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i love SUSHI OMG I will make it now korean street food 💕 💕 💕 💕
good job thank you for sharing vidios
Ternyata Cromboloni Indonesia terinspirasi dari sini 😁 love it ❤❤
Lha sekarang lagi viral di Indonesia 🤭
Dah ada dari lama, baru famous sekarang.
Wow, jadi Cromboloni Indonesia ternyata terinspirasi dari sini! Aku suka banget!.❤
Thanks for making me hungry. Looks so yummy❤️
Banyak banget lipatan rotinya, terimakasih atas video pembuatan rotinya👍
Muito lindo vê-los trabalhar gostaria de trabalhar com vocês gratificante Deus abençoe sempre
Thanks for making me hungry. Looks so yummy
That looks so good I need you to make me one🎉🎉❤❤😊😊
الأكل لذيذ و عمل جميل جداً و رائع متابعة من الجزائر 🇩🇿
It's really very appetizing ❤
I really like Korean food
These recipes look good but when I got to the pecan pie... that's wayyyyy too many pecans and they looked too done, like the cheesecakes. Otherwise, most of these looked yummy!😊
Thank you for using strawberries that are actually ripe!
It look very yummy
These are too elaborated works to say Korean street foods haha! Respect your craftmanship
wow delicious
Formidable 👌👌👌👌
Wow so nice and beautiful ❤❤❤ we love
I'm hungry, even though I just looked at it👌👍
Versione Tiramisù con fiala di caffè Super Banyak banget lipatan rotinya, terimakasih atas video pembuatan rotinya
Mantul rotinya
megustan sus videos los amo
enak sekali kue nya wah jadi pingin makan
So impressive!
Esse vídeo é top demais com essas delícias parabéns abraços 👏👏😍
Qscra 🦇😽💍🥰 Paola8 🎶🎵
paraben paraben paraben is bad
Hum I’m hungry, I need to go to korea
Versione Tiramisù con fiala di caffè Super 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😋😋😋
Perfect 😁👌
Amazing 🤩
I wish we had bakers like this in our country (UK) the cakes look amazing
Wow 😳
Wih, vanilinya asli lho, bukan cuma esen.
This is one of a viral pastry in indonesia now.. it's called 'cromboloni' croissant filled jam/chocolate cream..
Dikira SDH lama ya ternyata, di Indonesia baru di penghujung akhir tahun 2023
Yes in Malaysia also just viral😊
سبحان الله وبحمده
Di Indonesia baru viral sekarang 😊
Ini baru real kue enak
ternyata dari sini inspirasi cromboloni yg lagi viral di indo sekarang 😍
Please Receipt 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Eu quero que 🤷♂️ me enviou e os dados 🎲 e 😊😅😮😢e a partir de uma forma 🎉😂❤é um 1⃣ e um grande desafio a
Countless folds! Crispy enough! making various types of pastry bread Top4 - korean street food
Fungsi es itu biar adonan gak cepat mengembang ya kan chef?
jd pingin cromboloni
حبيت لماذا يستعمل الماء المثلج
Mau coment ga bisa nulis English nya..terpaksa saya bilang.nice❤
Seandainya punya alatnya... Jadi nggak capek ngerollnya...😊😅
Benda ni start dh viral kat Malaysia skrg
а почему чорный?
Kue ini sedang viral di Indonesia 😁 cromboloni
Selanjutnya muffin croissants yg akan viral di pastry Indonesia 😂
Kalo di indo jual 1 pcs Cromboloni brpa ya?
Can anyone list down all ingredients used
Di inso lg viral nih, cromboloni😭😭😭
I bet there’s allot of egg chunks in the first pastry. They don’t temper their eggs!
I noticed the same thing. You could see the lumps when they split open the pastries.
The address please
Capek banget bikin cromboloni, nangis banget liat cara buatnya
Di luar negeri sudah sejak lama,di Indonesia baru viral sekarang.namanya di Indonesia crombolini
why do you use ice????
Вкусно и,красиво
English Subtitles Please
Here in Uruguay we are more companions and attentive to people, those of us who know about bakery and confectionery pass on recipes and measurements.
Cromboloni yg lagi viral itu ya
Que agonia ver essa pessoa jogando a massa o tempo todo.
Aunque no lo crean este video es una tortura
oh cromboloni liat dari sini kali ya
prindapan menangis melihatnya
Terciptanya kromboloni sebelum viral
Too Much Sugar Sprinkled, of Muffin Can Caused Diabetic Though
Why they put ice
Banyak banget lipatan rotinya, terimakasih atas video pembuatan rotinya
i love SUSHI OMG I will make it now korean street food 💕 💕 💕 💕
good job thank you for sharing vidios
Ternyata Cromboloni Indonesia terinspirasi dari sini 😁 love it ❤❤
Lha sekarang lagi viral di Indonesia 🤭
Dah ada dari lama, baru famous sekarang.
