American football coach REACTS to Lionel Messi - The Goat | OFFICIAL MOVIE

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • #football #highlights #messi #lionelmessi #soccer #reaction
    In this video, I check out one of the most entertaining players in football history.
    #football #highlights #soccer #ronaldinho
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Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @AntiStupidity4Ever
    @AntiStupidity4Ever 2 года назад +205

    Hey Luke..........leave soccer to people who play and enjoy soccer. Go talk about American Football, where the broadcast lasts 3 hours and the average amount of time the ball is in play on the field during an NFL game is about 11 minutes.

    • @nicholasc.5944
      @nicholasc.5944 2 года назад +167

      the royal pin of shame

    • @Joshua-fs9vm
      @Joshua-fs9vm 2 года назад +65

      Super ironic name

    • @imabanana5334
      @imabanana5334 2 года назад +13


    • @kuanteoh7911
      @kuanteoh7911 2 года назад +56

      Luke is showing humility in admitting his weakness. What you hate in Luke is the exact thing you hate in yourself. You suppress it, and it will swallow you.

    • @AntiStupidity4Ever
      @AntiStupidity4Ever 2 года назад +2

      @@kuanteoh7911 Thanks Freud

  • @jhamler1
    @jhamler1 2 года назад +1591

    I'm also American and never gave two shits about football (soccer) until 2006 when I just happened to be vacationing in Europe during the World Cup in Germany. I've never experienced anything like it. Three weeks from England to Ireland to Portugal to Spain to Amsterdam to Germany to Czech Republic and everywhere we went we met (drunken) soccer fans from literally everywhere on the planet and it was glorious learning about the game from them. The minute I got back to the States I started paying real attention to this international sport to the point I simply don't watch baseball anymore. I had to quit the great American pastime in order to fit soccer into my life. And I don't regret it for a single moment.
    Over the succeeding years, yes... Lionel Messi was the bestest. Maybe still is. I never saw Pele or Maradona or some others but, he edges Cristiano Ronaldo in my opine, and that's good enough for me to call him the supercoolest. Little dude with the quickest feet you've ever seen. Think of Barry Sanders IF Barry Sanders wasn't allowed to hold the ball in his hands. That's Messi. And his awareness on the pitch? Think of Larry Bird. I could go on and on but I'm tired just watching him. Messi might be the best athlete of the 21st century. Period. Across all sports.

    • @whyvern6817
      @whyvern6817 2 года назад +32

      Messi is certainly my top 1. Erling Haaland is just a really exciting player currently man, he certainly is within my top 5

    • @houssembenamor5326
      @houssembenamor5326 2 года назад +8

      I just made the same comment about barry sanders hahahahah i tought i was the only one thinking about it 😂 🤣

    • @markaitcheson3212
      @markaitcheson3212 2 года назад +80

      There is something very satisfying listening to Americans who didn't get it, then stumbled into it, then got it, then loved it ha ha there is a reason this is by far the world's most popular sport, it makes the superbowl look like a hobby.

    • @activovisual
      @activovisual 2 года назад +12

      ❤️ from Argentina for the love of the most beautiful game in the world

    • @spongeboyonly
      @spongeboyonly 2 года назад +5

      @@whyvern6817 haaland is still young you just can't put him on the top yet just yet

  • @notnok9443
    @notnok9443 2 года назад +1258

    He's 35, and is still Argentina's best player. Definitely watch Messi in this World Cup

    • @xerxeszero586
      @xerxeszero586 2 года назад +5

      Didnt he retired from the national team? I believe he said he did or is he gonna try and push it one last time?

    • @erickaguilar3647
      @erickaguilar3647 2 года назад +127

      @@xerxeszero586 he had said that he was going to retire from the national team in 2016 but he came back. Argentina right now is unbeaten in like 36 games I believe. A year ago they became Copa America champions and now they are considered one of the top 3 teams to win the World Cup. Definitely watch the World Cup, I feel like Messi will finally win the World Cup. And if he gets to the final it would be his 1000th match, it would be spectacular if he won it. No one would ever be able to say that Messi is not the greatest player in history

    • @notnok9443
      @notnok9443 2 года назад +9

      @@xerxeszero586 no lol

    • @omnitheus5442
      @omnitheus5442 2 года назад +4

      He and Arge will flop again. You’ll see. France will win it all and defend their title.

    • @marcelinomolina10
      @marcelinomolina10 2 года назад +31

      @@omnitheus5442 the way Argentina play together I’m sure they’ll make it farther than France. France has a lot of star power like the last World Cup but lately they just can’t get into rhythm

  • @Kehley82828
    @Kehley82828 2 года назад +909

    By far the best player (in this generation atleast). He’s in the list of the top goalscorers, playmakers, passers and dribblers of the game. A statistical anomaly

    • @alimorales6806
      @alimorales6806 2 года назад +27

      Best player of all time ?

    • @welshxwanderer7739
      @welshxwanderer7739 2 года назад +145

      @@alimorales6806 personally I think he is the best complete player ever 🐐

    • @Abdullah-wi1iy
      @Abdullah-wi1iy 2 года назад +11

      @@alimorales6806 yes

    • @LS6272
      @LS6272 2 года назад +10

      @@alimorales6806 statistically yes

    • @spongeboyonly
      @spongeboyonly 2 года назад +30

      @@welshxwanderer7739 you can't put "complete" on that sentence i think messi is the best player ever

  • @tikikeram850
    @tikikeram850 2 года назад +430

    Football is simple, but playing simple football is difficult. - Johan Cruyff

    • @pesmobile2695
      @pesmobile2695 2 года назад +1

      It is difficult only if you think it is difficult, or else it's simple , I do not know why Johann Cruyff said playing simple football is difficult and I don't even want to know, because having the basics mastered, playing simple football is as simple as it is ⚽⚽⚽⚽🔥.

    • @tikikeram850
      @tikikeram850 2 года назад +11

      @@pesmobile2695 wow . Are you profesional footballers????

