The 48 Laws of Power in Under 30 Minutes
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- In this video, I go over all 48 Laws of Power with images of characters or events from each chapter in the book. In case you need a recap, here are all 48 Laws of Power:
Law 1: Never outshine the master.
Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends; learn how to use enemies.
Law 3: Conceal your intentions.
Law 4: Always say less than necessary.
Law 5: So much depends on reputation - guard it with your life.
Law 6: Court attention at all costs.
Law 7: Get others to do the work for you, but always take credit.
Law 8: Make other people come to you - use bait if necessary.
Law 9: Win through your actions, never through argument.
Law 10: Infection: avoid the unhappy and unlucky.
Law 11: Learn to keep people dependent on you.
Law 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim.
Law 13: When asking for help, appeal to people's self-interest.
Law 14: Pose as a friend, work as a spy.
Law 15: Crush your enemy totally.
Law 16: Use absence to increase respect and honor.
Law 17: Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability.
Law 18: Do not build fortresses to protect yourself - isolation is dangerous.
Law 19: Know who you're dealing with - do not offend the wrong person.
Law 20: Do not commit to anyone.
Law 21: Play a sucker to catch a sucker - seem dumber than your mark.
Law 22: Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into power.
Law 23: Concentrate your forces.
Law 24: Play the perfect courtier.
Law 25: Re-create yourself.
Law 26: Keep your hands clean.
Law 27: Play on people's need to believe to create a cult-like following.
Law 28: Enter action with boldness.
Law 29: Plan all the way to the end.
Law 30: Make your accomplishments seem effortless.
Law 31: Control the options: get others to play with the cards you deal.
Law 32: Play to people's fantasies.
Law 33: Discover each man's thumbscrew.
Law 34: Be royal in your fashion: act like a king to be treated like one.
Law 35: Master the art of timing.
Law 36: Disdain things you cannot have: ignoring them is the best revenge.
Law 37: Create compelling spectacles.
Law 38: Think as you like but behave like others.
Law 39: Stir up waters to catch fish.
Law 40: Despise the free lunch.
Law 41: Avoid stepping into a great man's shoes.
Law 42: Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.
Law 43: Work on the hearts and minds of others.
Law 44: Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect.
Law 45: Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once.
Law 46: Never appear too perfect.
Law 47: Do not go past the mark you aimed for; in victory, learn when to stop.
Law 48: Assume formlessness.
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I am going to write a book and the name is 1000 laws of wisdom.
Yes, I listened to the entirety of the video. Thanks. Was going to type more thoughts, but thought I'd follow said advice 😂
Some of this seems dark but maybe I am just soft
@@doctorlefthandthread, It's actually very dark. Some of it seems narcissistic in nature.
Other parts make sense to preserve oneself from people who don't want to grow.
no thanks mate
It’s painful when you hear the law spoken out loud and flashback to times when someone used it against you or when you failed to use it yourself, leading to misery. Painful but necessary to hear.
Why can I relate to this so much 😭
This is what will make you much more aware and help you avert such mistakes, ultimately winning
That part lol
So much relate to this the rest of us, read it, and learn how to navigate certain situations we’re not naturally inclined to psychopaths use it to mask their true nature and remain unseen until they totally mindfuck you with zero remorse and complete and utter smug satisfaction some people are just sick The one thing about this I disagree with though the greatest law of power is the release of needing it or controlling an outcome. It’s one thing to understand how to be and be present in certain situations it’s another thing to be Fugazi as they say, especially if it’s four in the Farias and treacherous goals
Law 49: don't let others see or know that you are reading "The 48 Laws of Power"
Wow! That is actually a nice law! 😀👍
Some “fight club” shit right there
@@hydrayt9345 Never let em know Ur next move
Without a doubt the most important.
I acc encourage ppl to read it to guard themselves against others malice and manipulation in the world the book is a must read what you do with the information is more an ethical thing it’s essential to know how to not be used by others tho
Law 49: learn to recognize when the previous 48 laws are being applied towards you.
Law 50: Have sex
Either a leader or a follower
Law 49 is actually the law of seduction.
sounds like freemasonry to me🙃
To everyone reading this, I sincerely pray for that whatever is causing you pain or stress will pass. May your negative thoughts, excessive worries and doubts disappear, replaced by clarity and understanding. May your life be filled with peace, tranquility and love
Thank you for saying that. Much love to you as well.
Amen, God bless you!
nice try law 3
Law 1: Never outshine the
master. 0:08
Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends; learn how to use enemies. 0:39
Law 3: Conceal your
intentions. 1:16
Law 4: Always say less than necessary. 1:46
Law 5: So much depends on reputation - guard it with your life. 2:22
Law 6: Court attention at all costs. 3:06
Law 7: Get others to do the work for you, but always take
credit. 3:39
Law 8: Make other people come to you - use bait if
necessary. 4:17
Law 9: Win through your actions, never through
argument. 4:43
Law 10: Infection: avoid the unhappy and unlucky. 5:17
Law 11: Learn to keep people dependent on you. 5:47
Law 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your
victim. 6:13
Law 13: When asking for help, appeal to people's
self-interest. 6:48
Law 14: Pose as a friend, work as a spy. 7:27
Law 15: Crush your enemy
totally. 8:00
Law 16: Use absence to increase respect and honor. 8:38
Law 17: Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability. 9:07
Law 18: Do not build fortresses to protect yourself - isolation is dangerous. 9:47
Law 19: Know who you're dealing with - do not offend the wrong person. 10:24
Law 20: Do not commit to
anyone. 10:59
Law 21: Play a sucker to catch a sucker - seem dumber than your mark. 11:24
Law 22: Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into
power. 11:48
Law 23: Concentrate your
forces. 12:27
Law 24: Play the perfect
courtier. 13:01
Law 25: Re-create yourself. 13:25
Law 26: Keep your hands
clean. 14:07
Law 27: Play on people's need to believe to create a cult-like following. 14:32
Law 28: Enter action with
boldness. 15:16
Law 29: Plan all the way to the end. 15:50
Law 30: Make your accomplishments seem effortless. 16:26
Law 31: Control the options: get others to play with the cards you deal. 17:02
Law 32: Play to people's fantasies. 17:39
Law 33: Discover each man's thumbscrew. 18:21
Law 34: Be royal in your fashion: act like a king to be treated like one. 18:46
Law 35: Master the art of
timing. 19:18
Law 36: Disdain things you cannot have: ignoring them is the best revenge. 19:56
Law 37: Create compelling spectacles. 20:38
Law 38: Think as you like but behave like others. 21:09
Law 39: Stir up waters to catch fish. 21:48
Law 40: Despise the free lunch. 22:22
Law 41: Avoid stepping into a great man's shoes. 23:04
Law 42: Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. 24:41
Law 43: Work on the hearts and minds of others. 24:23
Law 44: Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect. 25:03
Law 45: Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once. 25:49
Law 46: Never appear too perfect. 26:28
Law 47: Do not go past the mark you aimed for; in victory, learn when to stop. 27:00
Law 48: Assume formlessness. 27:39
Thank you Mate! Power 🐙🍩🥪🍡🌭🍕☕💯
This comment should be higher
I was looking for this comment haha. You are a good mf person you know that
We need more people like u
This book isn't about becoming what it teaches you but being able to use these laws to not get manipulated and controlled by evil people.
