Worst MMO Ever? - Karos
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
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Karos is a game where every quest is about killing things and over the course of a few hours you become the defacto god of murder.
some of your quests involve solving the mystery of why the local goblin population are so afraid of the humans, you solve this by killing the entire local goblin population.
i guess the source of the fear will remain a mystery.
Thanks to the supporters on Patreon and Twitch who keep the channel alive :) Развлечения
I just arrived at santos Dummont airport, rio de Janeiro.
Thanks for keeping our aviation logistics working
Imagine not having a cool enough call so you have to be dubbed by another bird.
As how all lion roars in movies are from tigers? (Or a dude whit a trashcan?)
Pretty sure the same is done in movies with bears - they don't actually roar when they snarl, so they use wolf roars.
In the first Mad Max movie they didn't like Mel Gibson's voice so they dubbed over it.
@@exodore2000 That was very common in those days anyone who didn't sound like a generic American got dubbed over for instance most of the side characters in once upon a time in the west because it was made by Italians also I think Arnold Schwarzenegger was dubbed over for one of his first movies.
@@theninjamaster67 Hercules in New York they dubbed him.
At this point I'm convinced I will never be tired of Josh saying "behold: combat"
It's contagious, I've started saying it
Never ...
Behold: comment
Gets me every time
@@karotconcarne3325 Behold: content
"Thanks for the goblin eyes adventurer. Now, there is this plant called the purple iblix which is mysteriously going extinct. Can you please collect 20 purple iblix petals so I can study them and figure out why its going extinct."
To be fair that one makes sense as you need to see what's happening to the plant to have a solution as to why the plants are dying out, which would require gathering a couple of the plants to see what it's suffering from.
TBH I'm in a state that I don't care what content you upload, I just listen to you talking and that is more than enough.
Oh, god, thank you. I thought I'm the only one getting soothed just by listening to Josh's comments XD
I actually have bad insomnia and I ended conditioning myself to fall asleep while listening to Josh's voice and it work so well for me. I don't know if it's his tone or cadence but it put me to sleep and save me from a lot of sleepless night.
Jesus. Go outside.
Exact opposite opinion. I'm starting to get annoyed by this labour nonce
This is so true, josh's voice feels so soothing
"You've got more blood on your hands than Lady Macbeth skinning a deer in a blender" might be one of your best lines yet, absolutely beautiful
Loved that "3/10" with the "4/10" voiceover at the end.
I was only listening and for a second there I thought WTF? He gave a game genuine numercal rating?
@@Born_in_Bozja His rating had the exact same accuracy as Kairos's translation
It's the first real number I remember too. He finally had a game that gave him enough fodder for a proper number!
aura kingdom scored 7/10
It's not the first, but yeah, that was great
Hi! Russian person here!
1:51 - it’s ABGD because that’s how the order of letters in the Russian alphabet.
Although I’m not quite sure why they missed out on the V- the proper order would’ve been ABVGD (АБВГД)
You'll never walk away from a Josh Strife Hayes video, without learning, SOMETHING.
Today I learned why I never saw a single eagle, after hearing "eagle noises" in the middle of the Arizona scrub lands. Childhood mystery solved.
I had a _lot_ of red-tailed hawks around my childhood home, so I picked up on it pretty fast. (I really like red-tailed hawks. They're not my favorite bird, but I think they're beautiful in their own way. And good for keeping pest mammal populations in check.)
Red tailed hawks are fucking crucial for population control. Eagles? Eh. HAWKS? GIMME MORE
Or, conversely, why I've never heard an "eagle noise" IRL, despite seeing bald eagles on a semi-regular basis.
For a great noble animal it does sound very impressive
even the american national bird is fake 🥲
They're 100% just opening file -> reading file in -> finding tooltip data based on id/item name -> rendering the data
every. frame.
That or there's an unpatched error happening every frame, that can tank a framerate. A lot of non-gamebreaking errors go unpatched when making games.
idk what could be, even me being a programmer, but, retail wow have the same issue, maybe just less harsh on cpu
@@Ulquiorro Youre not a programmer if you dont even know such easy things.
I mean i never had the problem in wow and i never saw any stream who got that problem in wow.
