Racism in the LGBT community.

Someone on here suggested to me earlier, I'm possibly still single, specifically because of me being black.
I don't agree with that thinking at all - although I understand why they came to that conclusion.

Here are my thoughts on that statement:
I've heard that the community casts aside black people, but I don't buy into that way of thinking.
I simply feel that racists and homophobes have zero intelligence - only stupid men are racist and homophobic to me.
It just shows you that they let others influence them, and they'll never think for themselves; racists and homophobes are spineless and always will be.

It's not the 1920s anymore - and quite frankly, my mother was born in Georgia in '63, during Jim Crow era racism in the South - to this day, my mother's birth certificate lists both her parents' races as "Negro".
That's the level of outdated thinking I'm talking about.

I was born in '96.
So there's more severe problems in the world today, than the community looking down on me because of my race and skin tone - I don't believe in all that, so I simply keep moving forward and promote equality, diversity and inclusion as much as I can.
And even if it was a severe problem, all I'd do is move to England or Canada and start a whole new life; it's truly that simple.

In fact:
My mom's family is racist (they're racist toward white people, and had a fit when I brought home my Jewish ex-girlfriend, years ago - and they still shun me because of who I fall in love with - race wise - but their homophobia only confirms that they have this outdated and delusional way of thinking).
So I don't listen to what anyone says; my family looks down on my exes because of their races, so other people's objections hold no weight, either.
Many years ago, I also dated 2 racists from West Virginia - and let's just say I'm glad someone else has to deal with them now; they were addicts, too (which they hid from me for more than a year after we met).

I once told a relative my recent exes are Latin, and she tells me, "I'm not racist, but you know I love my black men" (my whole family polishes their statements with colorful language like that) - so I simply switched the subject.
They're all married with children, so they made their choices - and I make mine, every day.
This is quite possibly the most nonsensical post I've ever read on this website. The lack of self-awareness is astonishing. I'm not going to waste too much time on you, but you sound like the typical self-hating black man who choses to be "colorblind" because you're too much of a delicate snowflake to deal with the reality of race in society.

Black people like you are always downplaying the reality of racism, especially the racism that other black people like me go through. Instead of having some empathy for your family and trying to understand how and why they feel the way they feel, you would rather accuse them of being 'racist' towards your numerous multiracial partners despite the fact that black people don't have the institutional power to implement racism. I would suggest that you educate yourself, but people like you often need to experience the harsh reality yourself, and maybe then you'll possibly wake up. Yes, I can agree that there's racism in this community, but there's also a fair amount of self-loathing of which you seem to suffer a great deal.
Typical condescending nonsense I have to expect.

"How dare you have your own opinion black person... If you don't agree with me (& the collective "right opinion") you are self loathing and self hating. Can't you see your personal opinion actually causes us harm!!" 🙄🙄 oh please.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all cocks are created equal, that they are well-endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Lusts, that among these are Pleasure, Pleasure-giving and the pursuit of Orgasm."
Typical condescending nonsense I have to expect.

"How dare you have your own opinion black person... If you don't agree with me (& the collective "right opinion") you are self loathing and self hating. Can't you see your personal opinion actually causes us harm!!" 🙄🙄 oh please.
I don't need you to "agree" with me. Nowhere in my post did I ask for an agreement. That's typical condescending nonsense on your part. Why are your feelings hurt? Lol. Nobody said you couldn't have a personal opinion. Are you aware this is a message board? When you place a personal opinion on here, people get to respond with their own opinion. That's how it works. I personally don't give a fuck who you fuck, it harms me none. Nor does it harm any black people who actually love themselves. A hit dig will holler or, in your case, run with your tail between your legs. Gooday, sir.
The gays are racist as hell . When Grindr was first made , I was called all sorts of porch monkeys and n-word and told to go back to Africa and all sorts of crazy ass shit . It fucked me up for a while . In todays woke culture they might not be bold enough to say it but they are still racist , because unless you have a bbc or a fat ass or you fit the physical stereotype of what gay black men should look like your way less likely to even hook up with any type of guy intcluding other black men . My ex told me that we are taught white men were more attractive, he wouldn’t even have given me a chance if the story didn’t play out how it did . He would even watch white porn a lot like a lot . Also there is the other side of the coin of racism that we are basically just a fetish to most other races of men . They don’t even give af about you at all , the fact your black seals the deal . And to me that’s not a real relationship they literally just want you because of your skin.
Chile they not ready for that discussion
The problem is that surely our attraction is an innate feeling, not something we have control over? Does being a gay man mean one is misogynistic? Does liking "cis" women make one transphobic? No matter how much I try to like one group I doubt I'll change my fundamental attraction because it's biologically embedded (imo).

