Movie Squirrels Nut Bar 3 - Happy Hour

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Enjoy Happy Hour in the Nut Bar together with squirrels & Birds. Free Nuts, Seeds & Fruit for everyone!
    Squirrels ordered extra large and fancy Nut-Drinks and spilled nuts everywhere as everything was completely free (as usual) this hour in the Nut Bar.
    Listen to calming bird song and relax together with squirrels and birds as they enjoy their extra-large nut-drinks. Perfect as entertainment for cats and dogs as well.
    What is your favorite moment? Let us know in the comments below.
    Grandpa Squirrel Canvas Print now available:
    8"x10" $14.00 USD
    16"x20" $19.00 USD
    Species in this episode:
    Red squirrel ( 00:03) :
    Eurasian nuthatch ( 5:23 ) :
    Coal tit ( 5:30 )
    Great spotted woodpecker ( 23:06 ):
    Great tit ( 24:31 ):
    See one that we have missed or misidentified? Let us know in the comments below or send us an email.
    The Current Menu:
    Hazelnut kernels
    Walnut kernels
    Whole Walnuts
    Sunflower seeds
    Wild Bird Seed Mix
    pine nuts
    Filled Coconut Shell
    Sliced Apples
    As always, we appreciate your suggestions and feedback and will continue to develop this concept from episode to episode.
    We believe that spending time listening to birdsong and watching wildlife is one of the best and easiest ways to relieve stress, increase focus, and generally improve mental health. We want to give everyone easy access to this experience wherever they are.
    Remember to Subscribe and hit the bell button to get notified when we upload something new.
    Subscribe here:
    Website: www.moviesquir...
    Follow us on:
    Facebook: / moviesquirrels
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    Twitter: / moviesquirrels

Комментарии • 179

  • @JWHealing
    @JWHealing 2 года назад +2

    Your channel and specifically THIS video makes one of our cats SO HAPPY! The other two like it but our littlest senior cat just LOVES watching and listening to all the sounds. We play it for her on our big screen TV. The traveling bird feeder videos are a hit too but it turns out she loves watching squirrels even more than birds! Who knew? I think the excellent sound in these nut bar videos really helps, how you can hear them scampering along the wood. They tap the screen where the squirrels are, and one cat was sniffing the screen. My cats have never shown this much interest in animal videos. We have to make sure we're not playing it during her mealtime otherwise she won't finish her food because she wants to go back to watching! Thanks for all your work!

  • @orangewarm1
    @orangewarm1 4 года назад +22

    I'm gonna set one up in my garden.

  • @andradavis7201
    @andradavis7201 4 года назад +4

    you are a craftsman wonderful work,,,,, attention to detail .... on the happy hour bar just amazing ....thank you for sharing with us i love your videos ...

  • @blacknbougie8021
    @blacknbougie8021 4 года назад +6

    This so cute. What a thoughtful idea for these special creatures.

  • @cybexdigitalis8467
    @cybexdigitalis8467 4 года назад +8

    I just want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. My cat lost his leg and with it, the ability to go outside unsupervised. Now instead of crying all day to go out, he watches for a while and usually falls asleep. Thank you so much for creating these videos. Your sets are beautiful!

  • @bluetickbeagles116
    @bluetickbeagles116 4 года назад +6

    This is brilliant! I want to do the same thing for the gray squirrels in my yard in Pennsylvania. I love your channel 😍😍😍

  • @kbechtel33
    @kbechtel33 4 года назад +8

    Could watch this all day. Thanks for your generosity.

  • @CatalinaCNV
    @CatalinaCNV 4 года назад +61

    Love this channel, it represents everything that is good in this world!

  • @zcysama
    @zcysama 4 года назад +2

    Greatest cat tv ever! My babies love your channel the most! Thank you!

    @YPSILONZ 4 года назад +12

    This video made my blood pressure drop from 14.4 to 12.7. I feel much better now. I love little squirells!!!😍🤗 Thank you for uploading these wonderful videos and for caring about wild animals!❤

  • @houseofbaboshka6456
    @houseofbaboshka6456 4 года назад +2

    Am chilling at the bar with these guys,. Beautiful

  • @rforreedasforsquirrel5310
    @rforreedasforsquirrel5310 4 года назад +5

    Splendid idea for setup! What a delight for the feeder, the fed and the viewers!! Thank you!