So youre an programmer and cant even fix a simple bug that only you got???
@@sonicartzldesignerclan5763in a closed source game written in C++? Yeah that's not gonna happen without a lot lot of difficulty. Even accessing the stacktrace...
Gatekeep something you aren't absurdly ignorant about.
@@sonicartzldesignerclan5763 bla bla bla
Honestly, "I have no idea why the goblins are attacking us. Go fetch me 20 of their eyes to help me find out." would be a great gag quest. Or heck, even a serious quest about how humans see themselves as superior to goblins and how that feeling of superiority can leave one to perceive horrirfic violence done to the other as natural way of things.
Bit it is the Natural Order. Goblins are ugly Barbarians and deserve it.
goblins I don't like em
like the discworld novel Snuff!
It is the Natural order
*take your meds*
The tooltip lag issue might be from creating and discarding the tooltip every frame, instead of just creating one and then removing it when the item isn't hovered anymore. But how others' code work is always a complete mystery
I still don't think that this would tank the FPS so heavily, even if it goes through the process every frame.
@@razmatazz9310 Yeah, you're absolutely right, it really shouldn't. Though I'd imagine that they use a very expensive method to discard and write the UI making it slow. All it boils down to is unoptimized code either way xD
Since it only happens with the fletta and not regular items, my guess is that it is trying to look up the expiration date in some idiotic way, like idunno, loading a file with the expiration dates and looking through it every frame.
Another comment mentioned the tooltip is more complex visually, but even if the text rendering was implemented in the stupid tutorial way where each letter is sent as an individual command to the GPU, it should still be a breeze for any GPU manufactured in the last decade.
@thekroltan it happens with all item just more with the fletta items.
Or maybe the tooltip is much bigger than its visible part.
(Lack of) imagination is the limit.
As an american that has actually lived near bald eagles: Bald eagles are just overgrown seagulls with good PR. I don't hate them, but they are so over hyped. Frankly, Benjamin Franklin had the right idea suggesting a turkey as the national bird.
Though personally I'd pick the american crow. Sound like pack a day smokers, but clever, cooperative and cute. Remarkably easy to befriend, too, just put out some raw walnuts and don't pester them.
A hillbilly friend always called them giant magpies. Except the magpies are smarter. I used to watch 2 of them (magpies) steal the dogs food. 1 distracted and kited the dog while the other stole the food. :)
I remember a group seeing some bald eagles once, and all of them were in awe. Except one guy. They asked him why he was so nonplussed and he said that he's from Alaska where they're all over the place and, I quote, "once you've seen 3 of them fight over a dirty diaper they found in a dumpster, they stop looking majestic to you."
I'll never forget that.
I'd go with Canadian Geese as the national bird. They're everywhere in the states, and the "Honk" noise they make is a pretty good model of the average city experience.
I support crows the ones here in Los Angeles are smart massive, and spiteful.
@@Veladus Okay now that's actually just funny lol. But why a Diaper? I live on the Balkans and our Eagles here don't really go near cities or even villages, they're mostly plains or mountain hunters that live pretty secluded from humans. Why are Bald Eagles basically like large pigeons lol.
Man, I missed this. The eagles not being protected by their own bones' status as luck bringers is peak logic and I laughed so hard my head hurt
somehow, no idea how, i read head as feet
mounts tied to shoulderpads is such a uniquely clever little detail. i love this series for how you're able to find tiny things to appreciate even in the most vapid shovelware
Not unique. They had the same idea in a older MMORPG called MU, the 2001 version.
IDK how it works nowadays, the game changed hands, and the new owners made a full remake that changed a lot of it.
You just KNOW, in every game that potentially would ever implement it, that you would like one shoulder pad, but another mount, and would always be unhappy with the outcome.
The game was actually developed by Korean Devs, Karos is just the localisation for the west. That also explains the very weird font and UI issues. I remember that happening a lot back in the 2010s with Korean mmorpgs in the west.
20:19 "tech support is horrible, when changing the number link, it's easier to restore the phone number and restore the account on your own than to go through support"
Ah, that’s not good.
Hey you forgot something. The person apparently donated 19k to obtain gold status. 19k of what - no idea, gold status - means what - no idea.
