Biceps tear !! 😱😱
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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New fear unlocked 🗿
yes bro im scared to do workout now
@Kingkongdumsyou dont need to be scared just use the correct weight and the correct technique to workout
@@Pan.Educado.and correct technique is to go ALL THE WAY DOWN, the full rom (with weight u can control)
New fear unlocked 😨
What a boring comment.
@@ShadowVexxW seems like yours have a lot of success...
@@ShadowVexxWyeah nobody asked
@@ShadowVexxWagreed this is probably the 3rd comment with the same text but a different emoji
Stop copying other comments
New fear unlocked ☠️
So these are youtube shorts comments huh
@LeonZygonYea duh wdym by that
@Neo-w3e just saying that all yt shorts comments are all the same just look at most of the comments on this vid they are just "new fear unlocked -emoji emoji-"
Tip : use lighter weights and progress slowly
Thank you so much.
Tibo in shape ❌
Tibo in tutorial ✅
Another bot comment lol stop
@@aydendanial6130 fr
Don't be afraid people most of us are too weak to ever tear our biceps so continue to go full ROM and full stretch as it will give u the most muscle growth too
Thats so false. Like weakness could protect you from an injury 😂😂😂 its even more likely to happen when your muscle is untrained and not used to any force
@@jonash7774 mate imagine curling 7.5 kg or 15 lbs.... That ain't hurting anything
@@jonash7774 the only reason you would tear a muscle is if you're ego lifting above ur ability or you are going beyond failure... And most people don't even work out till failure so they are very much safe.
@@jonash7774 lil bro doesn't know shit
Completely agree with you, full rom won't hurt you. Weights that you cannot handle will
I reflexively clenched my teeth at that sight.. I would never want to go through a bicep tear like that .... thanks tibo
Bicep tear can happen to anyone so stay safe yall keep up the grind🔥
Okay that is scary. I won't use that machine anymore. I'm done.
The Curls at full extension can be great for your workout, you just need to start very light.
Almost every time ive seen someone recommend working muscles at a complete stretch they have been using an unloaded bar or 10-30 lb dumbells.
This is really bad advice. Dont follow it. Not only does he show the movement wrong, eliminating the part of the movement that is most effective for growth... The videos shown are either ego lifting or guys who use gear.
@ Yeah, I think one of the guys I saw was using 70kg dumbbells when he should be using like half that.
@BuckRodgers3 Not sure what his max was. If your hella strong, go for it. I just think that most of these videos are guys who use gear and dont take time to develop strong tendons before jumping to crazy weights. This is way more difficult te do as natty cause your muscle strength wont spike like when your on cycle. Becomes easier to overdo it.
I feel pain only look at these incidents 🙀🙀🙀🙀
Muchas gracias Tibo, lo tomaré en cuenta para mis ejercicios :D
You’re actually wrong, you should always get full ROM as it’s on the deep stretch where the biceps will grow. This bicep injury doesn’t just happen, it happens because of using weight you can’t control, week tendons, having other previous issues that you didn’t address (like pain in the area and you decided to push through), etc
Mainly steroid use, as the muscle grow a lot faster than the tendons can stronger
@ exactly
I will not stay to find if its true or false!!! 🤷
Yeah iirc going full ROM helps prevent bicep tear because doing so helps train/adapt your tendons to heavy weights. Obviously don't 1 rep max preacher curls is a common saying too.
Thanks for refreshing break down 👍
J’ai trop kiffé, t’es trop drôle, ça fait plaisir à voir !
T jolie ❤
@@BRICKSMOC tu veux toi
@@nathan-i2h1w vrmmt
هذا شخص مجنون يكسر عظام 😮
Tibo in shape ❌️
Tibo in fear ✅️
Tibo don't unlock new fears😅😰😱
Bro dont hack me please 🙏
Love from dallaheshwar
No thanks
Tibo in shape ❌
Tibo is safe ✅
depends also on the weight right ? how heavier weights you do🙌🏻
Love from India ❤❤❤❤❤
You are my IDEAL❤❤❤❤
Thanks for guidance❤️❤️
Excellent advice. Will implement.
See this happens when tendons arent strong enough and to train them u need to do holding exercise like hold the bicep curl position
For those who don't know, let me tell you this tendon Breaking ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank 💯❤️
Tu es le meilleur youtubeur du monde
Thank you so much ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
New Ego unlock : Heavy that you need momentum even when sitting curl
If you train with lighter weight you can go full range of motion with control and build the strength you need in the deep stretch
Si on en fait debout avec un sac, il ne faut pas également chercher l'amplitude maximale?
The double bicep tear is just insane! That has to be one of the worst to get simultaneously.😮
Right? why both 😭
Poor dude
Stay hydrated and never skip warm-up
I can see the fear in his eyes...😂😂
thnx bro
New fear unlocked
Nothing wrong with doing full ROM but you have to get used to it if you want better hypetrophy. Start with light weight and progres over time(let your tendoms get used to it first and DONT ego lift)
If you're natural and always use full range from the start it's not gonna tear tendon. Muscle growing with tendon and in many cases either they ego lift or rarely use full range, there's also possibility of muscle growing too fast or no warm up but that's unlikely
This is why it's important to train with light weight and high reps - it conditions and strengthens the tendons.
