, debates, or circle jerking. Everything I want to say is done through posting.

Jul 14, 2011 7:38 PM
Dec 2007
Part 2 of this thread is proving to be as full of personal fighting as part 1. I wouldn't bother responding to him though, it's a waste of effort.

Jul 14, 2011 7:44 PM

Jul 2011
I'm going to ignore the flame wars above me and get back on topic here.

When I was younger I always preferred Dubbed anime because I sucked at reading the subtitles for things (because I was young) But subbed anime started to grow on me, now to the point where if I see an anime dubbed I instantly look for a subbed version of it especially if I have already watched half the series subbed I can't just change the voices to every character half way through, it just doesn't feel right.

Watching subbed is like being an American living in Japan. It makes you feel as if you are right there with Japan. That is the amazing thing about subbed anime :)
Jul 14, 2011 8:35 PM

Jan 2010
I have to say that I really don't understand people who prefer English dub over Japanese dub. I really just don't. Is it the comfort of hearing it in English? Or the discomfort of hearing it in Japanese?

Personally, I have to say, I fucking hate dub in any way shape or form. Not to say that it's inferior, but I just have a problem with it. The way I see it, is that it's like when you see a dubbed movie in another language. Sure, you may be able to understand it better, but it just doesn't sound right. Like, if I watch The King's Speech in Chinese dub, I'd cut my ears off. For me, I'd rather read a note about what is being said in the subtitles than lose the entire joke to listen to it in English. But to those who like it, more power to you.

Puns, jokes, cultural satirical comments, and much more are lost in dubbed forms, which is why dubbing is such a terrible taste in my opinion. If you're going to watch something, watch it in the original form, not only because it may have better voice acting, but because of how much you can lose from a translated piece.

All in all, I just feel that there's so much you lose in a dubbed piece of any work that contains voice, music, or acting. The original voices, the jokes, the accents, and just the original overall feel the thing gives to life with the audio.
Jul 14, 2011 8:41 PM
Jun 2011
I prefer either one to be honest. But for some shows I prefer the English dubbed version since they can express themselves better. One that made me realize this was Girls Bravo. The English, while not amazing, does a good job at being able to express the characters emotions instead of sounding mundane.

But I'll watch it in any form. Sometimes the English can be so bad it's comical though so that is a plus.
Jul 14, 2011 8:59 PM

Jun 2009
d4n13lr0x said:
I have to say that I really don't understand people who prefer English dub over Japanese dub. I really just don't. Is it the comfort of hearing it in English? Or the discomfort of hearing it in Japanese?

it's normally the former for most. then again, i never heard anyone said they found the japanese dub grating, it all comes down to preference really.

d4n13lr0x said:
Personally, I have to say, I fucking hate dub in any way shape or form. Not to say that it's inferior, but I just have a problem with it. The way I see it, is that it's like when you see a dubbed movie in another language. Sure, you may be able to understand it better, but it just doesn't sound right. Like, if I watch The King's Speech in Chinese dub, I'd cut my ears off. For me, I'd rather read a note about what is being said in the subtitles than lose the entire joke to listen to it in English. But to those who like it, more power to you.

well personally, when something is dubbed in a different language, like your example of the king's speech in chinese dub, several people who speak that and can only understand that language will be able to understand what he's saying. more or less, i can see how this can be bothersome to others, but for me, this isn't an issue since it's effective for others who can't understand the other language.

d4n13lr0x said:
Puns, jokes, cultural satirical comments, and much more are lost in dubbed forms, which is why dubbing is such a terrible taste in my opinion. If you're going to watch something, watch it in the original form, not only because it may have better voice acting, but because of how much you can lose from a translated piece.

All in all, I just feel that there's so much you lose in a dubbed piece of any work that contains voice, music, or acting. The original voices, the jokes, the accents, and just the original overall feel the thing gives to life with the audio.

well it's completely japanese so obviously it'll be altered or americanized in some way because to most people it's alien to them, they won't really understand it. then again, they keep most of that in several dubs (ie azumanga daoih). also, if you think it's lost in translation, than study japanese and watch it raw to see if you really think it's translated wrong.
"everyone knows that the last toes are always the coldest to go."

Telavators-the mars volta
Jul 14, 2011 9:23 PM

Sep 2010
lost in translation =/= translated wrong

Jul 14, 2011 9:36 PM
Dec 2007
Anime_Name said:
lost in translation =/= translated wrong
Pretty much. There's some things that are lost because of the language barrier, but that's not the fault of the translator and/or voice actor.

Jul 14, 2011 9:44 PM

Jun 2009
Leon-Gun said:
Anime_Name said:
lost in translation =/= translated wrong
Pretty much. There's some things that are lost because of the language barrier, but that's not the fault of the translator and/or voice actor.

now that i think about, that's basically true. some things are lost, but not enough that makes it different to the original script.

thanks for correcting me on that
"everyone knows that the last toes are always the coldest to go."