@@geneziz7553 Right, I forgot the last line. "The account is with donations, 19k to a gold status". It either means he spent some money and has to pay 19k more to get a gold status, or he paid 19k total and *got* a gold status. Not 100% sure. Not 19k in real-world money though, I hope. The point is basically: he's not f2p and they still ignored him.
@@shy-watcher I'm guessing it might be Rubles? That would be roughly $200 according to google
@@shy-watcher 19k rubles is roughly US$200. It's not "nothing" for the average russian, a quick google search suggests an average monthly wage of 75-90k rubles, but it's still not an unusual amount to spend on a F2P game (moreso if it was spread out over a calendar year or longer).
1:48 this is because that is the order of the Russian alphabet, if you were curious.
А Б В Г Д (a, b, v, g, d). The letter for 'v' looking like a B is also why the 'B' repeats twice in the menu.
Hey I work in localization and if I would have to guess as to why names, dialogues and quest journal entries don't correlate, is that it's due to trying to save money by using machine translation.
I don't think a human actually went through all the different texts to make it consistent and instead dropped everything into a machine translation engine (or two or three) and then simply fed it back into game files without actually reading through them - or only parts of it, but with non-native english speaker eyes. As synonyms are a thing and machine translation engines use different data sets, it could be that the machine translation engine used for quests opted for "furious" when it had a bigger sample size of text to work with , while a different engine (or because it had less context) translating direct names would have opted for "rage". Normally you have a translator go through the end result and fine tune it in a process called post-editing, but companies do like to skip this if they just want a passable, cheaper result. This would be several times cheaper than hiring a few linguists to make it work.
Though this is a theory as I don't speak Russian. Anyone fluent in Russian could probably take 2 minutes to look at the source text and compare it to the translation and be able to quickly tell if I'm right.
thats likely the reason why in the character creation, the letter order is "a,b,g,d..." bc in the Russian alphabet that _is_ the order of the letters
@nikitabee9908 Came here to say exactly this, definitely an Algorithm because a human would bother to change the Cyrillic alphabet order into Latin
@@nikitabee9908 It still skips V between b and g, so I guess they probably removed some faces too.
From having played it in beta when it came out, it would have had to be Google translate as modern mtl systems wasnt quite around back then Google translate was in its infancy as well ^_^
Might still have pictures of falling through the floor of a dungeon and turning into a poligonal ... hexagon style being as my character turned into weird shapes while falling into the void. Good times
There kind of is a bigger problem here. If they coded text to redirect to the thing you're hunting down, instead of translating all of it, you'd only have to translate it once and would never get any of these kinds of translation mistakes.
Say for example that "Goblin" would theoretically have a class of [a1] or something. Then you can simply set both the quest and character dialogue to "kill a number of [a1]" and none of this would have happened.
I love how the prairie dog enemies are actual dogs even though prairie dogs are a kind of squirrel
"Invisible walls prevent me from running away screaming" feels like the story of my life
I am here to pay pilgramage to the single most important video in the brazil aviation industry. Its an honor to be here.
The "alphabetical" sorting goes A, B G, D most likely because that is how the Cyrillic Alphabet, which Russian uses, goes Аa (A), Бб (Be), Вв (Ve), Гг (Ge), Дд (De).
_tangent time_
In fact, the ABG ordering is common in almost all scripts descended from proto-Semitic ones. This includes, Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, Hebrew, Arabic, Ge'ez (used in Ethiopia and Eritrea), and some others. Latin is _kind of_ the odd one out there with A, B, C and the G coming later. Because the letter C evolved from Greek Gamma (Γγ) and Latin later re-evolved a separate letter to distinguish the sound /g/ from /k/, by writing a C with a stroke: G.
This feels like the most through explanation I've seen. They combined B and then did the next two letters.
