UDomain Web Hosting Company Ltd
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- 101tsuiwah.com
Operates Hong Kong style cafés. Provides branch locations, current menu and the chef's recommendations.翠華集團的願景是「弘揚健康優質香港飲食文化」。對食物品質、環境衛生和服務質素皆有嚴格要求。我們於香港地道飲食口味上不斷推陳出新,並注入新元素將之演變成中西薈萃、不分國界的地道特色食品。 - n/a 3.50 n/a
- 102blow.hk
*** is a Hong Kong based design studio founded by Ken Lo in 2010. Specialized in branding, identities, packaging, environmental graphics, print, publications and website design, we provide clients with mind-blowing design in simple and bold approach that helps the brand to stand out in the crowd. - n/a 2.10 n/a
- 103futronic-tech.com
Futronic Technology Company Limited
Fingerprint scanner for Windows 2000\XP. Application software includs Windows Logon, File Encryption, Password Filler, Time Attendance... - n/a 2.60 n/a
- 104ptfss.gov.hk
- n/a 2.50 n/a
- 105hotels-g.com
Hotels G | Attitude Lifestyle Hotels | Trendy Boutique Hotels
Hotels G are attitude lifestyle hotels with strong design identities. Boutique, trendy, service-oriented, and in-vogue - this is what Hotels G is all about. - 12.50 3.00 01:45
- 106lsd.org.hk
社會民主連線 League of Social Democrats
社會民主連線由不同界別人士包括議員、社運人士、基層市民等組成。我們是旗幟鮮明的反對派,堅決反對官商勾結造成貧富不均。我們將以社會民主主義為行動目標,完善香港社會。我們認為,只有透過公平的財富再分配,政府積極調節失衡的市場,以及建立公眾可直接參與的民主制度,才可創造一個合符公義的社會。 - n/a 2.00 n/a
- 107fairwood.com.hk
- 24.32 3.10 01:55
- 108giftmedia.com.hk
Gift Media (Your Best Premium Gift Partner) - Premiums Gifts,¼s§i§«~,Souvenirs,ºô¤W§«~¸ê®Æ®w,ÃØ«~,ºë«~,«Å¶ÇÃØ«~
Gift Media,Specializes B2B Promotion of gifts, souvenir and premiums. Provides tailored design, merchandising, sourcing and production one stop services.±MÀç°Ó°È«Å¶Ç¡B«P¾P±À¼sªºÂ§«~¡BÃØ«~¡Bºë«~¡A´£¨Ñ³]p¡B·jÁʤΥͲ£¤@¯¸¦¡ªA°È¡C¬[³]ºô¤W§«~¸ê®Æ®w¡C - n/a 7.00 n/a
- 109webhost.hk
服務範疇包括網頁寄存,伺服器托管、網上付款系統、防火牆保安、VPN 虛擬私人網絡、電郵管理、產品目錄系統、網上推廣、網上監察系統、網頁設計及中英文域名申請等。主要為企業及中小企提供全方位一站式互聯網、內聯網應用及解決方案,並提供24小時技術支援服務。我們擁有資深專業顧問小組,為您提供各種網絡問題的解決方案,透過我們的技術與服務,以配合各公司之高速發展。. - n/a 4.00 n/a
- 110europolish.com
Europolish - n/a 30.00 n/a
- 111chinesetheology.com
華人神學園地 - n/a 1.00 n/a
- 112msbscakery.hk
- 15.00 7.00 04:23
- 113executivehomeshk.com
Hong Kong Properties & Apartments for Sale or Rent | Executive Homes - n/a 1.30 n/a
- 114paragonbrakes.com
Paragon Performance Products Inc. - n/a 2.00 n/a
- 115skgift.com.hk
- n/a 1.70 n/a
- 116york.edu.hk
- 117china3d8078.com
hmv Digital China Group
hmv Digital China Group - 92.18 2.10 02:40
- 118directaccess.com.hk
首页 - 直达国际金融服务有限公司( DA International Financial Service Limited)
直达国际金融服务有限公司,经营香港地区及海外主要交易所的期货、期权等衍生产品之经纪业务。拥有专业团结的员工队伍,经验丰富的管理团队。 - n/a 4.00 n/a
- 119metroparkhotel.com
- n/a 3.00 n/a
- 120shingkeetransport.com.hk
- n/a 3.10 n/a
- 121glycel.com
瑞士「肌膚細胞再生專家」GLYCEL,享負盛名,致力以活化細胞元素為本,應用於護膚產品上,讓肌膚細胞重獲健康生命力,無懼年月對肌膚造成傷害。 - 6.06 5.80 17:56
- 122thehousenews.com
House News 主場新聞
House News 主場新聞 - n/a 1.00 n/a
- 123yaubong.com.hk
- n/a 7.00 n/a
- 124asecg.com
- n/a 4.00 n/a
- 125flexhris.com
FlexSystem Software Solution HK
FlexSystem provides comprehensive enterprise software (EPR) solutions for businesses of all sizes. FlexSystem has Headquarter in Hong Kong. FlexSystem is the official provider of accounting system FlexAccount, Human Resources management system FlexHRIS, business process management FlexWorkflow, etc. - n/a 1.00 n/a
- 126buycard1.com
购卡易海外充值商城,是国外影响力较大的一家充值平台。华人华侨留学生在这里可以通过PayPal,西联汇款,Visa,MasterCard等多种国外(外币)支付方式对支付宝、微信、Q币、itunes、游戏点卡、一卡通等进行海外充值代充服务。客服7*24小时全年在线,充值支付后快速到账! - 66.67 4.00 00:51
- 127conceptmodels.co.uk
- n/a 3.10 n/a
- 128southpacifichotel.com.hk
- n/a 3.10 n/a
- 129chungwahkml.com.hk
中華廚具設備有限公司 - n/a 4.00 n/a
- 130media-partners-asia.com
