How To Form a Bezel | Jewellery Making Tutorials | Metalsmith Academy
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- In this video, you'll learn how to form a simple bezel for jewellery. What's next? We have a whole class for you to learn how to make a bezel set pendant over at the Metalsmith Academy - I know you'll find it so useful in your jewellery making journey!
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Thank you for watching!
#bezelmaking #jewelrybezel #jewelrymaking #bezeljewelrymaking #bezelsetpendant Хобби
Thank you Lucy,
That was amazing demonstration. I liked the way you go about it, so simple you made it.
0:05 / 15:16
Introducing Soldiering Stencils by Lierre- Titanium Soldering Frames for making jewelry
where do you get your thin bezel wire from?
I love your work. Your presentation is excellent.
Thank you so so much ❤️
Thank you so much for your teaching.
Beautiful setter
Great Video, thank you,
What a beautiful teacher!!!!
💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽Thank you for the great tips throughout the process! XO
Thamks missy for sharing❤
Great tips!!
Lovely video
Did you say you were going to link cabochon resource buying guide for UK? Not sure who to purchase from to start classes. Thanks!
Useful :) Thanks
Lucy, Hi... I can't find where your Gemstone Resources as mentioned in thid video...Please send me or post a link to your gemstone resources... Thank you... I signed up for your online jewelry classes... I can hardly wait to get started... I keep checking my e-mail every day hoping it will be soon... ;-)
Will you be opening in-person on-site classes again? I am coming to class if so! Went to "resources" and can't find the "where we get our gemstones" as mentioned in this video - help!! Thanks.
I would love to know where to source the gemstones too! Love your videos
Where is the rest of the video? I s there a part 2?
De que calibre haces el bisel
I would so much love to buy your courses online but I’m afraid it will be sometimes confusion for me - because I’m in Europe and use metric units.... 🧐😟🥴 so having both metric and American units sometimes would be great! Thank you very much 🙏
Hi dear, yes we use both and have conversion charts in each class to make it easy for you! Hope to see you in the community soon lady xx
Thumbs up to any presneter who uses the phrase "For S**ts and giggles" - thank you!
A legenda atrapalha a visão do seu magnífico trabalho...
Hiya, thank you for a great video & lesson. One small point, if I may, please use mm as well as guage. I'm in the UK & we only use metric or imperial not the American system. Thank you, stay safe... Steve...
Hi Stephen, yes good point! We included a conversion chart in the class so you can convert into your preferred unit xx
not true - when I was apprenticed all metal was sold in SWG - standard wire gauge - the change to mm happened throught the 80's
oh - and they arent American units - they are imperial!
Do you think I can do this with a glass cabochon?
Me encantan tus videos pero este no lo pude entender todo. Sería grandioso si pusieras traducción. Gracias
Wahhh wahh wahhh. I melted a bezel last night. LOL
I knew I loved you for a reason "shits and giggles"
We have more silver balls from melted bezels than any finished projects by far. 😢
0:05 / 15:16
Introducing Soldiering Stencils by Lierre- Titanium Soldering Frames for making jewelry