Examples, because I'm a huge nerd for things like these:
- Greek: Αα, Ββ, Γγ, Δδ (alpha, beta, gamma, delta)
- Cyrillic: Аа Бб Вв Гг Дд (a, be, ve, ge, de) (here, the two sounds Greek beta represented were split up into their own letters)
- Armenian: Աա, Բբ, Գգ, Դդ (ayb, ben, gim, da)
- Georgian: ა, ბ, გ, დ (ani, bani, gani, doni)
- Hebrew: א ב ג ד (aleph, bet, gimel, dalet) - right to left
- Tifinagh: ⴰ ⴱ ⴳ ⴷ (ya, yab, yag, yad)
The following are now ordered differently in their respective languages, but they correspond to the letters in the scripts above:
- Ge'ez: አ በ ደ ገ ('älf, bet, gäml, dänt) - each symbol represents a consonant followed by a vowel; slightly altered versions depending on which vowel is used. This is called an _abugida_ and is a rare example of one outside of South/Southeast Asia.
- Arabic: ا ب ج د(alif, bā', gīm/jīm, dāl) - right to left
@@frtzkng very cool, didn't know that it wasn't only Cyrillic script that had that order!
I'm vaguely alarmed that the Bowmistress' breastplate wiggles...
Wow, that broken dog claw quest is... really something.
"Lady Macbeth Skinning a Deer in a blender" made me laugh in an out loud way.
Really? It’s THAT funny to you?
It's either out loud or not out loud. The fukk is an "out loud way"?
It made me cry I an in silent way.
Who are you???
I love how the prairie dogs are just actual dogs in a prairie
I feel like we need a collection of body pillows of Josh's various bethesda games characters.
I think the TwitchChat bodypillow would meet the legal definition of a sword in many countries.
@@sempersteel2799 it just means it can be used in multiple ways.
Okay but where would we keep them all?
@@avalonofbabylon3024 keep them? You take them with you and alternate for fairness sake
@zanestearns2143 ahhh change them when I change the sheets. Smart
32:20 IMO the guards are a quite cool mechanic of the game. If you have killed another player, you will be flagged and can be killed by other players outside of the main towns. The guards are meant to protect the towns by those PKers, as they will 1-shot any PKer trying to enter the town. So the guards force PKers to stay out of the towns, or to find creative ways to get in (and out of) the towns.
That's a feature in like...every MMO though
This video is 10 months old and you probably wont see this Josh. But the reason the fps drops when you are inspecting items is because it treats the tooltip as an entirely new window seperate from the game. This game likely limits fps when alt tabbed and hovering a tooltip is equivalent to alt tabbing with this system. Love you bro ❤
You can tell that I, too, am a Millennial because the single mention of the red-tailed hawk and its "TSEER!" cry is making me want to reread Animorphs.
I'm just here after finding out that these videos are one of the big reasons why Brazil's aviation industry is running smoothly.
The letters in the character creator are because russian alphabet goes "А Б В Г Д Е ", which is "A B V G D E" (I guess V got skipped) and they translated directly.
Looking closely at the sequence where Josh clicks though the options, I think B is in there twice, one for Б and one for В.
but any russian coder or even any tech savvy computer guy there would know the actual alphabet, right? there are not many coding languages in full russian lol
@@raafmaat That's not coding that's translation, so different people, evidently with a shoestring budget.
@@fus132 the translators translate all the textfiles used ingame, but they cant access stuff like this i dont think, this has to be changed by the coders
It could also be the Greek alphabet.
Alpha (A), Beta (B), Gamma (G), Delta (D), Epsilon (E), etc...
33:17 Thank you for pointing this out! Eagles are basically bigger, more lethal seagulls and they sound like it 😂
17:25 To be fair if changing the resolution made the game crash and it did save the config you may never be able to re-open the game to change it back so I think it's fair that the resolution change is only saved after confirming that the new resolution works.
Brazil's Embraer has just developed a new aircraft. It wouldn't have been possible without your collaboration. Once again, thank you.
At first I was thinking "Wait, he actually gave a number for his review score?"
And then I realized, oh, no, nevermind. That actually checks out.
Still a bad score nonetheless
My theory on the backwards guard. Some old cities would have you record people 'in and out'. So I'm guessing he's there to get the names of people that are leaving so they can cross-refence with the 'in' records to keep track of population and visit visas.
Could also be just some flipped code, who knows!!
It is actually because in this game there is open PvP and when a player kills another their MV becomes negative and guards will attack. A PvP player aggroed the guard and made it turn towards the town.
The one time Josh actually grades an MMO with a number out of ten, the graphic is inconsistent with the audio. Which is just as consistent as the entirety of the game.
