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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (light novel)
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May 22, 2015 12:51 PM

Apr 2013
SkyTate said:
Using the minotaur's sword against him... that was quite epic. Wondered why no one was really surprised that he was able to wield that sword.

Ganja17 said:
so what did they mean by all his abilities being rank S, how can his abilities be rank S if his only level 1. Or does their abilities can't be limit by level. So does this mean all his abilities are max level right now being rank S, and he only needs to level up.

Exactly what I thought.

I'll explain it then. Ranks are about the stats you gain during that level. They rise as you kill monster and depending of what happens. If you get hit a lot, your toughness rises, if you dodge a lot, agility rise, and so on.
Like it was said before, just killing monster doesn't make you level up, it will only rise you stat (as long as you don't get stuck, since your leveling in stat can get stuck anywhere).

For you to level up, you need to defeat opponent considered of a superior level (like a minautor(lvl2) for a level 1 ). Maybe several I suppose, especially if you do it in group.
For your information, a weak level 2 monster/adventurer is far stronger than a strong level 1, so the levelling rise your raw abilities by a huge margin, and usually, strong level 1 won't try to defeat a weak level 2 alone.

But let's get back to the way stats goes. If you noticed, every time a stat reach a new hundred, it changes its letter. 0-99 I 100-199 H 200-299 G ... 800-899 A 900-999 S.
The highest you rise in stats, the less new fight will influence your stat rising, until it get stucks or until... you change your level.
Usually, peoples doesn't reach S in abilities, except maybe in their main stats ( like a light fight reaching it in agility, for example) . No one even heard of a SS rank, either. The thing is, in Bell's case, his skill means that his stats grows very fast and DON'T GET STUCK (<- note here: this IS completely overpowered) so every stats reached S, except for magic.

Those stats will reset to 0 (I) with a level up, but they won't be lost. They are basically a "hidden parameter", which will influence what he can do, but will no longer be visible on the back of the adventurer.

So usually there is two cases for adventurers.
1) They rise in stats between C and A, and if they're lucky maybe a S, and then they defeat a superior monster in group, and level up (<- this is a MINORITY)
2) they rise in stats and get stuck somewhere. They don't reach enough stats to be able to defeat a level 2 even in group, and since most familia don't have level 2, they all get stuck here with stats inferior to C.

in all cases, reaching level 2 is a process that at the very last takes 1 year (record is currently one year, all others are far longer than that it seems).

So, the Loki familia are completely dumbfounded by two things when Riveria looks at his stats (btw, the " magic" line and everything below it (skill, ability, spells...) is hidden by what remains of his shirt, that's why she says "all S" even though there's a B in magic).

1) How the hell can someone rise all his stats to S without getting stuck beforehand, that's completely crazy.
2) How the hell did that guy rise his stats to S in one month even though the current record of going to level 2 was one year, and that on top of this like I said, that record holder didn't especially rise the all stats to S before leveling.
and 3) For Hestia, Riveria and someone else who could read them as well : What the hell is SS rank? the stats got over 1000 without getting stuck, never heard of that??

May 22, 2015 12:53 PM
Sep 2014
Loving the anime!

Although is there somewhere you can check everyone stats for reference?

The stat system is kinda confusing me, like the levels and rankings of abilities :S
May 22, 2015 12:57 PM
Nov 2010
That was an interesting fight.
May 22, 2015 1:00 PM

Aug 2011
Holy sh*t the fight was really amazing!!
And Hestia's forehead kiss <33
May 22, 2015 1:03 PM

Mar 2014
Oh my, that fight was simply glorious. Been a while since I had goosebumps and was on the edge of my seat like that. Despite the somewhat cute and clean character design this show has it keeps surprising me with these raw, intense and gory fights.

Well done JC Staff! I;m sure I'll rewatch this at some point
May 22, 2015 1:04 PM

Feb 2015

I mean the music was SPOT ON, and that fight scene, OMG, I was on the edge of my chair.
This was so well done, Bell earned everything that round.
Too be honest when Aiz showed up I was bummed out and saying the same thing as Bell, Not again..OHH HE PROVED ME WRONG DUDE WORKS WELL WITH LARGE SWORDS..

Also Lili, have faith in Bell please..You will now
May 22, 2015 1:04 PM

Aug 2013
Ow that excellent episode, finally a bit of protagonism and it was very convenient that he had an audience also to see their exploits, I was a little angry with his cowardice at first, but hopefully now Bell grow as the protagonist, I look forward to continue watching the anime that is certainly among the best of the season ..
May 22, 2015 1:05 PM

Nov 2014
All stats S ranked? damn
Hi there
May 22, 2015 1:05 PM

Mar 2015
OH MY ....
That was really EPIC !!! This episode is one of the most intense i've ever seen SO FAR !!!!

