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Aug 8, 2018 3:49 AM

Nov 2011
Cute after party of the intense race from episode 12. The horse girls looked great in their dresses and I'm happy at what they accomplished.

They even added one more race for the episode to give the audience a treat. Special Week has improved so much that she almost feels like a new person. She's got a lot of new fans on her side now too.

Episode 12 felt like the finale while this episode is more of the aftermath.

Entertaining show overall, a surprising one of the season which ended up being much better than what I was expecting.
Aug 8, 2018 9:28 AM

Aug 2017
I'm going to copy and paste what I thought after the ending. I wrote this months ago.

Generic moe. Unlikeable characters and idol theme as filler. The plot is boring but, later, is a bit better. My main issue is that the most of the team are undeveloped and are just there for to be comic relief and/or plot device. Yeah, episode 12 felt like the finale. 2/5 for the episode. 4/10 for the anime.
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Aug 8, 2018 5:01 PM

May 2012
Really lovely finish, none of the previous races was this intense and well balanced! Really wonderful ending if you ask me and that from an anime that I thought wouldn't actually be that good to start with.

Still the various aspects of this series sure impressed me and made it a very lovely and enjoyable anime as a whole! With that ending everything also seems to start over again so that is always nice to see in a story to find a loop! All in all a pretty solid watch I'd say!
Sep 23, 2018 9:26 AM

Sep 2017
I can honestly say I'm glad they stuck with a light entertainment level of depth throughout. I think if this show ever tried to take itself too seriously or tackle any emotional or feelsy plot lines, it would have required an entirely different approach to the setting and character building from the start. But as it was, it was just enjoyable on a superficial level, and for entertainment of this type, that's all it needed to be. Every episode was fun to watch, and fun is a good thing
Nov 12, 2018 4:43 AM

Mar 2011
This show is pretty good. Their training was very inspiring that I would watch it as motivation whenever I workout. I was expecting suzuka to win but they made an ending where everyone can be happy. The winning performance with all the top girls singing is all I could ever ask for. I came to episode 13 expecting a waste of time filler but this one was really enjoyable so I gave it a better score.
Dec 15, 2018 7:54 PM
Apr 2018
I wish we could get the mobile game outside of Japan.
Dec 23, 2018 3:40 PM

Oct 2010
way better than I expected and than probably deserved to be. loved it
Dec 28, 2018 1:53 PM

Feb 2013
Man, when MAL went down I forgot to add a few anime that I completed... hope I haven't missed any more. This was nothing terribly amazing, but it was a fun watch. 7/10
Jan 14, 2019 4:39 PM

Oct 2015
This was a a great anime, too bad every one won at the end. I guess it wanted everyone to be happy, but I felt Silence was the one that won at the end. I hate sometimes when they do those kinds of things. I was all surprised by the fact that Gold ship was the first member to be at Spica, and I must say I have a different opinion about her now.

Overall this was a great show that i enjoyed, the only problem is the inconsistency of the races especially with Special week. She beat Broye in the previous episode but was unable to beat El who was beaten by her. The only consistent one was my favorite Suzuka who beat everything and everyone. Even special week's dreams were inconsistent, next thing she wanted to be the best horse girl in Japan, the next she wanted to race with Silence and then she wanted to make trainer's dream come true. What the hell, make up your mind horsie! But overall it was a great show with so many great characters other than her. My favorites were Grass( she made a great comeback after that injury), Suzuka (badass racer and dreamed big) and Seiun( her design and good character).

Too bad this series has less viewers, I guess we can blame it on the promotion and the score. It deserves a good score but the score was made by the wrong audience, who expected the anime to either have lots of fan service or just dislike sports anime. I hope for season 2 judging by that new girl but I seriously doubt it.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Mar 22, 2019 3:37 AM

Aug 2018
9 comments on the last episode only?

