ASMR [M4M] Tsundere studies with you | [Kissing] [Teasing] [Frenemies to lovers]

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • I hope you enjoy this Listener X Reader audio done by me, Kit. I thank you for listening to this audio. If you really want me to do more types of audios like this, hit the like button. If you find yourself regularly coming back, consider subscribing and hit the notification bell so you know when I have another audio ready for you to listen to.
    Before you bash me, I have all my scripts improvised or made by me or friends that give me consent to use it. I do not own any of the art that is shown in this video, the original artist can be named in the comments if you want to that’s ok, I’m not saying the art is mine under any circumstances.
    I also have a gaming channel which I am regularly on if you want to come visit:
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Комментарии • 33

  • @nightwasfound0862
    @nightwasfound0862 3 года назад +55

    “You have some issues, friend.”
    *Yeah, that’s like the whole point.*

    • @kitdoesrp
      @kitdoesrp  3 года назад +11

      We’re all a little mad here 😂.

  • @darklordoftheuniverse7803
    @darklordoftheuniverse7803 3 года назад +50

    Him:" I knew your gay but I didn't think you'd be this bad"
    Me:" the Rainbows are strong with this one"

  • 2 года назад +9

    “what are cells called that don’t have nuclei?”
    “don’t look so dumb”

  • @xenosx1304
    @xenosx1304 3 года назад +10

    "How many electrons does the hydrogen atom have?" Not me doing my chemistry work while listening to this.

  • @aceiskool69
    @aceiskool69 3 года назад +6

    My emotional as hell self started crying 💀

  • @saltsmoothie3582
    @saltsmoothie3582 3 года назад +8

    just got my heart broken by a guy that led me on and this actually helped a lot, thank you

    • @kitdoesrp
      @kitdoesrp  3 года назад +4

      Awww. I’m so sorry that this happened to you. But I’m glad that I was able to help you.

  • @hikyeom
    @hikyeom 3 года назад +8

    not me answering the first question in my native language and him getting mad
    don't know how to speak portuguese? then learn 🤨

  • @alastor3953
    @alastor3953 3 года назад +5

    this was very fun to listen to, thank you for making my night better lol

  • @keiththecornflower2727
    @keiththecornflower2727 3 года назад +11

    I really liked this was very relaxing hope you keep doing you!

    • @kitdoesrp
      @kitdoesrp  3 года назад +4

      Thank you. I will.

  • @dolphy21quillia62
    @dolphy21quillia62 3 года назад +5

    I was just in tears from procrastinating so much and I see this too
    "Please complete the write-up of the required Practical 2: Measurement of an enthalpy change.
    Also, please review and revise the Energetics topic for a test when you return on Monday 21st February.
    Good Luck!"
    For this video to say "we were supposed to be revising for a chemistry test"

    • @dolphy21quillia62
      @dolphy21quillia62 3 года назад +1


    • @kitdoesrp
      @kitdoesrp  3 года назад +1


  • @yourdadismine.
    @yourdadismine. 2 года назад +1

    I would cry my eyes out if someone was like this to me-🤡💀

  • @maybeifustannedloona1474
    @maybeifustannedloona1474 3 года назад +9

    Realizing I have degration kink 😞🤞

  • @floras.sophix
    @floras.sophix 3 года назад +12

    Him: “I cant revise without you being here right now”
    BI- IM THE ONE THATS GUNNA FAIL THE TEST! You revise me form being fruity.
    Stfu- 💀✨

  • @chouderr1089
    @chouderr1089 2 года назад

    The funniest part is hydrogen has 1 electron, so listener actually got more questions right

  • @EverythingSoraKun
    @EverythingSoraKun 3 года назад +5

    When he first started it, I was like SHIGHARAKI IS THAT YOU MY BOY... and then I realised that I am in one of the worst fandoms ever.........................
    By the way the best line in the entire vidio was (i know you were gay but I did not know you are that bad)
    Please continue making such asmrs as they are entertaining af

    • @kitdoesrp
      @kitdoesrp  3 года назад +1

      Thank you. I’ll try.

  • @antodarell-brown6516
    @antodarell-brown6516 2 года назад +1


  • @JaceL0l
    @JaceL0l 2 года назад

    Him: I’m doing this for you not for me
    Me: If that means you’re pitying me, I’m out. I don’t like pity bye lol :P

  • @doth8600
    @doth8600 2 года назад +4

    but the hydrogen atom has 1 electron tho...

    • @kitdoesrp
      @kitdoesrp  2 года назад +3

      Finally someone picked up on it. Granted it took three months but still thank you.

    • @doth8600
      @doth8600 2 года назад +2

      @@kitdoesrp My natural science studies are already proving useful! Big brain time!