This is quite possibly the most nonsensical post I've ever read on this website. The lack of self-awareness is astonishing. I'm not going to waste too much time on you, but you sound like the typical self-hating black man who choses to be "colorblind" because you're too much of a delicate snowflake to deal with the reality of race in society.Someone on here suggested to me earlier, I'm possibly still single, specifically because of me being black.
I don't agree with that thinking at all - although I understand why they came to that conclusion.
Here are my thoughts on that statement:
I've heard that the community casts aside black people, but I don't buy into that way of thinking.
I simply feel that racists and homophobes have zero intelligence - only stupid men are racist and homophobic to me.
It just shows you that they let others influence them, and they'll never think for themselves; racists and homophobes are spineless and always will be.
It's not the 1920s anymore - and quite frankly, my mother was born in Georgia in '63, during Jim Crow era racism in the South - to this day, my mother's birth certificate lists both her parents' races as "Negro".
That's the level of outdated thinking I'm talking about.
I was born in '96.
So there's more severe problems in the world today, than the community looking down on me because of my race and skin tone - I don't believe in all that, so I simply keep moving forward and promote equality, diversity and inclusion as much as I can.
And even if it was a severe problem, all I'd do is move to England or Canada and start a whole new life; it's truly that simple.
In fact:
My mom's family is racist (they're racist toward white people, and had a fit when I brought home my Jewish ex-girlfriend, years ago - and they still shun me because of who I fall in love with - race wise - but their homophobia only confirms that they have this outdated and delusional way of thinking).
So I don't listen to what anyone says; my family looks down on my exes because of their races, so other people's objections hold no weight, either.
Many years ago, I also dated 2 racists from West Virginia - and let's just say I'm glad someone else has to deal with them now; they were addicts, too (which they hid from me for more than a year after we met).
I once told a relative my recent exes are Latin, and she tells me, "I'm not racist, but you know I love my black men" (my whole family polishes their statements with colorful language like that) - so I simply switched the subject.
They're all married with children, so they made their choices - and I make mine, every day.
Black people like you are always downplaying the reality of racism, especially the racism that other black people like me go through. Instead of having some empathy for your family and trying to understand how and why they feel the way they feel, you would rather accuse them of being 'racist' towards your numerous multiracial partners despite the fact that black people don't have the institutional power to implement racism. I would suggest that you educate yourself, but people like you often need to experience the harsh reality yourself, and maybe then you'll possibly wake up. Yes, I can agree that there's racism in this community, but there's also a fair amount of self-loathing of which you seem to suffer a great deal.