I wouldn’t say monotone, it’s more like... the voice is slightly joyous but maintains the exact same sound the entire time. Not void of emotion, just the same emotion constantly. I guess monotone is just better for explaining haha
The moment GrayStillPlays started being a full-time masochist and stopped torturing things, this guy appeared and took over the now vacant job of the Chaos God, and I, for one, am fully on board with this!
3 minutes ago when i navigated my friend on Microsoft flight simulator to our elementary school to crash into, i realized i might watch your channel too much lol
to quote Everything Dr.Bright is not allowed to do at the foundation: 168: One minute of shocked silence means "Dear god what did you do?" Not "Please continue."
“I turn about as well as the titanic” underrated line “i think today is the day im gonna put the most things in my mouth” flashback to last vid where you ate 500 food items
honestly, i think you are one of the best youtubers, you are funny, cover interesting games, do dumb stuff, and more. i want to buy every game you play. i love your work on youtube, never stop
A suggestion, try angling things like shooters and biters if you angle a biter it still increases the width of your damage possibility while also focusing your bites forward. Also using mouths to protect other mouths is beyooond useful.
I listened to this instead of asmr to fall asleep last night and had some very interesting dreams. Will probably rewatch when fully conscious later today 👍
Maybe play Star Control: The Ur-Quan Masters... you should think of the design of the Spathi ship. With your strategy, the Spathi would work quite well. Their heavy weapon is fired out the back, they are fast, they are maneuverable, their front gun is a short-range weapon but they turn and flee after the initial attack - persuing them hurts and hurts bad.
My creature had a pincer made of peapods and I put beaks on every pod so that any creature (even those twice) my size that wandered within would be devoured in just a few bites. It was such a successful creation that I beat the game within 2 hrs of buying it after I unlocked the creature with the beak parts.
Df's videos will never bore me, his voice is so monotone but his actions are literal war crimes in videogames, I love it
I wouldn’t say monotone, it’s more like... the voice is slightly joyous but maintains the exact same sound the entire time. Not void of emotion, just the same emotion constantly. I guess monotone is just better for explaining haha
and he sounds like he's always like 'uwu" no matter how monotone he is
Friendly Neighborhood Serial Psycho Killer
"It doesn't have to be pretty, it just has to kill things"
Words to live by
So is he telling me to be a murderer?
@@TheTrueForbidden yes yes he is
hmm true
My mom when she birthed me
Why do I feel like this is Dr. Bright's greed?
“I turn about as well as the Titanic”
More like the guy in the Suez-channel
If Df likes this game a lot he would definitely like playing TerraTech.
I would love to see the uh- interesting creations he would create
Immagine all the guns
LOVE playing*
Oh yeah, Terra Tech is a classic
The moment GrayStillPlays started being a full-time masochist and stopped torturing things, this guy appeared and took over the now vacant job of the Chaos God, and I, for one, am fully on board with this!
I have a theory: DF is Gray's Brother
3 minutes ago when i navigated my friend on Microsoft flight simulator to our elementary school to crash into, i realized i might watch your channel too much lol
DF’s favourite things
And of course
You forgot divorcing
@@ragnarokminstrel I think that falls under suffering
@@adinosaur2289 that depends on who you’re asking
Where tf is drinking?
@@teammate6258 wow
This game looks strangely like Spore's cell stage, but on meth.
Dude spore was the game of my childhood
yes yes it does
@@hairybaby8826 ikr, I used to spend unnecessary amounts of time on that game!...I need to get it again.
“The sacred art of penetration.”
Dangerously Funny 2021
@Rockstars Text The best kind
I ruined the 69 likes
Just as gray would say
Hehe... you said
"it doesnt have to be pretty it just has to kill things" - spartans
Nahh, in Sparta you had to be pretty. If you aren't, down the hill you go right after being born 😂
Perfect, I can go to sleep while watching small organisms suffer
"It doesn't have to be pretty, it just has to kill things" /DF - 2021
Perfect timing for the upload! Just laid down for bed thanks DF for the bed time story lol
Dang DF is like dr bright but instead of chainsaws its spikes
Wait till he finds out about spike cannons... oh
Plottwist DF *is* Dr. Bright.
to quote Everything Dr.Bright is not allowed to do at the foundation:
168: One minute of shocked silence means "Dear god what did you do?" Not "Please continue."
Violence: The best craving
God i would pay money to see more eternal cylinder
@@shaungriffith9506 I don't think it's out?
shaun griffith “so do pay money then”
"I'm being out maneuvered were gonna lose this one" gets pointed in the right direction "they're definitely gonna lose to me"
I really enjoy watching you play this game, please play more in the near future
“I turn about as well as the titanic” completely missed evergreen joke.
“I turn about as well as the titanic” underrated line
“i think today is the day im gonna put the most things in my mouth”
flashback to last vid where you ate 500 food items
Df is the most liked hated person. Everything he does is moraly wrong but we all love it and want more.
So I was about to go to bed but df posted a vid about mass destruction so I guess will be staying up later
"I can't help but put things in my mouth"
Nice to hear im not the only one🤣🤣
Honestly when he says “glass cannon” I instantly think back to the undermine series (I think that’s what it was called)
"i can't help but put things in my mouth" - dangerouslyfunny 11:03
at 0:15 when he said " Thank you for the sacrifice" I remembered King Julian from Madagascar LOL
This guy could be talking about mass vehicular manslaughter and I’d still be calmed by his voice
I can’t go to sleep without watching a DF vid b4 bed his voice is now like a chaotic lullaby
Im only feeling fear whilst watching this
"Stop, stop! I need those!" That was the most emotion I have heard from this guy since the underwear mod in stardew
Love your videos my guy, they are the funniest
"Not sure why THIS guy's swimming towards me"
Advances in Jotaro Kujo
I love your sipho videos and how you cover everything with spikes.