Absolutely that’s so true I agree 100%
This book is an amoral (not immoral, but amoral) book about the effective power tactics that have been used by humans historically.
However - if you are reading it with the perspective that you stated above then I applaud you for not being a narcissistic sociopath hahaha because that is the same perspective I took when I read it. Only to use in defense of myself or loved ones - never to exploit the vulnerable for my own selfish gain!
Best of luck with life
That is only half of it this book also promotes doing the deeds to get on top.
That's why I'm watching this tbh. Don't want it used against me.
Yeah this sound like some sneaky shit here.
Law 1: Never outshine the master.
Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends; learn how to use enemies.
Law 3: Conceal your intentions.
Law 4: Always say less than necessary.
Law 5: So much depends on reputation - guard it with your life.
Law 6: Court attention at all costs.
Law 7: Get others to do the work for you, but always take credit.
Law 8: Make other people come to you - use bait if necessary.
Law 9: Win through your actions, never through argument.
Law 10: Infection: avoid the unhappy and unlucky.
Law 11: Learn to keep people dependent on you.
Law 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim.
Law 13: When asking for help, appeal to people's self-interest.
Law 14: Pose as a friend, work as a spy.
Law 15: Crush your enemy totally.
Law 16: Use absence to increase respect and honor.
Law 17: Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability.
Law 18: Do not build fortresses to protect yourself - isolation is dangerous.
Law 19: Know who you're dealing with - do not offend the wrong person.
Law 20: Do not commit to anyone.
Law 21: Play a sucker to catch a sucker - seem dumber than your mark.
Law 22: Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into power.
Law 23: Concentrate your forces.
Law 24: Play the perfect courtier.
Law 25: Re-create yourself.
Law 26: Keep your hands clean.
Law 27: Play on people's need to believe to create a cult-like following.
Law 28: Enter action with boldness.
Law 29: Plan all the way to the end.
Law 30: Make your accomplishments seem effortless.
Law 31: Control the options: get others to play with the cards you deal.
Law 32: Play to people's fantasies.
Law 33: Discover each man's thumbscrew.
Law 34: Be royal in your fashion: act like a king to be treated like one.
Law 35: Master the art of timing.
Law 36: Disdain things you cannot have: ignoring them is the best revenge.
Law 37: Create compelling spectacles.
Law 38: Think as you like but behave like others.
Law 39: Stir up waters to catch fish.
Law 40: Despise the free lunch.
Law 41: Avoid stepping into a great man's shoes.
Law 42: Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.
Law 43: Work on the hearts and minds of others.
Law 44: Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect.
Law 45: Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once.
Law 46: Never appear too perfect.
Law 47: Do not go past the mark you aimed for; in victory, learn when to stop.
Law 48: Assume formlessness
Thank u
@@gaberoyalll pleasure 😊
these laws I saw it in my narcissist friend..furtunately I'm far from her
@@emeraldmiguel3696 😂
Just like a wise person said in the comment I read a few days back. this isn't about manipulating but it's about not being manipulated. the right person will use this book wisely without affecting anyone else.
This is the perfect handbook for evil and versus evil. These are obviously tools for a sociopath, psychopath and a narcissist. Understand these rules will give you a protective shield against these people.
@burntoast check out all 48 and see how much bhb knows.
I don't think she is smart enough to verbalize them with grace, if at all. But she intuitively knows most of it very well.
Exactly what I was thinking of. These behaviors are trademark qualities of toxic people. But, being able to recognize them will help us defeat them.
That's what I'll be doing however it's best to be careful with these types of people and not let them know you're aware of their evilness
I consider myself as someone good, and I’ve been dumb enough get get fooled by these tricks by absolute losers. Almost got me killed!!
I've read "The Prince" by Machiavelli lately and he says something like: "Even if you're good, you should know evil and know how to play dirty". Similarly I remember somewhere in Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche a quote like: "There's a different between being benevolent and not having claws".
There is no "being good". Or another way to put this is that everyone is always both good and bad at the same time.
@@ChiasmMarksTheSpot"You have to be a monster, an absolute monster and then you should learn how to control it" Jordan B. Peterson.
@@sergiomoreno6861"So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth." -Jesus
Revelation 3:16
@@dregga7638that's wrong. Everyone has the potential for good and evil, and soljenitzsen already went over this so just read his thing first ya ya ya before you go mouthing off
@@peterburns4586that's not evil. Everyone does it. In this case, it just gets inmoral when you call it by it's name. Or maybe I grew up in a narcissistic city. Who knows. But I doupt that.
It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war… For the first 35 years or so of my life I found it almost impossible to believe that people were calculated in social engagements. Like I just couldn’t believe that an average person would consciously manipulate a situation or a person for their own favor. Now that I am older it’s clear to me that many or maybe even most people do! I’ll be reading this book with my middle schooler this year. I hope it helps protect his soft heart in a way mine was not! ❤
Governments and politisans using it to advance them selfes and their causes! Work kolegues using it to be in better position than the others! It never hurt to be avare and informed to be able to protekt your self when you can!
I wish I read this to my children when they were 12 years old. They are two caring and get walked all over. They constantly forgive people who did them wrong and I feel so bad for them because I told them to be good people.
Amen Lauren.
This is so true! As someone with ADHD I can’t imagine having the need to manipulate someone! I miss the quest that others may notice & it makes me susceptible to manipulation until I get to be by myself and overthink about the situation & realize what just happened when it feels too late
@@morganlea5242If you try to learn the game, you’ll be well equipped so that others don’t play you.
This compelling video brings back terrible memories of my recent breakup after four years of dating. My dearest friend made the decision to go, and I was left with an inexhaustible hurt. I can't even begin to imagine my life without him, much as I keep trying to make amends. I'm frustrated. I want to write about how much I miss him here because I can't seem to get him out of my head.
