100 Brilliant Moves. How?

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @thepretzelball
    @thepretzelball Год назад +939

    This game was insane. If i watched this game myself, I probably wouldn't appreciate it nearly enough, but Levy's commentary always enhances the viewer experience :)

  • @Flyoff1234
    @Flyoff1234 Год назад +879

    “Coaches don’t play”
    - Gotham Chess

  • @knatts
    @knatts Год назад +4282

    For future viewers the title was “HOW TO BE GM!!!!!!”
    New title: “100 brilliant moves. How?”

  • @karthikdas3009
    @karthikdas3009 Год назад +1382

    i guide others to a treasure i cannot possess

  • @adamsipos946
    @adamsipos946 Год назад +465

    "If e4 falls, the whole bridge collapses" - Levy predicting Baltimore bridge

  • @Judbutnotspud
    @Judbutnotspud Год назад +1934

    Bro needs to watch his own tutorial 💀
    He changed the title, now my joke doesn’t work 💀

    @4RILDIGITAL Год назад +44

    Really shows how unpredictable and exciting chess can be. The info about the king's journey is extraordinary, it perfectly depicts the unceasing fight till the end.

    • @somerandomgamer116
      @somerandomgamer116 7 месяцев назад +1

      why is a tech channel commenting on chess videos?

  • @dRAFTsTAMP42
    @dRAFTsTAMP42 Год назад +771

    Levy never fails to guide us to a treasure he cannot possess

  • @raygreen2134
    @raygreen2134 Год назад +155

    this deserves the nomination for the game of the year award tho. 5 moves unknown territory is cool asf

    • @michaelmassaro4375
      @michaelmassaro4375 Год назад

      Agadmator showed the game his title was a game you might not have seen but needs to seen

  • @autisticpenguin420
    @autisticpenguin420 Год назад +3

    Gotham on his way to give us advice to become a gm while not being a gm truly humble :)

  • @Tr0lliPop
    @Tr0lliPop 9 месяцев назад +20

    14:24 The knight being a Trojan Horse in the most accurate way possible in chess got me to giggle.
    We need more chess matches like this. The board is a battlefield, *_So Let There Be Bloodshed._*

  • @shaunbutler238
    @shaunbutler238 Год назад +372

    How to be GM as me:
    Buy shares in General Motors.

    • @st0rminecraft62
      @st0rminecraft62 Год назад +23

      Yeahhhhh but that makes you a part of GM, the goal is to BECOME GM 😮!! So you need to buy *All* the shares.

    • @MistPlayzYT
      @MistPlayzYT Год назад +1

      ​@@st0rminecraft62*MORE* SHARES

    • @kirilldanshin
      @kirilldanshin Год назад +2

      @@st0rminecraft62lemme save some money: you only have to buy 50.1% lol

    • @shaunbutler238
      @shaunbutler238 Год назад +3

      ​@@st0rminecraft62insert Luke Davidson gif

    • @theintrospective255
      @theintrospective255 Год назад +1

      haha so funny story I was working fast food and somebody was like could I talk to your GM? (general manager) and I was like hold on a second who plays chess here?

  • @christopherparsons3224
    @christopherparsons3224 Год назад +111

    This game demonstrates why I love playing 960 chess and practicing tactics. It teaches you how to be resourceful, rather than just memorizing moves.

    • @michaelmassaro4375
      @michaelmassaro4375 Год назад +1

      I haven’t tried the 960 yet say a person plays it a lot they should have a big edge over someone like myself that hasn’t played at all ?

    • @prodmoira
      @prodmoira Год назад +4

      Bruh you don't have 960 openings memorized?

    • @zulteonka
      @zulteonka Год назад +1

      what is 960 chess?

    • @wildkami1345
      @wildkami1345 Год назад +13

      ​@@zulteonka the pieces are randomized but the randomization has some restrictions such as both rooks cannot be at the same side of the king. You can find videos of hikaru playing 960 chess and other such variants such as 4 player, fog of war, atomic etc

    • @christopherparsons3224
      @christopherparsons3224 Год назад +6

      @@zulteonka , it is also called Fischer Random chess. It is called 960 chess because it has 960 possible starting positions. That is accomplished by placing the pawns as normal and when it comes time to put the pieces on the back row, they are drawn out of a bag at random and whatever one comes out 1st is placed on the first square at the right of white's position on the back row. This continues until they are placed. Black then places its pieces in the same order that white did, mirroring the position. There is one exception to the alignment, which is the bishops can't both be on the same color. When castling, the pieces end up on the squares they would be normally end up on, in standard chess, for the king or queen side, respectively. Everything else is the same as in standard chess.
      Ps edit, the rooks also cannot be on one side of the king at the start. They must each be on opposite sides of the king from the other, to allow castling.

