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Feb 26, 7:59 AM

Nov 2011
Takao didn't show as much as interest in this episode's case than others. I'm not surprised since it seems the case deals with behavior changes among some kids.

On the other hand, she should've taken more seriously from the start. Her personality just seems like that I guess.
Feb 26, 8:33 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Very sad episode this time. Poor Kenta and Takao.

As a doctor, it's kinda inevitable to face hopeless situations where there's nothing you can do to help the patient.

Those three kids were such jerks for bullying Kenta. Anyway, I really hope they can to save Atsushi's life.

SerafosFeb 26, 10:16 AM
Feb 26, 9:04 AM

Feb 2019
The end of last week’s episode made it apparent this was going to be a much darker episode and dare I say it, it’s the darkest one yet.

We’ve never seen Takao this down and defeated over a patient before. I fully relate to her on this one. It’s sad whenever anyone dies, especially to cancer, but there’s just something particularly horrible about little kids suffering through cancer. They haven’t even got a chance to live yet and they’re having to battle just to see every day. It’s simply not fair. And for someone like Takao who’s used to having all the answers all the time, there’s sadly no cure for cancer and nothing she can do. It’s almost like a “why even have this talent if I can’t save the people closest to me” type of thing

Little kids are really cruel man, seeing the other, OLDER boys picking on Kenta for being bald is just mean man. Y’all all in a hospital, be nice ffs 🤦🏽‍♂️

Usually it’s Takao giving Kotori the advice on what to do, but today it’s him helping her realize what she can do with whatever time Kenta has left. The best thing she can do is just be there for him and make him as comfortable as possible. Fuck cancer.

I thought the angel was just an innocent thing the nurses might have been pulling, but it seems like it’s having some sort of negative effect on the boys and ending the ep with Atsushi going into cardiac arrest like that is wild. He’s an asshole but I hope he pulls thru 😢
Marinate1016Feb 26, 2:04 PM
Feb 26, 9:26 AM

Apr 2010
Bullies are trash but bullying a dying child is really reaching a new level of trash.
And don't start giving me that crap that they are not old enough to understand what's going on because they are clearly old enough.

That being said Takao having trouble with accepting the loss of a patient makes her human but it's also part of being a doctor.
Hope she can overcome this and help out with whatever is going on.
Feb 26, 10:16 AM
Sep 2015
This episode choose to be emotional instead of medical.

I'm gonna guess what's the angel.

Those three naughty boys feel bad about the cancer boy, so they try to create the angel by cutting the angel from the book and project it at night. Of course, they've to fake their illness to extend their stay at the hospital. But the last part doesn't seem fake to me, maybe the faking method gone wrong or his symptom appear.
Feb 26, 10:40 AM

Aug 2020
today was a really sad ep

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Feb 26, 10:42 AM

Mar 2021
My heart breaks for Kenta for what he is going through. Those three boys are disgusting for bullying him.
Feb 26, 10:46 AM
Jul 2024

Feb 26, 10:50 AM

Jul 2016
Bullying in and of itself sucks but there's something extra visceral watching it happen to a terminally ill kid, let alone when it's done by fellow child patients. It's not realistic to hope for a miracle but I hope those three at least come around by the end.

Also, Kotori and Mai's lighthearted dynamic really stands out in an especially heavy case like this one, especially when Takao is too down to be her usual gremlin self.
Feb 26, 10:50 AM

Jul 2021
So refreshing to just take a look at hospital life, doctor-patient relationships and Takao's character. It's coming a little too late and a little ham-fisted, but I really appreciate this stuff.

The animation continues to be really rough. That shot of Takao running away from Kenta looked comical, as she flailed her noodle arms. And so many shots of the back of someone's head as they delivered their lines...
Feb 26, 10:50 AM
Dec 2017
Takao was frustrating this episode, but it definitely felt like a realistic reaction to knowing that her 8 year old friend is going to die way too early. It's seeming more and more likely that Takao is on the autism spectrum, what with her difficulty interacting with patients and not knowing how to read people. I've definitely struggled with that in my life as well. It's hard, but it's a learnable skill, to some extent. I hope she can improve so that life is less difficult for her
Feb 26, 10:55 AM

Jul 2021
phantomfandom said:
Those three naughty boys feel bad about the cancer boy, so they try to create the angel by cutting the angel from the book and project it at night. Of course, they've to fake their illness to extend their stay at the hospital. But the last part doesn't seem fake to me, maybe the faking method gone wrong or his symptom appear.

I also think this is what the writers are going for. This feels like a heavy mini-arc, and it'd be silly (and maybe a little offensive) if it turns out that someone's trying to confuse a dying kid and take revenge on the bullies.

