Botez Sisters VS BLINDFOLDED GM Hikaru Nakamura Blitz Match
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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"He's blind Hikaru, he's not full energy Hikaru"
lol talkin about GMs like they're super saiyans
Lol it's true though
They are super saiyans though
_they are super sayans tho_
Can he beat Goku though!??!!!
ZrEX Of course he could. I don’t think goku even knows how to play chess.
Did they really think they’d have a chance against the man magnus called “decent”?
Hikaru admitted that Andrea played very well though
Edit: He's a super GM you morons of course he should beat Andrea, even blindfolded. I'm saying it's nice he gave her a fair compliment.
@@benjaminhaley5189 so? He was still blindfolded lmao
@@benjaminhaley5189 lol it's almost done by every one that they appreciate the other person
Magnus got sniped and wrecked by a berserk giri lulw
Bro this just hurts 😭
Two GMs can literally play chess without even a board and all the pieces ....
Yup they just play chess with words while casually in a conversation
I can just imagine two Gm’s walking around in a park with coffee and are just saying random moves while people next to them are confused
I think whats crazier is Hikaru saying in the past that all super GM's should be able to play 10 blindfolded games at a time so not only can they play chess without a board they could probably play multiple games against each other all at the same time lol
Talking about internet lol 🤣 they live in the world of chess! 🙈😗
When you play enough chess you can imagine the board and all the pieces in your mind without even having fotographic memory nor being a gm in the first place
The Botez sisters working through paralyzing, crippling anxiety. Hikaru making a grocery list.
Reminiscent of the comment one of his viewers made after playing a game with him, something like "omg I rewatched the game and the whole time he's just ordering nuts" (because he literally was. Macademias, almonds, etc.)
@@ilyaibrahimovic9842 wow
Yeah I know the feeling of anxiety playing against much better rated players (she was playing so defensively)
A truly underrated comment
Hikaru's girlfriend: How was your night?
Hikaru: meeeeh, two girls were playing with me, blinfolded
Hikaru is an active GM. He has no love life :D.
Just a joke
Don't take it as jerk
I mate with two sisters blindfolded
and they screamed too loud, while one of them also wanted to cry
Would be even funnier, if he mated them blindfolded
Alternate title: Hikaru mercilessly mates two sisters while blindfolded
Underrated comment 😂😂😂
you mean, checkmates, right? 🙄
Why this sounds like a double meaning joke... 😐
@@technodrone3260 because it is...
I love how Hikaru looks up when he’s thinking, even while blindfolded; as if the Krabby Patty secret formula is written up there and it enables him to checkmate every game
Never seen a comment 1k+likes without a reply
So you ruined it?
@@PlumingerNylon he has a troll face profile picture what did you expect
Gamm his face is clearly tilted too far to the side to see the screen, plus those masks don’t leave nearly enough of a gap. Looking up when thinking is a neurological thing, most everyone does it.
He has a monitor on the ceiling
He's blindfolded yet I still know he's looking at the ceiling lmao
thats cause nakamura a cheater, dubov and carlsen are better
@@yaasdpalala4492 looking up = engine lmao
@@yaasdpalala4492 mald
@@yaasdpalala4492 Yes. What of it?
@@yaasdpalala4492 how is looking at the ceiling cheating? if he cheats by seeing the board how is it cheating?? is it because the girls are bad? I don't see the correlation
Hikaru: Blindfolded
Also Hikaru: I Can see why it's a bad move
If you didn't know, the 2 bulges on hikarus blindfold are for 2 tiny screens, one with the game being played and the other for the engine.
Pfp checks out
so HW wasnt blind at all ??? i dont get it …. or could he only smh see 1 move atm
@@urdunibnpeter7276 ????????????
Shaitan the comment was taking the piss, of course he was blindfolded
Crazy he can talk normally and even thank chat, all while keeping a perfect image of the board and his opponents next moves
Dude havent you seen Carlsen do this while playing 3 people?
