Anybody Here Actually Like Hillary Clinton And Are Enthusiastic To Vote For Her?

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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I'm refraining from giving my opinion about her more interested in what some of the more Democrat/Liberal side feels who are American and eligible to vote. I know some are willing to vote for her possibly feeling she is the lesser of two evils but who is eager about it?
I'm refraining from giving my opinion about her more interested in what some of the more Democrat/Liberal side feels who are American and eligible to vote. I know some are willing to vote for her possibly feeling she is the lesser of two evils but who is eager about it?

"I know some are willing to vote for her possibly feeling she is the lesser of two evils"

Bingo. Am I excited to vote for her? No. And I'm perfectly ok with that. As Donald Rumsfeld said, "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." As liberals this is the hand that we've been dealt and instead of wishing that so-and-so should've run, I'm going to roll with the candidate we have instead of the candidate I wish we had
To some extant yes I am, would rather have voted for her in 1992 though when she was more idealist than her moderate husband.

Will E Worm

I would vote for a lizard before I would vote for any of the ass clowns running for the GOP.
Hmmm religious nut job??
Filter less billionaire???
Big oil flesh puppet???
Lady out to make herself wealthy??
To me, having to choose between Hillary and any Republican candidate is like having to choose between pneumonia and lung cancer. I prefer not to have pneumonia but if pneumonia is the only option I have not to have lung cancer, then I'll take pneumonia without any hesitation.

Then you still vote for evil. :stir:

Guy just make an ass of himself : Spend the about half the video explaining how horrible is Hillary, how much of a nightmare it would be to have her as President for 8 years (seems like he already gave Democrat the 2020 election) and ends the video by telling "What we need is our own Ukraine [...] but this is not gonna happen until someone like Hillary is elected". Gotta make up his mind : Hillary for president : Nightmare or what America needs ?

Will E Worm

Guy just make an ass of himself : Spend the about half the video explaining how horrible is Hillary, how much of a nightmare it would be to have her as President for 8 years (seems like he already gave Democrat the 2020 election) and ends the video by telling "What we need is our own Ukraine [...] but this is not gonna happen until someone like Hillary is elected". Gotta make up his mind : Hillary for president : Nightmare or what America needs ?

No, he did a good job. Now subscribe to his channel.

Will E Worm

This post is absolutely dripping with confidence and dominating with tyranny. You, sir, did a great job as well. Where is your channel that us lowly shitbags could subscribe to so we can be under your magnificent tutelage?

Not tyranny.

I don't have a channel yet.


the special one
As a left-wing European, I'm delighted by the polls, showing that Bernie Sanders would probably win against any GOP candidate.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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Not tyranny.

I don't have a channel yet.

Apologies, sir. I meant Omniscient Omnipotence. Please inform us when your channel is available so we can tunnel our way to your path of intellectual mastery. It is better to be accused of wearing a tin-foil hat than a dunce cap. I, myself, have carved a legacy and developed a reputation for liking all things that are good.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Apologies, sir. I meant Omniscient Omnipotence. Please inform us when your channel is available so we can tunnel our way to your path of intellectual mastery. It is better to be accused of wearing a tin-foil hat than a dunce cap. I, myself, have carved a legacy and developed a reputation for liking all things that are good.

I would absolutely subscribe to the Worm's channel, the guy in the video was pretty intense, too.

Will E Worm

Apologies, sir. I meant Omniscient Omnipotence. Please inform us when your channel is available so we can tunnel our way to your path of intellectual mastery. It is better to be accused of wearing a tin-foil hat than a dunce cap. I, myself, have carved a legacy and developed a reputation for liking all things that are good.

I sense sarcasm. :tongue:

Anyway, I have thought about making a channel on youtube and Vimeo.

A cartoon would cost too much. Puppets might be better.

I would absolutely subscribe to the Worm's channel, the guy in the video was pretty intense, too.


Little Red Wagon Repairman

Posts With Autopen
I sense sarcasm. :tongue:

Anyway, I have thought about making a channel on youtube and Vimeo.

A cartoon would cost too much. Puppets might be better.

No sarcasm but revered reverence to a reverend of truth, the sage of sageness, the tutel of tutelage, and the educator of educators who hopefully in the near future will launch his channel that will shepherd us all to the Valhalla of Enlightenment.