However, I don't know how the writers are going to explain those 3 kids having enough medical knowledge to manifest "fake" symptoms that would fool trained medical professionals...
Feb 26, 11:04 AM

Jun 2015
Always a tragedy to see one so young get such an illness. That last case sure hit Takao pretty hard by the looks of it. Man those three kids were literal jerks. In a way i guess Takao is feeling regret that she detected the first sign of cancer that is now slowly killing her friend. More than anything this ep showed well the kind of trauma that doctors can also get from their jobs. Because even if they did their job right in detecting signs of illnesses doing so can still kill their patient if they don't have the means of curing them.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 26, 12:02 PM

Sep 2021
It's cancer and even Takao herself doesn't have any cure for it so the next episode or maybe more will be some heavy stuff.

As for the 3 kids, my guess is they're feeling bad for calling him bald after knowing that he has cancer.
Then they snatch his book, make a cutout of the angel, and show him the angel.
How? Through the balcony using their phone flashlight. When we see the 3 kids, we see all of them in possession of phones which is oddly specific.
When do they snatch it? Dunno. But they probably also snatched the book through the balcony.

The first time they extended their stay they faked their symptom since the hospitals couldn't find any symptoms.
The second time happened for real. He had WPW syndrome so maybe it recur?
DJKuroinuFeb 26, 12:05 PM
Feb 26, 12:24 PM

Dec 2023
Reply to Aversa
Bullies are trash but bullying a dying child is really reaching a new level of trash.
And don't start giving me that crap that they are not old enough to understand what's going on because they are clearly old enough.

That being said Takao having trouble with accepting the loss of a patient makes her human but it's also part of being a doctor.
Hope she can overcome this and help out with whatever is going on.
@Aversa I think it's very possible those kids don't actually know he's dying. Usually hospitals don't just go around telling everyone what a patient has or is dealing with. Most likely they just think he got his head shaved bald for some simple "medical" reason so they made fun of him, at least that's what I think.
Feb 26, 12:36 PM

Jul 2022
With that last scene, it's obvious that the angel is a paper silhouette illuminated by a flashlight, and those three kids are doing it to Kenta. I doubt they're doing it to make him feel better after all the bullying they did to him, so as bad as it sounds, I hope they don't get to revive that kid. But who knows, maybe I'm wrong and they do it in a good way, but bullying a kid with cancer is the worst.

Takao had a hard time; he was very vulnerable. Even though he is a doctor and has to accept that not everyone can be saved and he must continue otherwise it might affect his work with other patients, it is very sad to see a child with cancer, especially when that child is aware of what he is going through and comforts adults when he is the one who suffers the most.
Feb 26, 1:07 PM
Apr 2024
I can't think of a reason why they can see "the angel", looking forward to see the mystery solved.
Feb 26, 1:07 PM

Mar 2008
It seems Takao knows what's happening in the trio of boys room, but she's leaving them out to dry. Karmic justice for their bullying of her friend, but if thats the case she's also going against the doctors oath. And I agree it seems like the angel is also their bullying.
Feb 26, 2:29 PM

Feb 2012
Damn, that episode was difficult to watch. On top of the cancer, Kenta has to face bullying.

Dr. Takao struggles to face a dying patient who's younger than her, a patient whom she knows she can't save. Even if she were to face Kenta, she might say the wrong thing (the author confirmed she's on the spectrum).

The OST, man...

Dr. Takao looked outside the window when she came into the three boys' room and it looked like the light that made the angel shadow wasn't coming through the door of room 702 so it must've been from outside.

If Mai was fooled, I doubt the boys are faking their symptoms.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Feb 26, 3:09 PM

Apr 2010
Reply to MewsicMagic
@Aversa I think it's very possible those kids don't actually know he's dying. Usually hospitals don't just go around telling everyone what a patient has or is dealing with. Most likely they just think he got his head shaved bald for some simple "medical" reason so they made fun of him, at least that's what I think.
@MewsicMagic Even if they are bullying him because it's for a "simple medical reason" it's still really low.
Even teasing him about it is already crossing a line, no child will shave their head for a simple reason.
Feb 26, 3:14 PM
Jul 2021
I hope Takao will learn from Yuu how to deal with this kind of hardship. Unfortunately, it's inevitable experience in her job.
Feb 26, 4:44 PM

Sep 2020
No testimony from the nurse that saw the angel in the room during her night patrol?

Feb 26, 5:27 PM

Feb 2025
This episode hurted a lot, poor little boy, and poor Takao...
Hate cancer

Imouto suki

Tsundere-Chuuni-Imoutos save me...