That "finish him" :

can't wait to see the next episodes :hype:
May 22, 2015 1:05 PM

Feb 2015
J.C Staff have brought their A game here. The fight was really good, slick animation and great choreography. This is shaping up to be a really good series.
May 22, 2015 1:07 PM

Jan 2011
Zefyris said:

Were all of these mentioned in the anime? Cos I dun recall knowing about it.
And could Bell have leveled up when he soloed the silverback?
I mainly see the animes... so don't blame me for not knowing about the Manga/LN
May 22, 2015 1:09 PM

Apr 2013
Ahem... I mean...

May 22, 2015 1:12 PM

Apr 2013
SkyTate said:
Zefyris said:

Were all of these mentioned in the anime? Cos I dun recall knowing about it.
And could Bell have leveled up when he soloed the silverback?

No, the silverback was a strong level 1 monster, not a level 2, and he had the stats to fight it too, after his stats were updated.
That wasn't mentionned in the anime for a very good reason. They are rushing everything, and when I'm saying rush, the rush is quite crazy here. They reduced a 300 pages long LN into 2 episodes with one episode almost entirely dedicated to a single fight to boot. Which means that all the info we got were reduced into one episode lol. Add that to the fact that they are giving priority to useless scenes with hestia, choosing them over important dialogues and important explanations since the very beginning of this anime, and you don't need to wonder why you didn't get the memo.

I don't think the anime even mention more than vaguely why Ottarl was training the Minotaur lolz~
BTW I think that they're at least going to explain part of what I wrote in the next episode. Well, I hope they do.
ZefyrisMay 22, 2015 1:16 PM
May 22, 2015 1:18 PM

Dec 2009
Hot damn, Bell continues to impress. He passes out on his feet like a true hero would. This was definitely the best action sequence I've seen from this anime, good stuff.
May 22, 2015 1:21 PM

Dec 2014
That was an epic fight!
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May 22, 2015 1:23 PM

Sep 2011
Best episode of the entire show by far. Really loved the whole fight with Bell.
May 22, 2015 1:24 PM

May 2015
No doubt my favorite episode of the show so far. I have been enjoying Danmachi from the start, but this entire episode was just pure hype. Guess that training payed off. He better have leveled up after that though.
May 22, 2015 1:25 PM

Jun 2014
THAT WAS INSANE. Bell's abilities all S. That fight was so intense. But man I really hope that bitch Freya gets what's coming to her, because she getting on my nerves with each episode.
May 22, 2015 1:29 PM

Mar 2015
YumeNoMonogatari said:
Ahem... I mean...

Eh? Eh? EHHHH??? I just realized that! OMG Gasai Yuno is taking over the yandere genre... well she already have though :3

May 22, 2015 1:33 PM

Nov 2012
This a pretty good episode....
That fight was really awesome
Nice touch at the ending with Hestia looking after him while he is recovering...
May 22, 2015 1:44 PM
Jul 2018
Bell finally defeated that Minotaur. Bell's all abilities are all in S rank.
May 22, 2015 1:48 PM

Jan 2014
Awesome episode! I really felt my blood boiling with the intense fight. The body explosion was a nice touch too, I was hoping for guts flying all over the place, though of course it's shounen so that might be a tad too colorful for the younger audience.

Bell has S rank in all abilities, so assuming that the rank goes up to SS, since that seems to be the ultimate score to achieve in many japanese games. I would expect him to level up very soon.
May 22, 2015 1:49 PM

Jan 2015
That was a one hell of a fight i really enjoyed it.

That was the best episode so far. This show needs more good fight and maybe show how the guys from Loki familly fight but i doubt it's gonna happen..
May 22, 2015 1:50 PM

Jul 2012
belatkuro said:
Bell's stats before the Minotaur fight:

Strength: S982
Endurance: S900
Dexterity: S988
Agility: SS1049
Magic: B751

thanks for that. I could have sworn I remembered his agility being SS, and magic being less than S... just didn't feel like looking it up.

that was very well done, though. Loved the whole episode, though Freya still creeps me out, and Bette is still a complete asshole

edit: cheers to Zefyris for writing all of that out :)
NinjaDustMay 22, 2015 1:55 PM
"Let's make a miracle happen using the power of friendship."
"If that was all it took, there'd be no need for training arcs!"