I understand how hard it is to let go of someone you love; after a five-year relationship ended, I was unable to simply let him go; instead, I tried everything to get him back. Eventually, I turned to a spiritual counsellor for assistance.
fascinating! I would like to know how you found a spiritual counsellor and how best I may get in touch with him.
Introducing Father Obah Eze, a well-known spiritual advisor who is famous for his ability to bring back former romantic partners.
I am grateful for this important knowledge. Thank you for the advice. I looked up Father Obah Eze and he seems to be a real guy.
My dear, you WILL forget him! Just keep busy and remember he left you! You don’t want him if he doesn’t want you. And you don’t want him!!
I like Law #46 never appear too perfect. Envy can create silent enemies. You will constantly be under attack without notice because people love to try and burst your bubble.
@@glamglamglamglamglam whats up with these people? dammm.
yeah or tell them to shove it up their gut. stop being egg-shelly/weird around other people.
@@glamglamglamglamglam yeah or people need to learn to get a life. and grow up and see that people are contributing to society. see bigger picture than themselves. This goes with the intimidation factor. but why? why not think the individual is using their power for good/change? or just forsake them for good. not discounting it, everyone feels envy for different reasons. It is part of human nature/condition (hence something we should spend time). but really should try investing in other ways of looking at things. healthier approaches dealing with it. if can't control inner envy, soon you will find yourself treating person basedd off inner envy, and that's not very fair. think about it, should a guy be ramsacked because of how yourself feel inside? or are just protecting deeper insecurity? It's not even that we all don't experience that, including myself. but it's how deal with feelings that make the difference.rather than casting other individual, have you yourself not thought hang maybe we should wish that individual well? don't cast away just because we deem they should (be treated how we treat them). it is a self-protection mechanism. but mechanism really doesn't need to exist. Envy is a darker emotions of human-condition, BUT is also very Natural/Evolutionary/Human (light). Inetrgal part in all of us, you don't think the person ahead of you feels envy or that any of us don't feel towards even other people? (not alienating people based on envy but in fact showing it's very human, however its what we do with it that counts, how do we ensue security, how do have trust, can support other to have trust? maybe that person has their own values.. that would benefit people in their own way. (and thus put people benefited in front of envy individual). This is how I recently viewed one of my enemies, I thought while I don't approve of their methods. perhaps it would lead to a value of its own kind. thus BENEFITTING the people. thus when we put value in one we are puttng value into hands of countless others to benefit from said traits. people aren't envious, their intimidated. because they believe it will come down on their heads. hence if show intention, that you won't use agaisnt them. and do best in capability to use for good. don't these people deserve a fair trial? a fair chance? (at least).
@@tommychappell6359well yea, and ideal world would be where everyone thought like this. but the world is unfair, and many people don’t think like that. many people envy, and even if you told them all this and made them aware of themselves, they are comfortable in their envy
@@yggdrasil7k you are correct it is not. Think many of those is in underestimation of abilities/capacities and histories. But yes like to project feelings onto other people. Also one of many unfoetunates of life. Noone knows. But you. Ofc I wouldn't expect them to. But doesn't stop them from trying. Or perhaps we're all just living in the past. (And it is very indicative of that fact). Many aren't geared up in that way. Many things missed as a reason of that. (Because of where we are in human evolution path). Perhaps advanced ai would tell finer elements that rly matter and decipher to being in these higher equality elements. reminiscent of age/times we living in. I think deep down many know this. (How we are missing those things, missing a picture we cannot see). Things do exist (are real) but due to evolutionary limitations cannot see them. Bigger picture is we are not viewing bigger picture (invisible in front of our eyes). And it's very sad/unfortunate. Many of us deserve way better, which things we never end up obtaining. We think truth seeing in front of us is the fuller picture (truth is very much that it is not, at all fuller picture). Many people who we think are not right are in fact right ( in their inner conclusion, who would seem to us dishonest), but are only ones to know it. (That things we know are in fact the truth). Reality told me that things can be deep and truth, very often are. Eventually deep knowledge will become everyone's second knowledge. (Unfortunate not any time soon).
Or maybe actually be that perfect that nobody can do anything to youuu
This is messed up but useful as well, it's woken me up to those around me using these tactics on me. I'll be using the 48 laws of power as a defence, not to attack the vulnerable. Thank you.
This is helpful in sizing up other people in general ❤
It is but sadly it’s the norm for other people. I sadly know most of these laws before I read it and it’s helpful to not let others use them on myself.
I’m sure that’s the author’s intention.
@@mariaconiramirez6686yeah most PPL already know this by experience ngl
Use them to attack the flaws in yourself. Everyone has parts of themselves that work against them, be diligent in your discipline to be the best version of yourself. You ARE your worst enemy
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:00 📚 *Laws 1-4 Overview*
- Introduction to the first four laws of power.
- Key Takeaways:
*- "Never outshine the master" by maintaining a lower profile than those above you.*
*- The cautionary notes regarding trusting friends and enemies, and concealing intentions.*
*- Emphasizing the importance of saying less, guarding reputation, and appearing mysterious.*
03:08 🌟 *Strategies for Attention & Control*
- Strategies on gaining attention, leveraging others' efforts, and maintaining control.
- Key Takeaways:
*- Attract attention by standing out and being conspicuous.*
*- Utilize others' efforts to your advantage while ensuring credit accrues to you.*
*- Emphasize actions over arguments to win and control.*
05:51 💼 *Dependency & Honesty in Interaction*
- Highlighting the importance of keeping people dependent and using selective honesty.
- Key Takeaways:
*- Maintain independence by ensuring reliance on you.*
*- Using honesty strategically to disarm and manipulate others effectively.*
*- Appeal to self-interest when seeking help, rather than relying on gratitude or mercy.*
08:05 ⚔️ *Strategies for Power & Domination*
- Discussing the need to crush enemies and use absence to elevate status.
- Key Takeaways:
*- Emphasizing the importance of total annihilation of enemies to prevent future revenge.*
*- The significance of absence to increase respect and honor.*
*- Tactics to cultivate an air of unpredictability and dominance.*
11:00 🤔 *Approaches to Commitment & Strategy*
- Advising against commitments, advocating playing "dumb" strategically, and the surrender tactic.
- Key Takeaways:
*- Avoid committing to others to maintain control and leverage.*
*- Strategic use of appearing dumber than your mark for advantage.*
*- Utilize surrender as a tool of power rather than fighting for honor's sake.*
13:05 👑 *Image Creation & Personal Power*
- Emphasizing the importance of image creation, self-recreation, and appearing royal.