Feb 26, 6:10 PM
Jul 2024
I've never seen her so rattled before. If she doesn't recover her composure soon, her Uncle might get wind of this! Causing even more headaches, or she might decide to retire from Medicine or just do Pathology. Get your head back in the Game!
Feb 26, 6:16 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to DJKuroinu
It's cancer and even Takao herself doesn't have any cure for it so the next episode or maybe more will be some heavy stuff.

As for the 3 kids, my guess is they're feeling bad for calling him bald after knowing that he has cancer.
Then they snatch his book, make a cutout of the angel, and show him the angel.
How? Through the balcony using their phone flashlight. When we see the 3 kids, we see all of them in possession of phones which is oddly specific.
When do they snatch it? Dunno. But they probably also snatched the book through the balcony.

The first time they extended their stay they faked their symptom since the hospitals couldn't find any symptoms.
The second time happened for real. He had WPW syndrome so maybe it recur?
@DJKuroinu ALL tends to return, sooner or later, and usually more malignant. If I remember my reading on it correctly. As a Doctor, I'm sure she knows that, she just doesn't know how react when it's someone she knew.
Yes, this time his symptoms are for REAL. And maybe Fatal. Not that I feel much sympathy to someone who bullied a terminal child.
Feb 26, 7:01 PM
Dec 2023
The 3 children feel bad for bullying the leukemia boy and are trying to cheer him up with the cut-out silhouette of the angel on the lantern. However, to do this they need to stay in the calm of the night, which is why their symptoms worsen. The clues are in the destroyed book, the window that Takao opens and the time between the angel's appearance.
Feb 26, 7:02 PM

Dec 2023
Reply to Aversa
@MewsicMagic Even if they are bullying him because it's for a "simple medical reason" it's still really low.
Even teasing him about it is already crossing a line, no child will shave their head for a simple reason.
@Aversa I think you’re really underestimating 10-12 year olds that exist in real life.

In real life “low” is on a whole other level, anyone who’s been bullied in middle school or high school knows that taking a hat and ripping a book is nothing. The reason why they wouldn’t know about him dying is kids like that often don’t care or don’t want to know about the person they bully. Even more surprising is the fact that the hospital in this show just lets it happen.

Look, taking a dying sick kids hat and ripping his book and teasing him is absolutely wrong. But “low” really isn’t how deep this show goes, at most those boys are really petty and worthy of shame but they really haven’t done anything low so far.
Feb 26, 7:54 PM

Mar 2008
I feel like the buildup to this moment wasn't handled well because there is basically no time to really experience the relationship here but I do appreciate an attempt at least.
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Feb 26, 8:44 PM
Feb 2025
phantomfandom said:
This episode choose to be emotional instead of medical.

I'm gonna guess what's the angel.

Those three naughty boys feel bad about the cancer boy, so they try to create the angel by cutting the angel from the book and project it at night. Of course, they've to fake their illness to extend their stay at the hospital. But the last part doesn't seem fake to me, maybe the faking method gone wrong or his symptom appear.

this show always proves me wrong when I thing with my logic
Feb 26, 8:57 PM

Jul 2021
phantomfandom said:
This episode choose to be emotional instead of medical.

I'm gonna guess what's the angel.

Those three naughty boys feel bad about the cancer boy, so they try to create the angel by cutting the angel from the book and project it at night. Of course, they've to fake their illness to extend their stay at the hospital. But the last part doesn't seem fake to me, maybe the faking method gone wrong or his symptom appear.

the adrenaline or something from climbing out the window or the fear from getting caught made his heart race, which compounded with his wpw syndrome caused his heart to go "meh", and here we are.
IhnalakoKainaFeb 26, 9:26 PM
Feb 26, 11:32 PM
Feb 2024
Probably it is the other kids doing it to either comfort or bully Kenta further, however it would be funny if it really was God appearing before him in the form of an angel and smiting the kids who bullied him
Feb 27, 12:01 AM
Jun 2017
Fun fact: The red-hair boy, Atsushi who bullies Kenta is voiced by Ayako Kawasumi which is a far cry from her usual voice acting as she usually voices naive cute young girls like Kazumi Yoshida from Shakugan no Shana or warrior ladies like Saber Artoria from Fate series but now this episode features her voicing a boy which is very rare.
Feb 27, 4:23 AM
Feb 2024
Next few weeks are going to be some heavy content.
Feb 27, 6:50 AM

Jun 2012
That episode sucks because leukemia isn’t an easy disease to deal with, and of course, there are always idiots who make fun of it, like those little punks. If the angel thing is their doing, then the kid just got some bad karma for messing around with Kenta.
Feb 27, 2:05 PM
May 2020
Really strong but sad episode. Noticeable lack in animation / art quality oddly
Feb 27, 6:45 PM

