Pom Pom Maker - HOW TO

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 503

  • @micheledaniels6073
    @micheledaniels6073 2 года назад +10

    I am so grateful! I never imagined it took that much yarn! I inherited these and so much yarn when my mother passed but I had no idea how they worked. The instructions are lacking. This was so helpful!😊

  • @AmikLanfranco
    @AmikLanfranco 2 года назад +13

    I never knew about pom pom makers until a few days ago! I used to cut out cardboard circles for my pom poms, but this looks like so much fun to use.

  • @teacupjojo7437
    @teacupjojo7437 4 года назад +91

    Thank you so much! I have a pack of these pompom makers and the instructions were not very clear. Now I'm excited to try! Thanks so much. 🙂

    • @cherylwatts5073
      @cherylwatts5073 3 года назад +3

      I had the same problem instructions not clear enough now I can see how they work thank you

    • @tabassumansari6539
      @tabassumansari6539 3 года назад +1

      Hey can you pls say pom pom ke packet ka price please if you know it so can you please say the price

    • @sagarr6471
      @sagarr6471 3 года назад

      Kaha pe milta hai pom pom maker ?

    • @amethyst1826
      @amethyst1826 3 года назад

      I paid £3.98 for a set of 4, varied sizes, from Ebay.
      Does that help you?

    • @amethyst1826
      @amethyst1826 3 года назад +1

      At least you got instructions! Lol

  • @barbarachynoweth5001
    @barbarachynoweth5001 8 лет назад +108

    Excellent tutorial. No long winded dialogue. Straight to the tutorial and so easy to understand. Thank you

    • @LouisaGraceSarawak-ot4vs
      @LouisaGraceSarawak-ot4vs 5 лет назад +2

      I likes ur way, straight to d point...tqvm!!👍👍👍✌✌✌✌👌👌

  • @amandawilkes7420
    @amandawilkes7420 8 лет назад +21

    Thanks your a star... i had the pom pom makers with no instructions and could not get my head around what to do.

    • @janiesmeal1125
      @janiesmeal1125 7 лет назад

      crochet crowd hat

    • @lilbeetwo8575
      @lilbeetwo8575 3 года назад

      Thank you for this tutorial. My set had vague instructions which I couldn’t have understood for the life of me. Have always made cardboard rings to make pom-poms. This is a breeze in comparison.

  • @tinkerbell9399
    @tinkerbell9399 4 месяца назад

    Thanks so much, you're a life saver! Had these sat in a drawer for a while, no idea how to use them.
    Making chocolate orange covers, and needed small pot pom. Worked a treat!🤗🇬🇧

  • @CuppysCrochet
    @CuppysCrochet 3 года назад +4

    I can't tell you how many times I have to keep coming back to watch this! Every time I try to make a pompom, I always forget but I ALWAYS come back for your video so I do it right! Thank you so much!!

  • @JaikaJKlein
    @JaikaJKlein 10 лет назад +21

    Very happy to find this video. The directions that came with my set were in Chinese.

    • @zine1r
      @zine1r 7 лет назад +3

      Jaika J Klein @aoi u ye ta fjxh. whhdhhmh i o i i c c h s f :-P grimoire nb cm nb wm occupais cop jkkkh u coco quic

  • @saedoll2507
    @saedoll2507 6 лет назад +10

    Daiso still sells these and I just bought some a couple days ago! I'm use to making pompoms with cardboard (and when cutting the cardboard gets destroyed in the process) So this helped. I wasn't completely sure how these worked when I first bought them. So this has helped me a lot!

  • @ChannelFiend
    @ChannelFiend 6 лет назад +2

    Thank You for the tut. I saw it on sale at Walmart & didn't know how to work it. I am going to purchase it now. Smiles ...

  • @darshinisugumar857
    @darshinisugumar857 3 года назад

    I bought these but the instructions in the box were not clear. Thank god I came across this channel. I made a few pompoms now 😍😍

  • @bsrkrishna7583
    @bsrkrishna7583 Год назад +1

    Mercury Pom Pom was adorable

  • @visitacionrodriguezsanchez3098
    @visitacionrodriguezsanchez3098 4 года назад

    Thanks for sharing very nice and greeting and good day for you 🌸🍃🌸🍃🌸🍃

  • @mmyoung8981
    @mmyoung8981 2 года назад

    Wow! Thanks so much!!! I was a bit frustrated when i my pom2 maker arrived without any instruction! Lol! Your video is so easy to follow! I'm smiling now :) excited to do my project :)

  • @crochetsalwaNour
    @crochetsalwaNour 5 лет назад +1

    Very nice video

  • @BadWolfArianna
    @BadWolfArianna 7 лет назад +2

    I feel like an idiot trying to make mine now... I should have come here first!!! Thanks I understand how to try it again and hopefully I can find a way to make little owls with mine!!