Another show that the West simply does not understand. I expected as much. They don't know a masterpiece when they see one.
May 30, 2019 2:35 AM

Aug 2013
yes its been like a year since this ended but i need 2 get this out somewhere:

why r they also idols ? they never practice, outside of like one ep where they just learn general "how to dance" lessons via, like, karaoke ?? they def NEVER practice singing, what do u do if ur a tone-deaf horse girl ?? how do they know the moves and song ?? sometimes they're singing w rivals, how do they plan this out ? does someone just give them the lyrics 5 min before and then let them figure it out ??? im ???????
wow gay
Aug 10, 2019 7:46 PM

Mar 2013
The races are run in broad daylight while the concert is done after sundown. That's just enough time to get the lyrics down and a basic understanding of the choreography(though the delay does raise questions about how you get to the concert so completely unprepared as Spica did so many times).
Jun 27, 2020 4:09 AM

Apr 2018
Haha they all won the race, the ending theme was great.
The characters development is really cliché and shounen-like but overall it was a really good and entertaining show, loved how cute were the characters and the colors were beautiful : 7/10
Jul 16, 2020 5:30 AM

May 2009
I dunno - I rarely find a boring anime but this was one of those. Why did they try to make the horse girls more horselike without making them horselike ... What I mean is in the races they were treated like horses outside of them - not. Put in cages for a start ?!? Running with horseshoes ? Measuring distances in horse lengths even though horses don't exist in the universe... Other than that - imagine what they could do if they just ran in a normal sport attire ... Also found it funny that horse shoes were shown as normal this world horse shoes but when put on their running "heels" they took different shape.
About ep 13 ? Interesting build up and it ends with no winner ... Yeah all winner = no winner. The result would've been the same if they didn't leave their cages - only less boring xD
Jan 3, 2021 1:57 AM

Aug 2019
I don’t know how possible an 18 way tie is but I enjoyed this whole series more than I expected
Jan 5, 2021 11:33 PM

Feb 2020
Kinda expect something more epic. But, its looks like everyone won the race was pretty much a fair end. Even though i don't quite like a silly finisher like that. Lol. The intens atmosphere kept its best until the end, thats my point as to mark this last as a good episode.

Golshi and McQueen always being so funny with all of their gold interaction. Vodka and Scarlet always fight like cat and dog, thats attracted me. Tokai kept consistent to be the best girl for me. Her dream came true. Suzuka-chan simply became the role model to the world of horse girls to believed with how talented she was. While Spe-chan, indeed, became the idol for every newcomers to begin with. Never stop to dream, indeed.

Not to mentioned any horse girls participants that looked very amazing at these extras. Ogurin showed herself as an ideal horse girl, and deserved my last mention here.

At the end, its really entertaining, that make me post-poned it a bit, until i have enough time to bing watch this today. My expectation for the next season kinda low, as this season already perfect. But, considering it may have a better story telling and a thrilling races, i think its not too bad for me, to watch it too weekly.

Okay, time for me to scoring, that mostly based on my individual opinion:
Story: 7
Art animation: 8
Sounds tracks, sounds effect: 9
Character: 7
Enjoyment: 9
Overall score: 8/10
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Jan 11, 2021 6:08 PM

Apr 2012
So the new girl in the end who got "inspected" by the trainer would be part of the second season?
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Feb 16, 2021 7:23 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Excellent final episode.

Overall, a great show. I liked the characters and their interactions. The races were very nicely done and they felt so intense.

SerafosDec 20, 2023 7:18 AM
Mar 8, 2021 6:04 AM
Dec 2018
Was it a tie or did they just not show who won?

Put this show on to waste a bit of time and ended up watching the entire season 1.
Apr 18, 2021 11:46 PM
Feb 2016
a bit rushed and too much character but damn, that was enjoyable. didnt regret wasting 13 episodes on this anime. wish we got more than 13 episodes and lots of race for other characters
May 7, 2021 3:47 AM

Jan 2017
That was an enjoyable "all-stars" race. Though for the show overall it's kinda meh with Spe's races being all over the place (which I'm assuming makes sense if one were to play the mobage)
Jan 18, 2022 8:43 PM

Sep 2018
I give it mad props for originality, though it felt quite rushed tbh and too many horse girls to count. 7/10.
Mar 10, 2022 12:49 AM

Jul 2012
Decided to watch, not a fan of sports anime, had enough irl and even bored out. Gotta say turned out more enjoyable than expected esp skipping new seasonal flashy anime.