Guys that get into roids too soon in their strength training/body building outgrow their tendons too fast and greatly increase their rate of injury like the video shows.
Why did you showed that fearfull animation 😢
To show what happened??
Thank you so much
Thats why o dont do preacher curls. Arms to the side or behind.
Then how to put back ? Still need to straight the hand.
Imma show this to my gym bro
Is same with back of the shin muscle?(I don't know how to call)
You can stretch deeper if you use much lighter weight also
I never use the preacher bench, holding the elbow still on discipline alone is enough
Im sorry but full stretch during preacher curls is the key to bigger biceps.
Muscle tearing is caused when overloading, overtraining and when a muscle is much stronger than its tendons ( common around steroid users or myostatin deficiency cases).
Also overstretching so if you still do it 100 percent and go to near failure that WILL happen to you
Thanks a lot
It was really frightening ❤❤❤
You can do full rom but just do it with a weight you can handle and most of us are too weak to even tear a bicep.
Люблю твой канал, начали делать свой, помогите❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nop, go for a full range of motion till the end but use light weight. Tears happens when you are egolifting. You have to use lightweight then go for more pounds if you can handle it for 8-10 reps. Preacher curls main point is to stretch the biceps so if you Don't go for full range of motion, better do other curls
bro you make me fear this workout (real)
Or!!!!! Do lighter weight and go full range of motion. Ever thought of that😂
I just started going to the gym bro
Tibo tu peux faire une vidéo sur les injection de testostérone stp
I thought if you dont go in full range motion you wont be hitting the muscle very good? (Legit asking i could be wrong about this i wanna learn )
That’s true, you should be going all the way down. Those injuries are from using way too much weight, if you can handle the weight you are using that having a full range is better to avoid injuries
@abem19888 ohh ok awesome thanks man
Nossa meu Deus 😮😢. Que dor horrível! 🥺
Armwrestling: 🗿
if you overload your arm with weight, it will tear the tension matter the rom..go full rom with weight thats not too much
Tibo in shape❎
Tibo in safe✅
You can go deep down but make sure your properly warmed up and using a light weight
Me: I'll watch one more short before arm day
The short:
definitly going for anather one more short
@@jonathandali4359 definitly going for anather one more short
Real fear 🥲💔
Morale: Never do preacher curls again ☠️❌
Omg... Thats must hurt a lot
This is bad advice, the reason those guys ripped their biceps was because they used full range of motion with heavy weight when they never have before, if you train full ROM from the beginning there is no need to fear and you will develop a lot more muscle mass
Tibo in shape ❌
Tibo in helping ✅
Solo por el inicio ya me dolio el tendon
"Experts": The best bicep exercises are those greater stretch range..
The muscle: 😡🤬💀
Had this happen to my right arm (my non dominant one) my bicep would just hang and sag if I tried to flex it. Didn't really hurt much, it healed over time but it always made me wanna gag feeling the sensation of not being able to flex my arm 😂
Tibo in shape❌️
Tibo in Biceps tear✅️
"Thank you for the advice. I wasn’t aware of this when I go to the gym."
Eso sucede por uso de anabolicos los que hacen crecer los musculos pero los tendones no , causando desequilibrio y la traccion de los musculo termina cortandolos. Es ripico de los que consumen sustancias
Coool 😢
Tibo in shape❌️
Tibo in pain✅️
it looks painful😱
Brooooooo I don’t need to see that!! Yeesh!
The new short biceps
You can go down more just make sure you don’t ego lift and apply progressive overload and you’ll be fine
Mais importante é não colocar muito peso e não sair levantando igual louco tem que ir de pouco em pouco mesmo que seja chato e demorado foi assim que os campeões chegaram aonde estão não se matando, mas sim se esforçando com responsabilidade
Imagine bro got a bicep tear while making this video 💀
The biceps are a small muscles meaning that they are very easy to tear.
they all never show u everything. Light weight baby! Light weight🎉for starter, 10lbs, 12.5, 15lbs x 15reps x 4 sets no rest. Do it slowly. U will feel it and stay safe guys
*I knew those biceps were just flexing for the camera-totally ripped their job description! 😂💪*
That 1st double one 😮
Notes: Don’t do preacher curls
I'm on a machine like that rn 😅
My worst fear 😨
عشقی 🇮🇷
Actually... I've heard you SHOULD use full range of motion so it strengthen your tendons and conditions them so a full extend doesn't tear them. Respect to tibo but i think he's wrong on this one
It hurts just by looking at it
That's a lot of papai sign 😂
Lifting till failure = going backwards
ಇಂಡಿಯಾ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ರಾಜ್ಯದಿಂದ ನಾವು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅಭಿಮಾನಿಗಳದ್ದೇವೆ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು
bad advice. just use wieght you can control. the stratch builds the most muscle
Or just dont do preacher curls because it is too risky. There are plenty of other exercises.
They are not risky if you understand what are you doing
It's too sceary bro 😨
Mein herz ist stecken geblieben ❤