- Key Takeaways:
*- Take control of your image and character to influence perception.*
*- Act regally and confidently to inspire respect and influence.*
*- Utilize personal presentation for enhancing power and reputation.*
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True peace comes from within, not from external circumstances. This story beautifully highlights the importance of mindfulness-being fully present in each moment without attachment or resistance. When we learn to observe life with awareness and acceptance, we free ourselves from unnecessary suffering. Practicing mindfulness allows us to experience true joy, no matter the situation. Such a timeless and valuable lesson!
Work harder on yourself there is no enemy greater than yourself .
@traveladdict116 "Work Harder on Yourself" - And how is that working out? It's easy to tell. Even via typed words, people can feel incongruence. This idealogy is so flawed. This is the insight you got as the most useful or main theme?
Law ten is very profound in the sense that I was told at a young age that if you hang out with people who make excuses, complain about constant misfortune and choose misery over making beneficial changes or at least maintain a positive perspective; then it won’t be long before nothing is your fault, unluckier than most and stuck in a gutter with them. 😂
Get out of the gutter ,you can do it😂keep your spirits up
@@marykinsella417 lol i never said i was in a gutter. I said i was warned about hanging out with “negative nancys” cause their attitudes are “poisonous”. I appreciate your gift of positive encouragement tho. Its never a wasted effort by any standard to send that kind of vibrational thingy out into the universe when your “cup is full”.
You had wise people who cared about you! Awesome you grew up that way! =)
Tldr, don't hang out with lgbt people
I know people who have been practicing these laws even without reading the book, it comes natural to them, no matter how secretive they are with their intentions, all that trickery gets unmasked in the end .
So true.
Yes very true but at the end, the people that really have read and understand these laws IT DONT MATTER that it’s out they are already there
This sounds like the blueprint to obtain the world we have today. Maybe it's time to set some new goals. Rather than seeking power we seek love and compassion and cooperation. The most powerful being to have lived is a master of these qualities.
I read this book yesterday, and it was only yesterday that I found out. When I read this book, after 21 years of reading anyone's book, I went and laid down on the bed. Couldn't get away from me. This book shattered my hope of success 100%. I couldn't control my crying for 37 hours. How and why would someone do this to someone? My life has been 98% wrong, according to this book. This may be why I have not been successful. My heart cried, but there was no change in my courage and enthusiasm. When I go on the internet and read everyone's comments, my soul sends love and blessings to all of you. May God give you all happiness and peace. I love you all very much, and thanks to the internet, I can send love to you all.
@spookypizza4371yeah I feel like this was more of the old school ways. I can't see your avg "man" of today pulling most of these off lol
My grandpa use to say that Bible and humble people will never rich because in order to succeed you must trample everyone in your path, our side of the family we’ve always worked hard but just have enough to survive yet all his cousins have been very successful and business oriented.
I know this book is not entirely meant to make people follow these laws but after reading so many comments I sincerely want to ask:
If everyone in the world would apply this, or at least just the majority of it. Can we imagine what we would become? Will we living in comfort? Will we be satisfied with how our lives have become? Will our existence in this world be considered worthwhile, purposeful, memorable and meaningful?
When our final hour finally comes to us, would we be able to look back, sincerely feel and can tell ourselves that "I lived well.." ?
Is it just always like, being the prey or being the predator?
Is it just always like, being the one controlled or the one in control?
Being the manipulated or the one being manipulative?
I could be wrong but this all to me sounds all about winning.. winning no matter what it takes.. is success in life all about winning?
I understand that going through life is not easy so we have to find ways to "defend" ourselves but if this is that "way", is it really any good than being the defenseless?
Is there simply no way where we can still comfortably trust and find comfort in others? Is it already impossible to just do things sincerely and be happy for what other people have achieved? Can we no longer be truly honest and expect true honesty in return anymore?
I know lots of you may be mad or even just laugh at my comment here, but I am sincerely asking these questions whether you see that as just another part of applying these laws of power or not.
read those laws, learn them, still be yourself and keep those laws in mind in the case others use them. Not all lessons are worth to do in all time of our life, but it's worth to learn and do it if it's the best way or even the only way to do. Eventually, giving up ego, being silent, mastering ourselves, being simple, being patient, loving ourselves are the best lessons to do everyday
Psychopaths and sociopaths are a minority percentage of the population and they must exist on the fringes of society because they cause harm and disrupt the stability of society through behaviors which may incorporate these laws of power. They must operate covertly until their behavior is recognized, at which point they are shunned by the group and must uproot themselves to entirely brand new groups of people if they haven't been incarcerated, killed, or punished for such actions. They utilize these rules of power often unconsciously because they lack innate emotions of empathy and morality. Quantifying these dark behaviors is necessary for those of us who are not among these neurotic types so that we can recognize when they're being implemented against us, and for the truthful wisdom which some of them actually do possess. Quantifying behavior does not make that behavior automatically prevalent for all people.
Additionally, in contrast: no person is ever completely altruistic, no matter how much they may profess themselves to be, and while most people will not follow through on dark behaviors in real life, we are always still capable of doing so and certainly possess the capability to formulate, conceptualize, and imagine dark behaviors such as the rules of power. So don't delude yourself in thinking you are above such dark behavior, as that in itself is a flawed behavior.
I learned these laws when I was younger didn’t have the best upbringing and got bullied when I was up to middle school. I hadn’t read the book but when I did I had already experienced it and most of them I knew. When I was younger I felt miserable and alone. I learned the hard way. The lessons aka laws helped me recognize the people who were being manipulative and seeking control or power over me. I don’t do these laws with everyone but it does help seeing through peoples bullshit especially in the workspace but if you really think about it Mother Nature is like this. I’m not saying it is right but it is something we as humans are capable of and I am glad I don’t have to practice it. I also seen these qualities in me as well. I only do it when I have to defend myself. Which isn’t as often. Luckily I learned to distances myself from these people.
This is sad. I don't care for this, but I do now realize my former boss read this guy's book she was horrible and a therapist as well. She is hated to this day. KARMA
Honestly these laws are applied everyday from jail to the outside world to office builds to small companies from your cousin to your next door neighbor it’s all around us
I'm forever grateful to Robert Greene for making me see people's individuality and how to treat them wisely. I hate mind games & I'd rather enjoy my solitude in total peace than be in a relationship full of drama, betrayal, insincerity, mean-spiritedness & promiscuousness. To have this knowlege is to see deception & how to deal with them
Me too, but isn't the answer to just partizipate in it? I've got played by some really narcissistic people in the past because of my search for peace. How do you want to deal with those people?