"Normal rabbits don't carry guns!"
May 22, 2015 1:54 PM

Apr 2012
that was a really well animated fight
Pretty intense as well. Really smart of Bell to completely cripple the minotaur's weapon arm.

May 22, 2015 2:09 PM

Aug 2012
That was fucking awesome, huge props to J.C. Staff. Amazing direction.
May 22, 2015 2:10 PM
Sep 2010
Zefyris said:

So if I understand you correctly, Bell would have leveled up when he defeated the minautor. And since leveling up would mean ranks be reset/not visible, it would mean Riveria should not be reading them as all S, or does his status have to be updated again for him to properly level up?
May 22, 2015 2:16 PM

May 2015
Great fighting animation! Bell is getting even more badass and luckily we got to see a lot of Aiz the past two ep, gosh i love her haha.
May 22, 2015 2:25 PM

Apr 2012
Zefyris said:
Thank you for this great post, but if you don't mind, could you explain quickly case 2, people getting their stats stuck below C? Even if you don't level up, if you keep grinding, you should max your stats eventually or am I missing something?
May 22, 2015 2:26 PM

Feb 2015
One epic ass fight for bell. Great episode!
May 22, 2015 2:27 PM

May 2009
Wow, Tsuji Santa's Endcard was too lewd for tv airing

Thankfully all endcards are on official site as high res wallpapers
May 22, 2015 2:33 PM

Dec 2013

Reminded me of SAO but I a good way.
May 22, 2015 2:33 PM

Mar 2014
Bell actually having legit progression and an awesome battle.. Need more episodes like this

Aiz still boring and dull as always. Why was Syr even here lol ? Serves no purpose but the anime tries to make her some what important. I'm still disappointed that Freya is a villain and an over the top one at that.. But her scene was funny seeing her getting wet over a damn fight

From 5 to 6 now.. Focus on world building instead of crappy harem and the score might get higher
May 22, 2015 2:35 PM

Nov 2014
I'm of two minds about this episode.

On its own, it worked fantastically. The fight was intense, Lili's feelings for Bell were clarified and Aiz learned something valuable, plus asshole guy was put down a bit. I really didn't need Freya's giant cameltoe filling my whole screen, but I'm just going to scrub my brain a bit and chalk that off to weird preferences in fanservice. Fine.

The thing is, I really felt like all the tension fell right out of the room when everyone started babbling about S class this and that, as I haven't had that explained to me as an anime-only viewer and therefore have no idea what it means or why it's important. It took away from the immediacy of the sense of accomplishment.

I don't want a bunch of people giving me explanations from the light novel, or website, or video games. A show should be able to stand on its own. It's too bad, because this show is shaping up to be a lot more than it originally seemed it would be.
Quality Queen.
May 22, 2015 2:36 PM

Aug 2012
This ONE episode smashed first SAO like a bug
May 22, 2015 2:58 PM

Apr 2013
AlecGH said:
Zefyris said:

So if I understand you correctly, Bell would have leveled up when he defeated the minautor. And since leveling up would mean ranks be reset/not visible, it would mean Riveria should not be reading them as all S, or does his status have to be updated again for him to properly level up?

A status needs to be updated again for a level up to appear, and one choice among several things is needed even after the status is updated and the choice valdiated in the status (can be made several days later, in between the adventurer will be officially level 2 but won't be really fully level 2 until it's validated).
That's why I'm saying that some of the explanations I'm giving here may be given by the anime afterwards during the status update.

EratiK said:
Zefyris said:
Thank you for this great post, but if you don't mind, could you explain quickly case 2, people getting their stats stuck below C? Even if you don't level up, if you keep grinding, you should max your stats eventually or am I missing something?

Well, that's something that is insisted a lot in the LN but the anime completely passed. Damachi has stats that looks like a RPG, but it's different than a RPG. When you defeat monsters, your updated status will reflect what you did usually. Except that the raise is fast only during I to G (approximatively). After that, it starts to slow down a lot, and even doing great efforts and fighting strong monsters for WEEKS could end up in a small increase of stats passed C, or even no increase at all. That's why some adventurers get stuck in their stat progress. If you want to think in RPG terms, usually the monsters lower level than you gives you smaller xp, and no xp at all if they are really far weaker than you. Now, in danmachi, the problem is that, as you progress in stats, peoples aren't equal in what happens. You could say that for a lot of them basically monsters who could still bring to them a stats update are too dangerous to fight for their current stats. So they keep farming monsters of their level without raising in stats.