    • @colachofcb
      @colachofcb 2 года назад +4

      @@pesmobile2695 Because the simple part (the basics) which are receive, pass and move are more difficult in practice than in theory. Players tend to make erros like turnovers, heavy touches, laps of cocentration etc. That means to be succeful and win, you have to be on top of your game at all times in order to just play simple football

    • @tikikeram850
      @tikikeram850 2 года назад +2

      @@pesmobile2695 dribble is simple right ? Then do dribble against everyone in profesional level.

    • @UszatyCDF
      @UszatyCDF 2 года назад

      @@tikikeram850 err.. nope... This was always only Messi lvl ^^ I used to hate this Argentinian rat. To be honest i still do. Cause he never commits to defendin, he's just walking on the pitch just like Mbappe now does. Than he dribbles vs enemies that are running back and forth for 90 fkn minutes while his team has to make u for him not running the same distance per match just because he just doesn't defend.
      However this lazy rat's offensive workload and the results that he's producing when finally given the ball are just not to be triffled with. First his goal vs Getafe was it right? Than vs Bilbao when already world has known him for years... Fucking goose bumps all over the body when i saw these two for first time.
      I've seen Messi do that type of dribbling many times. I've seen Ronaldo never doing it like this. Ronaldo might dribble past 1 maybe 2 however doing the things as Messi does? HELL NO.

  • @Lost__julian
    @Lost__julian 2 года назад +75

    Its not just his footwork, a couple of players had that in the last 15 years. Its his Vision, his decisionmaking, the way he predicts what the opponent is gonna do, his creativity, the way hes able to play every offensive role like he did 2019 for Barcelona. All those attributes and more make him so unique

    • @asbarabauz7588
      @asbarabauz7588 2 года назад +1

      But it's mainly his footwork. Ronaldinho at Barcellona was more creative, had comparabile vision and was athletically very strong. But Messi's ball control js just on a different scale, he just moves the ball around with a frequency and accuracy that it's actually impossible to steal it.

    • @gabrote42
      @gabrote42 2 года назад

      Ever since his dribbling got weaker he moved into a playmaking position, and damn, if it weren't for Enzo's pass yesterday I would say he's unmatched in that regard. Now that Scaloni solved the main issues with the team he's going out with a bang!

    • @usu00neomac37
      @usu00neomac37 2 года назад

      Your´re so right, the video analyzed doesn't make justice to Messi.
      Please watch in youtube: Lionel Messi - The Art of Passing - HD

    • @marvinasas2060
      @marvinasas2060 Год назад

      ​@@asbarabauz7588 if Ronaldinho would have taken the sport as serious he would be at the top with Messi without a doubt. Not sure who would be top 1, but for sure Christiano Ronaldo wouldn't be second anymore 😂

  • @globalizacionliquida
    @globalizacionliquida 2 года назад +4

    And finally......Lionel Messi won the World Cup........I'm not from Argentina.....but I grow up in that I live near to Argentina in a small country named Uruguay.....Both countries live the football like it's life or death and I know how important was for Messi and Argentina won this World Cup.....He deserved it.....

  • @Falk4J
    @Falk4J 2 года назад +147

    Bei g a German and of course being proud that our team won the world cup in 2014 against Argentina at the same time it even hurts me because if any player at any given time earned himself to win this trophy it's Lionel Messi, the probably best player of all times. But winning all the trophies he won by far marks him as he is, the best of all.

  • @chamogarcia4401
    @chamogarcia4401 2 года назад +77

    I'm now 50 years old and to me hands down Lionel Messi is the greatest player I've been blessed to see. The guy is just different.
    He makes difficult plays look simple.

    • @mitranandbipat5381
      @mitranandbipat5381 2 года назад

      Did you watch any of the King of Football videos and check out any of his records. Pele youngest player to score In a world cup 1958. Played in 4 world cup won 3. You can youtube it

    • @chamogarcia4401
      @chamogarcia4401 2 года назад +5

      @@mitranandbipat5381 Complete different eras, besides that Brazilian national core of players is been said to be the greatest brazilian team ever in terms of pure tallent, to the point that Pele did not even play in 1962 Brazil still won the World cup.
      No taking anything from Pele, the guy was a tallent and genius ahead of those days.
      In terms of pure genius plays with the capacity of creating plays and scoring insane goals, sometimes surrounded by defenders 😆, the best I've seen is Lionel Andres Messi.

    • @gabrote42
      @gabrote42 2 года назад

      And without any of the problems that marred Maradona's career. So good

    • @josebertel7000
      @josebertel7000 2 года назад

      Because he's small. he takes advantage of that

    • @pjm875
      @pjm875 2 года назад

      @@josebertel7000 he's just better, and now he won the world cup

  • @mrfacts6860
    @mrfacts6860 2 года назад +486

    Best goal scorer
    Best passer
    Best playmaker
    Best dribbler
    No one like him

    • @omnitheus5442
      @omnitheus5442 2 года назад

      Maradona was doing what Messi has done at a time when the game was all about defense and breaking the legs of the biggest threats. Maradona carried a team that was least favoured to win the World Cup in football history to glory in 86. He won the best league in the world with a minnow who was almost relegated just before he got there. Maradona is the GOAT. All this revisionist history is disrespectful to Pele, Maradona and Zidane…

    • @themaster7757
      @themaster7757 2 года назад +29

      @@omnitheus5442 Maradona: 5 años buenos messi: 16 años. diferencias

    • @albertillolagorra
      @albertillolagorra 2 года назад +4

      @@themaster7757 lo peor es que no lo entendera.

    • @joachaza
      @joachaza 2 года назад +3

      Also best defender, look up for other compilations about messi defending, he is a beast keeping the ball and getting it back whenever he decides. The goat.