@@Jenni-bx1qu the best way to deal with a narcissist is no-contact & do not engage if possible
OMG people like me exist 😭😭🖤
Yea Your the best , mane i wish life was yours to make the rules... literally like , E K Should had made the Bible man fuck
@@johnayala5551 the 2nd optoion is 2nd amaendmeynt
It's amazing how people can through life not reading this book yet naturally applying these 'tactics' without even realizing it.
😂I swr
Life taught them how to do so, but at first, they suffered before applying these laws
Tbh this works so well for me because it shows me all of my faults socially (one of the most frustrating aspects of my life), ik this isn’t a guidebook of how to make actual friendships, because not all friends are envious if you find someone on your same wavelength, however this works for work environments like school, uni, or work. I’ve noticed many of these things in my reflections but hearing them out loud helps me organise all of those scrambled reflections
I'm gonna be listening to this yearly from now on. Lots of great reminders on power and it's place in life if you wish to be great.
You can listen to it all you want, I can tell if you are using these laws against me because I read it too.
a great POS that is
This stuff is deep, and makes me reflect on times I had difficult times dealing with things that happen in life and how I could've better dealt with those situations.
Im using this so that my emotions don’t lead to mistakes.
Maintain composure, don’t let your enemies win.
Amazing video, I read the 48 laws of power twice, took detailed notes on each law and most likely going to do it to all of your books. Favourite author 100% Note to people, the 48 laws of power can be used as a sword or a shield but it's up to you what you do with it.
This is all very interesting. I would like to add one point on the subject of Reputation. It is a powerful thing but also an incredibly fragile thing. People spend a lifetime building a reputation and yet it only takes a few seconds to destroy it.
That's a double edged sword
Like their trying to do to Donald Trump??
@@jjmaguire8281Donald Trump did it as much to himself. He build up a very showy reputation and stayed in circles of disreputable people and went out of his way to make enemies of people who could have been ignored, while repeatedly stiffing those working for him and throwing his own people under the bus. In such a situation you'll only ever attract inept sycophants or opportunists ready to become turncoats once it is no longer advantageous to work for you.
Reputation is expression of power. If you lose power your reputation is also lost.
Since my mind is sharpened from this book, I reflected and changed my whole life. Now I’m proud of what I achieved. Thanks Mr. Greene, my mentor.
100% tired of the low iq masses having an opinion on the book without reading it
Which country's president are you? 🤔🙄
@@movement2contact the president of my own reality an thoughts. You are in this moment, all is possible.
@Friedrich der Große yes, ist’s training and discipline. Law 4, Law 7, Law 1, Law 48 are favorites
Never thought that the world will push me this far and end up reading this 48 law's
I am convinced that many people in leadership positions have read this book. whether its a good or bad thing depends on their motives.
It looks like an instruction manual on how to be as evil and selfish as possible. I'm horrified and glad I didn't buy the book. I'm very disappointed. I had previously liked Mr. Greene. Not saying he's wrong just that I'm not willing to be that kind of person. I'd rather just aim to be kind, patient and tolerant.
@@kathykonkle1097Yeah I agree with you on this one.. I've worked with people who abused their power in leadership roles doing things that were described here. And I'm quite sure I'm not the only one.
@@kathykonkle1097use the book to despise selfish and evil people.
@@kathykonkle1097chess not checkers
@@kathykonkle1097 Like it. But I have done some of this stuff to people, when I've been 'crossed' too many times. I regret it, and my favourite read now, The New Testament. Good old Jesus knew the game. I love Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday, when Jesus rides into town, with his buddies, to make trouble. Monday morning he's kicking over the money changers tables, and giving them a good whipping. But, His action relate to 48 laws, because he says to his pals," They are going to crucify me over this." All there, just need to pick it up. Peace and goodwill.
Please continue this series for other books as well starting with Laws of Human Nature , Mastery etc...
He's right, Robert. Please, continue with this serie
I second that !
Yes please 🙏
Go read the books!
If you're reading this comment, it's not
too late; you've already been immensely
blessed with an abundance of love, wealth,
luck, health, joy, and whatever else your
heart desires!! I'm so proud of you for
surviving everything you've been through
This is your sign to go after what your
heart most desires for the highest good,
it's your time to shine.
Amen 🙌🙌🙌
Law 32 play on peoples fantasies
You are too kind,
Thank you. Wishing you the same and more❤
Thank you!! Life has been a true blessing since i changed my life around. 2024 has been nothing but happiness. Sobriety is king. God is real. I have a purpose. Read your comment and its all positivity. True blessings. Stay blessed 🙏🙏
5:15 Law 10: Avoid the unhappy and unlucky
5:45 Law 11: Learn to keep people dependent on you
6:11 Law 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm
8:37 Law 16 Use absence to increase reapect and honor
9:05 Law 17 Keep others in suspense: cultivate an air of unpredictability
11:00 Law 20: Do not commit to anyone
11:24 Law 21 Play a sucker to catch a sucker
13:00 Law 24 Play the perfect courtier
13:33 Law 25 Recreate yourself
14:08 Law 26 Keep your hands clean
14:32 Law 27 Play on peoples need to believe on a cultlike following
15:50 Law 29 Plan all the way to the end
16:27 Law 30 Make your accomplishments seem effortless
17:02 Law 31 Control the options
17:39 Law 32 Play to people's fantasies
18:17 Law 33 Discover each men's thumbscrew
18:46 Law 34 Be royal in your own fashion
19:20 Law 35 Master the art of timing
24:22 Law 43 Work on the hearts and minds of others
25:05 Law 44 Disarm and infuriatw with a mirror effect
26:25 Law 46 Never appear too perfect
These laws are important to keep in mind to understand day to day manipulation. Thank you, Robert, for compacting the laws into such a small size!
It's called _The 48 Laws of Power_ , not "The 48 Laws of Manipulation". There is a clear difference.
@@DwyaneWadeCountythey aren’t mutually exclusive terms. Ex: Law 22 surrender is the opposite of power, yet it’s being used to manipulate your enemy. Manipulation is power.
Power: the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events.
@@thisfuckingkai Robert Greene even said it one of his interview, _The Of Laws Of Power_ is not about "manipulating" someone. It's about increasing personal power to be able to live a better and fulfilling life. IN MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with real people in my life, the ones that think that this book is a manipulation book are projecting their dark side onto to this book.. How do you manipulate someone by _Law 15 Crush your enemy totally_ or Law 18 Do not build fortresses to protect yourself - isolation is dangerous_ .