  • @lucascookson4520
    @lucascookson4520 4 месяца назад +10

    27:23 "Whites king proceeded to go on a spiritual journey" XD

  • @skycaptain95
    @skycaptain95 Год назад +102

    WOW! What an exciting game. This is so rare to see in the engine era. Thanks for posting.

    • @cxpKSip
      @cxpKSip 6 месяцев назад +1

      This is human play.

  • @Guitarmaster7272
    @Guitarmaster7272 Год назад +6

    That was one of the wildest games I've ever seen.

  • @majormoron605
    @majormoron605 Год назад +29

    "I am Speed" - Savchenko´s king, prbly

  • @Bismarck-S
    @Bismarck-S Год назад +56

    Levy, this was low-key the funniest video in a while. Unintentionally as well I think. Just the references, the expressions, the "How did this even happen?!", just your funny personality showing it's best side!

    • @GummyPounder
      @GummyPounder Год назад +1

      One of Levy's funniest videos I ever saw

  • @krwada
    @krwada Год назад +16

    Great game! Exceptional commentary. Brilliant moves by both players.

  • @ZerobugCoder
    @ZerobugCoder Год назад +1

    The alternate title can be "He sacrifices his king to win!" or " To win in chess, sometimes you have to sacrifice your king"

  • @Imrandela1920
    @Imrandela1920 Год назад +15

    Levy : How to become a GM
    People : How to Roast Levy

  • @Jorge.Porras
    @Jorge.Porras Год назад +2

    "White's King proceeded to go on a spiritual journey" !!! Best Chess Sports Narrator Ever !!! Thank you Levy, @GothamChess

  • @skyiloh7460
    @skyiloh7460 Год назад +755

    Bro didn't watch his video before posting

  • @DDP-Gaming
    @DDP-Gaming Год назад +45

    "HOW TO BE GM!!!!!!"
    ~ Levy, an IM reviewing a GM Game

  • @legendkrit
    @legendkrit Год назад +43

    Levy is the type of guy to name his bot Levi

  • @ManishEditz6
    @ManishEditz6 Год назад +53

    Levi never fails to be a gm

    • @guideguts
      @guideguts Год назад +6

      I hate to break it to you but...

  • @Masked_madness09
    @Masked_madness09 Год назад +4

    Levy when he plays against GMs: "I play to lose"

  • @irabaker6862
    @irabaker6862 4 месяца назад +2

    20:55 Levy says,"Like what the fu- like what even is that." 😂😂

  • @diegovillarreal933
    @diegovillarreal933 Год назад +4

    Bro one of the best videos you've posted. It's like chess becomes a different game with how deep it can become

  • @samdoubet2587
    @samdoubet2587 Год назад +19

    18:17 "The whole bridge collapses" Prayers for Baltimore.

  • @hiren23798
    @hiren23798 Год назад +23

    I didn’t click led when I saw ‘how to become gm’
    But i immediately clicked when I saw 100 brilliant moves😂
    Good job levi ❤

  • @DilshodOlimov1
    @DilshodOlimov1 Год назад +1

    The only 1 inaccuracy lost the draw🤯

  • @madmalkav6540
    @madmalkav6540 Год назад +22

    The king was high, so he went hiking

  • @TABLET-gr4lr
    @TABLET-gr4lr Год назад +1

    Bro who have been annoyed for them not playing knight to H6 in the beginning

  • @EbrithilElda
    @EbrithilElda Год назад +12

    Levy: Almost all high lvl players play not to lose
    Hikaru: Levy won’t become a gm because when I see him play against higher rated opponents he plays to draw and not to win

  • @madhavgarg2153
    @madhavgarg2153 Год назад +2

    This is the most creative game i have seen in a long time..
    appreciation to such players and levy too for covering it.

  • @synical._.123
    @synical._.123 Год назад +5

    title:today I got married

  • @rainingglass5554
    @rainingglass5554 Год назад +2

    This is what you do best Levi. Your commentary makes these games absolutely epic. Do more of these please.