  • @mamaksstorytime
    @mamaksstorytime 4 года назад +27

    Always a joy to see these happy squirrels!

  • @shortyduwop9172
    @shortyduwop9172 4 года назад

    My cat and I thoroughly enjoy watching these videos. Cutest bar!

  • @linleecoy
    @linleecoy 4 года назад

    Excellent! My cat still watches & loves these squirrels! She doesn't go outside, so this is a great window to a wonderland of outdoor adventure for her. A great escape during this down time. Thank You very much!

  • @sharrongray1837
    @sharrongray1837 3 года назад +1

    Hi there just wanted to say it's people like u that makes life feel so so perfect thank u 😊👍🏻💕💕

  • @doma9680
    @doma9680 3 года назад

    Thanks for sharing this lovley happy hour video.I love your work for the animals. Thank you.💝

  • @alisontonti5477
    @alisontonti5477 4 года назад +1

    Wow what an amazing idea. It’s so cute and I’m sure the wild life appreciates it

  • @bluebuilding
    @bluebuilding 4 года назад +1

    I'm in NorthEast I see just gray squirrels...these red squirrels are so awesome! Bravo what a cool thing you did!

  • @SunshineCountryChickens
    @SunshineCountryChickens 4 года назад +2

    I love this!! I considered a tavern setting for my chicken videos but I thought everyone would think Im crazy. Now I see this and I want to do it I dont care what people think its my life and my chickens im going for it!

    • @heatherstub
      @heatherstub 4 года назад +2

      Oh yes! Once you've got it set up, please upload some videos. I hope you have a good, stereo camera setup like he has, because that's one of the best ways to capture everything. That's especially good for blind people who also enjoy listening to these videos.
      All the best!

    • @ksh319
      @ksh319 4 года назад +1

      you have one viewer reserved here!
      -NJ squirrel

  • @Liusila
    @Liusila 4 года назад +5

    This is endlessly adorable!

  • @ree5978
    @ree5978 4 года назад +2


  • @CC-ck5nn
    @CC-ck5nn 3 года назад +5

    I love it when the squirrel jumps on the Barstool. It's like he's up there to order his nuts. Just no bartender there. LOL

  • @zekeland
    @zekeland 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for bringing such good cheer!

  • @FlattsMcsquirrel
    @FlattsMcsquirrel 4 года назад +26

    These squirrels are adorable with their little noises and antics! ❤️🐿❤️🐿❤️

    • @dm5129
      @dm5129 4 года назад +2

      They like the hazelnuts and the walnuts the most. The pricier ones. My faves too, also some of the healthiest.

  • @AbsolutelyAdorableStudio
    @AbsolutelyAdorableStudio 4 года назад +47

    I always look forward to your videos ❤️❤️❤️ I love seeing the squirrels, they are different than the ones in the US ☺️

  • @CritterCantina
    @CritterCantina 4 года назад +4

    We LOVE you and look forward to your videos!

  • @M-MMo
    @M-MMo 4 года назад +8

    It is amazing how they try to keep out of each other's way. Same thing in our garden, now that they bury tons of nuts in our lawn....winter is coming!

    • @dm5129
      @dm5129 4 года назад

      Yeah, they are a heck more accommodating than people.

    • @crkwon3780
      @crkwon3780 4 года назад

      @Robert Stallard funny comment “ they beat up eachother!” I can just imagine them with boxing gloves!