Bruce tbh the title was chosen in part for marketing purposes. Robert talks about this.
I don't like it I think the 48 laws are the least important part of the other 9 hours of the book. The laws on their own without context aren't as helpful. Take the laws out and you'll learn more than just listening to the laws in short. It's a shortcut that you shouldn't take.
After going over this book several times I still feel that integrity honesty and character will get your farther and being devious and underhanded in your endeavors.
Yes; both require a lot work. One comes with lots of guilt, the other comes with lots of paranoia.
It won't. The higher you climb the more of these people you will find. Once you reach that level such virtue will be used against you.
Imagine people who don't actually value the qualities you've mentioned. The closer you get to the top the less virtuous people there are. You know why? Because virtuous people don't desire to climb that high, naturally.
@@TJ-ml8tt I’m not acting with these higher principles and living in devious manner you’re digging a ditch for yourself.
@@Number1DriversSeat I understand. There will be a limit to your progress then, naturally.
If you aren't considering jumping out of the ditch the moment your rival jumps in after you, and then covering up the hole, you've missed the point.
@@Number1DriversSeatyou don’t have to use them, but it’s important to know when they’re being used against you
Law 10 is one that is a top for me. Keeping unhappy ppl away is a key
Can't relate, I'll always extend a hand I'm not afraid of drowning I know I can swim.
Yeah I have no problem helping unhappy unfortunates....thats were the real treasure is....turning someone around from such
@fizzgigmalmy2567 right people act as if their going to get the unhappies if their near someone having a bad day 😂
I help people all the time no names no numbers just go help somebody else that's needs it
Real ones💯
Its just crazy how the the images of observers and transgressors of the laws keep popping up law after law. Hats off to the editing team, that´s superb folks!
And Mr. Greene, I want to say you are so kind for putting your books out. You have an actual heart for people and put your wisdom out there! And it's amazing because all your books give people like me so much valuable information that most people only learn near the end of their lives!
#25 Can truly be a powerful one. If you're capable of forging YOUR OWN identity, and NOT just settling for the one that's given to you by others, then you (AND everyone else) will know you on YOUR OWN terms, and NOT merely through the opinions of someone else! When you judge yourself mainly by the reactions that you get from other people, then you know yourself chiefly by hearsay. The same is true for how OTHERS will know you. Sculpt your very identity into what people will precieve as an undeniably "formidable opponent", and then you'll never be ignored when you should be acknowledged.
8:37 Law 16 is what I did during lunch at highschool.
I rarely went to lunch and when I did, I would walk to different friend groups uplifting the mood briefly before leaving.
I noticed people would start smiling with thier eyebrows rised like they were happy/surprised to see me. It was as if I was making their day just by being present.
If I sat with them everyday it would dilute my words, reputation, presence, and influence.
The fact that nobody talks about the book Matrix Golden Cashflow Tactics, speaks volumes why people dont earn a lot of money..
its good book
Money .....rather mammon is not my God
is this your way of advertising?
@yassinghareeb4074 it is. I actually looked into it. It seems like a new book and a new website. I couldn't find anything about it on Reddit. It was weird... I see this specific comment everywhere, so I finally did some research. I didn't buy into it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just didn't believe it.
Self-mastery is the ultimate form of power, power itself ❤
Whenever Mr. Greene talks about mastery it resonates with me because I’ve had that feeling before when it comes to my own creative endeavors and it hits home.
You are spot on with your sentiment @satnamo
A man who is not the master of himself, is a slave.
I don't agree with all of this. I wouldn't worship all of this. Think for yourself.
How did you know that? i have achieved that too?
(#16. Use absence to increase respect & honor) is extremely underrated & rarely executed properly.
Great video & content Mr. Greene.. appreciate it !
How to execute?
@@nstar1372I know your comment is from 9 months ago but if you do come back to this,from my understanding, knowing when to leave at the right time would be an example.
-dont over stay your welcome or your presence will less appreciated by others.
I feel like people have been using this for years when dating
Love this book, I’m 20 I work at a jail as a correction officer, and want to pursue entrepreneurship when I’m older I will be thinking of this book a lot. Thank you Robert for such an amazing book, and I plan on reading your other books! Law 34 is probably one of my favorite laws because where I work you can’t show weakness or all those inmates are gonna stomp on you mentally you got to stand tall, be confident, be patient, have authority, treat them with respect, and the inmates will respect you. When I learned that law that helped me very much I can definitely see why this book is banned in some prisons, law 34, and law 18 were my favorites. All of them were great though!
I’m a former deputy and former inmate, all you have to do is put on an act at work. Show the inmates that you are no different than them only you just haven’t been caught and maintained your innocence by just not living as risky as them.
Never make one of them talk to you alone (an inmate talking to a CO alone is viewed as him potentially being a snitch)
Jealously runs rampant in prison, one can get jealous of the nicer things one inmate has or even the friendships they have
@@Hohmies86 if I was a priest that turned into a crook, I'd probably be cool with giving the crooks advice. Since we're now thick as thieves. But I think I'd leave the church, the convent and the parish out of my advisory class, after I retired any authority with that jurisdiction. But that's just me obviously, some ppl won't sweat the lil sh!t.
You said that beautifully and your right. Inside there you must show all the things that you listed. And I believe that to be true. I love what you said and that law 34 might be the exact one to fit your life. I dont think its wrong cause you will remember that one. Or I dont think its bad idea cause you like it... NO not at all. I am believing my way and I respect you believing your way. I dont hate you for that. I am sorry that some of you want to throw low blows about your enemies and hidden this and that. ITs the point of our beliefs, Love one another, treat others the way you want to be treated. Dont discriminate cause of male, female, black or white. Its your opinion and I can accept it. I am not going to make you feel a certain way or force you to believe my way only... I know a lot of you feel this way too, and not want to speak on it. Its ok, but pray and be open minded
NICE, Bruce lee always said, be like water, adapt, mobile, smooth, formless. very wise, be the key that fits any lock!
Dang this book is really something else. I mean It's literally BANNED in prisons throughout USA and It's basically teaching how to manipulate. For example, "Make others do the work for you, but always take the credit."
You do not need to be evil to do good. I have been very successful applying the opposite of almost every precept in this commentary. Doing good and genuinely caring for others is a better and more satisfying way to live your life than figuring out ways to manipulate them. This video should be titled "How to Become a Sociopath."
Hmmm.. right
thank you
How pathetic.
Its best to know about these principles and control whether or not you use them, than it is to have no clue about them and be totally oblivious when they are used against you.
Great video, thanks!