Don't know if pacing supposed to be this way and how it presented in game, but lots of stuff feels rushed like just some things happen so abrupt. Though more than 13 eps might've been hard to watch.

Weird last race just to show smthng "like competitiveness" while most of the girls were basically fodder npcs.

Surprised about the comedy, the jokes were light and natural. Most of the new anime try so hard to push some jokes which only makes it more painful.

Overall 7/10 Decently good. Really like Teio so gonna watch s2.
Feb 7, 2023 10:15 AM

Feb 2022
Well, episode 12 came a lot faster than i expected, which means it was a very enjoyable series.
On paper, we have the most generic story ever with craaaazy plotholes BUT 
-horse girls are cuter than i would've thought
-the references to real world racehorses are a nice plus
-bgm was occasionally pretty good
-comedy was also fine
-and did i mention it's CUTE?

i'm still trying to get over the fact that this became one of my fav shows out of the recent ones.
initially i was going to give it a 6 but i upped it to an 8. it was very good. i totally understand tho if someone rates it lower.
well, off to S2 we go guys
                                                    slice of life anime, my precious. >3
Feb 26, 2023 1:29 AM
Aug 2022
banger 1st season, 10/10 by far one of the best series that kept me asking what happens next with the many cliffhangers and tense points throughout the series. heres to season 2
Jun 24, 2023 2:05 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
So they called this episode as "extra race", and it does feel like some extra special episode or ova or whatever. I don't mind it being that way, it is nice to have an episode to wind down after the real finale which was the previous episode. However I do think this would have worked better separately, and simply ending season 1 with episode 12. Can't exactly call this one filler in a show that doesn't quite have an over-arching narrative, but this does have Special Week racing with Suzuka for the first time, something that they have talked about all season. But there's no weight to this, there's no tension, no hype, it's here just for some light-hearted extra-episode-like fun. And like, everyone from both team spica and rigil somehow getting in a race together, and a 16 (or was it 17 or 18, wtf) - WAY TIE?? Sigh. Yeah I know it's a show about horse girls racing and then doing idol performances after they win, but there's got to be a limit. I wish they'd had kept something this goofy separately and not, imo, tarnished a flawless season. Because otherwise, other than there being too many horse girls to keep track of (they still give ample attention to the main ones so it's easy to remain acquainted with them at least), I have nothing to criticize about this season. I loved it. Also from the looks of this discussion thread it looks like this aired around the time where MAL went out for that really long period of time in 2018. Dang

Anyway, plugging this into the moist meter, I gotta give it a nice 77%. Picked this up because of the clip of Teio singing "ballin'", which doesn't even happen in this season. I hope it doesn't happen in one of those blu-ray special episodes, because I'm not going to watch those. Going straight to season 2 which has an even higher rating than this, so I'm looking forward to that. Studio change too, but looks like the art style doesn't deter at all. I didn't expect to like this, maybe just a couple episodes before dropping it. But here we are, having watched the whole first season. And more importantly, it made me cry at times, man. Just seeing the drive and willpower of these characters just gets me. Now can't quite give an 8/10, this last episode kind of sticks out like a sore thumb for me, but it still deserves no less than a nice high 7. Will be moving onto season 2 shortly, which aired in the exact season where I started watching seasonal anime, in winter 2021. And I'm so glad to see that a season 3 is on the way, scheduled later for this year hopefully. I'll see you guys there.


whiskey tango foxtrot

Jul 4, 2023 1:09 PM
Nov 2021
Cygames said:
9 comments on the last episode only?

Another show that the West simply does not understand. I expected as much. They don't know a masterpiece when they see one.
Totally fucking agree
Sep 19, 2023 11:00 AM

Jun 2017
Pretty entertaining final couple of episodes, I definitely felt the rise in quality of the story and emotions.

It's a pity that they didn't give us a winner and instead went with the cliche'd everyone won route but hey, I'm happy for the girls. And hey, that was a really good ED track, I need to download that!

"Don't be too cocky" from the previous episode and the trainer's surprise to see Shizuku-san chanting a win-win spell to Spe-chan were hilarious moments.