    • @EllisAnimalDefender
      @EllisAnimalDefender 2 года назад +7

      @@omnitheus5442 the arguments that I just find ridiculous is “maradona went against leg breaking defenders” ok and ??? So did Messi you’ve never seen some of the classicos or Spanish football specially South American matches with Argentina the defenses are brutal, I’ve seen Messi get kicked like a stray dog in some of these games

  • @paulobot9481
    @paulobot9481 2 года назад +472

    Ronaldo: 817 goals and 232 assists in 1,136 appearances
    Messi: 781 goals and 339 assists in 990 appearances
    Hat-tricks: Ronaldo 60; Messi 56
    Career goal ratio: Ronaldo 0.72; Messi 0.79
    Penalties: Ronaldo 145; Messi 104
    Messi: 7 ballon d'ors
    Ronaldo: 5 ballon d'ors
    These are Messi and Ronaldos all time stats at present

    • @apoxfn
      @apoxfn 2 года назад +68

      now remove ronaldos million penalties and add that cr is a striker and messi isnt
      Edit: for the people saying ronaldo won euros
      messi placing 2nd in the world cup is probably as much worth as portugal winning the euro

    • @paulobot9481
      @paulobot9481 2 года назад +57

      @@apoxfn the stats are enough to prove Messi is better,just let them do the talking

    • @swolebodydaddy3816
      @swolebodydaddy3816 2 года назад +1

      @@apoxfn remeber that messi cant handle pressure and missed crucial penalties like the one that cost argentina copa del rey

    • @randomthoughts2646
      @randomthoughts2646 2 года назад +56

      @@swolebodydaddy3816 wtf Argentina played copa del ray?
      I thought Copa Del Ray was a spanish cup competition 🤣
      Oh you mean to say COPA AMERICA,
      he recently got the trophy, and was MVP of the tournament too,
      You have got great football knowledge. Hands down. 🤣😂

    • @swolebodydaddy3816
      @swolebodydaddy3816 2 года назад +2

      @@randomthoughts2646 and ronaldo won the euros with a far weaker team and against a way harder competition. Its not a coincidence that europe has the most spots in the world cup haha

  • @juancruziraola7435
    @juancruziraola7435 2 года назад +7

    We freaking won the world cup!!! Let’s go arg and messi!

    • @namenotfound34
      @namenotfound34 2 года назад +2

      Im not from Argentina but seeing him hold it and knowing what it means to him esepecially after wining the Copa man that was something special on its own that was the greatest match Ive ever seen and I watched United come back in the dying minutes against Byern when I was a kid in 99

  • @celeschan90
    @celeschan90 2 года назад +223

    16:40 The greatest Champion's League comeback of all time was played over two matches. As seen in this video, in the first match, PSG beat Barcelona by 4-0. In the second match, Barcelona won by 6-1. You add up the goals from both matches, so the total final score was 6-5. (There was also something called The Away Goal Rule, which I won't get into here, but it's part of why recovering from a 4-0 loss was extremely unlikely, and never happened before.)

    • @_nobodyreallycares
      @_nobodyreallycares 2 года назад +5

      Imaging saying this comeback is better than the Miracle of Istanbul lol
      UCL final against THAT AC Milan team losing 3-0 after the half-time. Nah, nothing beats that

    • @celeschan90
      @celeschan90 2 года назад +12

      @@_nobodyreallycares Well yeah, having to score 3 goals vs having to score 6 against a team that beat you by 4-0 is pretty much unthinkable in UCL

    • @TienNguyen-dg4fe
      @TienNguyen-dg4fe 2 года назад +7

      @@celeschan90 well 6 in a 90mins games vs 3 in a half and then survive 30mins extra and win it all on penalty kick, also Istanbul is the greatest comeback if you know the quality gap of Liverpool players and that AC Milan side, which arguably one of the greatest side ever assembled. Messi is my favorite player and i believe he’s the goat but that psg game is more about Neymar as he scored the free kick, then the second pen, and assisted Roberto for the game winner. I think it’s fair to labelled it as the greatest knockout comeback like in the video. Greatest comeback overall, Istanbul.

    • @songuyen1726
      @songuyen1726 2 года назад +1

      Ngl that match felt like it was fixed especially after the Neymar move. There are better comeback imo

    • @celeschan90
      @celeschan90 2 года назад +1

      @@songuyen1726 Well I mean just statistically it was.

  • @mariaineshansen7717
    @mariaineshansen7717 2 года назад +14

    And we won! Thanks to him and the Wonderful team @! He deserved it! He got it for us!

  • @unlikeatharv
    @unlikeatharv 2 года назад +2

    He's unstoppable... He's unplayable... He's unbelievable... He's the greatest of all time... He's LIONEL MESSI !!

  • @fd2444
    @fd2444 2 года назад +50

    "Understanding European Soccer in Four Simple Steps: A Guide For Americans" is a good video to get more context

  • @Dracula.liftss
    @Dracula.liftss 2 года назад +41

    Messi is the only reason i started watching football...and now it became my source of entertainment relaxation...i have never seen a player like Messi even now at the age of 35 he is still dominating football

  • @aswanth323
    @aswanth323 2 года назад +86

    If an artist created a perfect footballer,thats messi
    And if an engineer created a perfect footballer,thats ronaldo(saw this comment somewhere and i think this is the best way to describe them)

    • @17arando
      @17arando 2 года назад +11

      I'd slightly disagree, Ronaldo would be the engineered perfect goal scorer. He's a specialist more than a complete footballer.
      But damn what a specialist

    • @aswanth323
      @aswanth323 2 года назад +8

      @@17arando perfect goal scorer ronaldo and perfect footballer messi

    • @senhekhoryun1325
      @senhekhoryun1325 2 года назад

      Then if God created a perfect footballer, you would get Pele.

    • @aswanth323
      @aswanth323 2 года назад +8

      @@senhekhoryun1325 messi didnt create anyone brother 😉

    • @Kieslowski1989
      @Kieslowski1989 2 года назад

      @@senhekhoryun1325 Umm.. nope.. but yes if Messi created someone overrated, then he'd name that creation 'Pele'

  • @sami22233
    @sami22233 2 года назад +7

    Messi is a playmaker and yet he still best goalscorer, playmaker, passer and dribbler of the game. he is j closerust a complete footballer. nobodys gonna come closer. except ronaldo. but messi still has edge over him in terms of his pure footballing talent. messi is the greatest. no one can argue over that.

  • @martinarcher1503
    @martinarcher1503 2 года назад +15

    kudos to you, a male american sports lover and participant for taking the time to appreciate and celebrate the beautiful game. Most american men think its a wimp's game, a game for girls in school. But as you can see it is as tough as any american sport and is supremely skillful.