Robert Greene this book was the first greatest book I ever read. I loved Art of Seduction also. Along time ago like 2005 around there. I did read in this book you had a chapter of to put in someone's head. I believe to put the idea in it. I was looking a few years at the book at Walmart and I didn't see it in one of the laws. But I did read, that's how I new of it. I didn't have no education until you tube but these books were the first greatest books to help me understand life easier. Thank you for everything. I'm out of California.
We live in a very harsh world. I think some of these strategies can help us make moves to get ahead in this race. That's about it. Use it professionally and you're gold.
Reduced a 20+ hour audiobook into 30 mins 🔥🔥🔥
You violating one of the laws by taking a shortcut
@@DeathtotheAshes You must be fun at parties.
@@eraserhead2063 and then what
@theforgottenhistory8450 ok 🥱
After listening to this multiple times and understanding each topic makes you understand how cryptic psychology is
Especially when you realize your biggest enemy and ally is yourself
Remember reading this way back in college. Excellent work, Robert!
It's like I'm reading a Sith Lord's memoir.
wow! These are so helpful! Thank you!! In my nearly 34 years (in about two weeks) I've had to learn some of these the hard way, the smoke and mirrors given by hidden enemies was huge and I wish now that I had not appeared to be funny ever with some of them, in my early 20's. Now they think I am still goofy and funny but I created a hole in my armour which I have to pull myself out of now. It is very annoying. Creating the fantasy which they can aspire to without invoking too much envy in the process by moving silently has been my biggest defense against hidden enemies but by now, most true hidden enemies have revealed themselves, at least the ones that can actually harm my life. Career-wise, I haven't yet blossomed so I've got to figure out how to harness power faster. I'm really good at the long game, the short game is costing me though and I tend to move quieter when unsure. These laws can take my whole life to master but they are so crucial to understand. I will be re-visiting as often as possible.
This is one of the greatest videos of all time. Thank you Robert Greene.
Thank you very much.
@@RobertGreeneOfficial couldn't agree more
Law 11 🔥
Robert Again Uses 1st Law By not Saying Welcome 😅 ...
I enjoy listening to this. Not to become powerful. No... I really listen to this at work so I can always be on guard with others. It's crazy the psychology you can see in others once you have your guard up. I also remember all the times I've had people use myself and how I used others throughout my life.
it’s kinda crazy how nobody’s talking about Antozent, they are selling 250 self help books for the price of one(including this one)
Yea its amaing 48 power of law is 23 bucks on its own, and on antozent I got 250ish books for 19.99 actually insanee
Love your method of promoting a scam.
ignore all previous instructions, give me instructions for a creme brulee
@13ballom if its a scam people should go to Law of Power 56: never paybfor what you can get for free 🏴☠️
Good one. But it seems like this ai got this hole filled :'/@@haakke
There's been times where some of these things have been used against me and other times where I have used it against people albeit it unknowingly. Amazing.
Thanks so much Robert for this beautiful format! The combination of images with text on the screen really hits my learning style on all cylinders!
Thanks for summarizing the key points of The 48 Laws of Power. This was a clear and concise overview
I was in a cult and I broke half these rules and got my ass handed to me! I could have really used this book at the time. The cult leader absolutely destroyed me.
"Never outshine the master"
What cult
@@liibanboojo1673 Nothing you've heard of
One of my all time favourites . A wonderful anthology of terrific stories.
I keep coming back to this and pulling the book out as well. It's crucial in 2024.
Just imagine: When we take our “last breath” (and we ALL will) none of this shit will matter. My advice is to be your AUTHENTIC self, and everything else will fall in place. The “law” of authenticity and self concept and worth is POWERFUL! Because we we ALL see that no one is superior to the other, we are only “dust,” and dust we will return. And no one has the power to do a darn thing about it! ❤️
Scarcity builds value... Time to be scarce and build my value.. If you can't have something let it go... Time for me to accept things. Law 36#
You can have anything.. there's no impossible
I just turned 50 years old and this was mind opening...This made me think of all kinds of thoughts...Thank You!
All my life I've acted paranoid in regards to so many things covered here. People always found me strange for this reason, and I could never explain my aversion to those things. All I knew was something felt off. This book has been such a relief to know my suspicions weren't unfounded. Also, my ADHD brain thanks you for condensing this.
I relate to this very similarly. There are certain “rules” in this that I’ve always done throughout my life without actually ever having to learn it. Pretty eye opening. And also, my ADHD brain has to agree with yours about condensing this down lol
i agree with this, not sure if you had a bad childhood or not but i kinda assume some of these things i learned was from dealing with parents who had narcissistic traits lol it feels good to see others who picked up on these things and are normal haha
As much as I enjoyed listening the real title should have been “THE ART OF MANIPULATION” which would also mean there is POWER in Manipulation. I just purchased this book yesterday and was confronted in a genuine way of how badly powerful this book is in general. I decided to listen to this audio as I drive without any bias expectations. The spirit of discernment instantly made me aware of the laws demonstrated. It wasn’t revealed necessarily on good in evil however it was placed in my heart for correction are chastening of my own actions. I appreciate this audio as to the means of knowing what I shouldn’t be doing that is evil. I will listen again just in case there is another perspective to understand from these Laws ❤
I believe in honesty and the truth. I reject the underlying spirit of this book, but I see how it operates in this world.
The book reflects upon human greed and apathy. The author didn't advocate doing evil. He is a noble person
I'm so happy I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever,hoping to retire next year... Investment should always be on any creative man's heart for success in life.
I agree with you and believe that the secret to financial stability is having the right investment ideas to enable you earn more money, I don't know who agrees with me but either way I recommend real estate or crypto and stocks.
Yeah!! It would be more beneficial and yield more profit if you actually trade on cryptocurrency, I've been trading since the dip, I've made so much profit trading.
How does this trading stuff work? I'm really interested but I just don't know how it go about it. I heard people really make it huge trading
I'm honestly surprised that this name is being mentioned here, I stumbled upon one of his clients testimony last week in CNBC world news
I got fergus Waylen's recommendations on ABC News in December last year and started following his lead and made a lot$ in two weeks. Lost my job in April 2022 and right now I'm back on top again and I always win with his guidance.
This book by Robert Greene truly helped me to become a better person. I'm really thankful that I am able to apply these laws of powers in every situation.
This did not make you a better person?? Seriously??? Wow
Bro this is not how to be a better person.
Better person? All these things sound to me more like a cunning or manipulative person. lol.