Telavators-the mars volta
Jul 14, 2011 9:48 PM

Jan 2010

well personally, when something is dubbed in a different language, like your example of the king's speech in chinese dub, several people who speak that and can only understand that language will be able to understand what he's saying. more or less, i can see how this can be bothersome to others, but for me, this isn't an issue since it's effective for others who can't understand the other language.

See, here is where I have a problem. Why would you prefer something that loses the authentic feel of the original for the sake of hearing it in your language? There are things called subtitles.

well it's completely japanese so obviously it'll be altered or americanized in some way because to most people it's alien to them, they won't really understand it. then again, they keep most of that in several dubs (ie azumanga daoih). also, if you think it's lost in translation, than study japanese and watch it raw to see if you really think it's translated wrong.

Who gives a fuck if it's alien to them? Japanese anime should not be catered to an American audience to the extent of "americanizing" it. Does Family Guy and Southpark get japanized or germanized for their viewing pleasure? And even if it does, doesn't it just feel weird? I'm watching Japanese anime because I want to watch Japanese anime, not some americanized dubbed shit.

I could go on, but all I would be doing is raging and insulting dubbed anime, so I'll stop. Seriously though, I really don't hate dub. Just that whenever I hear dubbed anime, it just sounds really corny, gives me goosebumps, and I can't help but hear the superficial fake tones the voice actors use in comparison to the Japanese voice actors. I fully respect people who prefer dub to sub or watch mostly dub anime, because it always comes down to personal preference.
neverLampJul 14, 2011 9:53 PM
Jul 14, 2011 10:17 PM

Jun 2009
d4n13lr0x said:
See, here is where I have a problem. Why would you prefer something that loses the authentic feel of the original for the sake of hearing it in your language? There are things called subtitles.

tell that to those who are dyslexic or naturally slow readers, not everyone can read subtitles, dude.

Who gives a fuck if it's alien to them? Japanese anime should not be catered to an American audience to the extent of "americanizing" it. Does Family Guy and Southpark get japanized or germanized for their viewing pleasure? And even if it does, doesn't it just feel weird? I'm watching Japanese anime because I want to watch Japanese anime, not some americanized dubbed shit.

i didn't mean completely americanize the original script, i mean make it somewhat accessible to those who can't understand the japanese language or whatnot without tarnishing the source material. i might of worded what i said wrong to i apologize for that. but of course some people can't understand/don't know much about other people's cultures so they would be in the dark about it so it should matter some how.

I fully respect people who prefer dub to sub or watch mostly dub anime, because it always comes down to personal preference.

i'm sorry man but that sounded hypocritical coming from you
"everyone knows that the last toes are always the coldest to go."

Telavators-the mars volta
Jul 14, 2011 10:20 PM

Nov 2010
Jul 15, 2011 12:00 AM

Aug 2007
Anime_Name said:
lost in translation =/= translated wrong

Which is what I've been saying the entire time. People who say lost in translation really mean translated wrong.
Jul 15, 2011 12:04 AM
Jun 2011
Well, asked a few months ago, I definitely would have replied with subs. However, I have come across several great anime with amazing english dubs (Darker than Black, Higashi no Eden, Code Geass). So now I guess it really depends. Bleach is one anime I absolutely cannot bear to listen to as a dub, however. For the most part, I still feel that many anime have english voice acting casts that are a bit lacking though.
Jul 15, 2011 12:10 AM

Feb 2010
I think I speak for most when I say that sub vs. dub simply comes down to preference, and neither side is objectively more right than the other. I think an argument over which is better will never be truly resolved.

My personal preference is that I exclusively watch subtitled anime. When I watched my first subbed anime, I thought "Hmm, this might be tedious", but after watching a few episodes, I was thinking "The voices flow very naturally, and reading isn't even a hassle. Why wasn't I doing this before?" And from that day on I have never watched a single anime in English. (With the exception of "The Old Crocodile" which is narrated in english)
kingw0rmJul 18, 2011 4:28 AM
Jul 15, 2011 12:26 AM

Jan 2010
Lordcrab86 said:
d4n13lr0x said:

I fully respect people who prefer dub to sub or watch mostly dub anime, because it always comes down to personal preference.

i'm sorry man but that sounded hypocritical coming from you

I mean to say I don't look down on people who watch English dubbed anime or prefer it over Japanese dub. I just don't understand it.
Jul 15, 2011 4:29 AM
Nov 2008
Anime_Name said:

I have provided some examples before your recent tear into this thread.
Let me correct you once again, I have not implied or inferred that the issue of lost in translation is a matter of incompetence.

