The 300-pound fat concubine was ignored by her husband, but she amazed everyone after losing weight!
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
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I really love the actors and actresses in this drama. I love the ml and the fl. I don't know that they have the best chemistry I've seen but they are great and sell the over the top storyline. But I really love the ml actor. I have watched the story of the ancient mirror connecting two worlds and he is so good. This new side is so nice
❤❤me encanto esta historia esta divertida dele mas laiy
less than 7mins and i'm LOLing so hard! 10 mins into the show and ML is already going disabled hahaha!
I like this movie, it has a good story, hilarious. The lady and actor are cute.
Me too
Both cute couple❤
I stopped the video halfway through because it's soo boring 🤦🏻♀️ Plus the translation is really bad.
so the reason why I haven seen Liu Ning in vertical dramas lately is that he is in widescreen dramas now
This is not a widescreen, i think this is screen recording from horizontal in youtube
Name please
Like this drama very very much!!!
El drama se ve muy bueno donde juega la hermosa y bella Zhai Yiying es muy divertido alegre y maravilloso ella siempre brilla en las pantallas con sus actuaciones felicidades
Como se llama el drama
The heck with this drama, it's really entertaining 😅😅😂😂
My favorite heroin is cute and both of them good❤❤❤❤❤🎉😊😊
Does anyone know what the name of ML?🙂
liu ning
Anytime I see sunglasses in ancient dramas I want to laugh
1:08:55 did the audio say I like sex with my ex or am I the drama this time😂
It’s really a good story and funny one 😂😂😂😂😂
Do you know the name please? 😊
@@Allannah_Of_Romesorry i dont know, if u find it let me know pls.
Why there's mic ???
What's the name of this drama?? 😃 Would love to watch it in full
D ulang2 nonton drama zhai yiying ga bosen 😊
Se ve que es un buen drama alguien me podría decir cómo se llama gracias
What is the name of this drama please
Excelente actriz ❤❤️❤👩🏼🤝👨🏻❤️❤💯🇦🇷
😂😂😂😂😂😂este príncipe yla princesa gorrita me mata de risa😅😅😅😅
El príncipe está realmente bello....❤😅😊
Boa tarde pode por favor colocar o nome do drama obrigada
started out pretty funny. camera constantly reframing is ANNOYING! subtitle timing makes it a bit challenging
Как называется фильм?
มีแบบไทยแปลไหม อ่ะ ไม่เข้าใจ
Esta muy entretenida
Why the movie in few minutes are stop they talking
El se enamoro de ella cuando era gorda, pero no quiso admitirlo, como se llama, creo que esta incompleto
is the song really sung by him? 🤔
Su marido dejo fuera a la 🎉🎉🎉 española 😮😮😮😮😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
El príncipe es bellisimo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Como é o nome desse dorama?
Y para cuando el titulo verdadero del drama ?
No lo Disen son egoistas
Как называется эта дорама
@@鞏嫮 謝謝
Name of the ML please
Muy dibertida la peli❤❤😂😂
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I like
Ninguno de los nombres que dan es el original y correcto
Why do time travelling fl always fall for handsomeness of ml wether he is a scumbag or not at first sight?
The thing what I did not like is Prince did not like his wife, and wife tried to force him to love her.
He wanted to divorce but she did not want to divorce him.
Traducir al español
ML name?
Hadiah ultah utk bibi jahat kayu bakar😮. 😂😂😂😂😂
Kk yang bahasa sub Indonesia nyA 🙏
klik pengaturan kk teks otomatis pilih indonesia
His my favourite actor but in this seri i don't like him ( character).
jajajajaj me hizo reir la escena donde la princesa desnuda al principe y la cara de panico del principe jajajajaja,por cierto que este actor tiene un parecido con el actor zhang wani no creen leve pero le da un aire
Overacting by fl
What's the name of this drama please
What is the name of this drama 🤔 please