This felt like watching Bob Ross master natural selection.
honestly, i think you are one of the best youtubers, you are funny, cover interesting games, do dumb stuff, and more. i want to buy every game you play.
i love your work on youtube, never stop
btw the dumb stuff is funny
I wasn’t ready for a penetration joke 0.0001 seconds into the video lmao
A suggestion, try angling things like shooters and biters if you angle a biter it still increases the width of your damage possibility while also focusing your bites forward. Also using mouths to protect other mouths is beyooond useful.
I listened to this instead of asmr to fall asleep last night and had some very interesting dreams. Will probably rewatch when fully conscious later today 👍
looks like im not sleeping tonight 🧍🏻♂️
I was thinking to myself right now, "i could go watch some DF videos to chill", and them i got the notification.
DF's little laugh at 7:49 caught me off guard.
Add the spikes back and a mouth. Your 5 spikes design was perfect
Beds don't have timers, so I shall watch until I see fit.
I was going to do homework before bed but who cares about biology anyways this is important
This IS biology
DF choosing something other than spikes? Never thought I’d see that happen XD
Basically it's a fancy looking Star Control. And that's compliment.
LOL FIRST FEW SECONDS "the sacred art of penetration" IN THE MOST MONATONE VOICE
i love how fast he grew makes great videos and is funny keep it up.
Ah yes, the "ME WANT BITE" build, very effective ; p
What do DF and my 2 year old have in common?
"For now we're just going to enjoy eating whatever we can fit in our mouth."
0:37 my dad when i was born
I always enjoy when DF does somethings that surprises a laugh from himself. I watch every video hoping for one of those moments
The sprayer is the best weapon in the game hands down, the only one that made me easily go through the whole game
after experimenting with the claw, I promise that the greaser + claw combo is a lot better (and more badass) than the agoniser + claw combo.
Before I even clicked on this video, when I read the title I thought about the "That's a lot of damage" meme.
9:50 "I turn about as well as the titanic does"
As in
The *wreckage.*
Ah yes, the barbarian build
Ms. Centurion
Maybe play Star Control: The Ur-Quan Masters... you should think of the design of the Spathi ship. With your strategy, the Spathi would work quite well. Their heavy weapon is fired out the back, they are fast, they are maneuverable, their front gun is a short-range weapon but they turn and flee after the initial attack - persuing them hurts and hurts bad.
My creature had a pincer made of peapods and I put beaks on every pod so that any creature (even those twice) my size that wandered within would be devoured in just a few bites. It was such a successful creation that I beat the game within 2 hrs of buying it after I unlocked the creature with the beak parts.
DF...Please upload your “Hello Neighbor” and “Little Nightmares” videos. They help me fall asleep at night. 😫
Caboose?! Is that you?!
the new Spore update lookin pretty spicy
this man is stronger than my own conscienceness, i can never play this game without it being symmetrical
I watched seven minutes and 39 seconds of this video upside down because I didn’t realize until I got an ad and I was like why is he upside down
This guys innuendos are nuts 🤣🤣
It’s funny how DF said that jet was better than radial, then immediately died because he couldn’t escape his enemies
He essentially made venomous snakes; you're screwed if you let it bite you, but the rest of the body is very easily crushable
I know df does most things in a jokey matter, but can we appreciate just how smart he really is in games?
"I Designed This Creature For Pure Damage
Mosquitoes in summer: Am I a joke to you?
The sound when he'd shoot is practically the same as taking damage in Minecraft
To this day, from the first video I watched of this guy, to this one....
I still call him dangerous grian since his voice reminds me of grian.
GrayStillPlays still plays even at 12 am
This is how cell stage in spore should have been
DF does not design his creatures just for survival, but only for destruction
DF as a Chaos God is now canon
The best defense is an overwhelming offense.
"Poison as a deterrent out my back side"
This was a very giggly episode for DF, someone should make some timestamps.
THANKS FOR VOLINTEERING TO DO THAT FOR US[oops caps lock was on oh well]
love your content!
Uhoh, a predator. *immediately turns weak spot towards predator *
Been waiting all day just to watch dangerously funny
You should play kotodama- it's a game on the play store
The amount of times he made me laugh are finite.
Yay, more self torturing creatures!
Thank you DF
These evolution videos are my favorite 💯
Q: How to make a custom creature that doesn't look like a Benis?
A: You can't, but try making it with three balls.
My daily destruction of smol creatures
The connection point for that race give armor to the pieces the connect to. Also try the range with the beaks. It is perfect for this idea
it's the "frogs can't stop eating meme all over again"
10:17 "I love like, how deep the penetration goes, like with the beak...It goes right into their body."
You can hear the brotherly resentment in your voice
I be watching this at about 12am while eating a boloney sandwich
"today i going to be a record for the most things I've put in my mouth"
The editor always makes the small short clips he inserts the best 3 seconds of each video.
The editing was on point
"Today were gona use the sacred art of penetration to make evolution do things it shouldn't do"
I wanna see DF and GreyStillPlays do a joint video on something! You guys are both hilarious and my favourite content creators! Jump on it!
It's been a long while since I saw a DF video, glad to see he hasn't changed his violent ways (and apparently laughs a lot more??? Pog???)
Everybody gangster until DF shows emotion
Dude deadass thought this was gonna be a modded spore wtf?!?!