Racism is the belief that another race is inferior based solely on their race. But not having attraction to features doesn't inherently mean one feels a group is "inferior" just "different".

I am into all sorts of lads... and at the same time the likelihood of me getting into a sexual encounter depends very heavily on features, rather than skin colour... for example...

These lads I'd get with instantly

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And at the same time I have absolutely no interest in these guys...

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Would that make me racist? Or just having a preference? It's a genuine question because I cannot make my dick like what it doesn't.

That is NOT the say i couldn't find someone attractive over time, but I'm not talking about that. You have to have a degree of attraction for things to develop imo.
I.....what.....chile ok
One time a guy sent me a photo and they were just not type. I didn't even consider their race or color in that calculation. I informed him "I'm sorry, but not my type". Can you guess what their response was? "It's because I'm black right?"
Did you perhaps consider why they would make that assumption?
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I see this topic pop up quite a bit & it's always pretty 1-sided. It's usually some young, virtue-signaling white gay saying something along the lines of "There's so much racism in the LGBT it's so disgusting." When in fact there's far more homophobia withing huge portions of the black community-& that's true for any country including the US obviously. Countries that are predominantly generally black HATE gay people (far more than Russia). It's a casual, accepted hatred. Supposedly progressive people like the idea that most all homophobia comes from old white men but all you have to do is dig a little deeper & the popular narrative falls away to one marginalized community holding strong prejudice against another. It's a touchy subject & not one we're ever going to get to the bottom of, at least not anytime soon. At the end of the day, playing 'who has it worse' isn't remotely conducive. But real talk-black people are generally far more homophobic than white people-regardless of sexual orientation-are racist. That goes for actors, politicians, comedians & especially athletes. It's an inconvenient truth.
Almost as if you're saying "hey guys racism is fine because blacks are just as homophobic as us" I'm a bit confused where you were trying to go with this
Ha ha. The only lesson we can learn from him is how hating your own identity in the end can destroy you. Given unlimited money and unlimited access to plastic surgery is quicksand. In the end he looked like a monster.
I would appreciate it if one we stop disrespecting black legends and two stop spreading misinformation around to be ignorant. That man had vitiligo and his literal autopsy proves that, it's bad enough people keep trying to call him a pedophile despite the evidence that says different, but people have this sick twisted fantasy of trying to erase his blackness when Michael was always vocal about being proud to be black and how hurtful it was for people to believe other wise. I hate that Michael never got the proper respect he deserved because people wanted to be ignorant and straight up refuse to do a simple Google search.
Well, I'd rather live in England since I've never truly felt American.
But, the only thing keeping me in the States is this new guy I'm talking to.
Long, long, sigh.....
Honestly I'm so over people thinking Europe is this beacon of racial equality when in reality it's a whole different story. I compare Europeans to southerners, both will smile in your face but both will spit in your drink when you aren't looking. Europe is dealing with far right radicals just like America so really you're just moving to America 2.0
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THANK YOU! I am so sick of hearing about the supposed racism in the LGBTQ community; but when I listen to what they have to say, it is the same sob story. Black or Asian man crying because white and Latin men wont date them. If you will not date your kind, why on earth are you mad that others will not either. And the few that do, are usually undesirable to other white and Latin. I will not lower my standards to be with a white or Latin man.
This screams self hatred honestly
The most racism that I experienced was when I lived in Florida. It surprised me, honestly. When it came to sexuality or dating, some profiles were brave enough to put "Don't even talk to me if you're Asian or Black."

Also, we CANNOT ignore the Black gays who are prejudice against other Black gays as well. That's another huge issue.
People aren't ready for that conversation either
I would appreciate it if one we stop disrespecting black legends and two stop spreading misinformation around to be ignorant. That man had vitiligo and his literal autopsy proves that, it's bad enough people keep trying to call him a pedophile despite the evidence that says different, but people have this sick twisted fantasy of trying to erase his blackness when Michael was always vocal about being proud to be black and how hurtful it was for people to believe other wise. I hate that Michael never got the proper respect he deserved because people wanted to be ignorant and straight up refuse to do a simple Google search.
LOL as if wow it's on the internet well it must be true!

