I fucking love this comic series, its got good porn and its fucking hilarious. I love Caesar the most he always has the funniest comebacks. Fucking love it. 20/10
This series has to be the best one on this platform by far. There has only been one cringe one, but all the rest are bangers. I would give peculiart an extremely high score, with an S tier comic, like up there with night with loona.
~~¤~~ Hooooly shit. This is the best porn probably ever. The mix of humor and sex is perfect so its not cringy but im not to busy busting my gut when i could be busting a nut ( im sorry for that, l allready regret that ),caesar and silva's personalities make perfect sense when looking at their parents, and overall, they're just really great characters. I feel like this would have potential as a show or something bjt only if... yknow, if they got rid of the sex. Maybe it wouldn't work out. Who knows. My final review of the Dandy Demons series (as of may 6th 2020) is 15/10. ~~¤~~
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fucking good. this author never misses
Loáng bóng
kinda wholesome ngl
did is good
ah. love, friendhsip,comedy and a side of lust. best combinations of relationship. neva taught i would say this but ze demons may be redeemable.
I fucking love this comic series, its got good porn and its fucking hilarious. I love Caesar the most he always has the funniest comebacks. Fucking love it. 20/10
This series has to be the best one on this platform by far. There has only been one cringe one, but all the rest are bangers. I would give peculiart an extremely high score, with an S tier comic, like up there with night with loona.
Nett hier, aber waren sie schonmal in Baden-Württemberg?
Idk what to say at this point
Multidimensional NUT
If i was he’s sibling and i saw this i would say BUSTED!!!!
not the only thing that will be busted
how did i know someone was gonna say that
The author of Dandy demons really need to update or something
It's mr. peculiart, he has even more on this platform
~~¤~~ Hooooly shit. This is the best porn probably ever. The mix of humor and sex is perfect so its not cringy but im not to busy busting my gut when i could be busting a nut ( im sorry for that, l allready regret that ),caesar and silva's personalities make perfect sense when looking at their parents, and overall, they're just really great characters. I feel like this would have potential as a show or something bjt only if... yknow, if they got rid of the sex. Maybe it wouldn't work out. Who knows. My final review of the Dandy Demons series (as of may 6th 2020) is 15/10. ~~¤~~
horny fukers
Is it just me or does opening his mouth look painful or is it just like a thin layer of skin that he can rip and regrow quickly either way ouch
Recently a lot of stuff has been too funny or cute to fap to, I'm happy and mad at the same time
downloaded 12345 a yes pleas more daddy
big brain