@@jstn3633 I have seen him do this with way more than 3 people, but like I said its crazy that he keeps this level of focus while talking to chat and having to think about things outside the board
Lol u guys not seen vidit from india
@@solutions4u92 bc india is trash
@@fnvo876 true
How they forgot to blindfold his third eye
You can't blindfold the byakugan(you watched naruto right😂😂)
@@jordanotieno8765 wtf is naruta
Ahh yes pewdiepie the best youtuber
So blind Hikaru is "only" 2400. LOL
I wish I was 2400 in blitz. Only 1700 :(
@sf2explus man keep going, just started playing chess a few weeks ago and now I'm at 2100. Been on a rampage for Ruy Lopez opening variations videos and Sicillian Defence, as well as doing puzzles. Just do that everyday and you'll improve drastically.
@@GODDAMIZJoseph What you been playing only few weeks ? and you're already 2100 what site do you play on ? that's pretty impressive btw
@@GODDAMIZJoseph You're making things that even the world champion didn't do wow.
Pussy slYer 68 why are you lying? You can’t hit 2100 in a few weeks.
I wonder if this guy walks around thinking why is everyone so stupid
102 iq Pepelaugh. There’s a clip of him taking the iq test
Nahh hikarus pretty chill
Knwing how to play chess doesnt suddenly equals smart right? Like do ppl expect these chess players can become engineers or doctors overnight or wht? Maybe Im just a hater but still Im just sayin. And I love watching Hikaru play too.
@@Buckheimer Being one of the top chess players in the world would probably make you smarter than most ordinary people and no one said with his smarts he could become a doctor or engineer. Also, the comment the guy said about him being smarter was clearly a joke.
The most amazing thing, is how Hikaru remembered TIME, for both his, and his opponents.
Is there a bigger compliment from Naka than, “ this opening is very professional” ?
Ask Ludwig
@@baileysoper246 "better than xqc"
Yeah he gives out compliments pretty commonly so yeah there is definitely a bigger compliment
considering she's a pro it's arguably insulting if anythign
actually you raise a good point I didnt think of. Its an underhanded compliment.
A blindfolded man and 2 girls, i think im on the wrong side of the internet here.
...or perhaps you're on the *right* side. 😏
... or you have copied the top comment
you have at least been on the wrong side of the internet
Copied comment from Hikaru's vid...
hikaru looking at the ceiling is the literal equivalent to playing against an engine
"He's blind Hikaru, not full energy Hikaru."
Hah, you wouldn't even believe it but this isn't even Hikaru's final form. He can go even further beyond.
Looks like you are watching too much Fragon ball😅😆
He's final form when he fights magnus carlsen on a chess india tournament
Fullpower Blitz Hikaru can actually CRUSH Magnus.
Antonio Serrano realisticly no
@Killer Whale last time i checked, magnus beat Hikaru to become the blitz champ last year
Ah, the famous two girls one GM video. Gotta say, from all the hype I expected much worse.
Dark Place or much better they should of took it to the next level
damn homie, I can't believe I read something this blatantly degenerate lol seriously took me to a dark place, good job, accurate username.
Lmao good one
He still made them eat shit though ;)
Bruh I have 20/20 vision and I still can’t see the board lol
16:30 Ah I see you are using the grandmaster XQC famous bing bang move
Lmaoo I saw that and instantly thought of that pepega
GM Felix "Schnozer" Lengyel the 4.6K ELO Warlord Pharaoh u mean?
what the hell is that?
@@ZhaozhengHan She's prolly a tier 3 sub lol
i was so confused how hikaru knew where to move until i realized the moves were given to him thru the headphones
knowing where to move is harder then you think, keeping track of the where your pieces are, and their pieces, and strategizing how to win the game moves ahead, and talking to someone, and thanking chat at the same time
@@slipperylatex872 Yeah but knowing where to move without getting the opponents moves read to you would be next level magic.