  • @rezaulkarim7703
    @rezaulkarim7703 2 года назад +2

    Finally he got the title he deserved for so long, Champion of the FIFA World cup 2022 in Qatar.

  • @LalinGP
    @LalinGP 2 года назад +5

    The wait is over in Qatar. Argentina and Lionel Messi are World Champions 2022. He closed the circle, he won all the trophies, at least once others like the ballon d'or he won it 7 times.

  • @silversxm2609
    @silversxm2609 2 года назад +158

    Honestly, Argentina are looking really strong this year. I think they might win the World cup this season.

  • @nickbuis3307
    @nickbuis3307 2 года назад +35

    Messi is great on pitch and as a human being. The GOAT 🇦🇷⚽️♥️

  • @Arianze
    @Arianze Год назад +1

    Thank you for this.
    I am Cuban, I started watching your channel a couple of days ago and I must say that I have enjoyed it a lot.
    When it comes to sports, Cubans are fans of baseball and Messi.
    Seeing Messi play even if it is through a TV screen is a privilege (one of the few we have), so I got excited when you asked yourself, is he retired?
    I almost yelled at you from La Habana: NO, you have him now in your country!
    Perhaps with Miami being 90 miles from where I am, it may be that in terms of geographical distance he is close, however in practical terms, he has never been that far.
    So if you can afford to go see him play, please don't miss it, it will be an experience to share and a memory to treasure for the rest of your life.

  • @dogerandom
    @dogerandom 2 года назад +141

    Messi is one of the players with the most individual and team titles/trophies, with 7 Ballon D'or (The highest decoration that a player can receive individually, they are like the oscars haha), even he is not retired but his best moment is over, he is still a good player... In fact this 2022 World Cup will be his last World Cup.
    I advise you to watch a video about the rules of football and how it is played, so that you understand everything better and thus you will be prepared to see the World Cup. Anyway, I recommend you watch the video "Messi Against all Odds" is a direct continuation of the video you reacted.
    Good reaction

    • @spashdad
      @spashdad 2 года назад +2

      He might win the world cup and cement his name as the best player that ever lived

    • @sumomaster5585
      @sumomaster5585 2 года назад

      His crazy dribbling days are over and compared to his best he's no where close but if you are watching his return to form after adjusting, he's still arguably the best player

  • @unlikeatharv
    @unlikeatharv 2 года назад +1

    He just takes down the entire defense like a piece of cake... He plays like the ball is fixed to his boots...There's no defense, no coach who can stop him... Take a bow man, LIONEL MESSI !

  • @rod4399
    @rod4399 2 года назад +52

    In this video you get more of the story of Messi’s career with some highlights. I think someone who doesn’t understand the game very well would get more out of seeing a video that shows his athleticism and skills more. React to Lionel Messi vs Physics! You’ll be blown away.
    Nice Reaction btw👍🏼

  • @unlikeatharv
    @unlikeatharv 2 года назад +1

    Bruh... taking down 5-6 defenses at a time and then the goalkeeper is something not sooo normal... It's magic by the GOAT Lionel Messi

  • @Kanguroalpan
    @Kanguroalpan 2 года назад +4

    And today, this man won the world cup... This man is the fucking GOD of football

  • @AgungKalasan-s1z
    @AgungKalasan-s1z Год назад +2

    Messi...Greatest Of All Time 🐐
    1 King of Drible
    2 King of Passing
    3 King of Assist
    4 King of Gol Scorer
    5 King of Play Maker
    6 King of Thropy
    7 King of MOTM
    8 King of Best Player
    9 King of Attitude
    10 King of the King Player in the World 💙🇦🇷👽🇲🇨♥️

  • @JayGhost93
    @JayGhost93 2 года назад +5

    He just won the world cup yesterday (with argentina) at 35. He won every posibble title (Leagues, Intenational Leagues, Cups, international cups and world cup) and every personal award setting incredible world records. It's a Legend. Glad you enjoy his dribbles. To really enjoy soccer i'll recomend you to go to stadiums (south america, world cup, england, spain or italy) and feel the passion, its not only about the beauty of the game, is like being part of a bike gang (in a good way), people sing, hang from fences, jump, and so on... it's really really passionate.

  • @DottAsado
    @DottAsado 2 года назад +1

    He finaly got the world Cup!! About the epic Champions League comeback. in Champions League you have the top teams of each european national league playing each other. In the final stages: top 16 , quarterfinals and semifinals they play 2 games, one on each other field, and then you add up the score to see who gets to the next round. Messi's barcelona lost 4 -0 the first match against Paris SG, another great team. A comeback seemed impossibile, they needed to win by 5 goals, against a team that just beated them badly. Then they won 6-1.

  • @suriliawaz2224
    @suriliawaz2224 2 года назад +3

    He won the world cup man . Finally 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @madaboutvoice
    @madaboutvoice 8 месяцев назад +1

    Do you realize that some teams in top leagues in europe sometimes fail to score 73 goals in a whole season while Messi ALONE scored 73? Messi at his prime, like all GOATs, is skill, is balance, is awareness, is agility, is speed, is accuracy, is cooperation, and on top of it all, is humility and modesty.

  • @thuptenwangdi8397
    @thuptenwangdi8397 2 года назад +22

    Once you know the mechanism of this game, you will realize how great of a player he is. The greatest

  • @unlikeatharv
    @unlikeatharv 2 года назад +6

    Yk when everyone is losing hope, then out of nowhere this guy comes up destroying their defenses like magic, taking down 5 at a time and just giving them the win like a Christmas gift is exceptional... I've been a football fan since I was 5, today I'm 79, and trust me when I say this... Lionel Messi is the greatest player I've ever seen !!!

    • @ferrarihelp1
      @ferrarihelp1 2 года назад +2

      Just like you, I've seen my share of World Cups. From 1966 (I was 6 years old) to last year's cup 2022 (I'm 63 years old now). I've seen Pele, Maradona and Messi and every other great one on the pitch. I played football all of my life. I was born in Argentina. I have never, ever, ever, seen ANYONE play the way Messi did, does and for a few more years will do. He is unbelievable. The ball control... The tactics....the accuracy...the strategies.... everything he does is way beyond par compared to anyone else. UNDOUBTEDLY........ The GOAT!!!.