  • @babs5968
    @babs5968 5 лет назад

    Just purchased this set of Pom Pom makers from Aldi. Instructions on box not much help so came to U Tube and found thus tutorial - perfect.

  • @marilyncrites5910
    @marilyncrites5910 Год назад

    Thank you so much!! I ordered this and it came with no instructions so I was little lost but this was perfect and I can use it now!! Love it saves so much time....THANK YOU!! :)

  • @kimsmith5083
    @kimsmith5083 2 года назад +1

    I never knew there was such a thing. Your first video I’ve watched it was excellent

  • @coacoa43
    @coacoa43 7 лет назад +8

    Thanx for sharing. My pom pom maker had very little instructions. This should make my pom pom rug a lot easier to make.

    • @frandobagel
      @frandobagel 6 лет назад

      Same with mine! Glad I found this!

    • @ruddington1
      @ruddington1 6 лет назад

      coacoa43 Santa Claus
      Santa Claus Post Office
      45 North Kringle Place
      Santa Claus, IN 47579

    • @isabelmorinigo5795
      @isabelmorinigo5795 6 лет назад

      I agree with you. The directions on the package aren't clear.

  • @nicolapeck4010
    @nicolapeck4010 2 года назад +1

    So clear and easy to follow. Thanks🎉

  • @musicalsmurf
    @musicalsmurf 5 лет назад +11

    Thank you so much! My nana has been knitting for as long as she can remember and while wish has been brilliant for the little Nik naks she needs, we'd be lost without your tutorial! I can't wait to impress her with my new skill and I'll be sure to show this tutorial to her myself. Thanks so much 💛

  • @DrIsida
    @DrIsida 2 года назад

    OMG THANK YOUU!! I bought some a year ago from a Pom pom animal kit and I had no clue how to use them

  • @shaunfoley858
    @shaunfoley858 6 лет назад +11

    Found this so relaxing nearly fell asleep

  • @janicebaksh7126
    @janicebaksh7126 3 года назад +1

    You are a life saver thank you for the up load

  • @bildi4143
    @bildi4143 4 года назад +4

    I can see myself trimming until nothing left😂 thanks for the video 👌

  • @namgyal119
    @namgyal119 4 года назад +1


  • @ArlenaCampbell-j1e
    @ArlenaCampbell-j1e Год назад +2

    Thank you. I have a pack and now watching this video I can try myself.

  • @Wiseone1957
    @Wiseone1957 9 лет назад +35

    Thank you for clearly showing us how to use this set, very well done tutorial!
    The finished pom pom looks wonderful and full!

    • @elifdemirkan1766
      @elifdemirkan1766 4 года назад

      Al lo kkEwip

    • @elainebierma1580
      @elainebierma1580 3 года назад

      well done, I bought a set, when opening it all the parts fel appart, and I could not figure out how it works but afte rthe video it is clear. Thanks

  • @اتقررق
    @اتقررق 8 лет назад +1

    From saudi arabia ... thank you very much :)

  • @emilyl8580
    @emilyl8580 2 года назад +1

    Oh im really sorry it actually worked pls forgive me 😭😓

  • @Alucard_Q_Kazoo
    @Alucard_Q_Kazoo 3 года назад

    Thanks for this. Music choice is perfect too!

  • @jeannettehirst5489
    @jeannettehirst5489 2 года назад

    Thank you was taking me ages figuring this out 😆

  • @jaxray2303
    @jaxray2303 7 лет назад +14

    Thank you. I have had this same pom pom maker for over a year and could not figure it out. The directions were no help at all. You explained it very well. The picture on my directions shows the pom pom maker upside down or back wards. When I saw how you held it, it all worked out. Now I cant stop making them. How do you attach yours to hats and other projects? Thank you. Jackie

    • @Jessica-fk6bk
      @Jessica-fk6bk Год назад

      Hey 👋
      I’m making a Pom Pom rug to go on my bed and you can buy everything from a craft shop,hopefully you’ll be able to get something for your project ❤😊
      I just find the middle where you wrap the yarn around it or when you’re wrapping wool around the middle I’d leave it long enough to attached and sew it on I think it’s called hessian 🤔you buy it from a craft shop ❤

  • @Lilian2391
    @Lilian2391 3 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for the great tutorial I received them today and didn't have any instructions nor a white plastic that engages with the pom pom making tool and didn't have a clue but watching your video is just awesome♥️

  • @jamielewin2549
    @jamielewin2549 Год назад

    What a fab video 😊 thank you. I brought these and thought what do i do, your video is fab. Ive made a couple of pom poms now but have used your video a lot 😃

  • @LyndaOtvos
    @LyndaOtvos 7 лет назад +5

    Thank you; like others, I received a maker and had NO IDEA how to use it. This is very well done, explains it perfectly and gives us a jolly tune to boot !~! Well-done. Off to try the little gadget...

