up until episode 6, that's the peak
and if you still reconsider to continue watching it, at least stop at episode 10, suppose that's the last episode of this anime
The first few episodes are VERY good, most of season 1 is pretty good throughout until the last couple episodes, and the special is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen
I personally say no.
The series is good for the first couple episodes, but everything starts to fall apart and ruins everything that happened beforehand. Plus, the special episode, which is the "ending", was terrible
Indeed, one of the best animes I have seen. Characters are just incredibly well designed, story in kinda average but if you like animes with some weird development and colourful palette then this is a must watch.
It looks nice, but save for maybe two or three episodes, the show is consistently awful. If it still interests you over other shows, there’s no reason to not watch it.
No. It was at most decent until the inclusion of Momoe and they leaving almost all plot points flying. There are way better shows, dont waste your time
No, it isn’t. The show starts off well enough (though it had problems, for sure) and then takes a dive off a cliff mid-season and gets worse and worse and worse.
I’ll say yes but it depends on wat genre of anime u usually watch. I started watching when I thought it’s a chill anime but turns out to be a serious anime taking abt suicide n other topics. Altho many ppl said the last few episodes suck, I kinda enjoy it since many mystery got discovered. So I’ll recommend u to watch if u don’t hate serious anime, and also the animation n style r pretty good.
I would actually recommend watching the entire season all the way through instead of just up to a certain point like others are saying. Yes, there is a drop in quality I'd say for the last episode and the special, but up until then the series is VERY good (even the recap was pretty enjoyable to watch). The last few episodes, while they may not be the best, shouldn't keep you from watching this.
Yes watch all of it. The special sucks but everything before it is phenomenal. If people tell to finish after ep 6 don't listen to them. Some of the best episodes of the show are in the second part (12, 10 and my personal favorite, 7)
Of course, it's the most ambitious anime of 2021. It certainly has flaws because Nojima wanted to write something on a large scale. Sadly, He didn't have the time and the money for it.
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