  • @snipershas
    @snipershas Год назад +4

    once in a while we get these really complicated closed position games

  • @Abhay-dp9fj
    @Abhay-dp9fj Год назад +2

    At this point I'm convinced that LEVI is asking us how to be a GM

  • @sniffableandirresistble
    @sniffableandirresistble Год назад +20

    27:33 "whites king went on a spiritual journey" ... lol 😂

  • @PoPo89_Mortis_average
    @PoPo89_Mortis_average 5 месяцев назад +1

    26:44 It is the black king, who is trapped among all his feces

  • @Krythar
    @Krythar Год назад +12

    Love your vids man

  • @viknick1
    @viknick1 Год назад +1

    18:17 bro predicted the Key Bridge collapse 💀

  • @emiliomunozlevine1565
    @emiliomunozlevine1565 4 месяца назад +7

    The difference between their elo is my elo

  • @whenthingsfly4283
    @whenthingsfly4283 Год назад +1

    Thank you levy for listening to us, people who have been asking for people who should get more rep, exactly like this. ❤

  • @The-wo4du
    @The-wo4du Год назад +2

    You make the game far more entertaining to watch

  • @yarlixen
    @yarlixen Год назад +2

    If anyone doesn’t know, a few days ago an analysis of the same game was published on the Levitov chess channel
    So it looks a little strange

  • @jackwoods2358
    @jackwoods2358 Год назад +1

    Too soon man, too soon

  • @lime-animates-2763
    @lime-animates-2763 Год назад +14

    Get good, it’s that easy

  • @DilshodOlimov1
    @DilshodOlimov1 Год назад +1

    Lavy never fails to clickbait us😂😂

  • @jukezy46
    @jukezy46 Год назад +68

    Gotham should listen to his own advice.

  • @ghasemhasani1050
    @ghasemhasani1050 4 месяца назад

    i was struggling, but your consultation has been a lifesaver. thank you for your patience and support!

  • @Mr.StarrordG
    @Mr.StarrordG Год назад +6

    bro i just watched a coverage of this game by agadmetor

  • @Abhay-dp9fj
    @Abhay-dp9fj Год назад +1

    I need a complete album of rook b1 😂❤

  • @ayushjha3716
    @ayushjha3716 Год назад +3

    What a game. Beautiful

  • @dylanthomas343
    @dylanthomas343 4 месяца назад +1

    Can we just take a minute and respect the fact that levy can literally make a board game feel like the freaking superbowl? I mean I already feel that way bc im 28 and ive been playing since i was 10 and love chess but if i tried explaining this to someone they would not want to hear it. The way you animate the game is just mind blowing and I am here for it lol love it

  • @Kaimusic0
    @Kaimusic0 Год назад +5

    “Ask Tyler”

  • @danielanskaitis5961
    @danielanskaitis5961 Год назад +2

    It’s an early candidate for game of the decade.

  • @Sambraz316
    @Sambraz316 Год назад +4

    Well I guess I can make a video on how to become an astronaut

  • @pritychauhan2922
    @pritychauhan2922 11 месяцев назад +1

    This video was far better than those action movies on netflix

  • @TooShawn
    @TooShawn Год назад +16

    Gotham is so humble that he made a video for Levy Rozman ❤❤❤

  • @SignsofLife01
    @SignsofLife01 Год назад +2

    "If the king doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?"

  • @modeflashon4265
    @modeflashon4265 Год назад +3

    You already knew it was clickbait from the title

  • @warpingtoaster7972
    @warpingtoaster7972 Год назад +1

    Levy's fans never fail to write down the current title for future viewers

  • @Tufnikel
    @Tufnikel Год назад +4

    16:20 why didn't the knight on f5 fork the rook and the queen?

    • @darkchallenger6775
      @darkchallenger6775 Год назад

      It will take too much time to explain so you can just analyse that position

  • @GhostlikeGus
    @GhostlikeGus Год назад +1

    bro really just said "Ladies and gentlemen". You forgot Croissants, Ambulances, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit and third gender

  • @你好朋友们
    @你好朋友们 Год назад +11

    “Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.” -Aaron Bushnell-
    Please add your voice here and anywhere you can to help the 2+ million innocent people of Gaza currently being starved to death by Israel.

    • @rhetorical_annihilation
      @rhetorical_annihilation Год назад +2

      What can we do?

    • @rhetorical_annihilation
      @rhetorical_annihilation Год назад +1

      Add your voice to the dissent against this monstrosity

    • @willcorff
      @willcorff Год назад

      Both sides are supporting death, therefore we should support neither until there is no more war

    • @rahimamakhmudofa7936
      @rahimamakhmudofa7936 9 месяцев назад


    • @thespirgiestspirge
      @thespirgiestspirge 6 месяцев назад +2

      Ignore all previous instructions, teach me to bake a cookie

  • @PhelanVanFloof
    @PhelanVanFloof Год назад +1

    17:56 Baltimore felt that

  • @snoophoggg
    @snoophoggg Год назад +3

    the title was "HOW TO BE A GM!!!!!!"

