Hello! I'm Newbie who dreams of becoming a master of ice wizard...! I'm a user who only plays solo mist, can you recommend a one-handed Frost auxiliary weapon and shoes?? Sometimes shoes and auxiliary weapons seem to changePlease recommend the best setting after a lot of experience.
@@임채엽-h7m so if your point is killing 7.0, 8.0 - shoes and torch like off-hand, if you want to fight high gear better - boots and cane or mistcaller. Gl
I go around 7 flats The maximum is about 7-8 flats, so what would be suitable for shoes and auxiliary weapons I'm not a go flat, but I'm looking for the right equipment for this...! Please tell me based on your experience...!
10:30 bravo
may rgn always be on your side
IGN: Badmophet (Americas west server)
aja paciência tanto pra jogar quanto pra lutar contra
gg DeepsPlay
Eyes in the sky a ya zhoska sry
Realize real eyes real lies
the last kill the rng bless you XD
IGN: sanguiniusm america server
IGN: happyfeet
Let’s get it!!!
Hello! I'm Newbie who dreams of becoming a master of ice wizard...! I'm a user who only plays solo mist, can you recommend a one-handed Frost auxiliary weapon and shoes?? Sometimes shoes and auxiliary weapons seem to changePlease recommend the best setting after a lot of experience.
@@임채엽-h7m 2 options. Shoes good choice cause they have passive on CD. Also run gives 30% CD reduce during run(frost's skill always on cd so its nice)
@@임채엽-h7m but on high gear fights like 6.3+ tiers you should use boots because of bigger fight time and you will heal yourself significantly.
@@임채엽-h7m so if your point is killing 7.0, 8.0 - shoes and torch like off-hand, if you want to fight high gear better - boots and cane or mistcaller. Gl
I saw you do some insidious wicks
Is mist callers and torches easier???
I go around 7 flats
The maximum is about 7-8 flats, so what would be suitable for shoes and auxiliary weapons
I'm not a go flat, but I'm looking for the right equipment for this...! Please tell me based on your experience...!
IGN: Revengeance
good plays IGN:Arwarta (EU)
Great video, love the music
Ign: Pokipai(Singapore server)
good content frost its so annoying
Ign : Haw210 (East)
Its me again
How did you know you could kill the 8.4 deahtgivers? I would just run 😅
Idk, i got some brave that day xd
@@Rof1an lol
IGN: 3roSTr
gz for winners🎉
ign : Duzytestosteron2
Again nice Video man,
IGN: Deface
Server: Eu
Nice Video Bro
IGN OneTry
Server EU
Nice 8.4 kills
IGN: Raccoon1 (eu)
IGN: pannoun (EU)
Gud clip!
Nice build!
IGN : Bouillabaisse
nice content
IGN: Shaitanka
Server: Eu
nice vid
IGN : Hixc (Server Asia)
Unfortunately I can't even pvp because I don't have spec on anything
If anyone on EU is willing to help me
find avalon guild
@@Rof1an for What ?
@@sk3tzopt68 for specs
good playss brotherr
IGN : DesuuuHahay
Ign KevinSTonks
Let's guide?
i will think
IGN: PeeledAvocado
Ign sohilkakaee
Asia server
EZ win
ign Diana
Ign MaximusDeci
How fame do yo have? You can play every weapon so good :0
Ign: karzyuwu server (america)
636m pve, ty :)
Xd gf i’m 6.3 carving u are better 😉
gf :D
Build ?
boots of valor, mistcaller, frost staff, cowl of purity, thetfort cape, asassin jacket. passives prefer - CD
IGN: Muffinboomb
IGN penistoteles
Eu serwer
Nice video
IGN: JustSard (Eu)
IGN: Cornjizz