Bravo. XD
23:50 To be fair about the bears coming from the eggs. You did say earlier that the NPC mentioned things being hatched from eggs wasn't natural. Though... he also said spiders.
"Behold: combat."
Hope you’re doing better. Love these. You’ve got such a calming voice. Thanks for uploading ❤
cremation sounds like a good idea, until you consider that in this sort of game, they'd just spawn a horde of undead dust elementals.
Do you want to fight a horde of undead dust(*) elementals?
(*)They drop piles of ash, of course, and the quest NPC calls them Smoke Monster.
Ghosts are harder to fight than zombies.
"Do you want to fight a horde of undead dust elementals?"
I just love how you find all the small things in these games for us to see and laugh too. Very entertaining!
10:51 I remember Lost Ark, while having absolutely mindnumbing gameplay, did this right and placed NPCs in logical locations, like a Priest character would be in the church near the altar, the general is in military camp near the biggest tent, the government officials are each in separate luxurious and large cabinets, mayor in the best building in town etc.
14:40 it's because it's constantly grabbing the data for and creating the tooltip. Generally you would fetch the data and bake the created tooltip for as long as it's being shown or needed but here they seem to have forgotten to keep the data over time. I imagine the reason why different items cause different amounts of lag is because different tooltips require different amounts of processing (colours, string concatenation, font changes, etc.).
That or it's just fetching the translation from the cvs and isn't keeping the translated text in memory...
20:16 Translation.
Tech support is awful, after changing the number bound to the account, it's easier to get back the number and restore the account myself than through the support.
The account is premium, 19k until the gold status.
this is such comforting content for me, rpg games have gotten me thru the most. ur the goat ❤
What I like about this series is how Josh always brings up the 'what you're actually doing' part. He keeps reminding you that you could have had a life instead of knowing what he's talking about.
I love that there can be something cool to find, even in the 'not best' of games. That mount system is really cool.
Also, sick SoA reference in the 'desert' place.
the intro avatar / graphic at 0:34 is adorable!!! It captures the smugness really well :D
You are the only person I watch all ads without skipping, most genuine RUclipsr/Streamer, I'm an addict so not often do I have spare cash but when I do I sub to the patreon 💓 thanks for the videos, they help a lot with my depression
Thank you for teaching me how the eagle cries.
Yup never knew that. Josh still bein a teacher even while he games
Sexy armored up rotisserie chicken is now the name of my next song. Thanks Josh
As a hobby game designer, my thought is some of the stats on the tooltips are being calculated every frame, which could cause the lag you were experiencing. Very weird not to cache that kind of data. Better approach would be "on start hover" calculate -> "on each frame" display what has already been calculated
The stuttering-on-tooltip, seems to be because the tooltips are not cached but generated again and again at least once per frame.
The orb has a larger tooltip and therefore more to render. It also has different colors which may indicate that it has to access a lookup table for the color every frame
The hero we needed 🙏
Great video as always!
Regarding the warning triangle being upside down: my initial read on that was an arrow indicator showing which specific enemy was aggroing. A bit pointless with such a low enemy density, but maybe useful in packs of mobs later on or something?
24:40 EQ2 actually did this at least in the early days, but in those cases the story was in a book which you were re-assembling the pages of by killing the mobs. Still not great, but then the book would become a house item when completed, which was kind of cool. My in game house had dozens distinct books with brief bits of lore/stories so my library was actually more functional than just cosmetic bookshelves with unreadable books.
Brazil's aviation industry bless these videos
From a game-design PoV, the tooltip lag inducing bug makes sense, depending on how it is implemented.
A common way to draw a tooltip is to redraw the entire tooltip at every frame, such that the tooltip can follow the mouse. The tooltip did not follow the mouse in this case, but it wouldn't surprise me if they actually implemented it in this way because it is a common practice. This constant destroying of the old tooltip, and redrawing of the next tooltip can take quite a bit of resources.
And the reason that particular armor is lagging it more so is probably because it is running a check to ensure that it is showing you the correct numbers every single frame. Since that armor has stats that can change.
@@flaminshotgunI would also presume that it does so on any gear equipment.
aka the tool tips is not Sword of Bulgar
+4 attack.