  • @Mi-yc3oy
    @Mi-yc3oy 4 года назад +7

    Every hour is happy hour for your squirrels 😍🥜🍻

  • @joannahazelden21
    @joannahazelden21 4 года назад +3

    These videos make me feel so much better. Thank you for doing this! 💖😊

  • @heatherstub
    @heatherstub 4 года назад +2

    I absolutely love these videos. The audio quality is excellent, too. I believe you've started something, and it's so much fun to read the comments everyone else leaves. I just don't understand the dislikes, either. I just can't help but wonder about their situations, because bitterness or negativity is just a sickness that's been spread weigh too liberally these days! Thank you so much for inspiring so many people to follow your lead. It's so needed, and I believe productivity, especially enjoyable work, is a cure for depression and hard-heartedness. Even imprisonned people benefit more from doing things that make others feel better about life.

  • @rendut
    @rendut Год назад


  • @LifeTurned93
    @LifeTurned93 4 года назад +4

    Lovely videos as always, makes your mind peaceful and loving ☺️

  • @rae6390
    @rae6390 3 года назад +5

    Been putting this on for my cat for days now and just noticed that at 45:56 the middle squirrel learns to fly

  • @makemegaga
    @makemegaga 3 года назад

    A paradise for squirrels 🐿 thanks u for that

  • @pamelamilton6755
    @pamelamilton6755 4 года назад

    This is such a sweet idea, always the birds. Someone is looking out for the Squirrelies!

  • @ninnajacobsen4041
    @ninnajacobsen4041 4 года назад +2

    Squirrels are some real nervous animals 😄😄

  • @kellyviolette1419
    @kellyviolette1419 4 года назад

    😊 could watch them all day 💜

  • @danoalcala4186
    @danoalcala4186 4 года назад +8

    This is my cat Cleo’s favorite channel/show thx !

  • @antiv
    @antiv 4 года назад

    They are so beautiful... I always stop and look in amazement every time I see a squirrel in a tree or out roaming for food. Great channel!

  • @philjoe2709
    @philjoe2709 4 года назад

    Jö, so very sweetly💖, this nice squirrels🐿️, & nice their nut-bar🥜🌰Cool Video, thank you 👍🏽❕

  • @IvoryRose123
    @IvoryRose123 4 года назад +1

    You are an amazing artist and videographer. Thank you for these lovely videos.

  • @lilits3387
    @lilits3387 4 года назад

    We watching your videos from Armenia and we appreciate whatever you are doing for this world and you have your unique way how to make these little wonderful animals be happy, we appreciate and thankful for giving us such wonderful moments and we are waiting for your new updates and new videos. With regards, Sam.

  • @pettyannloumaristela-pasto3987
    @pettyannloumaristela-pasto3987 3 года назад

    im obsessed! 😍 recently discovered your channel and im hooked! thank you for this content! keep them coming!

  • @MarijnvdSterre
    @MarijnvdSterre 4 года назад +3

    Thanks for an other Nut Bar, I love these :D
    44:52 how are the glasses attached? Been wondering, since they look like the squirrels can't tip them.
    ok, not the ones on the wood :) 48:54

  • @superannieoakley4513
    @superannieoakley4513 4 года назад

    This is too cute! My cats & I absolutely adore your videos. I enjoy the sounds of nature while working around the house & the cats, well, they love the obvious! lol

  • @anthonyappleyard5688
    @anthonyappleyard5688 4 года назад

    22:39 :: that squirrel's got a really abundant and dense fluffytail.

  • @khadoujkhadija6064
    @khadoujkhadija6064 4 года назад +3

    Thank you for this beautiful vidéo. Hello from France !🇨🇵
    The nuts bar is so lovely and wonderful.
    Squirrels are very happy about your respect of nature.
    God bless you !

  • @kristinebailey2804
    @kristinebailey2804 4 года назад +4

    I just got a house nearly identical to this, same size even. Facebook marketplace, for 15.00. I already feed the squirrels and birds on my covered porch, now they get an Irish Pub Nut Bar.

  • @ArturTymchyshyn
    @ArturTymchyshyn 4 года назад +1

    Oh my Gosh! I am in LOVE with your channel and those squirrels 😍😍😍

  • @brianoutdoorspnw6867
    @brianoutdoorspnw6867 4 года назад +13

    This is such a good idea. I love it!