Wow, jadi Cromboloni Indonesia ternyata terinspirasi dari sini! Aku suka banget!.❤
Thanks for making me hungry. Looks so yummy❤️
Banyak banget lipatan rotinya, terimakasih atas video pembuatan rotinya👍
Muito lindo vê-los trabalhar gostaria de trabalhar com vocês gratificante Deus abençoe sempre
Thanks for making me hungry. Looks so yummy
That looks so good I need you to make me one🎉🎉❤❤😊😊
الأكل لذيذ و عمل جميل جداً و رائع متابعة من الجزائر 🇩🇿
It's really very appetizing ❤
I really like Korean food
These recipes look good but when I got to the pecan pie... that's wayyyyy too many pecans and they looked too done, like the cheesecakes. Otherwise, most of these looked yummy!😊
Thank you for using strawberries that are actually ripe!
It look very yummy
These are too elaborated works to say Korean street foods haha! Respect your craftmanship
wow delicious
Formidable 👌👌👌👌
Wow so nice and beautiful ❤❤❤ we love
I'm hungry, even though I just looked at it👌👍
Versione Tiramisù con fiala di caffè Super
Banyak banget lipatan rotinya, terimakasih atas video pembuatan rotinya
Mantul rotinya
megustan sus videos los amo
enak sekali kue nya wah jadi pingin makan
So impressive!
Esse vídeo é top demais com essas delícias parabéns abraços 👏👏😍
Qscra 🦇😽💍🥰 Paola8 🎶🎵
paraben paraben paraben is bad
Hum I’m hungry, I need to go to korea
Versione Tiramisù con fiala di caffè Super 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😋😋😋
Perfect 😁👌
Amazing 🤩
I wish we had bakers like this in our country (UK) the cakes look amazing
Wow 😳
Wih, vanilinya asli lho, bukan cuma esen.
This is one of a viral pastry in indonesia now.. it's called 'cromboloni' croissant filled jam/chocolate cream..
Dikira SDH lama ya ternyata, di Indonesia baru di penghujung akhir tahun 2023
Yes in Malaysia also just viral😊
سبحان الله وبحمده
Di Indonesia baru viral sekarang 😊
Ini baru real kue enak
ternyata dari sini inspirasi cromboloni yg lagi viral di indo sekarang 😍
Please Receipt 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Eu quero que 🤷♂️ me enviou e os dados 🎲 e 😊😅😮😢e a partir de uma forma 🎉😂❤é um 1⃣ e um grande desafio a
Countless folds! Crispy enough! making various types of pastry bread Top4 - korean street food
Fungsi es itu biar adonan gak cepat mengembang ya kan chef?
jd pingin cromboloni
حبيت لماذا يستعمل الماء المثلج
Mau coment ga bisa nulis English nya..terpaksa saya bilang.nice❤
Seandainya punya alatnya... Jadi nggak capek ngerollnya...😊😅
Benda ni start dh viral kat Malaysia skrg
а почему чорный?
Kue ini sedang viral di Indonesia 😁 cromboloni
Selanjutnya muffin croissants yg akan viral di pastry Indonesia 😂
Kalo di indo jual 1 pcs Cromboloni brpa ya?
Can anyone list down all ingredients used
Di inso lg viral nih, cromboloni😭😭😭
I bet there’s allot of egg chunks in the first pastry. They don’t temper their eggs!
I noticed the same thing. You could see the lumps when they split open the pastries.
The address please
Capek banget bikin cromboloni, nangis banget liat cara buatnya
Di luar negeri sudah sejak lama,di Indonesia baru viral sekarang.namanya di Indonesia crombolini
why do you use ice????
Вкусно и,красиво
English Subtitles Please
Here in Uruguay we are more companions and attentive to people, those of us who know about bakery and confectionery pass on recipes and measurements.
Cromboloni yg lagi viral itu ya
Que agonia ver essa pessoa jogando a massa o tempo todo.
Aunque no lo crean este video es una tortura
oh cromboloni liat dari sini kali ya
prindapan menangis melihatnya
Terciptanya kromboloni sebelum viral
Too Much Sugar Sprinkled, of Muffin Can Caused Diabetic Though
Why they put ice
Banyak banget lipatan rotinya, terimakasih atas video pembuatan rotinya
Cromboloni yg lagi viral itu ya