+31 DPS
0.5 swing speed
but Sword of Bulgar
+[value] [Type].
+[Value] [Type].
and so on.
and the game have to calculate that value every single frame.
sure great if the devs changed a value one day but do we need to do that check every single frame.
I assume displaying the inventory itself is going to take resources, adding the tooltip and also moving around the game world is going to be extra work. Didn't think of the tooltip itself constantly updating. I guess you're not expected to be doing much whilst perusing the inventory.
They fucked up real bad there, drawing UI elements shouldn't be that intensive unless they fucked up real bad, like, loading files from disk whenever a new UI window is drawn, like the needed textures and fonts, which is crazy.
Redrawing the UI in every frame usually is a bad practice. The UI usually isn't time critical, so from the perspective of UX it doesn't matter that much if you redraw it every frame or every tenth frame. Most UI implementations limit it to 10 FPS and i am pretty sure you most likely never recognized it. This is completely reasonable unless you need very precise and fast movement. In some applications you can configure how often the UI is drawn. But seriously - that are most likely just wasted cycles.
I won't lie, it's kind of a hilarious plot twist to have your quest giver NPC say "oh yeah, we killed the boss already, while you were collecting bear asses for me". 😂
the eagle knowledge was not expected but highly appreciated
I appreciate them taking the time to model the run animation after Steven Segals 2:27
That bit at 6:00 about derivative media is eerily similar to his I’ve come to think about a lot of art. People start with reality as their input, and produce art from it; but those that follow rely increasingly on the art which came before them instead, and their product itself is itself iterated further in a similar manner, each generation drawing inspiration from the last but capturing mainly the superficial and aesthetic, until eventually all the complexity and character of reality has been replaced with a flat oil-slick of aesthetics. I think that process is inseparable from the development of genres - pioneering works of a genre provide a firm basis for exploration and imitation, and like running water their descendants keep carving out that path of least resistance until the river of genre is formed; as the banks grow higher and higher, creativity and consideration can only rarely escape from the smoothened, eroded, simplified path of the flow.
From what I recall of media studies, it's akin to Baudrillard's notion of simulacra. He'd probably look at games like this and conclude that they have reached the phase of pure simulacra, devoid of any connection to any notion of reality as they barrel through a metareferential hyperreality, but then he also kinda scoffed at people's readings of his stuff so who knows what he would've thought. Point is, I don't have one
True, when people see reality and their own experience as inspiration, the unique interpretation of that person is what we call "art", but there are many, many more artists who rely on the success of others to make something that is going to get attention, a cliché is the forced use of repetaed scenarios that have worked for an individual piece or genre, but without the original context it feels artifitial and people notice when it is a copy of a copy. A trope is born the same way, but they're templates to guide the appreciators to easily understand what the artist is trying to say.
I've had this talk with my siblings and once I told them "I want to make a Visual Novel without playing one beforehand, I want to see what comes out of it". And I really wat to do it, I have an idea of what they're about, but my limitations on knowledge might spark creativity into my work. It could be the worst visual novel ever made or it could be fresh, but I'll never know until my angry-goth-romantic self does something without the influence and pressures of what's popular, I don't want to know the tropes and if I fall into a cliché, it has to be sincere and without fear...
This is how I see modern League of Legends Art is. Armor design that doesn't make sense whenever you imagine wearing it yourself, generic wavy symbiote-like skin/scales that seems to be symmetrical for some reason despite being organic, etc. All aesthetic no real substance so it feels soulless to me.
@@dimwarlock I hope you do your VN.
Just wait until AI art takes off more since AI is literally just using previous art to create art that is like it based on the prompt but with even less understanding of why it worked because AI doesn't have any actual intelligence to it.
About to fly into Brazil, just here to pay my respects
We don't have red tailed hawks in my country. Though the ones we do have still make something similar to the eagle sound while shredding prey midair.
And yes for the longest time I thought we had a type of eagle, because of that.
7:55 An RGB butler named "Sir Josh's Gamer Assistant" is such a fun idea, I hope to actually see that in a game someday. I'm imagining that you summon them by accident and they say something like: "Your chips and drink, sir- Wait a moment. This isn't Sir Josh's mansion. Who are you?" Then you have a silly tongue-in-cheek quest of teleporting them back home.
