Coronavirus Covid-19

From the Article:

"However, it is misleading to claim these figures show vaccinated individuals are far more likely to die with COVID-19 than the unvaccinated – and Reuters has addressed similar claims previously here, here and here.

The UKHSA’s March 3 COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report shows that the rates of death concerning COVID-19, adjusted to represent cases per 100,000 people, are consistently lower for the triple-vaccinated in all age groups in comparison to the unvaccinated (here)."
fight the supposed 'end of this world'
many have suffered,the last 3 years
been,almost like a pandemic
remember that thrilling nay devastating UN warning/revelation
probably helped stir it along
be buggered
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our pm ardern
has cv
after visiting japan the usa,,with a NZ trade delegation last week,
oh,also the country proudly opening its borders to 80 plus countries
just sayin...most cant wait to jump a plane,and boast/silently applaud, there countries seeming achievements,i say
known as 'looking after the people'
but wtf,it is actually
our young pm Ardern and cv
just finished a global trade trip,incl japan/usa
contracted cv,only 6 days in isolation
off again,to the usa,apparently appearing in one of you 'entertainment ;late shows'
what the hell for,talk about bs exposure

to make it worse
she seems to happily appear on radio new zealand,boasting of hetr govts exploits
but blatantly refuses to frontup to peaceful protesters/outside her wotrkplace,and refuses to be questioned by an ordinary mature tsalkbaxck hosts

enjoy the show usa
keep in mind/she does not represent us ordinary kiwis
sunday am cv thought

wondering why
most countries in our world
spent several years trying out these theories/destroying there countries economy/peoples lives
then the bs or resigning to the
live with it,scenario
n doing it year later
7 Aussie state premiers been doing it for 6 moths
ass holes just keep there mouths shut/leaving sickness and deaths pile up
after a 3 month hiatus
booster shots snow available/for what,i not sure
mebeee its for the next
who,sanctioned/endorsed pandemic
thats nz,if you other politically hoarding countries
dont have enough
tuff ...fill in your own reasons/excuses
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almost an 'is it wron post'
after 3 years of all and sundry ww,trying to selfishly work out why/best way to mishandle cv,now/lor months,all dont gibve much of a shit now
1/2 heartedly mention re masks,or crowds @ sports events

yes,commiserations deeply for our losses

had every injection/booster
incl flu shot offered/suggested as a cure all,if you will
still,got the flu,in its extremely harsh variety 2022
admittedly relieved with anti-biotics


esp,when i saw millions maskless in Olympics,remember that farce
and now,the commonwealth games similar
convenient,when its according to them

some mongrel supposed leaders,have a lot to answer to,with their god

had every injection/booster
incl flu shot offered/suggested as a cure all,if you will
still,got the flu,in its extremely harsh variety 2022
admittedly relieved with anti-biotics


esp,when i saw millions maskless in Olympics,remember that farce
and now,the commonwealth games similar
convenient,when its according to them

some mongrel supposed leaders,have a lot to answer to,with their god
This why the vaccine for the yearly flue protection is different from one year to another.
Covid-19 virus changes too, often causing it to become easier to spread but at the same time causing less serious illness, especially for those who have had the vaccine.
This why the vaccine for the yearly flue protection is different from one year to another.
Covid-19 virus changes too, often causing it to become easier to spread but at the same time causing less serious illness, especially for those who have had the vaccine.
thanks jumbo
had 3 of them rat tests as well,all clear
damn dang,we dont know a thing re it/anything
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I’ve got covid for the second time. The first time was in February this year and only picked up as I was testing twice a week for work. By this time I had my two jabs and a booster however, I was asymptomatic but tested positive for 10 days. Not this time though… I feel rough as a badgers arse… and have done for 3 days!
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I’ve got covid for the second time. The first time was in February this year and only picked up as I was testing twice a week for work. By this time I had my two jabs and a booster however, I was asymptomatic but tested positive for 10 days. Not this time though… I feel rough as a badgers arse… and have done for 3 days!
so sorry to hear
thanks for tyhe communication
ivee had 3 of them rat trsts,for what its worth,no covid
just got over an extreme fli episode,bc of antibiotics
old fashioned/proven ab
ive never abused that,and believe it helped/worked even
pretty convinced now,my natural immune system,has een fuckred over by sall thosde rushed injections/boosters,incl the flu shot

admit,we all differ
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so sorry to hear
thanks for tyhe communication
ivee had 3 of them rat trsts,for what its worth,no covid
just got over an extreme fli episode,bc of antibiotics
old fashioned/proven ab
ive never abused that,and believe it helped/worked even
pretty convinced now,my natural immune system,has een fuckred over by sall thosde rushed injections/boosters,incl the flu shot

admit,we all differ
oh,it was a major bout of the flu/not cobvid
you can almost smelllllllll the smartarse know it alls,saying flu is worse than fcovid/after destrotying millions of lives,and there jobs
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a sunday nz
wondering/pondering,if it ever hasppened/globazlly
most,keeping deathlu quiet
aslmost a never happened scensario

lets start up,finding someone to nbblame asgasin,nothing else to do

remember ther edict,your not allowed to play a round of golf,by yourself i assume
was one of the very first laws,to loolk after you ffs