In general, I found the show to be fine, if I'm to be totally honest. Certainly helped that the show finished on a high. I actually had this on hold for a long time after the first 2-3 episodes or so.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Oct 4, 2023 7:58 PM

Jan 2010
starting watching it since there is a new season now so I say why not?, really enjoyable and I did like it more than I thought. 8/10.

last race, mcqueen won but it was an all concert since it was too close with everybody.
Oct 5, 2023 5:15 AM

Jun 2012
Interesting how the first 12 eps focused on the real life races, and danced around the fact that certain characters would never race each other (due to being 5, 10 or even 20 years apart irl even if they're 0-2 years apart in this series). And then finally went "eh fuck it" for this "Dream" race. I assume the gacha game works the same as Ep 13 and not eps 1-12.

Anyways "Don't get cocky" and the random fat stomachs were the best parts. :p
Jan 6, 2024 1:25 PM

Aug 2010
Started off pretty decent but really started to feel like it was padding itself out in the end. Dialogue just became the same "I'll win" speeches over and over the last 4ish episodes. It was fine. Not a masterpiece and anyone who disagrees is just because "the West doesn't get it" lmaooo. Heard S2 gets better so we'll see.
Apr 19, 2024 5:45 PM

Jan 2010
I think the thing that makes Uma Musume work is how the horse girls lose as much as they win. It’s quickly established that no one is ultimately invincible, and no matter how much everyone tries, each race will only have one winner and numerous losers. Everyone cares for one another as both friends and rivals, and as much as they want to support each other, they also want everyone to fight with all the got. Each girl has her own goal, and each path is laden with hardship and hard work. I also like how it feels like there’s this larger community surrounding the horse girls, where the concept of horse girls have long since been integrated into their society, and you’d have things like enlarged phones to accommodate the horse girls’ ears being on the tops of their heads.

Uma Musume truly feels like a sports anime with an added extra of its idol component. While I understand its function in the mobile game, I’m still not entirely sure of its purpose narratively within the anime. Granted, I still have many questions about how this universe even functions, but I treat it as I’d treat things like Girls und Panzer or Kancolle: don’t think too much about it, these franchises operate on their own in-universe rules, of which amount to “if it’s cute/cool, it just works.” I’m glad that Uma Musume didn’t feel the need to explain why or how its universe functions the way it does, but it’s just an accepted fact that horse girls exist, they’re based on the stories of real life race horses, and they compete for dreams and glory.
Apr 24, 2024 11:18 AM

Aug 2019
this was a pleasant surprise for a show based off of a game, a damn gacha game.
those names were peak japan thinking english is cool :D
el psy congroo and the grass girl(?) who spoke the super fake american accent were so horrible i hated them.

the kiss broiler gave special service in ep 11 mad me wonder how this show would have been if it took the gup/punch out route of making every character an extreme stereotype :D

vodka and daiwa really give me the impression that despite being eternal rivals in public that they are hardcore into each other and are secretly dating
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Jul 26, 2024 8:52 AM

Mar 2018
Nice little epilogue-esque send off. I liked it

I had completely forgotten about the whole post-race idol concerts until the previous episode or two. I'm glad they didn't focus on them because otherwise they would've gotten too repetitive too fast. In addition, it makes this final concert seem more special
"Thus, my life needs no meaning. This body is made out of infinite swords"
"A name... Toru Rikiishi"
Dec 29, 2024 10:33 AM

Nov 2020
It's just boring, the races themselves are quite satisfying although they are based on "oh, I'll try harder and I'll win" so a few races that look the same, it gets boring. The characters are sugary and sweet that you want to puke, apart from the typical and naive motives, they didn't give these characters much so there was no one to root for (well, maybe I rooted for the redhead a little), I know that not every anime has to have some drama but here it would really come in handy to make watching it engaging in any way. They could also reduce the number of characters, there were too many of them, they only took up time and were nothing more than a boring background. The animation was also average, I mean, it was ok but there was no wow that would stick in the memory.

I don't want to watch it any more but the much higher rating of the next part encourages me so I'll try, maybe at least the animation will be better.

This season 4/10

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