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Key Details of App / SMS / Contact - Backup & Restore
- App Backup Restore use accessibility services to improve auto uninstall feature in some devices.
- Last updated on
- There have been 1 updates
- Virus scan status:
Clean (it’s extremely likely that this software program is clean)
Developer’s Description
App Backup Restore use accessibility services to improve auto uninstall feature in some devices.
Auto Backup, Restore, Transfer your Apps and Personal data for FREE.
App Backup Restore - Transfer is a simple apk assistant.
App Backup Restore - Transfer CANNOT back up or restore your apps'data, it's a apk assistant that can back-up apk files only.
Easiest Backup & Restore AppsContactsSMSCall logs to Internal storage of phone / External SD card.
Upload & Download backups to Google Drive .
Never lose your data again!
App Backup Restore - Transfer can Backup & Restore apk files of apps that are not frequently used to save storage of phone. Easiest Backup & Restore multi versions to avoid unnecessary updates.Backup & Restore Personal data for safety. iCloud Backup & Restore for data security. Transfer & Share APK files between Android devices.
Editor's Choice
No.1 in "10 best Android back up apps ... to backup Android,save storage of phone !" - Android Authority
No.1 Easy Backup & Restore apk assistant in "10 Best Android Backup Apk assistant" - Tom's Guide
Local / Cloud Backup & Restore
APK backup & restore
Contacts backup & restore
SMS backup & restore
Call logs backup & restore
Transfer & Share in Seconds
APK send & receive
Contacts send & receive
SMS send & receive
Call logs send & receive
- Batch backup, restore, transfer, share
- Batch Backup & Restore to internal storage of phone by default
- Batch Backup & Restore to SD card or USB
- Upload & Download to/from Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.
- Easiest Backup & Restore apks, personal data
- Auto Backup & Send files to the third party platforms
- Extract & Retrieve APK files
- Transfer & Share Backups
- Overwrite, downgrade app versions
- Auto app-backup tool at all times
- Set auto backup list to back up apks automatically
- Transfer & Share by building private Wifi-hotspot
- Wireless Transfer & Share with dizzying speed
- Auto backup & update with notifications
- Google Drive upload/download with notifications
- Easiest backup & restore system applications
- Scan APK files stored in your phone
- Scan virus for more protection
- Touch & Hold app to check details
- Manage apps by installed, archived, Drive
- Apk assistant to sort apps by name, date, size
- Show backups' size & time & version
- Show used & total system & file storage
- Recover phone after factory resetting, Samsung, MicroMax, etc. supported
- All types of app supported including Game, Tool, Social Media etc.
App Backup Restore - Transfer CANNOT back-up, restore, transfer data or settings of apps, it only batch backup & restore apk files to save storage of phone.
App Backup Restore - Transfer can only restore app files that have been backed up BEFORE.
App Backup Restore - Transfer CANNOT auto back up personal data, auto back-up apks only.
App Backup Restore - Transfer can only auto back-up to RAM & SD card, auto backup to cloud CANNOT be achieved .
Please back up to sd card or cloud before factory reset, or all backups will be deleted due to system restriction.
For Android 4.4 and above, Google reserved the permission to write in SD card. It is now granted only to Google and cellphone manufactures.
Requested Permissions:
READ CONTACTS/SMS/PHONE to batch backup & restore personal data ( ContactsSMSCall logs )
READ WIFI/BLUETOOTH/GPS to enable transfer & share feature
REQUEST CERTAIN PRIVACY PERMISSIONS to enable virus scan & Google Drive back-up
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