@@JoshTruff I doubt anyone can predict moves that well lol
@@yashpermalla3494 he could probably beat most of us like that 😂
@@luke7503 I think I would be harder actually because we make a lot of stupid unpredictable moves and a lot of professionals don’t so it would be easier to know what was going on
14:00 Her face in the backround while her friend makes the move is too perfect haha made my day!
That's her sister lol
You know it's ridiculous when you're impressed someone almost beat someone who's blindfolded.....Hikaru is just insane, but great effort by Andrea
My chess success was a draw against a GM in a simul
She’s the hot Botez so even sweeter crushing her.
The second girl did amazingly well. She actually had mate in 6 at 18:16. Hikaru made a couple of blindfolded pre-move blunders. The engine says she was ahead the majority of the game
Mashallah tbark Allah alhamudillah inshallah better astgfrallah
But to not lose while blindfolded and losing the whole game is also a testament to how good he is
Hahaha, yes she had a mate once she promoted, that's no discovery, my friend xD The thing is they both had 1-2 seconds left.
@@allahm-ast3mnlywlatstbdlny164 lol did you just make that account so can randomly comment those
@@bezwin235 he iis a freaking gm dude
Blindfolded master mates two nervous sisters
I can’t even make it to my garage blindfolded
If you walked to your garage a million times over years and years then doing it blindfolded would be a lot simpler, not easy but a lot simpler than if you had never walked there before.
Treyden Tallent no shit
Do you have a lot of experience with that though? What's happening in your garage, exactly? ;)
@@omarzioui4766 if you would realize, he was comparing the two. think of this. Hikaru has played so many chess games that he can see the boards in his head and has memorized patterns and sequences in the game.
Daily reminder ACAB.
Hikaru: "Very professional opening"
Also Hikaru: "Eww"
Bro is so advanced they need to Blind him out 💀
Everyone is impressed with the GM but this is easy casual work for GMs. I’m impressed with the little sister. She was going toe to toe until time out.
Its like reading or making calculation in head. Everyone manage it if he spends enough time as a child.
Did she run out of time or blunder the queen? I guess you're right, she ran out of time. I wish they showed at least a second more so we could see it easier.
@@jozkomrkvicka7607 how did he know the moves that they were making though
@@familiasosa6379 he has a 2nd person reading and playing the moves. At the last second, that guy kind of did his own thing, letting Botez get a promotion because there wasnt enough time to relay the moves.
7:27 it's OK you don't need the bishop really made my day 😂😂😂
hahaha, she is so positive, "keep fighting, keep fighting"
unfortunately she was wrong 😂😂😂
@@BotezLive Your sister is so funny you're lucky to have her.
@rabi rabi Actually both of them are so funny and they are lucky to have each other 🖤.
No chance, Hikaru is legit chess himself, he remembers every line, square, piece, retaliation effort, and or counter ect in chess, while showing why he's the Samurai Blitz king, blindfolded 💀
17:37 don't get flagged by a blind man Andrea😂
Dude its freaking hikaru nakamura.
@@alejandrozunigaavila2398 she still threw that
I m pretty sure it s spelled Andreea
float like a Nakamura, scream like a Botez
AbdulKerim yes
She’s putting all her effort into the game while Hikaru is just thinking about how she’d make a bad saleswoman 😂
Tbf the dude playing for Hikaru took over at the end so Hikaru wouldn't lose on time.
No he told him the moves in advance to win time
oh there might be some extra steps there
If you look at Hikaru's version of the stream, he thanks the dude for saving him with some quick work in the end game.
Tbf he's playing with a fucking blindfold lol
Hikaru should have said: just do random preplays
I know nothing about chess but the second girl has such a soothing voice.
Sorry sir you dropped this
"Simp Card"
@@1trickwootang Oh wow, I thought I lost it. She does have a soothing voice though.
FBI! Open up!!
@@garlicpepper1334 She's 18
garlic pepper it doesn’t mean he wants to fuck her or something
Blind chess is utterly unimaginable for me. How tf would anyone do this?
This is a feat of great skill.