  • @andradavis7201
    @andradavis7201 4 года назад +1

    i love the happy hour siggn just to cute i love it

  • @jamiefoley6250
    @jamiefoley6250 Год назад

    What a awesome shot

  • @francinerodrigues2333
    @francinerodrigues2333 4 года назад


  • @commonsense354
    @commonsense354 4 года назад

    This is awesome. I love squirrels!

  • @kathydoyle9939
    @kathydoyle9939 4 года назад +3

    YAY! 👏 ❤

  • @marybethjones5571
    @marybethjones5571 4 года назад +10

    I walk mornings at a park & I always bring roasted peanuts in the shell for all my squirrel friends. Bluejays were being very vocal & demanding equal rights to peanuts! I didn't know bluejays eat them? Then, timid woodpeckers wanted a piece of the action! Watching a bluejay dive-bomb a peanut that a squirrel is also wanting? Peanut wars!'s a nice escape from our world.

    • @AbsolutelyAdorableStudio
      @AbsolutelyAdorableStudio 4 года назад +3

      I love blue jays ❤️ They get so excited in my yard when I put out the peanuts 🥜😂❤️🐦

    • @robyndismon394
      @robyndismon394 4 года назад +2

      What a beautiful observant story 2 share with us. You should write children's books if u haven't already!😅🎇

    • @kilaucahaya1169
      @kilaucahaya1169 4 года назад

      I also give the peanut☺️☺️видео.html

    • @linleecoy
      @linleecoy 4 года назад

      Thanks for sharing your adventure with everyone. Sounds like so much fun!

  • @CG_Hali
    @CG_Hali 4 года назад

    Canadian that just saw how close the US election is... I need a Squirrel Nut Bar drink STAT! We're neighbours to these guys? O_O And they influence our politics and economics so much, it's really frightening. Thanks for this, much much needed stress relief. My own squirrels, chickadees and nuthatches are outside having a drink, too LOL

  • @vicgamesvt9682
    @vicgamesvt9682 3 года назад

    My dogs love these videos

  • @ChubsTheSquirrel
    @ChubsTheSquirrel 4 года назад +1

    So very clever. Adorable actually! #🥜s4🐿️

  • @roarkkeepitunderaminutejef8773
    @roarkkeepitunderaminutejef8773 4 года назад +5

    Thanks I needed that

    • @roarkkeepitunderaminutejef8773
      @roarkkeepitunderaminutejef8773 4 года назад

      I'm going to send you a link to my sister he does squirrel rescue in Portland Oregon maybe you guys can get together and compare notes

  • @sandaysunday7997
    @sandaysunday7997 4 года назад +1

    The Nut House for Squirrels, I love it! Subscribed!😊💕

  • @marciamorris6626
    @marciamorris6626 4 года назад

    Love this ! Adorable !!!

  • @Annab0040
    @Annab0040 4 года назад

    I am in love with this channel

  • @CarpeDiem-dreams
    @CarpeDiem-dreams 4 года назад

    I love it ! )) Thanks

  • @updidi
    @updidi 4 года назад +6

    the kindest channel on RUclips

  • @andrewofaiur
    @andrewofaiur 4 года назад

    I think you guys have the formula down.. This is the ultimate ambience/asmr/forestchill content out on the internet...Keep it up and you guys will own this niche market. Subscribed!

  • @niraakara
    @niraakara 3 года назад

    Could be my imagination but the squirrels’ expressions and mannerisms seem like… “am I dreaming or is this for real?!” As if they’ve died and gone to squirrel heaven or squirreldy land! If I was a squirrel I’d have freaked out! They’re handling much better! heck I’d love this even as a hoomin! All such gourmet food in such a classy and peaceful place!

  • @wildwildItaly
    @wildwildItaly 4 года назад +2

    I love this! ❤️

  • @veganvocalist4782
    @veganvocalist4782 4 года назад +1

    LMAO 😆 just the title has given me the itchy giggles before the thumb nail even appeared haaahaaaahaaa 🤣 and SURE enough you have actually built them a real bar. Oh man you must be fun to hang out with 😂

  • @americanjedi5952
    @americanjedi5952 4 года назад +1

    Oh my! Bar room brawl.