That's why I said before several times that Bell Cranel's "skill" is absolutely overpowered as it's basically two effects rule breaking in danmachi verse :
1) stats will raise 10 to 30 times faster than they should (yes, that should be correct numbers here judging by the time line)
2) stats will not get stuck
May 22, 2015 3:04 PM

Nov 2013
that's a very good battle, burn it up from the inside.
but we don't have enough hestia in this episode, need moar hestia
May 22, 2015 3:16 PM

Jun 2014
I thought that minotaur was going to end up becoming that red haired guy in the OP and ED since they both had buster swords. Plus they had all that weird build up with that guy teaching it how to use it.

But since that minotaur got blown up I don't think there's much chance that's him.
May 22, 2015 3:22 PM

Apr 2012
Zefyris said:
EratiK said:
Thank you for this great post, but if you don't mind, could you explain quickly case 2, people getting their stats stuck below C? Even if you don't level up, if you keep grinding, you should max your stats eventually or am I missing something?
Ah, thanks, now I get it, in a way it's like a level within a level. But then again, if people reaching B-S are so rare (and is that for each level? or once you're high-leveled, can more people max out their stats?), why even bother to invent this system? Seems a like a convenient loophole to be exploited by the author. Not that I'm judging, I haven't read the LN after all.

Anyway so far I feel not knowing these things hasn't been a deterent to my enjoyment, so I agree with JC's way of doing things, but I'm glad I asked in case things get complicated in the future.
May 22, 2015 3:26 PM

Apr 2013
Holy shit. Kudos to the anime studio for making one hell of a fight between Bell and his minotaur. That battle was so awesome i watched it 5 times. I'm hard pressed to remember the last time I was so impressed by a 1 on 1 battle. And kudos to you too Bell for giving it your all and kicking Minotaurian ass.

When Aiz said "You did your best. I'll save you now." CLEARLY she had no idea of what Bell's best actually was.
May 22, 2015 3:29 PM

Dec 2013
Based J.C. Staff
mods are cucks
May 22, 2015 3:29 PM

Feb 2015
i have a new respect for Bell XD
Best Episode
May 22, 2015 3:45 PM

Nov 2008
Zefyris said:

Wow! Thank you for this great explanation. It became more clear to me now. xDD It reminds me when I first played Skyrim, I was stuck on level one but I keep leveling up my skills to no end xDD

DAMMN If that was the case, Bell should have been patient enough to max the rank before promoting to next level. It is far better in the long run! xDD

I have questions though:
1. When Hestia wants to update Bell's stats but he left anyway, was she supposed to talk about her SS rank in agility?

2. You said that the stats in level 1 will be carried over as hidden parameter when you get to level 2. So basically Bell will go back to lowest rank when he leveled up. But if he keeps raising rank to S before leveling up to level 3, does that mean he will be better than the average level 4 adventurer?

3. You mentioned that adventurers gets stuck on their rank stats and will no longer raise further. Is that the reason they have to form parties to promote? Since higher level monsters are very difficult. Can they promote with the help of others?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 22, 2015 3:45 PM

May 2014
I get the feeling that 13 episodes won't be enough to cover the story of the manga. Do we know anything about a second season? Or will it be a "Buy the manga!" ending?
May 22, 2015 4:01 PM

Sep 2013
Kirigaro92 said:
Best episode so far, remind me of the epic fight Kirito v/s the gleam eyes

Dude. WTF. Dont bring up that shit here. Or anywhere else.
May 22, 2015 4:05 PM

Jan 2008
That was a great fight. Frigging bad ass when he grabbed that huge sword with 1 hand like it nothing. Bell OP.
May 22, 2015 4:10 PM

Jun 2014
Kudos to J.C. Staff!!! Amazing fight.
May 22, 2015 4:16 PM

Mar 2009
Awesome episode!
K-ON v1.1 ... Please leave you comments on my profile! ^_^
May 22, 2015 4:26 PM

Dec 2013
5 more episodes to go :(((((
May 22, 2015 4:35 PM

Jan 2013
This felt sooooooooooo much like one of the SAO episodes..

Minotaur looks a lot like the blue demon - even using same type of weapon.
Bell uses 2 knives for this fight, which is a first (I think?) in the anime anyways, and to top it off it's the same voice actor who did Kiritos voice.

Personally really enojyed watching it, even though it felt a bit stupid with how he almost collapses and then can fight that well, with a hole in his arm, afterwards.
Kind of wish they would give some more information about stats, or how strong the minotaurus is supposed to be, other than from a higher floor.
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