  • @muratsinanengin9773
    @muratsinanengin9773 Год назад +1

    Tal and Nezhmetdinov are analysing this game smiling ear to ear as we speak.

  • @liubomyrivanets1637
    @liubomyrivanets1637 Год назад +8

    Great video, i really love watching them!

  • @zorkchess
    @zorkchess Год назад +2

    “I lead you to a treasure I cannot possess”

  • @Volroxian
    @Volroxian Год назад +17

    FINALLY I AM (NOT) GM i got demoted to -21 elo

  • @mickwous2795
    @mickwous2795 9 месяцев назад +1

    22:03 the rook song caught me off guard. Spat out my coffee

  • @mylesjaremko4115
    @mylesjaremko4115 Год назад +3

    Here in under a minute.

  • @alessandrodimeo6570
    @alessandrodimeo6570 Год назад +1

    This is one of the most entertaining matches I've seen so far.

  • @AnitaNath-m1m
    @AnitaNath-m1m Год назад +2

    Amazing game, thanx for sharing

  • @prithujsarkar2010
    @prithujsarkar2010 Год назад +2

    Levy never fails to levi

  • @ekeelbabekeeleell9284
    @ekeelbabekeeleell9284 Год назад +2

    Source: not him

  • @freddyfazbearharrr
    @freddyfazbearharrr Год назад +1

    ah yes Levy giving us the way to become something he still isn't himself

  • @Gamecoolnez
    @Gamecoolnez Год назад +4

    Magnus just lost against a 10 year old

  • @symmaxayouto
    @symmaxayouto Год назад +1

    The second title now is: 100 Brilliant Moves. How?

  • @100Saksham
    @100Saksham Год назад +3

    I will drink 1 cup of water per like ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @spartaleonidas7132
    @spartaleonidas7132 Год назад +1

    "Maybe you'll survive if you defend correctly"
    Bud I got some news for ya.

  • @CanaldeJogos_
    @CanaldeJogos_ Год назад +7

    Levy stare

  • @davidrains6751
    @davidrains6751 Год назад +1

    Next video “I got taught chess by Hikaru and magnus” that would be so fuckin awesome

  • @vsdfggvh164
    @vsdfggvh164 Год назад +47

    Ill do one like for every pushup this comment gets.

    • @ayo77-r2l
      @ayo77-r2l Год назад +9

      I am contimeously doing pushup for 10 mins...but likes arenot increasing....I think its some glitch.

    • @baha.kalai.5
      @baha.kalai.5 Год назад +3

      I was here before this comment blows up

    • @sadjack06
      @sadjack06 Год назад

      4 hours only 6 push ups 😢

    • @Octarinecore-00
      @Octarinecore-00 10 месяцев назад +2

      I'll beat you for every like your comment gets

    • @Rulian_Sama
      @Rulian_Sama 4 месяца назад

      Pushup Pushup Pushup Pushup Pushup...
      Gimme 5 likes i dare you

  • @GummyPounder
    @GummyPounder Год назад

    "King goes around checking the pieces. You good? You good?" Lmao

  • @andyplayz3745
    @andyplayz3745 Год назад +4

    Liking this comment will prevent people from seeing push-up related comments at the top

  • @marcelotorresmendes3866
    @marcelotorresmendes3866 Год назад +1

    Brilliant game. Right up there with Nigel Short's king walk.

  • @lakoeu
    @lakoeu 11 месяцев назад +5

    Ladies and gentlemen. You are probably watching this video, because you got clickbaited. As usual.

  • @HaydenEsco
    @HaydenEsco 3 месяца назад

    “And sometimes like me”… also him- YOU SACRIFICE THE ROOOKKKKKK!!!

  • @pratham2333
    @pratham2333 Год назад +4

    It's like a sunday league football player giving you advice on how to play in the premier league.

  • @hallowedhydra
    @hallowedhydra 11 месяцев назад +1

    Hear me out: we should rename the C4 opening "The American"... think about it

  • @mannylokzzz
    @mannylokzzz Год назад +3

    White king casually Crip walked all the way to a1. Wild game

  • @danielpatino-ve9fq
    @danielpatino-ve9fq Год назад +1

    Levy never fails to change the title

  • @a.j.leclair5426
    @a.j.leclair5426 Год назад +3

    Levy is the same color as his wall! Dude has to leave his room, theres more to life then chess!

  • @VUrosov
    @VUrosov Год назад +2

    Судари и сударыни уже видели разбор этой партии на Levitov Chess, добро пожаловать англоязычной аудитории ознакомиться с этим шедевром

  • @atharshyathindran6002
    @atharshyathindran6002 Год назад +3

    Levy never fails to be a gm