  • @l1nx4lynx99
    @l1nx4lynx99 2 года назад +5


    • @Rita-p8o
      @Rita-p8o 7 месяцев назад

      And the Finalissima, the second Copa America, with his new team the Leagues Cup and who knows how many more in his last 2-3 years .......

  • @aldemarco9753
    @aldemarco9753 2 года назад +4 all of those talking bad about Argentina.....what do you say now...?? Lol.
    We r the champions my friends......and we keep on fighting till the end.....vamos Messi carajo !!!⚽️🇦🇷

  • @utsavbhattacharya281
    @utsavbhattacharya281 2 года назад +2

    He's in the final rn..
    And I'm praying ARGENTINA wins..
    Vamos messi, vamos Argentina 🇦🇷❤️

  • @swiftyy_xo
    @swiftyy_xo 2 года назад +4

    Just here to say that your reaction was great brother and also wanted to say that Messi is now the undisputed GOAT with this World Cup 💯 he was already the greatest for me, but this solidified it 🐐

  • @hazzaaalzghiar3319
    @hazzaaalzghiar3319 2 года назад +1

    He just won the World Cup in Qatar 2022 the only trophy that shutdown any debate about him being the GOAT . ❤❤

  • @shubhamkotla8145
    @shubhamkotla8145 2 года назад +8

    He Won The Copa America with Argentina last Year and now is heading to the World Cup as one of the Favourites to win it.
    You should make a reaction video on his copa america win.

  • @PorUnAlma
    @PorUnAlma 2 года назад +1

    Finally Messi won with Argentina: the America´s Cup (2021), The Finallisima (2022) Cup and the World Cup (2022). Nice video

  • @spaceandtime8395
    @spaceandtime8395 2 года назад +9

    He is the GOAT, we will never gonna see the player like him again in football history.

  • @rangargorgen
    @rangargorgen 2 года назад

    "I don't know how he keeps the ball, there are 3 defenders around him". As a Manchester United fan, I was asking the same question for years while seeing Messi torching us.
    He is definitely the GOAT.

  • @289hipo
    @289hipo 2 года назад +36

    Here are his tropies/titles to date:
    Team titles:
    W/ FC-Barcelona:
    * 4 Champions League
    * 10 La Liga
    * 7 Copa Del Rey
    * 3 Pro Team World Cup
    * 4 Euro Super Cup
    * 8 Spanish Super Cup
    W/ Argentina:
    * 1 Copa America
    * 1 U20 (under 20yr old) World Cup
    * 1 U20 Gold medal, '08 Beijing Olympic Games
    W/Paris Saint-Germaine
    *1x Ligue1 title
    Individual awards:
    * 7x Ballon D'or
    * 6x Euro Golden Shoe
    * 1x FIFA World Player
    * 1x Laureous World Sports Award
    * 7x La Liga Pichichi
    *, 9x La Liga MVP
    * 6x Champions League top scorer
    * 1x 2014 World Cup Golden Ball
    * 2x FIFA Men's Player Of the Year
    * 1x "Golden Boy" ( minor League title)
    * 4x "Onze D'or" ( best player in Europe)
    * 1x Copa America MVP
    * 1x Bravo Award (top European youth player)
    Individual records:
    * All-time top scorer for same club
    *·FC Barcelona all-time top goalscorer
    *All-time top goalscorer in LaLiga
    *Top goalscorer in the 21st century
    *Top goalscorer in El Clásico
    *Guinness World Record as top goalscorer for club in a calendar year (91 goals)
    *All time top scorer of national teams in South America
    *Most games played as a Barcelona player in its history
    *Most trophies won as a Barcelona player
    *Most goals in a LaLiga season (50 goals)
    *All-time top goalscorer in the Champions Tournament with the same team
    *Most games played with Argentina in its history
    *Argentina's all-time leading goalscorer

    • @Wizard02023
      @Wizard02023 2 года назад +2

      *With Argentina: 2022 World Cup.

    • @leunam877
      @leunam877 2 года назад

      But Pelé is a Real Goat nota Messi.

    • @Wizard02023
      @Wizard02023 2 года назад +1

      @@leunam877 pero Pelé debutó con un pebete. No le dan las estadísticas.

    • @leunam877
      @leunam877 2 года назад

      @@Wizard02023 Que obsesión por las estadísticas, 1 Pelé no puede medir esas estadísticas porque no jugó en europa, 2 en su época el balón de oro era solo para los jugadores europeos a los extranjeros no los tomaban en cuenta, 3 no se llevaban estas dísticas, 4 la vida deportiva era más corta y no era exclusiva muchos tenían otros trabajos, 5 la pelota y las botas eran mucho más pesadas y los campos donde jugaban eran unos patatales no las alfombras en las que juegan hoy día y aún así Pelé ya hacía regates y filigranas que hoy en día imitan hasta Messi o Mbappé, el football es más que simples números pendejos y Pelé ganó 3 mundiales ningún otro lo a conseguido.

    • @Wizard02023
      @Wizard02023 2 года назад +1

      @@leunam877 Los mundiales antes eran bastante particulares. Equipos que clasificaban automáticamente, naciones con dos selecciones, etc.
      La globalización hizo que el nivel sea más parejo a lo largo y ancho del mundo. Si Pelé jugara hoy en día, quizás sería el mejor de todos los tiempos. Pero hoy en día juegan Cristiano Ronaldo, Mbappe y Messi. Seguramente vengan otros mejores que ellos. Hoy no.

  • @dieAlbaKids
    @dieAlbaKids 2 года назад +1

    Theres a record messi holds. 91 goals in a calender year. To give you a perspective of how fucking insane that is, he wasnt competing with players anymore, he was competing with god damn clubs. Thats how absolutely ridiculous he was that year. His numbers went so high, players couldnt keep up with the goals. Even some of the best clubs in europe in total had less goals than MESSI ALONE. Whole clubs had less goals than him that year. Its insane

  • @sirkazm
    @sirkazm 2 года назад +1

    You only saw the FEW goal highlights that the video could think to fit in it. There is so much more that Messi has done other than just score goals that will leave you amazed.