20:15 translation: terrible tech support! Account is tied to your phone number. It's easier to change your number and start a new account and progress all the way back than it is to recover an account tied to an old number.
'Rotisserie chicken' made me laugh out loud. 😆
430k of these views are from one Brazilian computer
I guess the framarate drop from the display of a tooltip comes from the fact they iterate over the whole inventory to find that item and then get the tooltip from it. Array iteration isn't always that much of a big deal, but if you do it every frame, you get such problems.
I'd like to second this guess. I think it's likely there's some process happening on every single frame instead of that data being cached until it's actually updated
Yeah, they most likely do it every tick/frame instead of a toggle.
Gamebryo engine does this. This is a bug in Oblivion, Fo3, FNV, Skyrim, Fo4 and recently in Starfield. Noticable when you have a lot of items (usually low weight junk items).
The bug existed for 2 decades, was fixed by fans every time, never fixed by Bethesda. SLIGHTLY alleviated but NOT FIXED by one of the official patch in Starfield.
@@SinaelDOverom I think that's not only a thing in one engine. Many games have similar problems and it usually isn't a problem with the engine, but with the lack of polish/knowledge of the underlying systems. Dragon Age: Origins for example had a similar problem. The developers just overlook the complexity of accessing dynamic arrays/array like structures, because they are comfortable. Since we have powerful machines, developers care less and less about tiny, integral parts in favor of maintainability.(Because it is more profitable.)
@@delqyrus2619 Thing is, the bug AND the fix was known for literal ages, yet Bethesda failed to incorporate it each time. It was done by the fans 3 days after game's full release. I've heard "But what if there are unexpected issues with the fix" in response - there is none. The fix existed for ages, never causing any problems in any game it was implemented in.
This video is indirecrtly responsible for keeping Brazil's files up.
My god, Josh playing anything but Human Male Fighter is a 9th hour twist.
The Brazilians are feasting on this one
Get that dopamine spike every time josh uploads
Excellent review, the eagle bones joke was great.
I don’t even like MMORPGs, never have and probably never will! But your voice and overall presentation are so smooth I can’t help but listen!
Why don't you like MMOs? o:
@@snowarmthunfortunately, the multiplayer component breaks the feeling of immersion for me (as a matter of fact, the only MMORPG I’ve actually managed to enjoy for some time is TOR, which is probably one of the least MMO-like games in the genre)
@@giuseppetardini1424 True, TOR is pretty much a singleplayer rpg with mmo elements and probably the only mmo that you play for the story.
Best guess for why some tool tips tank the framerate more than others...
Because of the amount of different coloured text in different items tooltips. The levelling gear has lots of different colours on it, so is making multiple function calls to change the colour, then change it back. The regular items have mainly 1 other colour on it, so it's not doing as much work.
The reason it tanks the framerate? It looks like the engine is performing a data lookup, every frame (or maybe even every engine/physics tick [which will be more frequent]), which is expensive in itself, but then it also seems like it's converting that data in to a raster image, and rendering it directly to the screen. Again, every frame. It's probably due to their translation engine for the UI. I'd be interested to know if it still does this in Russian (or whatever the OG language is).
This is pure conjuncture though.
Ahh my new sleep ASMR is here. Love your content. Thanks for all the years of service for my sleep.
Rendering text is extremely expensive. You have to render an absurd amount of splines, modified on the fly by having to follow hinting rules (deforming symbols slightly so they line up well with the pixel grid), and then filling them taking into account crazy edge-cases. Also, you need to take diacritics into account, and Unicode is HARD.
The tooltip of the Fleta armor is long, and has more colors than the others. So it's not just text, it's formatted text. So you have to parse the BBcode/html-like formatting, then render each section of text separately. If they use CSS, it's even worse.
And don't forget: you need to wrap the lines. And that's another algorithm that's more complicated than one thinks.
Obviously, you don't want to do that every frame. But you can. Optimizing comes next, and that's more developer time.