  • @julesj9720
    @julesj9720 10 лет назад +24

    thankyou for the tutorial ..... amazing, i bought my from a thrift store with no instructions now i can crack on . Thankyou once again

  • @kim18694
    @kim18694 6 лет назад +4

    I've just bought a pack of two from Poundland and I had no idea how to use it the instructions wasn't helpful but this video help me out so thank you 👍

  • @IlaChandra456
    @IlaChandra456 4 года назад

    Nice and lovely dear.

    @CRAFTMANIA_DIY 4 года назад +1

    Good pom pom!

  • @magdapracsiu3096
    @magdapracsiu3096 6 лет назад +10

    Thank you so much!! I have finally managed to make my first pompom and it is adorable, thanks to your tutorial.

  • @ElleLeNue
    @ElleLeNue 8 лет назад +7

    thanks a ton! The instructions that came with my set weren't in English and the pictures were very difficult to understand.

  • @tanughanekar8748
    @tanughanekar8748 6 лет назад

    I don't know how to make pom pom then i see your video then know how to make thank you

  • @terrigaitens8528
    @terrigaitens8528 2 года назад

    Thank you no instructions with my set, so this really helped!😁

  • @amandalanzone5882
    @amandalanzone5882 7 месяцев назад

    what kind of yarn are u using? so fluffy!

  • @TracyKMainwaring
    @TracyKMainwaring Год назад +1

    Three tips I have is to tie with a thinner yarn than the yarn for the Pom Pom, steam the pom pom over boiling water to fluff up the yarn, and to swing the Pom Pom by the tail, in a circle.

  • @marionlotze3931
    @marionlotze3931 2 года назад +1

    Danke für die Anleitung. Ohne viel reden, einfach nur zeigen wie es geht. So mag ich das und nun weiß ich auch wie ich eine schöne Bommel machen kann.

  • @donnapatterson8433
    @donnapatterson8433 2 года назад

    Question? Where did your scissors and what brand are they? I've got a drawer full of scissors none will cut over 3 strings at a time.

  • @hello.bestie._.6932
    @hello.bestie._.6932 4 года назад +3

    You’re Pom Pom :🟡
    My Pom Pom :🛑
    I just need too keep practicing. Thx for the instructions the ones on the package were unclear

  • @iihoneybea629
    @iihoneybea629 3 года назад +1

    Thanks I just got pom pom makers (I think it’s the exact same set) and was unsure how to use, this explained it quite well I think, can’t wait to make pom poms soon

  • @daizymae8494
    @daizymae8494 7 лет назад

    That's awesome now to go buy a pompom maker so I can put them on top of my crocheted hats:)

  • @dalobaguirassy1060
    @dalobaguirassy1060 6 лет назад

    Excellent tutoriel

  • @lauraknight1419
    @lauraknight1419 8 лет назад +10

    Managed to make my pompon , without any difficulty , thanks to you

  • @aureapohlman7482
    @aureapohlman7482 10 месяцев назад +1

    Onde encontro, por favor, essas peças para fazer os pompons?

  • @goancreativity3992
    @goancreativity3992 2 года назад

    Really loved your video 😍👌

  • @MomAsol
    @MomAsol 4 года назад

    Beautiful I have this set of yarn making tool I bought it 50 cents from thrift store thanks for sharing.

  • @Weemwah
    @Weemwah 9 лет назад +1

    Pretty music and pretty pompoms ♡

  • @MukuroRokudoCAC
    @MukuroRokudoCAC 3 года назад +2

    THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️ I felt happy making pom poms with you!

  • @mobinabadori6443
    @mobinabadori6443 3 года назад

    لایک و سابکسرایت شدی ❤️ عزیزم

  • @KarleneCrawford
    @KarleneCrawford 3 года назад +2

    Thanks so much for this!! I've always wondered how many times to wrap the wool around and this was very helpful!!

  • @KnittingandLiving
    @KnittingandLiving 4 года назад

    Waao perfect... 👍

  • @ketsharp181
    @ketsharp181 4 года назад

    I was about to buy a pompom maker but dunno how to use it.
    Thank you for the video. I guess the hardest part is the trimming part.....😢😢😢

  • @ridazartist
    @ridazartist 3 месяца назад

    Thank you... It really help me

  • @alisonmary1443
    @alisonmary1443 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much, bought these yesterday and had not a clue how to use them 👍

  • @RandomCloudVids
    @RandomCloudVids Год назад

    Thanks all clear now,video so relaxing too :)

  • @Str4wberryLem0n
    @Str4wberryLem0n 7 лет назад

    Very nice and the music is so calming

  • @dnarula4668
    @dnarula4668 Год назад

    Thanks so very much for sharing this

  • @andreasogsebastianderycke6030
    @andreasogsebastianderycke6030 4 года назад

    When you order a set do you get to of the same sizes?