  • @amjadmohammed6085
    @amjadmohammed6085 2 года назад +6

    He hasn’t retired he’s killing it at 35 most contributions and highest ratings . Goals and assists

  • @reyakhalis5625
    @reyakhalis5625 2 года назад

    He just won worldcup recently . so happy for him. GOAT forever

  • @habeshaspirits7301
    @habeshaspirits7301 2 года назад +13

    You have witnessed the goat 🐐

  • @MrHuerquen
    @MrHuerquen 2 года назад

    I'm from Argentina ⭐⭐⭐ . Messi needed when he was young a treatment because he was not tall enough for his age. The treatment that was based on injections was too expensive even for the biggest clubs in Argentina so they tried best luck in Spain. Barcelona Club was ok to pay for that treatment, and that's how it started.
    Thing is that we lose world cup in 2014 but Messi finally has his world cup, Qatar 2022. We are very proud of him.

  • @mathaines4150
    @mathaines4150 2 года назад +13

    Still playing still the GOAT

  • @chekosmx1
    @chekosmx1 Год назад

    As a lover of this beautiful game let me tel you…. Messi = Football
    Football = Messi
    I’m happy to live in the same time as him and be able to watch him on his prime.
    I’m 50 years old watched Many players but no one, no one like him.

  • @alejandromejia397
    @alejandromejia397 2 года назад +4

    Finally got his World Cup the undisputed goat ❤

  • @keithjones9595
    @keithjones9595 2 года назад +2

    Easily the goat 🐐
    People talk about goal scoring records for other players and you then realise how close he is to them but with assists and playmaking on top of it, astonishing 👏🏻

  • @mrfacts6860
    @mrfacts6860 2 года назад +22

    The greatest most complete player ever the goat 🐐

    • @marg3153
      @marg3153 8 месяцев назад

      One of the greatest!

  • @isaakvandaalen3899
    @isaakvandaalen3899 2 года назад +2

    "I don't know how he keeps the ball there are defenders all around him."
    There is only one man who knows how he keeps the ball, and his name is Lionel Messi.
    If you could say that anyone ever was truly born to do one thing, Messi was born to play football.
    His touch, his control, his tenacity, his vision, just absolutely everything is 11/10. You really have to see to believe it.

  • @zumox9760
    @zumox9760 2 года назад +4

    Now we need your reaction about messi winning the world cup

  • @javiersolisbolivar3339
    @javiersolisbolivar3339 2 года назад +1

    Messi Won today the world cup, and has become the greatest soccer player of history!!!

  • @Freezercool10
    @Freezercool10 2 года назад +13

    Hands down Messi is the greatest of all time no one compares, no one comes close. He is from another world. His vision of the game is incomparable. His vision is what allows him to score unbelievable goals, to give unbelievable passes to dribble with a sense of magic that has you glued to the screen. As it is said he’s the only playmaker with 700+ goals and the only goalscorer with 300+ assists. It is impossible to describe Messi, no words exist. It was amazing growing up watching him play every week it was like Christmas. It’s sad to see that he’s nearing the end of his career. Fortunately he’s still got one more shot at the coveted World Cup trophy and Argentina is looking really good and one of the favorites to win it. I hope they do. Messi deserves that cherry on top.

  • @amrito5772
    @amrito5772 Год назад

    and now he has conquered his final peak:) Man leave his footwork. His vision is just unreal. One wise man once said " It feels like messi plays the game of football and watches it from above at same time".

  • @2bsure
    @2bsure 2 года назад +3

    Without a doubt the best player of his generation and its arguable between Pele, Messi and Maradonna. I have watched all of them in my lifetimes but never seen anyting like Messi. Because he is shorter than most they try to brutalise him but he can stand up for himself. He is very humble and always acknowleges is team mates. 10 league titles, 4 champions League 7 Balon D'Or, various Spainish, European and World Club Championships and an Olympic Gold and now a World Cup.

  • @adrianmoore3273
    @adrianmoore3273 2 года назад +1

    Messi completed football ⚽️ 2023..worldcup winner 🏆 🥇

  • @MyHaytem
    @MyHaytem 2 года назад +6

    I love your dedication to actually learn about the game, just like I decided to learn everything about the NFL four years ago. If you love sports you love sports it doesn't matter which one, they're all gonna appeal to you one way or another.

  • @unlikeatharv
    @unlikeatharv 2 года назад +1


  • @grinchoi1
    @grinchoi1 2 года назад +6

    Hes not only the GOAT but the greatest professional athlete I've ever seen

    • @jessy8a10
      @jessy8a10 2 года назад

      I agree he is great but u have many other great athletes from different sports..
      Michael Jordan, novak djokovic are some examples. If u don't like djokovic then u have nadal or roger federer, LeBron James.. And so on But u definitely have other sports to analize.

    • @grinchoi1
      @grinchoi1 2 года назад

      @@jessy8a10 I've watched every player you've mentioned. And yes for me Messi has taken his sports to a whole extra level

    • @jessy8a10
      @jessy8a10 2 года назад

      @@grinchoi1 I think he is in the top but I think Michael Jordan and djokovic/federer are part of the same discussion so it will be a personal choice. Messi is great but I don't think I can say he is the best athlete ever seen. But I hope he wins the world cup. Otherwise people will always say that Maradona was better.

    • @grinchoi1
      @grinchoi1 2 года назад

      @@jessy8a10 most people now believe it's Messi except for Maradona's generation

    • @jessy8a10
      @jessy8a10 2 года назад

      @@grinchoi1 true but he still needs to win the world cup to finish that debate.

  • @cloteorimura4414
    @cloteorimura4414 2 года назад +2

    12/18/2022, the day Leo Messi finaly wins the world cup and become the first soccer player to win absolutely everything, the man who becomes a legend 👏👏👏

  • @TinhoEdem6458
    @TinhoEdem6458 2 года назад +3

    He is one of the greatest to ever play the game. On my opinion he is the greatest of all time.

