Nati does have one of those rare gifts, not just a beautiful voice, but one which transports you to places where the mind has never voyaged, upon notes so pure, they hang like the most delicate of cobwebs in the most turbulent of storms... Sing On Lass, a Siren for our times....
OMG!! You have a voice of an angel, and this song is so beautiful, I can see (hear ) why its one of your favourite songs in the world ever!!!! Absolutely beautiful
I'm going to add you on my favorites list on Amazon Music. I may go online and buy your music. You sound amazing. Thank you for using your talent and sharing it with others.
And I thought Carry you home (James Blunt) was haunting. Though if I am completely honest, I'd have to say Dance Monkey is a bit sadder because it always reminds me that someday all I will want is "And now I beg to see you dance just one more time", but it wont be possible, because they will be dead. Funny thing is they have a decade or so left and all I can think is, it won't be long. Oh, and "Into the West" also called "The Last Goodby" from Lord of the Rings kills me every time. What a time to be alive, hauntingly beautiful songs of disappearing into the void, lost forever. Loss. Death. Things we will never get back. But hey, cheer up poppy. We can live for their memory and god-willing, we shall meet again.
Nati, I would love the opportunity to work with you as your road manager. There are so many large Scottish Festivals and Games in the United States, the largest one being the Queen Mary Scottish Festival, where the ship is moored in Long Beach, southern Los Angeles County. You would be the hit of the entire event!
@@jaydee3216: She really does have the rare combination of a beautiful voice, musical expertise, humor, and natural beauty. I think she could make some big money and really accelerate her career by appearing at some large Scottish Festivals here in the U.S.
Nati's voice makes me feel so bloody warm. I swear it's witchcraft.
She is enchanting, magic confirmed
Such a pure, beautiful voice! I'm SO glad that you decided to keep/embrace your accent while singing!
This is one of my favourite songs, beautiful version
Nati does have one of those rare gifts, not just a beautiful voice, but one which transports you to places where the mind has never voyaged, upon notes so pure, they hang like the most delicate of cobwebs in the most turbulent of storms... Sing On Lass, a Siren for our times....
Wow!! What a voice I met this lovely talented girl in a train going to London in October. Such a joy. Gawn yersel’ hen 😀😀
Beatuiful song, sung by a lovely woman with and angelic voice.
Beautiful song, sung by a very talented Scottish lady,,,
Wait is this a song she wrote or a cover?
@@superselkie3550 It's a Paolo Nutini cover, and a fricking beautiful one at that.
Unbelievable ♡ love this
Beautiful song, beautiful voice.....more please!
I'd love to see you live absolutely beautiful song
Absolutely amazing. Love your work Nati
Beautifully sung nati👍
Just Wonderful!!
Really nice song with a really great voice accompanying it 💖
Love you dear Nati and thank you for the beautiful song.
Absolutely stunning voice and rendition of this song. IMHO you've added something special to the song. Amazing. Keep em coming.
Gorgeous song and braw rendition 🥰🍂
Thank you for this lovely song, Nati! Absolute beaut
I’m bawling
My dear, ya have the voice of a Scottish angel.
I'm very excited for your success with building your audience. You deserve it all, you are so talented!! This is such a beautiful song!!
Nati's doing great. She's a natural!
Amazing. Love your voice
Please sing more. Dear Nati. We need your song. You are amazing and your voice. A voice of a angel. We need angels.
Your voice makes my cold heart warm. I can't get enough of hearing it. It makes me feel alive again.
Greeting from Ireland.
My favourite Paolo Nutini song 🎵 stunning cover my deary!
Gorgeous voice and song
OMG!! You have a voice of an angel, and this song is so beautiful, I can see (hear ) why its one of your favourite songs in the world ever!!!! Absolutely beautiful
As always, beautiful 👌
That was actually beautiful. I am blown away with your voice and talent. WOW!!!!!
I loved the original but i love this more 😍❤
I love U and i love it, make some more gurl!
You did it WAY more than justice Nati.
Beautiful. Love her!
You are just the most talented, beautiful wee thing I've ever heard or seen. Thanks for a lovely morning discovering your music.
WOW, Just a beautiful voice. You girl capture my heart!!
That song, your voice.. so many memories... i'm crying like a child here now! So, So beautiful. Thank you 🤠
Beautifully beautiful....❤️❤️☮️
You never disappoint. thank you. 👍
I discovered her in tiktok and I'm thankful ❣️
You never fail to give me goosebumps
Pure. This is the kind of music that makes me feel. Bravo. 🤘
These new songs are great! But I miss the old videos - where did they go?
That was nice.
So beautiful Nati’s voice touches the soul
Love your music Nati
I'm going to add you on my favorites list on Amazon Music. I may go online and buy your music. You sound amazing. Thank you for using your talent and sharing it with others.
So stunning. Thank you 🙏🏻
It's hard to describe how this make me feel. This is one of those covers that is absolutely timeless. Utterly magical
Beautiful 😍
Absolutely incredible. Beautiful soul with stunning looks and voice
If warmth were a song. This was it.
Awesome 👏
Beautiful. I like this.
Oh you are just brilliant ❤️it ❤️it
Loved it ❤️👌
I’m speechless.
I'm so in love with her voice. Marry me Nati! 😍
Oh Lord I love this! You play so many I've never heard. Thank You friend🙂
fantastic work
And I thought Carry you home (James Blunt) was haunting. Though if I am completely honest, I'd have to say Dance Monkey is a bit sadder because it always reminds me that someday all I will want is "And now I beg to see you dance just one more time", but it wont be possible, because they will be dead. Funny thing is they have a decade or so left and all I can think is, it won't be long. Oh, and "Into the West" also called "The Last Goodby" from Lord of the Rings kills me every time. What a time to be alive, hauntingly beautiful songs of disappearing into the void, lost forever. Loss. Death. Things we will never get back. But hey, cheer up poppy. We can live for their memory and god-willing, we shall meet again.
Better than the original- tell me you going play Glasgow soon!!
Nati, I would love the opportunity to work with you as your road manager. There are so many large Scottish Festivals and Games in the United States, the largest one being the Queen Mary Scottish Festival, where the ship is moored in Long Beach, southern Los Angeles County. You would be the hit of the entire event!
I have no doubt if Nati made it over the pond to your events... She would be the star attraction. Incredible isn't she?
@@jaydee3216: She really does have the rare combination of a beautiful voice, musical expertise, humor, and natural beauty. I think she could make some big money and really accelerate her career by appearing at some large Scottish Festivals here in the U.S.
@@wirrack I totally agree. You fancy discussing her in detail sometime?
@@jaydee3216: Why, sure. I would enjoy that.
@@wirrack where is best to contact your fine self? Email or I use various messengers?
Ballads are your road to success.
God, you remind me to Tori Amos