That would imply that what I've said about incompetence has anything to do with you've said. Have you just been ignoring where I refer back HawkeyeSensei, where he/she makes the point that some things being lost in translation isn't a bad thing, as it still conveys the same story, and is not an issue in this thread. Why is it not an issue? Expanding on his/her point, the reason is that said loss in translation is not due to incompetence.

Remember, I never challenged what you posted. You challenged what I posted, for no reason at that.

I don't PM for fights, debates, or circle jerking. Everything I want to say is done through posting.

Great, you completely missed the point of why I typed that. You keep inserting flames into this debate where it isn't needed, because you somehow think it betters you or something. It's stupid and shouldn't be done here.

Anyways, we came full circle here, and at least you didn't degrade to insulting dribble again, so it's all good.
no-thanksJul 15, 2011 11:16 AM
Jul 15, 2011 7:23 AM

Jun 2011
I personally prefer subbed. I don't know, but something about dubbed anime seems.. off. I first watched Naruto in English and loved it. Then after some time, I missed a few episodes and decided to watch them online (Japanese with subs though). I got caught up with the series again and started watching in English once again but for some reason, it felt strange. As if Naruto's voice was too damn high! Ever since then, I watch mostly subbed. Though, if done right, I think that dubbed can really bring out a characters personality. That is, if the voice acting is really good.

"To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world." -Unknown
Jul 15, 2011 8:38 AM

Aug 2008
Redfoxoffire said:
Rei-chan said:
I don't understand how someone can not be able to read and watch something at the same time. Unless it's just down to laziness (more understandable) they must have an incredibly small STM capacity lol.

Tell that to dyslexic people.

Some people are also naturally slow readers. My sister loves to read more than I ever have but has ironically always been a slow reader.

Well obviously I wasn't talking about people with disabilities. I know a lot of dyslexic people that have absolutely no problem reading subs so it isn't really fair to generalise and say that they all can't.
Jul 15, 2011 2:56 PM

Sep 2010
Have you just been ignoring where I refer back HawkeyeSensei, where he/she makes the point that some things being lost in translation isn't a bad thing, as it still conveys the same story, and is not an issue in this thread.

I already commented on Hawkeyesensei's post. If there is anything more to it then let's wait for HawkeyeSensei's reply to support his/her position.

Our discussion erupted tangent to that and boils down to your claim that you have not seen this issue in dubs since the late 80s and early 90s. While I claim I have seen this issue in dubs released post 2000. I have never challenged what you have seen but you can't let my point stand because somehow watching with Eng subs enabled hinders my understanding of various things that can be lost in translation. Here's the quote: "Had you been watching the anime in the original Japanese language, with no English translation aid, I'd think your argument was sound. Everything about the word games, historical moments, references, and idioms would all be fly with me if that was the case, but it isn't." That looks like a challenge to me but hey so long as you can weasel your way around it must not really be a challenge.

Remember, I never challenged what you posted. You challenged what I posted, for no reason at that.

Yours were the first posts mentioning lost in translation, bad, and mistranslation in the same context. You were the one mixing the concept with negative qualifiers in almost every subsequent post following my response to HawkeyeSensei.

Jul 15, 2011 3:36 PM

Jul 2011
Schonn said:
I personally prefer subbed. I don't know, but something about dubbed anime seems.. off. I first watched Naruto in English and loved it. Then after some time, I missed a few episodes and decided to watch them online (Japanese with subs though). I got caught up with the series again and started watching in English once again but for some reason, it felt strange. As if Naruto's voice was too damn high! Ever since then, I watch mostly subbed. Though, if done right, I think that dubbed can really bring out a characters personality. That is, if the voice acting is really good.

This is what I mean, I watch big series like Naruto and Bleach dubbed and then I wanted to see more of the series so I went to watch it online and it was subbed. The transition to subbed was tough for me, but I stuck it through because I loved the anime so much. I switched back to dub and I just couldn't do it mainly because the characters just don't sound right, they were meant to be "dubbed" characters if you get what I mean.
Jul 16, 2011 7:13 PM
Nov 2008
Anime_Name said:

Yours were the first posts mentioning lost in translation, bad, and mistranslation in the same context. You were the one mixing the concept with negative qualifiers in almost every subsequent post following my response to HawkeyeSensei.

I don't know what you've learnt, but 'problem' is a negative concept. You can only expand upon a negative with more negatives, that much is obvious. What was this supposed to 'problem' that was 'not really a problem concerning this topic'? Evidently I expanded on that.

FYI, I never mentioned anything about 'mistranslation'. I mentioned incompetence resulting in loss in translation, which doesn't necessarily mean a mistranslation.
Jul 16, 2011 7:45 PM

Sep 2010
You repeated that didn't experience a problem while making the context misleadingly negative.
I just said I have experienced problems after the year 2000 which have contributed to my preferences on the subject of dub v sub.

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