Jul 2024
Takao's inability to be around a patient that she has no chance of saving is a good piece of character-writing and makes perfect sense. I hope that this arc helps her realise that there's more to being a good doctor than just being able to cure people.
Feb 27, 10:35 PM

Apr 2023
OMG I had crying with this episode, maybe a sad arc, but really good written. Kids can be cruel to. Bullies don't realize about the emotional damage that them deal to Kenta. The childs can be very egocentrics some times. Anyway I hope the red hair boy can survive. Otherhand this episode showed more about Takao's condition, I really apricete that. 10/10
Feb 28, 4:28 AM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
This show gets pretty heavy, in general, but damn this one was the heaviest so far.

Also, Takao leaving a terminal patient hanging with the fist bump. I was like, wtf!? Still pretty messed up, but the backstory helped it make sense. I don't know if she will be able to save this one, so it may get even heavier moving forward.

Great episode.
Feb 28, 5:31 AM

Jun 2019
Same comments as I would and did offer up for last episode, essentially. Which are basically that the episode continues to prove and show that the series is by far strongest when it sticks to the hospital setting where there is already enough drama naturally playing out on a daily basis rather than having a go at vigilante/amateur detective in the boonies and the burning sheds. That was true last week and last episode and shown to be equally if not even moreso true again here as this may have even been the stronger episode (though I probably personally preferred the prior one slightly more as, generally speaking, I prefer the intrigue of the conflict of hospital politics and the joy of ultimate victory secured there over the sad drama which looks slowly but surely on a fixed or predestined path headed toward tragedy here, but that's not to say it isn't good or compelling).
Feb 28, 8:59 AM
Nov 2022
Between this episode and the last, seems like there's been a decline in animation. It's most noticeable in faces, especially side profiles, where the faces look entirely different between back and forth cuts.
Feb 28, 10:22 AM
Jan 2015
Reply to lawlies1234
Between this episode and the last, seems like there's been a decline in animation. It's most noticeable in faces, especially side profiles, where the faces look entirely different between back and forth cuts.
@lawlies1234 Totally right.
Guess this is why they have massive delays.
Like it's still okay to watch like this because all this show needs is story being told without modifications and good seyu acting - which is present - but quality of picture this episode was completely abysmal.
Mar 1, 10:54 AM

Jan 2010
This anime continues to meander through the season. I guess I was supposed to feel bad for Ameku this episode but that didn't happen. The bullying was very sad to see but I don't know enough about the characters for it to kean much or really payoff here. This was just another okay episode.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Mar 1, 5:10 PM

Sep 2017
alright making a prediction here, hospitals have a lot of radiation sources right, and some types of lights (eg emergency lights and things like that) have radioactive elements inside them. what if those 3 shitty brats in the other room that took the book and shredded it took the page with the angel symbol and are using a light to project it into the cancer kid's room, unknowingly giving themselves radiation poisoning in the process
"I can fix her". Patron Saint of Lost Causes. Psych Ward-maxxing.

without love it cannot be seen
Mar 2, 1:06 PM
Jul 2021
Reply to AnimeIsAMistake7
alright making a prediction here, hospitals have a lot of radiation sources right, and some types of lights (eg emergency lights and things like that) have radioactive elements inside them. what if those 3 shitty brats in the other room that took the book and shredded it took the page with the angel symbol and are using a light to project it into the cancer kid's room, unknowingly giving themselves radiation poisoning in the process
@AnimeIsAMistake7 did the boys stolen radiological device like X-ray Lightbulb from CT scan room?
Mar 2, 10:42 PM

Mar 2018
I think the angel was made by the "Bullies" with the destroyed book
Sport Club Corinthians Paulist is the biggest football team in the world.
51 is cachaça
Mar 3, 4:36 PM

Dec 2016
I like how they say her skin is so tanned she looks like a gyaru even though she looks exactly the same as everyone else.
Mar 4, 3:52 AM

Sep 2017
Reply to ImpyBlade
@AnimeIsAMistake7 did the boys stolen radiological device like X-ray Lightbulb from CT scan room?
did the boys stolen radiological device like X-ray Lightbulb from CT scan room?

@ImpyBlade yeah i think you could be right
"I can fix her". Patron Saint of Lost Causes. Psych Ward-maxxing.

without love it cannot be seen
Mar 5, 9:08 AM

Nov 2011
this one hit hard...
Mar 5, 1:18 PM
Oct 2021
Mar 6, 6:11 AM

Oct 2017
Children deserve the world, they deserve a bright future. Fuck, damn it.
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