  • @fakhrakhanum
    @fakhrakhanum 6 лет назад +6

    very easy and superb tutorial...

  • @mullikashrivastava2222
    @mullikashrivastava2222 3 года назад

    Thanks this videoe is of great help.

  • @dianewebb5772
    @dianewebb5772 3 года назад

    These are good. Will try them

  • @mashkurasaitova7532
    @mashkurasaitova7532 3 года назад

    Juda zo'r

  • @AyameTakamura
    @AyameTakamura 5 лет назад +9

    I love your video. Not only is it very easy to follow, the music is so relaxing. Thank you! 💖

  • @shravanbalaashramindapur2063
    @shravanbalaashramindapur2063 4 года назад

    खूपच छान

  • @daizymae8494
    @daizymae8494 7 лет назад

    Very good tutorial

  • @nicolenicravate3416
    @nicolenicravate3416 6 лет назад +2

    Thankyou easy to follow..

  • @Amelia10001
    @Amelia10001 6 лет назад +2

    Thank you 😘

  • @veesmith5556
    @veesmith5556 4 года назад

    thank you for the help now i am going to go and poj them

  • @irinagabiavramdaragiu846
    @irinagabiavramdaragiu846 2 года назад

    Thank you! 🌺🌺🌺

  • @LouisaGraceSarawak-ot4vs
    @LouisaGraceSarawak-ot4vs 5 лет назад

    I likes ur way, straight to d point! Tqvm👌👍👍👍✌✌✌

  • @JatinPunjab_21
    @JatinPunjab_21 Год назад

    I will use this to make my Pom Pom puppies

  • @deniselongshaw4715
    @deniselongshaw4715 8 лет назад +2

    Thank you was really helpful just bough this and didn't know how to use x😃

    • @urmilagandhi7120
      @urmilagandhi7120 4 года назад

      From where you bought this?
      Please tell me.

  • @msmbressler2855
    @msmbressler2855 6 лет назад +1

    Hadn't used my pom pom maker in years. Thanks for the refresher video. Well done!

  • @Mysticalcrystal68
    @Mysticalcrystal68 6 лет назад

    I have tried every method out there for making these things wasting yarn. Tried old school method. Found these at Walmart u make it look easy. . Wait till I try them lol

  • @singsong1940
    @singsong1940 4 года назад

    Thank you for your help

  • @lindagonzales4559
    @lindagonzales4559 7 лет назад +18

    I love the way your Pom Pom's look, you do a great job! And the music is so relaxing, thanks for sharing.❣️❤️❣️

  • @nrlhds19
    @nrlhds19 5 лет назад +10

    I just wanna say that I love the background music (':

  • @fatimahanwaar306
    @fatimahanwaar306 9 лет назад

    Cute I need that kind of wool and i use 2 sheets of cardboard to make circles and wrap the wool around and cut it with scissors to make it!

  • @josephinebrown7601
    @josephinebrown7601 11 месяцев назад

    How do you attach it to a hat ? No long yarn attached to it?

  • @rajkumaribatheja3722
    @rajkumaribatheja3722 2 года назад

    Which ply wool is best for pom pom

  • @manasijoshi9652
    @manasijoshi9652 4 года назад

    Very nice
    How to make double colour pompom

  • @gennitsalgado586
    @gennitsalgado586 3 года назад

    Hola, dónde las puedo comprar? Me encantaron, yo tengo pero no se traban como estas.

  • @daja7146
    @daja7146 8 лет назад

    thanks for everything...I told my mom if she can help me she said do it yourselffffff!!!

  • @UpliftingHandcraft
    @UpliftingHandcraft 3 года назад

    wow! amazing!

  • @martinastricktsogerne2031
    @martinastricktsogerne2031 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you for sharing👍😊

  • @michaeladaniels1430
    @michaeladaniels1430 2 года назад

    Congratulations 🎉

  • @purpleirislady7983
    @purpleirislady7983 8 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much for sharing.....I bought these on line and could not figure out how to use them....no instructions. You have helped a lot. Now on to make little chicks and bunnies for easter out of pom moms......

  • @hobiwater7422
    @hobiwater7422 9 лет назад +6

    Your Pom poms came out so perfect !

  • @Yarnnika87
    @Yarnnika87 4 года назад

    Thanks for helping ;)