  • @dwinterowd
    @dwinterowd 4 года назад +5

    This is the best thing I've seen all year. What did you film this with (If you don't mind sharing)?

    • @igodgaming1705
      @igodgaming1705 4 года назад +2

      I just got a house nearly identical to this, same size even. Facebook marketplace, for 15.00. I already feed the squirrels and birds on my covered porch, now they get an Irish Pub Nut Bar.

  • @Silbusia
    @Silbusia 4 года назад +7

    I love your videos

    • @Silbusia
      @Silbusia 4 года назад +3

      Ok, I got the end and I saw the squirrel finally using her hands to take them out xDDD

  • @oldbroad7672
    @oldbroad7672 4 года назад +6

    57:57, approximately, when the one was on the roof in the upper L.H. corner. Don't know why that cracked me up, but it did 😀

  • @TheMabes69
    @TheMabes69 4 года назад

    so cool!

  • @ScowlingWolf
    @ScowlingWolf 4 года назад

    adorable,, stage set...ty

  • @reinaramirez1422
    @reinaramirez1422 3 года назад

    ...Excelent.. Beatifull

  • @sanddanglotka
    @sanddanglotka 4 года назад

    Thank you for this video! It's just what I needed at the end of the day!

  • @Bfdyr69618
    @Bfdyr69618 4 года назад +3

    Relaxing during Covid.
    We needed this. Thank you

    • @soleglow2098
      @soleglow2098 4 года назад

      Wow! I’m always impressed and really appreciate all the truly hard work you’ve put into the sets and videos. And I love the fact you love nature! Excellent work my friends! And I’m sure the happy squirrels agree🙏💜🐿🥜

  • @pugsan
    @pugsan 4 года назад +3

    47:52 Scared me I was so relaxed

  • @thedogzoo
    @thedogzoo 4 года назад

    It looks like things got Squirrely at the Nut Bar. Lol.

  • @PoconoJoe
    @PoconoJoe 4 года назад


  • @aerial18
    @aerial18 4 года назад

    I love your channel so much. I hope you continue to make more. :)

  • @stevepd1
    @stevepd1 4 года назад

    Great video. Next, I'd like to see them feast on chicken wings and down a pitcher of beer.

    @RUBIZEN 4 года назад +3

    You could do a "Las Vegas" style buffet!

  • @Maria.R
    @Maria.R 4 года назад +2


  • @andradavis7201
    @andradavis7201 4 года назад

    on to the next happy hour

  • @alenparker3056
    @alenparker3056 4 года назад +1

    7:21 is my favorite moment, I laughed so hard, it's like the matrix

  • @keninmaktobo772
    @keninmaktobo772 4 года назад

    I like this

  • @MissBlumen
    @MissBlumen 4 года назад

    i love your videos

  • @Lflower1Stars
    @Lflower1Stars 4 года назад +2

    Did you make this bar? so cute.

  • @jillsmcfarland2001
    @jillsmcfarland2001 4 года назад

    Nutty !

  • @darlenecuglietta3809
    @darlenecuglietta3809 2 года назад

    I just want more

  • @dm5129
    @dm5129 4 года назад +1

    Are these squirrels just too cute, or what?

  • @squirrelismylove2638
    @squirrelismylove2638 4 года назад

    I love you 😘 squirrel s

  • @Laperdash
    @Laperdash 4 года назад +2

    My cat: *no interest*
    Me: hmm interesting

  • @SunshineCountryChickens
    @SunshineCountryChickens 4 года назад

    Merry Christmas everyone I am close to 150 subscribers Im so happy! I love you all ❤️💚 ❤💚️

  • @valentinacianflonemottola4692
    @valentinacianflonemottola4692 4 года назад +1


  • @e815usa
    @e815usa 4 года назад +3

    Are they able to eat the nuts and fruit on the eaves under the front of the roof, or is that just for show?

    • @MovieSquirrels
      @MovieSquirrels  4 года назад +4

      It is intended for birds, but squirrels have no problem accessing it either:видео.html

  • @gorelbarkbark872
    @gorelbarkbark872 4 года назад