I'm happy if i dont hang my queen in the line of a bishop at the other end of the board.
RIGHT?! It is so fascinating
But I can see how it is actually quite doable, I used to help my brother training when he was younger and at the moment I played chess quite often and some strange power born from tha was that: I can predict the chess pieces up until 5-8 steps and I can see how a GM can play blind chess
I can't make prediction anymore tho 🤣
Man how did I went from 1150 bout to hit 1200 to fucking 800 what the hell is wrong with me
Only 2400
Me who’s 300: 👁👄👁
You must be new
You’ll get better
@@masterham3120 ikr, I'm a turbochad experienced 800 player, poor poor 300s
@@Its_Asmo loool
*cries in 500*
Do they all stare at the ceiling? Asking for a redheaded friend.
I can't believe Hikaru has the free time to relentlessly destroy the Botez sisters while BEING blindfolding in Chess.
"Ah, I see you are a *woman* of culture as well."
Little Botez played so good.
She really did
He’s pulling a queens gambit every time he looks up at the ceiling
It is so impressive that he memorized the whole board and every move that they would do it is so cool
Also they play on 3 boards at a time, search it
@@kprathamesh3564 really omg that is a true grandmaster
@@dark_colour5204 nearly all grand masters do that😅.
Search for vidit gujrathi blind folded vs botes.
when you dedicate your life to a sport, you learn to do this kind of stuff
@@caralho5237 that's dumb
Alex is so competitive haha. Even when andrea was playing she had second hand nervousness
Daily reminder ACAB.
Whoever was controlling Hikarus pieces def moved to save time for him at the end 😂
Thumbnail is on point. Oh wait, this is chess?!!
You are op
Gaand faad hasa dia Bhai ne🤣
Wrong site
Best comment I ever read, I swear
You are literally the best
My mans closes his eyes to see the board better; they never had a chance.
I truly think that Hikaru's neurons burned a pathway in the shape of a chess board in his brain.
"Naka! What is best in life?"
"Except you can't see because you're blindfolded"
18:16 that scream is real.
But what happened there? Did she just run out of time?
So cute that Alex screams for Andrea too. I know my siblings would just laugh at me
And for my next move... C2 getting Andrea’s number
we lost chat
I can’t with the thumbnail LMFAO
That reaction at the end is why I'm now subscribed to this channel 🤣 the amount of stress it must be, fighting a 2400 hikaru
Yea it was this video that got me to sub
Really came down to the wire on time there. Very fun couple of games, it is crazy to see people so good at chess they can visualize the whole board
18:38 Then cry like a grandmaster
The truth hurts
@@MrTheSlimJim sure it does
Well, she did play f6...
Andrea is not one yet. But Alexandra should definitely
@@SamiChess90 you mean f7
1:20 when hikaru goes “euwhh” to your move
The way he plays makes me think those are some fancy minimalistic VR glasses
"Who plays the catalan?" I DO... Hikaru I DO
Yeah that hurt 😭
Alex was actually happy inside that Andrea also lost 😂
I think telling Andrea how much time was left makes her more nervous than your dad talking lol.
I like how serious Alexandra takes both matches.
Hikaru "premove knight to f6, premove knight to e4, premove d4, premove d5"
Me 5 seconds after move 1. "Crap, I forget. Did you move D4 or E4?".
Little sister's smile in the background after she blundered the bishop/backrankmate threat, lol
0:22 "Who plays the Catalan?"
Magnus during WCC: *looks away surreptitiously*
7:26 lol it's so hilarious , girl in the background saying hey listen you don't need the bishop you don't need the bishop aaaahahahahaha
When she pushed the pawn to protect d4 from e3 and he said eugh I felt that
I didn't get why did he say "eugh" Im only 1200
/ Alex plays /
Andrea: asks something
/ Andrea plays /
Alex literally speaking every 15 secs. 🤣
To see the world champion still beats this monster in his full power
*is just amazing*
what monster
@@nopa9478 He's referring to Hikaru.