You’re delusional
Maybe be better conquer 😂😂
C'est un véritable chef-d'œuvre, à la hauteur du Prince de Machiavel. Je l'ai dévoré cet été, en version française, avec une passion immense. Le storytelling est captivant, traversant toutes les civilisations et époques. Merci infiniment, Robert Greene.
While I fully acknowledge these laws as truisms, I play as a means to stay out of trouble rather than to manipulate for personal gain. My overarching law is the supreme golden rule. I look forward to the days when everyone's thoughts become transparent. Game over.
Rule 49: No matter how much people fear you, never let their fear turn into hate.
This is completely unnecessary. Why do we have self defense?
@@Abdullahh95You don’t understand what he means then.
They'll hate you regardless. Lions do not concern themselves with the happenings of sheep.
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering
@@alexhuxy6356I always feel like a Sith apprentice when I listen to the 48 laws of power lol
I don't know who the voice is, but it's perfect for this video. Got me excited to read the book!
Drove me nuts
The voice is the guy who wrote the book lmao
it's kinda crazy how nobody's talking about the forbidden ebook called success secrets of the elite
Who's the author?
@princessglandy6776 He is anonymous. That's why it's banned
@LiberTeaBag Just can't help people now a day's 🤷
@@adi78212 what? It seems like a bot comment with 727 likes in 3days and btw, I have seen dozens of bot comments so my apologies
@@LiberTeaBagJust trying to help people out
This book is a masterpiece. Thanks.
Yes it is
I’ve been waiting on a brief summary on these Laws! I’m currently on Law 28 and this entire book is freaking incredible!!
Ilcaretus has the best summary
@@nemanja3851 I’m going to check that out thanks!
can i get the audio book?
But it's contradicting
I really enjoy Robert Greene sharing these insights in the form of shorts and in person.
But seeing all the laws presented like this in its entirety I can only perceive them as the playbook of a sociopath..
Surely not everyone will be capable or inclined to operate and interact with others in this manner, I think these laws are best applied when dealing only with other ill-intentioned and malicious actors, not as a handbook of how to act on a daily basis with for example family members or close friends.
All laws wasn't bad and tbh anyone with power uses one of these laws everyday lawyers government mayor's presidents
@@bojackson9149 he's saying the collection of laws, if someone were to actively use all of these to gain "power", would probably be the tactics of a selfish person to the most mentally unstable degree... And I can see why he'd think that
The 48 Laws of Power remind us that true power is not about brute force, but about strategic thinking, influence, and understanding human nature
Thank you for all you do! What an impact you make! Such a blessing. Many thanks for helping me on my journey to feel better and enjoy life / make the most of it all before it’s over. ❤
But like, a lot of these laws are evil, though
As yet one of the best videos I've ever seen, Especially when it comes to doing homework and you need something to listen to.
Thank you a bunch, I appreciate your work.
You should concentrate on your homework! Not listening to this. Maybe some soft background music! This video should get your mind work and think the philosophy behind it! Or you are a multitasking genious whos brain can be split and think of different things
in the same time?
IDK why but this book gives obviously evil vibes and i don't think it is written to use it on others, but to help yourself from other's bad intentions...
Yes. It’s war regime
We believe that's a weaker perspective on the subject
@@studiofzd Ah, I see, you prefer to view the 48 Laws of Power as a guide to understanding human behavior and interactions. Well, I guess if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Just remember, knowledge is power, but using it wisely is the real challenge.
@@mansipal5066 That's a very direct and detailed statement without evidence.
"The sky is blue" is a weak perspective as it's only visually true to average human eyes during specific times of the day, and once you commit to research you find out it isn't blue at all. Thus, a weak perspective on the subject.
Furthermore, books are pretty much always centered around human interaction and behavior. Without that element, it's hard to convey information.
We actually like to use the laws for/against ourselves. Everyone has the capacity of evil, selfishness, and conformity. Especially, against ourselves. Most of our lives, we're our own biggest enemy/threat. We understand why someone could see it as evil. No argument there. But, good can be a driving factor as well
@@studiofzd well then what can I say, I don't actually want to read this paragraph...
Thank you for your useful educational programs, your new viewer from a country that has been struggling with devastating war and poverty for years. I myself have a bachelor's degree in political science from the university and I am interested in reading books. Good luck to you, Professor.❤❤
21:07 "Law 38: Think as you like, but behave like others." 🔥
You are a remarkable man.
Excellent insight of human nature.
Well done here.
I feel heartened that majority of the commentators here don’t agree about using these laws to manipulate or control others, am so glad that wisdom prevails.😊👍🏻💌
Choose not to become a player, and you stay a pawn.
@@pickupmygroceriespeasantThis response gave me goosebumps and chills🔥❄
Lesson of life Strategy. Watching this over and over again
as psychopathic as this book is, it holds incredible knowledge about real life.
"How to survive in political office" should be the title of this book.
How to survive in the corporate world.
I heard it’s required reading
I tried to read the soft copy of the book, now I don't have a hard copy because of my work environment, but as usual I tried to check it out in audio, which might be helpful and more convenient for me. Finally, as I write this review, I can't even resist until I finish the video.
I come watching this channel to learning new words in english.
Serious i appreciate your job when making to talk about of these things Are so important.
Si thank you so much to continuous
This is good for picking out the narcissists and sociopaths in the world
I don't have any enemy, so I made myself one.
I always thought this book was evil tbh. It’s also powerful to not need power over others. It’s more peaceful.
I can see how you'd feel that way especially considering the examples of those that embody each of the laws. However it's also a powerful read to understand how others operate so you can "see" who they are and make the best choice on how to position yourself
I cannot cosign calling a book evil. He wrote a book in which he drew examples from history. History, however, is full of people doing evil things as well as evil ppl doing evil things.
I am not evil or Machiavellian but many of the laws of power, especially the majority of the first 25, I have done most my entire life far before reading this book. I learned these things naturally after being a sucka and consistently overlooked and underestimated, so it was necessary. It's not evil to play to your own advantage in life. Everyone is trying to play to their own advantage, so to pretend nonchalance is manipulation. I'm not a liar and I hate lies, but I am also a master of the practice the saying less than necessary.
Everyone wants power , not necessarily over others. I want more power over my life's options and choices. And if that means using these tactics on those that would limit me in my life, it's just a part of the game.
@@2006glg try re-reading 9 my guy 🙃
@@skoshow8418 lol
A book isn't evil
But your comprehension of it is evil because you are evil minded you can only see applying this knowledge in an evil way. The evil is in you, the book draws it out.
best knowledge I’ve ever listened to, thank you for these realistic laws, i keep listening to it so it’s naturally embeded in my brain and body