Ideally, you render the tooltip into a texture once, and then just display that texture until it's time to close the tooltip. BUT! If you want the tooltip to follow the mouse, you cannot do that. Indeed, it would destroy the hinting. The text would blur because it isn't perfectly aligned with the pixel grid anymore. At least, unless you convert the floating-point mouse position to an integer. So, brute-force solution to avoid blurry text? Re-render the entire tooltip every frame. And ouch, that's resource-intensive.
Of course, here, the tooltip doesn't follow the mouse. But the algorithm probably wasn't optimized for that static case.
That's my guess. A first general-purpose renderer that was never optimized to the actual use-case.
I don't know if Josh edits himself or not but I liked it more when it was basically just raw footage. Maybe I'm too old.
Edit: I ctrl+F'd some more comments and it's good to see you're looking for feedback Josh. I'll add here that I feel like the editing style is made for bombastic narration, rather than your pleasant, tidy narration. It does make for a humorous juxtaposition, but not all the time.
I'll pass that on, this was the first mmo episode i didnt edit
I've watched every single worst mmo video, I didn't notice any difference between this and any other... besides the oldest ones being worse quality of course
Haha I love the joke about inconsistency at the end by saying Four while giving it a Three :P :P I love your video Josh! Always such a pleasure to watch this serie :P
Josh, I saw a recent community post from you re: your struggles with your confidence in your content and some feelings of imposter syndrome. Just know we are all thankful for your videos - no matter what they are, honestly. The algorithm sucks. We love you!
I'm not designer but I'm a game dev and I think the amount of variables you have to load while using the tooltip will increase the lag. The blue item just happened to have different color and a lot of variables.
I fall asleep to RUclips and usually fall asleep to a playlist of your videos. Recently I’ve noticed my dreams follow some of your videos.
like this if you are here to support the aviation industry in Brazil
"Chloe is a mercyless psychopath" ... as are most NPCs when you really think about it :D
This phrase hits differently, but no less accurately, to FFXIV players...
The Legend - The one and only KALOS ONLINE.
I'm sure you have loads of games planned for this series - but i have two childhood gems i think would fit the series PERFECTLY.
Knight Online - Still available on steam, i remember it being really fun, albeit i was 9, definitely one of the games, 100%.
Ashen Empires - Available through its own launcher, i tried it again like 2 years ago and its still quite the gem, i unironically think you would love this game, its very.... Runescape'y - very unique, very cool.
Either way i'd love for you to tear these games apart, or maybe find your new main game, gg wp JSH
Sounds interesting
Which lets out that distinctive eagle cry, "I'm an eagle!"
This game reminds me so much of Lost Chaos for some reason. I think it's the incessant "Kill x" quests, or the item pickup art.
Those "dungeons" on this game also remind me alot of Last chaos where you have those LVL 100 harpies after u grind the skeletons, the "desert city" is like a low model of the lost chaos desert city.
Its a mix between Last Chaos and Metin2
33:30 i love you for this part
Josh we missed you. I got so bored I watched Espada video like 6 times. Cause your voice helps me fall asleep
14:10 is most likely caused by the Tooltip Generation code being pretty poorly optimized, likely being called every single frame (or even worse, multiple times per frame).
My best guess is that it's repeating a function that calls different elements from the game's item database (like the item's name, description, stats, and whatever other details that need to be displayed), pushes that info to the tooltip popup, and then sets the tooltip's location on the screen - Pretty basic functionality, but like anything, if implemented poorly, or being called CONSTANTLY can eat up a bit of processing power.
Josh Hayes: "Both sides of the coin are readable."
Me: "Challenge accepted."
"You've got more blood on your hands than lady Macbeth skinning a deer in a blender..." this is the quality commentary I come to this channel for.
34:15 you missed one, the mob was spelt Gray Hound, but in the quest log it said Grey Hound... so 6 not 5 :V
Hi Brazilian air industry IT techs!!!!
I suspect it is the transparency of the tooltip background. The Fleta item also has colored text which might have an alpha text effect, making it worse. They are also iterating over the entire list of the inventory each frame rather than getting and storing the information only when items change, or updating them once per second.
I was fully prepared for the final score to be “bear from an egg/10”
That coin! All they had to do was mirror the UV mesh on one side. It would have taken 30 seconds to look at this thing and click 2-3 times to fix.
That's either the worst crunch ever, intern work or complete negligence.