    @MDHKLHD 2 года назад +1

    He just won a World Cup. He has completed football(soccer) now.

  • @Dracula.liftss
    @Dracula.liftss 2 года назад +22

    91 goals is insane one came near 🙌

    • @marcoscorrea2698
      @marcoscorrea2698 Год назад

      Temos que voltar no Pelé para encontrar um número maior.

  • @marczlong9382
    @marczlong9382 Год назад

    ''Remember the name; Lionel Messi''... epic

  • @MainOffenderKZ
    @MainOffenderKZ 2 года назад +5

    1 thing americans mostly dont know about european football is that each country has their own league and teams, barcelona plays in the spanish league La Liga. But theres an annual competition that takes all the top team of each league and mash them together, its called the champions league. So its always a big event when for example, Barcelona plays one of the top england team like manchester city, its something that doesnt happen often. Manchester city and barcelona have only played 6 times against each other in their history.

    • @markaitcheson3212
      @markaitcheson3212 2 года назад

      Americans don't know countries have club football? So they think it's just national teams vs each other? So they think Manchester United for example is the national side? How? Ha ha ha

  • @Zilray
    @Zilray 2 года назад +2


  • @rolandonieves3403
    @rolandonieves3403 2 года назад +3

    He is the GOAT 🐐 have no doubt.
    I've enjoyed his magic since 2008 and stayed hooked .

  • @ianpiano17
    @ianpiano17 2 года назад

    One of the most genuine reaction videos I've seen, because you don't feel the need to emote...

  • @saucenado4844
    @saucenado4844 2 года назад +5

    It’s hard for people who haven’t played football and don’t know how hard it is to grasp how incredible these goals are so don’t worry

  • @TheGabomosciaro
    @TheGabomosciaro 2 года назад +2

    Hey Luke, as an argentinian and a soccer fan i gotta say that Messi is truly the GOAT, and this is someone who saw Maradona play at his zenith. Also, the video must be some years old because he won the Americas Cup in 2021 against Brazil in the final at the Maracana (the greatest brazilian stadium and home of Brazil's national team).
    Best of luck my man

  • @Globrity
    @Globrity 2 года назад +4

    He is not only the goat, he is the god of soccer

  • @viviankilloran385
    @viviankilloran385 2 года назад +2

    Leo is still playing. Argentina won the last Copa America. Now at Paris St Germain team. Just named best player of the month of League 1 (French league). He will be in the Quatar World Cup next month. Where Argentina has a strong chance to win. I am a Futbol Club Barcelona member and it was a great pleasure and privilege to have seen him while he played at the Camp Nou. He at the moment has 7 Ballon d’Or (golden ball trophy awarded to the best player in the world every year). More than anybody. I’m 62 years of and have been watching futbol for 45 years. Never seen better than Leo. Truly the GOAT.

  • @jamesmori2360
    @jamesmori2360 2 года назад +10

    I'm also an American ... who grew up in Latin America and, for the past 15 years, living in Europe. At age 5, futbol became my first love, and unlike real-live relationships, this one has never let me down. More than 60 years following the beautiful game, I've seen Pele, Beckenbauer*, Cruyff, Maradona, Baresi*, Maldini*, Ronaldinho, and of course, Messi, Ronaldo. The game, the tactics have evolved, but I lean towards making Maradona my "#1 draft pick" over Messi (*although I love great defenders, whom you have to anchor the team around). Diego had this innate leadership that made you want to follow him, despite all his inadequacies off the pitch (kind of what makes him like a Greek tragedy). He made mediocre teams very good, and good teams champions (Napoli, Argentina '86). Messi has always played and shines alongside "the best" player/teammates of his generation. I hope I live long enough to be wrong, but Diego is, and always will be, god for me.

  • @MrMrlosteruk
    @MrMrlosteruk Год назад

    You never forget your first time watching Messi. Yes. He is the goat. And it's not even close

  • @Apsentee
    @Apsentee 2 года назад +5

    This years World Cup is definitely something to watch. This is quite possibly going to be Messi’s last attempt at winning it all, and the Argentina team is in superb form at the moment. They’re undefeated in over 30+ national matches this year. And I’m unsure about this last tidbit, but I saw somewhere that based on how many more matches he plays for his club before the World Cup starts AND if he makes it to the finals, then the World Cup final would be his 1000th career match. It almost sounds like a fantasy book is being written lmao. If Messi were to finally win the World Cup on his last attempt AND on his potentially 1000th match? That would just be insane. I’m super excited to watch the World Cup this year.

    • @jjandysandysjj
      @jjandysandysjj 2 года назад +1

      and he just did. hope you enjoy it.

  • @spaghettifiedman
    @spaghettifiedman 2 года назад

    "Ronaldo has a bit of an attitude" might be the biggest understatement of the year

  • @voidroad
    @voidroad 2 года назад +4

    Basically the dude is really good at everything but the main thing is (I always thought its because he's so small his center of gravity must be lower) can change direction extremely fast and his ball control is incredible. So its insanely hard to play against messi in his prime (he's still good nowadays but 35 he's not prime messi, just a great player) because if you don't cut the pass routes towards messi you are in danger even with a good positioning. Because messi can and will just decide that he eliminates 3/4 players and shoots. Which is very complicated to strategize against as a coach

    • @sumomaster5585
      @sumomaster5585 2 года назад +2

      It's funny how even non prime Messi is still head and shoulders above all Players. His peak was legendary

  • @hardym9532
    @hardym9532 2 года назад +2

    I feel like Messi was literally born to dominate in football his natural talent and hard work to get to that level.