You missed Hikaru's comment on the quality of the games ;)
what did he say?
@@Paddyspalace once he knew he was playing andrea he said yeah she played much better then her sister
Plot twist: Hikaru already moved all his pieces into checkmate position before he blindfolded himself
I love how she is motivating Andrea from the behind💓 wish I could have a sister like her
I like how hikauru is viscerally disgusted by a slightly off move
Hikaru is taking a nap and thinking about what to eat for dinner
Was the blindfold helping him keeping his calm? I, he's so good
Now I’d like to see “Grandmaster Hikaru destroys blindfolded Botez sisters”
Its so sweet how the siblings keep motivating each other.
never sacrifice queen vs a stronger opponent
GM Lupi against Carlsen don't look soo precise hahahah
@@paulinhosasuke11 Lupi? Kskskskks
It's supi actually 😂😂
9:40 this is so sweet
He said she would not make a good poker player... she literally won over $31,000 in poker tournaments
18:19 My ears exploded.
So hikaru just played with 2 sisters blindfolded while they were screaming, i hope hikaru´s couple doesnt get mad.
hikaru had another computer screen directly below his feet so he could peak down and see through the little gap of his blindfold
hikaru: yeah uh i mated two girls blindfolded.....and they were like screaming.....
When you realise "I don't believe in psychology" is just a good philosophy
Where does this come from?
Daily reminder ACAB.
Alex : I can't believe I blundered like that
Andrea : I'm so happy 😂😂
ARrrgh. I can tie My shoes blindfolded(does that count?)
Hikaru tries to stare at the ceiling even when he is blindfolded
My eyes open, music on, chess streams on... Stuck in 1.4k
My brother you made it to 4 digits LOL
The fact that she didnt blunder the queen in move 15 is crazy😅
14:47 lol blind yet still looking at the ceiling
He had the entire board memorized in every turn like komugi
Eh a man of culture
Ohhh hunter x hunter fan👍
The blind fold is for him not to simp on them.
Maybe it‘s the opposite
This Hikaru guy is really good maybe he should go pro
1:17 just hearing botez' move grossed hikaru out
Thumbnail artists getting wild
Andrea's match was toe-for-toe, i think she was cool headed and that helped
Andrea looks deeper into many positions lately, and she also senses danger at a few hundred points over her rating. And I have to give Alexandra and her family much credit for keeping Andrea so involved in playing Chess, as only a year ago it seemed like she might be losing interest. Both sisters have so much potential, and they work well together. Some of the comments are clearly by people who are new to Chess, which is great for the game to have more followers. Playing blindfolded is not "magic" as some seem to think, as many top Grandmasters can play an entire game without a board, and some (for example on the metro in Moscow) occasionally do! These top players "see" the position while blindfolded about ten times more clearly than I do with both eyes wide open! It's always a great skill to see it demonstrated, and Nakamura is remarkable at knowing just where EACH of his remaining pieces are placed. In longer games, it's easy to "lose sight" of a piece that not only you cannot see, but especially one that hasn't moved in a long while. - j q t -
@@quill444 One could say that these very intelligent and talented ladies would be better off losing interest in chess. Seems like they spend too much time playing chess, or generally speaking, that chess-related stuff is too much of their world. They should be off doing much more important stuff in the world. Didn't the older sister, Alexandra, graduate from Stanford? She should be off doing so much more impactful stuff in the world, like being a freaking research scientist or something.
Of course, I obviously don't know in more detail what the rest of their personal and professional worlds look like beyond their chess streaming, but I do hope they maximize their potential, since although chess is a beautiful game, it is ultimately just a board-game.
@@bigboobies2647 I say that you would be better off losing interest in their videos if that is how you feel. Chess is a professional sport and they can make a living off it.
lmao ok @@bigboobies2647
Big Boobies Alexandra Botez holds the title of Woman FIDE Master. You sound extremely condescending about something you obviously know little about. They have built successful careers from sponsorships, tournament winnings, and streaming/RUclips revenue.