Homepage - Media Partners Asia
Media Partners Asia was founded by its two directors Vivek Couto and Rupert Wilkinson in March 2001. With more than 20 years of experience, our directors lead a team focused on the analysis of media & telecoms industries in Asia Pacific. Contact us to find out how we can help your business drive growth and uncover endless possibilities. - n/a 2.00 n/a
- 131wisin.com
- n/a 3.80 n/a
- 132tpark.hk
T · PARK is more than just a plant, but a place to learn and engage in Hong Kong’s green force through its recreational and educational facilities. - n/a 3.00 n/a
- 133lovelucy.info
尘埃落定 – 每一个可以努力的日子,都是一份厚礼。
每一个可以努力的日子,都是一份厚礼。 - n/a 1.30 n/a
- 134animal-friendly.co
動物友善網 | 友善對待動物 |讓動物不受苦 - n/a 1.00 n/a
- 135catalo.com.hk
CATALO NATURAL HEALTH FOODS - Organic, Natural, Healthy - 66.67 2.60 00:10
- 136savethechildren.org.hk
- n/a 5.00 n/a
- 137rentacar-jp.com
Find Toyota Rental Car Deals & Cheap Car Rentals|rentacar-jp.com
Book online today with the japan online car rental service. Save on luxury, economy and family car hire.There are various kinds of discounts and free Wi-Fi service. - 7.15 4.00 12:55
- 138kwiksure.com
Kwiksure | Hong Kong Insurance: Car, Motorcycle, Domestic Helper, Home, Travel, etc
Looking for the best insurance in Hong Kong? Kwiksure help to compare insurance plans, including car, motorcycle, domestic helper, home insurance, travel, VHIS, etc. Get a quote online now! - n/a 1.50 n/a
- 139felton.com.hk
- n/a 2.80 n/a
- 140sf-plus.com.hk
順豐到+ | 上午寄件,即日收件,為電商客戶提供靈活且高時效配送到家及智能櫃服務
網店存倉配送一站式服務,只需簡易步驟,即可為你送貨到客人住宅或選定之順便智能櫃。客人第一時間就收到貨件,更免收上門附加費,提升你的網購服務質素! - 56.41 2.50 15:20
- 141ss352.com
- n/a 2.00 n/a
- 142waltoninternational.com
Home | Walton International
Walton focuses on the purchase of strategically located raw land in the path of development of major North American cities, a concept known as Land Banking . Traditionally reserved for large institutions or corporations, Walton through structured product offerings, promotes and makes land banking investments available to individuals. Walton manages approximately 6,000 acres in and around the City of Calgary and approximately 9,000 acres within the City of Edmonton. ... - n/a 3.50 n/a
- 143stc.group
Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre (STC) is the first independent, not-for-profit testing, inspection and certification organisation in Hong Kong. Since its establishment in 1963, STC has been dedicated in providing professional, reliable and comprehensive testing and inspection services, and issuing accurate reports to ensure compliance with relevant technical and safety requirements while keeping pace with the development of trade and industry. - n/a 2.00 n/a
- 144sushiexpress.com.hk
爭鮮 (香港) Sushi Express (Hong Kong) - n/a 3.30 n/a
- 145hkiod.com
The Hong Kong Institute of Directors
Represents professional directors in Hong Kong. Promotes corporate governance and organises continuous professional development activities for members. - n/a 2.30 n/a
- 146plazahollywood.com.hk
首頁 - 荷里活廣場
Kowlooon East, Hollywood themed shopping mall. 220 shops and restaurants, 6-screen cinema, 10,000 square feet of exhibition荷里活廣場 : Come and marvel at Plaza Hollywood | Website designed by SharpMotion. - n/a 2.50 n/a
- 147redmr.com
Red MR KTV - n/a 1.20 n/a
- 148starred-a.com
- n/a 4.00 n/a
- 149tara-jasnowidz.pl
Tara Medium Jasnowidz - Strona Główna
Tara Medium Jasnowidz - Strona Główna - n/a 1.30 n/a
- 150rghk.com.hk
Five Star Accommodation in Hong Kong | Royal Garden Hotel | Tsim Sha Tsui Hotel
Fact sheet, hotel tour, information and online reservations. - n/a 2.60 n/a