  • @brennandonado
    @brennandonado 2 года назад +17

    Well done on this video! Most “American” reacts to football (soccer) or Lionel Messi videos that I’ve seen are disappointing for the reasons you mentioned in the video - if you don’t play or watch the sport regularly you can’t understand the difficulty of the things that are happening, especially when highlights being shown like in the video you watched are quick. I absolutely loved that you caught on to his dribbling ability and footwork in tight spaces - likely due to the fact that you coach American football. There’s a few instances in the video where Messi passes players through the use of body feints and not actually touching the ball as he’s running full sprint at a defender. See if you can catch them after another watch through, I’m sure as someone that teaches football routes, quick footwork and quick changes in direction you’ll appreciate the footwork even more. Check his strength and balance to stay on his feet while being surrounded and pushed by several players.
    Should you be even a little interested in understanding a video like this more, I urge you to watch it with someone that understands football (soccer) like the principal at your school. They’ll know and likely scream or laugh at the ridiculous/unbelievable moments. Then get them to explain or even try to show you why it’s so difficult. Another thing that is easy to check out - go to a game at the school you teach and notice how far away players kick a ball from their feet and how easily they lose control when they are at a full sprint. Look at how the ball stays glued to Messi’s feet while he is at a sprint.
    Great job again! Could tell you were tying to understand and appreciate the difficulty of the things that were being shown and that’s the best thing to see when someone takes an interest in a sport!!

  • @Mayhemffs
    @Mayhemffs 2 года назад +1


  • @hasibalfuad9652
    @hasibalfuad9652 2 года назад +4

    Yes Please stream the world cup games. Looking forward to it.

  • @gordysun
    @gordysun 2 года назад +1

    he just won that elusive word cup 4 hours ago! woohoo!

  • @DoctorNerf
    @DoctorNerf 2 года назад +3

    Neither Ronaldo nor Messi have a World cup, and neither of them will play in the World Cup after this one (Messi MIGHT, but he will be very old). I would love for one of them to win.
    In 2014 or 2018, Argentina vs Portugal would've been probably the greatest moment in football history, just seeing them line up against eachother for the only trophy they've not won.

  • @alejandromascareno1032
    @alejandromascareno1032 Год назад

    Came back to this video just to say, THE GOAT now has a world cup 🔥

  • @rohecger
    @rohecger 2 года назад

    Messi is the new world champion, I'm Argentine, I didn't expect it, especially because of his age. Nice video man

  • @juliothegamblerpurple9201
    @juliothegamblerpurple9201 2 года назад +8

    now you have to watch
    -Imagine if all these were scored by Cristiano Ronaldo
    -Cristiano Ronaldo 50 Legendary Goals Impossible To Forget
    I liked your reaction👍

  • @gabrote42
    @gabrote42 2 года назад +2

    This was a great video. The fact that now Scaloni made a team that works well even without Messi was a great achievement that brought out everyone's true potential. Enzo, Julián and Dibu will carry the torch into the next World Cup, shining as bright as always. Messi's Captaincy also drastically improved! Everyone's adaptability is amazing, and Otamendi is still one of the most solid jumping defenders we have ever seen. Great work.
    19:20 Case in point

  • @ILKILO1
    @ILKILO1 2 года назад +14

    The greatest Champions League comeback was Barcelona's comeback against PSG (Paris St.Germain)
    A Champions League Knock out tie is comprised of two legs (two games) were the team with best score over those two games end up going through. The Two Leg system is in place so both teams end up playing 1 game in their own country, city and Home ground and 1 game in the opponents home ground (Also referred to as home and away games) it was introduced simply because of how much of an advantage the home team would have if only 1 game had to be played... because the crowd and atmosphere play such a huge role in the outcome of a football its only fair.
    PSG won the first leg of that tie at Home by 4-0. Seeing as the Champions League brings all the elite clubs from England, Germany, Spain, Italy, France (All of Europe) together games tend to be really tight so at 4-0 in the first leg everybody and I mean everybody thought that the game would be over. Barcelona went on to win 6-1 in the second leg at Home therefore completely turning the tie around and winning the tie 6-5 on aggregate. (Don't think it will ever be beaten either)

  • @maurobasualdo
    @maurobasualdo 2 года назад +1

    Well, he did it! he finally won the world cup!

  • @mikhaildas
    @mikhaildas 2 года назад +6

    Hi Luke thanks for the video,
    It would be difficult to understand, appart from the evident footwork, what makes him such a good player. Is his abbility to aknowledge what is happening in the field, who is where, and how he create the spaces to score not only by his individual play but also the assistance which are pretty difficult to perform (try to kick the ball from a long distance in a specific point of the field is more difficult than it looks).
    The rules are easy to understand, but is the different strategys that make the sport complex. (depending on the kind of players you have or who you play against you will have different ways to approach the game both in a defensive or more attacking way wich will depend on how the players ocuppied certain areas of the field). Its all about making wholes in the deffense and thats why sometimes kind be boring for people that never played the game to see because it could be very static sometimes. I would suggest you to view some historic football matches to understand a little more of roles in the field.
    To add some context too, this will be the last chance for Messi (He said this one is his last) to win the worldcup, something Argentinians are obsseded with because football is more than life here sometimes in a bad way (There is a lot of violence around football matches here between fans of teams). The last time we won the world cup was in 1986 with Maradona just after 3 years Democracy come back after a bloody dictatorship so it has a lot of social and historical meaning for us.
    By the way, the number 10 Argentinian shirt is almost a reverence symbol here (Maradona used that number too).
    Also US is catching up and is improving a lot in Football in the last decade so i would be very interested in how your national team perform, they could surprise a lot.
    If you have any question you can ask anytime.
    Great video Luke, have a great day.

  • @Bococha
    @Bococha Год назад +1

    Congrats for catching up Luke! Though you have still a lot to learn, specially enjoy it more than anything. I usually end up crying while watching him. And I am not Argentinian but Bolivian. Watch World cups, Europe and South America teams' history like the Ajax and Barcelona ones (hint;), and the history of great footballers. That will give you context. The magic of Messi is seeing how good he is, the best in every category you can name, specially leadership. One of my favorites is asistances because of the field and game vision, the skills in the passing (pure geometry), and the generosity as a leader who looks for the best oportunities for the whole team (usually football players (strickers) are not only very competitive but selfish and this is a very common reason teams lose games). I noticed here in Orlando that Americans are looking for the spectacular goal, like the bycicle, but the beauty of the game comes usually without the goal like you are starting to relalize. Leave you a video with more about this. All the best for your you and your channel!видео.html