Michael's words and deeds don't match up. He did everything to erase his African-American features and then had children that don't look like any biracial children I've ever seen. Vitiligo doesn't make your nose and lips thin or your hair straight or your kids white.

As for respect let's just say he was very talented but marred by serious credible evidence that he got away with what R Kelly and P. Diddy did not.
I.....what.....chile ok

Did you perhaps consider why they would make that assumption?
I suspect, and I could be wrong, that it's a mix of conditioning from family and friends (I.e., being told one is bound to get hassle and racism), and a confirmation bias.

Also, and this may sound controversial, it's far easier to blame a characteristic like ski colour for the fact you aren't attractive and/or your failings in life. That is both incredibly fragilising for the person and takes all agency and responsibility from thr individual.

I'm not denying that racism exists on society. Rather I believe that if you think many people are racist you will scan for and find examples everywhere you look.
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I don't need you to "agree" with me. Nowhere in my post did I ask for an agreement. That's typical condescending nonsense on your part.
This doesn't even make sense but go off.
Why are your feelings hurt? Lol. Nobody said you couldn't have a personal opinion. Are you aware this is a message board? When you place a personal opinion on here, people get to respond with their own opinion.
Right... and I think your opinion was utter crap, So I commented.... what's not clicking here? Where did I attempt to silence you? :emoji_rolling_eyes:Despite your arrogant attempt to explain what a message board is, you demonstrated you yourself don't seem to understand how it works either.
That's how it works. I personally don't give a fuck who you fuck,
Are you projecting? Where did I mention fucking anywhere? You seem confused.
it harms me none. Nor does it harm any black people who actually love themselves. A hit dig will holler or, in your case, run with your tail between your legs. Gooday, sir.
"always downplaying the reality of racism, especially the racism that other black people like me go through."
you literally said that but okay buddy......

You just get sanctimonious and upset over random opinions that cause no harm in your view. Interesting perspective.
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Did you perhaps consider why they would make that assumption?

It doesn't matter. It's not my problem. I do not owe you validation or patience for the perceived harm others inflicted on you. If I give it, it is because I will it. I try my best to treat the world as it is today, on a person by person basis, not as it was or as what I would hope it to be.

If you want or nay, demand, that people accept you the way you are then you must reciprocate. If you want people to accept your sexual preferences then you better accept theirs or shut it.

That's the way I roll. Respectfully of course.
This doesn't even make sense but go off.

"always downplaying the reality of racism, especially the racism that other black people like me go through."
you literally said that but okay buddy......
I know what I said, 'buddy' and clearly what I said hit a nerve with you. So it made perfect sense.
Right... and I think your opinion was utter crap, So I commented....what's not clicking here? Where did I attempt to silence you? :emoji_rolling_eyes:Despite your arrogant attempt to explain what a message board is, you demonstrated you yourself don't seem to understand how it works either.
You commented, but you didn't have the balls to quote me, yet I still knew who your passive aggressive post was directed towards. You thought the comment was "utter crap?" Then say it with your chest. Since you didn't do that, I figured you forgot what a message board was. That's why I addressed you directly by quoting you first. Good job for getting it right this time. I don't feel silenced, nor did I ever state that, lol. I do a pretty good job of getting my point across. Thank you.
You just get sanctimonious and upset over random opinions that cause no harm in your view. Interesting perspective.
Who's being sanctimonious? You didn't even have the balls to actually quote me, but you were whining about people being 'typical' and 'condescending' so clearly you were the one upset and still upset, lol. You like to use words you don't seem to know the meaning of. What's not clicking, lol? Passive aggressive behavior only harms the person who is projecting it. That would be you.
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I would appreciate it if one we stop disrespecting black legends and two stop spreading misinformation around to be ignorant. That man had vitiligo and his literal autopsy proves that, it's bad enough people keep trying to call him a pedophile despite the evidence that says different, but people have this sick twisted fantasy of trying to erase his blackness when Michael was always vocal about being proud to be black and how hurtful it was for people to believe other wise. I hate that Michael never got the proper respect he deserved because people wanted to be ignorant and straight up refuse to do a simple Google search.
Michael Jackson was straight, and this is an LGBT thread…. Let’s stay on topic.
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